Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 276: Devil Troll

Chapter 68: Demon Tyrant

The other side threatened, but Li Xing settled down. If these four gods really take him? Why use words to intimidate? He laughed "haha", and slammed the chaos head into a loud voice: "Remains of the devil! If I'm afraid of death, I won't stay!"

The chaos demon, the chaos will be released stronger and stronger, the fear of all four gods face, one angry: "Stop! You stop, quickly, this law of protection will give you great benefits!"

Li Xing hummed, and didn't talk, just launched the demon with all his strength, disturbing the four.

Liu Yiyi on the side could see her eyes straight. Although it was not her who attacked the Chaos Lord, she was still confused and forced to retreat.

"No wonder he can be defeated and innocent. He really despised him!" In her heart, she admired Li Xing and rejoiced for him. Li Xing's actions today made her very much appreciated. For another person, there was no such boldness to dare to stay against the four gods. This would take great danger.

The giant egg on the stone platform suddenly emits infinite black light, and the black light is everywhere and dark. The black light is full of violence, hatred, will to kill, and it's overwhelming.

It turned out that the four god-men finally couldn't hold back their minds, and a little chaos appeared. With such a slight deviation, there was a big mess, the magic fetus was out of control, and the cocoon broke out at once.

"No! Quickly retreat!"

The four god-men, all spitting black blood at the same time, were seriously injured, and flickered out of the cave to avoid being bitten by the magic fetus.

"Sister hurry up!" Li Xing looked dignified, while urging the demon, while letting Liu Yiyi back away. Liu Yiyi also understood that she did not have the means of Li Xing and could not fight these demons.

"Teacher, please be careful!" She flickered back and hurried back.

The entire cave was already dark, and the sky could not be seen from above, and the ground was not seen from below. It was as if it had entered the ink.

Even the chaotic devil issued by Li Xing was compressed to the size of an adult's head and suspended above Li Xing's head.

"It's a terrible devil. Compared with it, the devil I think of is like a little witch!" Li Xing was taken aback, running the chaotic devil with all his strength, and resisting this horrible magic.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Hate! Hate! Hate!"

One by one, silent thoughts rushed towards Li Xing from all sides. If I changed to a Seventh Rank, I'm afraid I couldn't persist for a while, and immediately turned into a demon and controlled it.

Fortunately, Li Xing has always cultivated the fiendish demon Zen, with strong mental strength. Although he was bombarded by magical delusions, he was still free from interference, and Lingtai was clear.

Although he is not afraid of the invasion of the devil for the time being, Li Xing cannot escape. You know, this demon was born, but the existence of a god-man level, powerful, can release magic, who is its opponent?

"Oops! It's not good to die here today!" Li Xing smiled wryly.

"Boom!" There was a violent shock on the ground, and in the darkness, a faint head appeared. This demon is not as empty as the chaotic demon, but an entity. The demon of the entity must be thousands of times stronger!

This devil has a stubby sharp horn on his head, dark red skin, a bull head, three meters high, suspended in the air. As soon as this demon appeared, Li Xing rushed, Li Xing gradually became unsupported.

"You can't wait to die, you have to fight!"

Li Xing gritted his teeth, squeezed his hands with both hands, fixed his shape, and silently observed.

"Inspiration demon! Come out for me!"

For a moment, the impression left by the Emperor Tianxie came into play, and Li Xing contemplates the inspiration of the demon head. Inspiration demon, how many times might the mighty power be stronger than the chaos demon. As soon as this demon came out, Li Xing lost Qingming instantly.

In his eyes, there was a strange green light, and the true meaning of the whole body suddenly stopped, and even the town of Haiyin was banned and unable to exert its power.

Li Xing raised his head, a contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said, "The pearl of rice grains also shines?"

With a big wave of his hand, the infinite truth in the body suddenly vibrated, and all kinds of magic charms condensed in an instant. Between the heavens and the earth, in the meditation, there was power falling down and integrated into Li Xing.


Li Xing screamed, hundreds of millions of black light shot out of his big hand. In the black light, countless ghosts and beasts appeared, all of a sudden rushed out, turned into a black rapids, only one punch, then twisted the unicorn Crush.

The demon head appearing in the fetus is directly strangled by the black light, and the essence contained in the body is also absorbed by the black light. The black light shook back and returned to Li Xing's body, and his spirit was strong again.

Later, he opened his mouth and sucked, and the black light in the entire cave was sucked into his abdomen at once, and then he was clear again.

Li Xing is no longer Li Xing, he is completely controlled by the demon's inspiration. The magical hair laughed wildly: "Unexpectedly, this deity will have a clone in this place where the bird does not shit!"

"Yeah, just use this avatar and do some great work here!" The inspiration devil laughed wildly.

But at this moment, from the void, a ray of ancient sacred light was emitted, with the thickness of a finger, only one shot. The inspiration demon yelled, and suddenly shrank into Li Xing's knowledge of the sea.

The magic of Li Xing's body suddenly disappeared.

There was a wave in the void, and a woman in white appeared. She had bare feet, her toenails were like pearls, and her little feet were bright, clean, and pure. She observed Li Xing for a while, blinked her beautiful eyes, and said to herself, "Strange, how are the works of Mayer and Lao Gui still circulating in the world?"

She pointed, flashing a layer of brilliance, and was about to bounce to Li Xing. Suddenly, he stopped again, and continued to say to himself: "Forget it, don't kill him. In case he is the heir to the old ghost, wouldn't it be to trouble me? It's better to just suppress the devil."

After speaking, she pointed out a sacred rune and shot into Li Xing's eyebrow, completely suppressing the inspiration demon head.

"Fortunately, I passed this place to suppress this devil. Otherwise, the demon gate might be opened by it." It seemed that she had done a great thing, the girl smiled with satisfaction, and disappeared when her figure was stupid.

The next second, Li Xing opened his eyes suddenly, and he was startled: "Hey? How can I be fine?" Looking inwardly, he found that in the sea, a demon was suppressed by a mysterious white rune. .

The rune is extremely wonderful, combined with Li Xing's Promise, and it has great power.

"What is it?" Li Xing didn't know what had happened just now and was completely stunned.

At this moment, footsteps came from outside, followed by Liu Yiyi's voice: "Li Xing, are you okay?" When the sound came, she appeared in front of Li Xing.

Li Xing's face calmed down and said, "I'm fine, sister, what's going on outside?"

"The Alliance has come up with a god-man who is fighting with the Demon Gate. The two sides are quite equal and have yet to decide the victory." Liu Yiyi apparently went out and knew the situation.

"Okay! Let's kill it!" Li Xinghao was out of breath, carrying the lore knife, and hurried out.

Seeing that he had just fought a battle and was about to go out to fight again, Liu Yiyi was shocked in his heart and secretly said, "My master, this is really ... terrible!"

As soon as he got out of the hole, Li Xing was in a mess, and both sides were killed and injured. In the air, the two gods were desperately fighting, and the wind and thunder were rumbling, and the scholars were afraid to approach.

Below, the people on both sides were killed into one piece, and the fight was impossible.

"Tianchen Kingdom is really good-hearted, and only one god-man came after the support!" Li Xing sighed. He understood that it was Tianbo Jingjing them. He deliberately consumed the power of Pingguo. It would be best to hurt both the Heijiao and the Taoism.

Otherwise, send a few god-men directly to kill all the people in the magic gate, why bother fighting here?

After thinking about it, Li Xing still rushed out with a sword. The fifth-level Heavenly Sword Spell was displayed, and he was invincible, and immediately killed a **** path.

After a few rounds of killing, Li Xing suddenly saw Sima Shenbing flying up and yelling, "Master, let's go after an important person!" Then he pointed forward.

Looking at Li Xingshun, he didn't see anyone.

Sima Shenbing shouted: "It's too late to be late, my brother is fast!"

Li Xing still ran away as the man, nodded, and flew forward with Sima Shenbing.

Soon, the two flew out of the fighting circle and into a barren mountain, no one was around. Li Xing's heart was tight, and a hint of coldness was revealed in his eyes.

"Sima soldier, isn't it ..."

Suddenly, there was a killing on the left. Li Xing stopped and stood up, yelling, "Come out!"

Sima Shenbing's face changed, and he shouted, "Who?" Suddenly he pointed back to Li Xing.

The two were very close, and they hit with all their strength, moving like lightning. How could Li Xing escape? He felt only a pain in his lower back, a bit of cold air, rushed into his body, and he fell from the air and fell to the ground.

In the direction of murderousness, one person flew out, with an extraordinary temperament.

"Brother, you ..." Li Xing's "grief and indignation" face, secretly operating the Promise of the Promise, only one Sunday, he dispelled the cold poison that that finger had penetrated into his body, but still pretended to suffer Seriously injured.

Ju Wuxie laughed and said, "Brother Sima, your Xuanyin Heifeng refers to, and it really has a good reputation."

Xuanyin Heifeng refers to the Sima family's legendary jade order exercises, powerful ~ www.readwn.com ~ Sima Shenbing stared at Li Xing, coldly: "Master, sorry, you have threatened me, Brother must kill you. "

Li Xingyang sighed and said, "You and I are the same, how can I threaten you?"

"Of course it will threaten. Your strength can already contend with me, and it will inevitably compete for the place to enter the great wasteland. How can I tolerate you?" He gave a faint smile and immediately shot.

Ju Wuxie was extremely cooperative, and also punched Li Xing. Both of them are people who have undergone the training of the meridian to refine the shape.

The "grief and indignation" on Li Xing's face disappeared suddenly, and he stood up instantly, laughing loudly.

"I just want you to kill me?" The extinction knife stunned, and it was sturdy.


A sharp blade of light drove Ju Wuxie away. At the same time, Li Xing moved at his feet, stepped down without step, and flashed to the back of the Sima Shenbing, screaming: "Kill!" No one fired.

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