Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 274: Kiyomi Demon

Chapter 66: Demon Gate

"I must enter the great wasteland and get that high-level **** source! Become the Supreme God! Li Xing, you are blocking me, doomed to die!" In his eyes, Sima Shenbing's eyes flashed wildly.

In a blink of an eye, three days passed, and Li Xing had Beichen's blue asylum because of his officer status, and no one asked him for further trouble. However, after all, he was a Qi Yun faction and was soon assigned a task.

Several major forces have been integrated together, and every day they have to contend with the dark demons and wars have taken place.

Since Li Xing defeated Ju Wuxie, he was transferred to the "Blade Front". The blade camp, as the name implies, is like a sharp knife, inserted into the enemy at any time to be killed.

There are thirty members in the Blade Peak Camp. They are composed of five disciples and core disciples of the Extreme Family. Each of them is ninth or tenth in strength, and has strong strength.

Beichen Lan personally sent Li Xing into the blade camp. In her words, Li Xing had to go through battle if he wanted to grow. The people in Daofeng Camp don't usually need training, they usually stay in a hall on the first floor of Qiyun Tower for rest.

When Li Xing entered the hall, there were suddenly dozens of thunderous eyes on him. Among them, several acquaintances, Sima Shenbing, You Bikong, Song Jian, and Liu Yiyi among the core disciples of the Qiyun School, are here.

"Hehe, Brother Li is here." Sima Shenbing beckoned to Li Xing. He sat with Liu Yiyi and others, saying something.

Although Li Xing knew that there would be a war between him and Sima Shenbing sooner or later, but he did not show hostility, smiled and walked over. Liu Yiyi and Song Jian both recognized Li Xing and nodded.

You Bikong gave Li Xing a cold look, as if he hadn't seen it, closed his eyes to practice. During this time, Li Xing's defeat of Ju Wu Xie has already spread, and the limelight is flourishing. He had also heard about this, and he couldn't help jealousy.

Jealousy is jealous. He consciously is not an innocent opponent now. Li Xing can defeat him, and naturally he can also defeat him, so he can only bury hate in his heart.

"Oh, my brother, I didn't expect that your strength is so strong that even your brother is not your opponent." Sima Shenbing said with a smile, and let Li Xing sit next to him. When he spoke, his gaze was intentional or unintentional, and he glanced in one direction.

Li Xing glanced and found that Ju Wuxie was sitting there, his eyes closed and his face expressionless.

With a slight smile, Li Xing said: "Brother passed the prize." Then he greeted Liu Yiyi and Song Jian and sat down.

"Sister, everyone is here, are you waiting for an order?" Li Xing asked.

Liu Yiyi nodded: "After a while, there will be an action. We will wait for the commander to come to his death."

The leader of the blade camp, although Li has never met, has heard of it. Knowing that the other party is a strong player with strong vitality, it is said that his strength is strong, and he can challenge the **** and man.

Song Jian added: "This operation is very dangerous. Brother Li, when we arrive, it is best to support each other."

"Do you know what the task is?" Li Xing asked.

"I don't know yet. I can't know until the leader comes." Song Jiandao.

Li Xing nodded, then stopped talking, calmed down, and carried the body's infinite truth.

After sitting for about an hour, a person strode out in front of the hall. It was completely different from Li Xing's imagination. The person who appeared was extremely young and a few years younger than Li Xing.

The man walked briskly, covered with spring breeze, and wore a normal green cloth robe. When he appeared, he smiled and asked, "Are you ready?"

"Ready!" Everyone stood up and responded in unison, seemingly very respectful to him.

The commander nodded in satisfaction, then his eyes fell on Li Xing, and he asked with a smile, "His Royal Highness said," Is there a person who has the best training? "

Li Xing stepped forward and said: "Yes, subordinates see the commander."

"You can defeat the top ten scholars, which shows that you have great strength and are qualified to join in." Having said that, he simply asked Li Xing again, and waved his hands to take everyone out of the hall.

A group of thirty-one people stood up outside the tower and flew towards the target. You can start flying meridians and practice flying with ease. Li Xing, however, is practicing Qi Qi. Without opening this meridian, flying is far less brisk than others.

Fortunately, he is really powerful and supportive, and he doesn't feel tired. Liu Yiyi saw that Li Xing was consuming a lot more power than others. He moved closer and asked, "Master, can you help me?"

Soon, there will be a fierce battle. At this time, Li Xing consumes his body, which may affect the combat effectiveness. Between her and Li Xing, she had come back a few times and was considered to be in a relationship, so she decided to help.

Li Xingdao: "Thank you, Sister, my younger brother insisted."

At this moment, You Bikong finally caught Li Xing's weakness and began to ridicule: "I ca n’t fly even if the meridians in the sky are not open? If you ca n’t hold on, I will take you, do n’t bother to rely on me.”

Li Xing sneered, but with a look of gratitude on his face, he suddenly approached You Bikong and said, "Thank you so much, Brother."

You Bikong froze for a while. He wanted to laugh at Li Xing. He didn't want the other party to agree, so he had to bring him. How is this good! Even if Feitian Meridian is turned on, it's easy for your body. If you want to take a person to fly, it is also very difficult.

Unlike Liu Yiyi, he is willing to help out. However, the words have already been spoken and cannot be recovered. You Bikong can only curse one by one, and Pi Xiaorou said without smile: "There is no way, who will let me have such a useless teacher."

With that said, he reached out and held Li Xing's arm to fly with him. Li Xing sneered secretly. You Biquan took such a journey, consuming a lot of power, which is not good for later battles.

However, this is what he asked for himself. If it weren't for his sarcasm, Li Xing would not have him.

The flight lasted two hours, and the breath of Youbikong was a bit heavy. It was tiring to hold such a big living person. However, he couldn't suddenly leave Li Xing, otherwise it would make people look down on?

Fortunately, I finally reached my destination and ordered a command: "Stop!"

The crowd stopped for a moment, and found that they had reached Wanshan Zhongzhong, and in the eyes, there was a desolation and no trace.

The commander glanced forward, his expression turned serious, and he said in a deep voice: "In front of him is the hiding place of the evils of the Dark Devils! According to the information, most of them are practicing qis, but there are very many, up to 300 people. The mission of our trip is to clear them all, leaving no one! "

The young man's command showed his will to kill, in his tone, murderous.

At the moment, the commander gave up 30 people, divided the soldiers into left, middle, and right three lanes, and ten people along the way. The left path is detoured from left to right, the right path is detoured from the right, and the middle path is directly killed under his leadership.

Li Xing wasn't sure if his luck was good or bad, he was divided into the middle, and he heard the leader yell, "Chong!"

The three phantom dragons approached the enemy targets from three directions quickly. When he was flying fast, Li Xing saw that he was in charge of the whole body, and suddenly burst into a terrible, purple and black truth, all over his body.

"It was killing!" Li Xing was taken aback.

It turns out that one of the many Yuanzhengs is a special one. It is formed by the condensing of the essence of gold.

"No wonder this person can kill the gods! This killing power is not under the magic weapon!" Li Xing suddenly understood.

Flying closer, the enemy's target appeared in front. I saw a valley, very wide, with traversing cliffs on both sides, up to a kilometer. Above the cliff, caves were dug out one after another, with hundreds of them, like honeycombs.

As soon as these people of Li Xing came out, they saw people in the caves, and some people said, "Someone is coming!"

Suddenly, a famous scholar flew out of each hole. These people are weird and enchanting, and they are numerous. Cultivation is from qi training to qi training, and there are scholars at all levels.

There are even some blood-training warriors who fought against the air with their mighty blood to meet the enemy. It can be seen that these people are not afraid of death.

"Kill! Don't leave alive!" The commander gave his life coldly, and the killings on his body were divided into ten horrific murderous rushes, rushed over, and killed ten scholars who practiced three or four qis at once!

The rest also immediately killed and went out to show their means. Fields were released, and when the head shrouded, many demon patriarchs were killed between them.

Li Xing, the extermination knife in hand, showing no phase cut, stepping out, I saw a flash of phantom, no human figure, there must be some head on the ground. Although the killing speed is not fast, it is also one size at a time.

Li Xing stepped without a step, killing one step at a time, none of which was his one enemy, and gradually approached the entrance. And near the cave, the strength of the demons is getting stronger and stronger. The outside is three or four, but the place is nine or even ten.

"court death!"

A tenth-ranking scholar of the demon religion, seeing Li Xing approaching, sneer, grabbed Li Xingmen with his big hand. Suddenly, a **** gasp hand was suppressed. The big hand had the size of a door panel and was full of magic.

Li Xing suddenly felt that ~ www.readwn.com ~ his way out was blocked, and he could only resist the way. He opened his eyes, raised his right hand up, and rushed out a Promise of Promise in his palm, turned it into a Zhenhaiyin, and directly bombarded him.

Zhenhaiyin, in fact, only a mage can really perform. Li Xing is using it now, and the power is very small, but it is enough to deal with the scholars.


The devil's hand was smashed into pieces at once, and Li Xing sank all over and fell directly to the ground.

The big hand was broken, the other party roared, opened his mouth and sprayed a black light. The black light rose at the sight of the wind, turned into a demon, with a dog head, born with tiger claws, and grabbed at Li Xing.

This flutter, the wind is blowing, if you change to a Seventh Rank, you will be directly attacked by magic and lose your ability to fight back.

However, Li Xing practiced fierce Zen, and his mental strength was overbearing. At first sight, he was not shocked and laughed, "Banmen get the axe!"

As soon as Wuji Shinji came out, he condensed into a chaotic demon head, roared like a thunder, and met the dog-shaped demon head.

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