Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 277: Kill all

Chapter 69: Kill All!

Cut it out with a slash, a skein of sharp swordsman strangled, the pressure of terror locked the figure, the Sima Shenbing was frightened in an instant, shouted, tried his best, and hurried forward.

Sima Shenbing, stepped on the wonderful steps, forcibly broke the blockade, and flew away to avoid this fatal blow. He was shocked and turned into anger. No one has ever threatened his life so!

When he turned around, Sima Shenbing pressed it out with a single palm. In the palm of his hand, the bright yellow strange light flashed wildly, making a thunderous sound.

"Dead to me!"

The strange yellow light turned into a yellow lightning and hit Li Xing's chest at once. This yellow light is called palm thunder and jade order.

Sima Shenbing can have today's achievements and is also a man of good fortune. He had an adventure in the beginning, entered the relics of his superiors, and obtained several extraordinary exercises. Palm Thunder was one of them.

The thunder in the palm of your hand can make the body really spit, let the time trigger the thunder, hit the enemy, and a violent explosion will occur, causing great damage. This method is very weird and lethal. It has always been the killer of Sima's magic soldiers, and it will only be displayed in emergency.

Today, the power that Li Xing broke out suddenly was completely shocked to Sima Shenbing. He would kill Li Xing at any cost!

Li Xing felt a severe pain in his chest and a violent thunderstorm broke into his body, which instantly damaged the meridians. At this moment, if you change someone, you will inevitably suffer from pain and you will not be able to fight again.

But Li Xing is different. He is a heavy King Kong body, and he has been washed by Chiyang aura, and his body is overbearing. Although the damage caused by the thunder gas was large, it was still within Li Xing's tolerance.


Li Xing finally issued the second type of phaseless chopping. In this stroke, a trace of phaseless breath was motivated and blessing was added to this stroke. That ray of knife light, invisible and phaseless, erratic, seemingly anxious and slow, makes people indefensible.

The Sima Shenbing felt that no matter whether he evaded left or right, or hurried backward, it was impossible to escape the knife. This is the Heavenly Order Gong Fa, the mystery of no phase cut, once issued, it is difficult to resist.

Since Li Xing practiced Wu Xiang, he has not been able to truly understand Wu Xiang. Until not long ago, he opened the matrix meridians, condensed the moment plate, and used the moment plate to show the meaning of no phase, which was regarded as a formal mastery of the two forms.

After comprehending Wu Xiang, and referring to the knowledge of Emperor Tianxie, Li Xing also finally understood what is the difference between the three types of exercises: Jin, Jade, and Heaven. He has practiced the Jin Xie Gong Fa Tian Lei Jing, the Jade Step Gong Fa Fei Xiong Bu, plus the Tian Xie Gong Fa non-phase cut. By comparison, he suddenly realized.

The third-order exercises are all super-current exercises. Among them, the golden-stage exercises are powerful and overbearing and can be called the invincible exercises in the warrior level; the jade-stage exercises can draw a trace of power between heaven and earth for my use.

For example, the flying bear walks, and when it is displayed, it is as light as a swallow, relying on the power of lightness between heaven and earth. Another example is the palm thunder of Sima Shenbing, which also drew the power of lightning and used it for him, resulting in huge lethality.

Compared to the former two, the Heavenly Order of Gongfa is even more mysterious. The power it induces is similar to the existence of natural rules and is called the power of heaven. Of course, there are many types of heavenly forces, including non-phase force, yin and yang force, and so on.

After blessing the powerlessness in the power of the sky, Li Xing's sword can make ghosts scared, and it is no wonder that Sima Shenbing can't resist it.

The sharp and magical knife made Sima Shenbing's heart horrified again. Fang Cai's five-level killing sword method has already made him extremely jealous, but did not expect Li Xing to send a more horrible sword.

The fifth-level killing sword method, the power is in the grade of the jade order, for the time being, it is better to have no phase.

"Damn! Li Xing, I didn't expect you to be so strong! Today you must destroy you, or you will become my strongest competitor!" Sima Shenbing looked at the killer, he yelled, and still hit Li Xing .

However, when he slapped this palm, a rune appeared on the palm. As soon as the rune appeared, it radiated a strong blue light, a force of stillness, all of a sudden landed.

At this moment, Li Xing's movements suddenly became slow. However, this static force cannot completely prevent this shocking sword. The sword light changes, and it seems that it can break the bond at any time.

Li Xing's face changed greatly, and he cried, "Static Charm!"

The strong at the level of law and heaven can not only make magic instruments, but also magic spells. On top of the magic symbols, there are several heavy legal symbols. There is a heavy legal symbol, which is called a heavy legal symbol. By analogy, there are two legal bans, which are double legal symbols.

Naturally, the more banned the law, the greater the power of the spell. The power of a double rune can be several digits or even ten times stronger than the power of a double rune!

Li Xing could see at a glance that the magic symbol played by the Sima Shenbing was a static symbol in a heavy magic symbol. This sign can slow down the target action.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Sima Shenbing drank, "Hurry up! Kill him!"

Ju Wuxie also moved. They each had a short knife in their hands, both of which were very sharp, one front and one right, piercing Li Xing's chest and back.

It seems that Li Xing has fallen into a desperate situation, his body is constrained by the static charm, and some people are killed before and after.

When the two short knives were about to pierce Li Xing's body, Li Xing opened his eyes and yelled, "Break me!" The infinite truth of his whole body, in Dantian, condensed the demon head instantly.

As soon as the image of this demon came out, the arrogant magic force came out and suddenly broke the power of the magic sign.

Fu Li disappeared, and the sword technique issued by Li Xing was immediately agitated. The flowing sword light pierced the heart of Sima Shenbing.

Sima Shenbing was frightened, he didn't care about killing, and retreated fiercely, to avoid this sword. However, when he stepped back, he was very annoyed to find that Li Xing's knife was issued backwards, killing Xiangju without evil.

The phaseless sword method is weird and unpredictable, and the phaseless and invisible, Sima Shenbing cannot capture.

The extermination of the extermination knife suddenly rushed out and shrouded in front of innocence. Ju Wuxie felt that his whole body was solidified, and at least a hundred ways of evasion flashed in his mind, but none worked.

"Are you going to die?" At this moment, he thought of death in his mind. From childhood to age, he has never been so close to death as he is today. Immediately afterwards, he frowned and knew nothing.


Daoman flashed, Ju Wuxie was stabbed into the eyebrow with a knife, and the true meaning of terror rushed into it, quickly destroying his vitality. With only one percent of breathing, Ju Wuxie closed his eyes unwillingly.

One of the four heroes of Pingguo, the core disciple of Huolingmen, was beheaded by Li Xing!

When Ju Wuxie died, Sima Shenbing was finally shocked. He realized that today's behavior had completely failed. Even he is in danger!

Therefore, at the moment Ju Wuxie was beheaded, the Sima Shenbing made a decision and fled, and fled immediately! Li Xing's strength has exceeded his imagination, he can completely kill him!

"Want to leave?" Li Xing slashed Ju Wuxie, then stepped out, and in front of Sima Shenbing, almost face to face.

"You are destined to be a stepping stone on Li Xing's road to success!" Li Xing's cold voice sounded, and Wu Xiangze again. The mysterious sword light pierced the Sima Shenbing at a magical angle.

The thick murderousness shrouded in the past.

Sima Shenbing was completely scared. Without the courage to fight again, he shouted, "Master, have something to say!"

He doesn't want to die, he is a wizard, and his future achievements are limitless!

The sword light kept on, no matter how the Sima Shenbing dodged, or even released the realm, all were cut by Li Xing. At this moment, Li Xing, the Buddha blocks the Buddha, the God blocks the God!

"I'm willing to tell you the existence of Xuanjie Natural God Source!" Sima Shenbing shouted.

Li Xing was unmoved. The battle was a fight. No matter what the other party said, he didn't need to pay attention to it. His goal was to kill the other party with a full blow without reservation!


A flash of blood flashed, Sima Shenbing's head flew high. On his head, those eyes were full of unwillingness. At the moment of dying, his heart screamed: I will not die! I will never die!

But no matter how shouting, Sima Shenbing is still dead, slain by Li Xing without phase.

Continuously performing indiscriminate chopping, with Li Xing's immensely infinite Promise, and some could not hold it, he could not help but sit on the ground with a big butt, panting, and exuding fine sweat on his forehead.

"This has no phase cut. It seems that it can't be performed indefinitely. After I give out three swords with all my strength, it is difficult to issue the fourth knife!" Li Xing thought with a grin.

After a short break, Li Xing went to Ju Wuxie's corpse and searched, except for a few pills, there was no other gain. Obviously, he didn't carry anything when he came out.

Li Xing scolded the poor ghost and went to search for Sima Shenbing. There is nothing good about this Sima Shenbing, except for a brocade. On the tapestry, a tortuous path is drawn, which seems to be a map.

Li Xing didn't even take a closer look, he put it away, and then scolded the poor ghost again.

In fact, ~ www.readwn.com ~ Sima Shenbing brought a precious static charm, which was consumed by him in the battle.

After slaying two people in a row, Li Xing rested for a while before recovering. He found a place, destroyed the two corpses, destroyed them, and then rushed to the battle again without stopping.

When he returned, he found that the battle was over. There were corpses everywhere in the valley, some of them were demons, and there were blade camps. The reinforcements on both sides were gone, and only the men in the blade camp were present.

Commanding the number of people in the valley at the moment, including Li Xing who has just returned, 30 members of the Blades Battalion, there are only 17 remaining, and the loss is heavy! Among them, Qi Yun sent the boss Ma Shenbing, and lost three core disciples.

After the people had a little rest, all the corpses left by the Blade's Battalion were buried on the spot. When counting the corpses, Sima Shenbing and Ju Wuxie were not at the scene, and Li Xing naturally did not say the location of the corpses.

When cleaning the body, Liu Yiyi walked to Li Xing and sighed, "This time, we have lost a lot!"

Li Xing said: "This kind of fighting cannot avoid injuries." Then sneered, "This result is just what they want!"

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