Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 278: Zhu Ban's Secret

Chapter 70: The Secret of Zhu Jun

Liu Yiyi was silent. Obviously, she also saw the clue.

The two men said a word, and the figure flashed in front of them, and You Bikong appeared in the middle, blocking Li Xing and looking angry.

You Bikong was angry because he almost died in the previous battle. When he came, he took Li Xing all the way, seriously exhausting his real power, which led to his combat effectiveness greatly diminished and he died a lifetime.

Now, seeing Liu Yiyi running over and talking to Li Xing, You Bizhong suddenly felt upset. Liu Yiyi is his fiancée, and he does not allow Liu Yiyi to have a close relationship with a second man other than him.

Li Xing raised his eyebrows, shouted arrogantly, and yelled, "Get away!" You did not wait for Yu Bikong to say the last sentence, and then pulled him away.

You Bikong only felt that a violent crash hit him and he could not help planting it. He turned over in the air, settled himself, suspended in the air, his nose crooked, pointing at Li Xing: "You ... you ..."

Li Xing sneered coldly: "Your blue sky, you alone, dare to gesticulate in front of me? If you want to see you again, you won't let it go next time!"

Liu Yiyi froze all of a sudden, even the entire Qi Yun faction, even the Sima Shenbing would not do so to You Bikong face. Li Xing did so, Liu Yiyi was shocked first, and then there was a hint of glee.

She had no father and mother since she was a child, and she taught Yu Yuxu to bring her into the Qiyun School and teach the practice. It can be said that Liu Yiyi is a personal disciple who teaches, so he has a great status.

In such an environment, Liu Yiyi should have lived a happy life. However, the existence of You Bixu's nephew, You Bikong, made her life worse. You Bikong's qualifications are also good. In addition, you have the special care of You Yuxu, and the elixir that she has taken is countless, and she has cultivated all the way.

You Bikong had long coveted Liu Yiyi's beauty, so he said that Yu Yuxue was begged to ask Liu Yiyi to marry him. Liu Yiyi thanked Yu Yuxu for his thanks, naturally he didn't want to reverse his meaning, so he had to agree.

But in her heart, she didn't want to marry You Bikong, so Li Xing taught You Bikong at this moment, and she didn't mean to help.

You Bikong breathed a few breaths and stared at Li Xing with a grievous look: "Li Xing! You wait, I won't let you go!" He turned and walked away.

Although You Bikong hated Li Xing, he didn't dare to rush. Li Xing's bravery on the battlefield today is visible to everyone. He contends that he can fight against such a fierce man, losing more than winning, and may even be seriously injured.

So without absolute certainty, You Bikong was unwilling to take risks and could only tolerate this bad breath.

The conflict between the two parties shocked the people around, and people talked about it.

"This Li Xing sent by Qi Yun is really powerful! You see him beheading the monsters is as simple as chopping melon and cutting vegetables. He is Qi Qi Qi! If he steps into Qi Qi Qi, he will be strong To what extent? "Said a practising scholar.

"Li Xing is so bold, he dares to shame even You Bikong. It seems that he has stopped focusing on his core disciples." Song Jian frowned.

"Since he entered our Qiyun pie, he has made rapid progress all the way. He has been practicing Qi Qi for only a few years. It won't be long before he will surpass the master?" Some people are optimistic about Li Xing, but he doesn't know, Sima The magic soldier has been beheaded by Li Xing.

At this moment, the leader of the blade camp suddenly asked: "Who has seen Sima Shenbing and Ju Wuxie?"

Several people immediately said: "The two of them went out with Li Xing and have not returned yet."

Everyone's eyes looked at Li Xing.

Li Xing looked as usual, took a step forward, and replied: "The two of them practiced vigorously, their feet were much faster than their subordinates, and they went to kill the enemy. The subordinates had to return halfway because they could not keep up.

The leader of the blade camp, named Su Hui, asked for directions, turned into a black light, and went to follow.

Li Xingruo continued to talk to Liu Yiyi as if nothing had happened. He was not worried about the consequences, and even if he found any clues, he could not prove that he was killed. Moreover, who would believe that a person with seven Qi-strengths can slay and kill two scholars with ten Qi-strengths in succession?

The scene was cleared up quickly, and Su Hui finally returned. His face was ugly, and he said to everyone: "The two of them may be more fierce than evil."

"Ah! Are the Sima Shenbing and Ju Wuxie really dead? Who is it? God man?" If it is not a **** man, who can kill them? You must know that the four heroes of Pingguo are not called in vain, which means that they are the most outstanding and strongest among the younger generation of Pingguo.

"If it is not a god-man, it would be difficult for the scholar to kill these two people!"

At this time, a Guanghua flew from one side, Guanghua landed, and a god-man appeared. This god-man, wearing a black white robe, with his feet suspended, has a glorious whole body, clear eyes, and a look of forty.

"You have all contributed to this battle, and you will all be rewarded when you go back." God said, the voice was not loud, but everyone could hear it.

"Thank you Elder!" Everyone said.

This person, named Jin Bai, is one of the three gods sent by Tianchen Kingdom to practice the triple gods.

Behind Jin Bai, he gradually focused on a group of top ten scholars, apparently all his subordinates, but only one step back.

"The god-man has been defeated and fled by me. There is no more matter here. You take a rest and return immediately!"


With a wave of his sleeves, Jinbai turned white and flew away into the sky without blinking.

Immediately, everyone returned to Qi Yunpai.

Back to the Qiyun faction, the people returned to their places temporarily, waiting for the next order.

Li Xing returned directly to the ninth floor of Qiyun Tower, where Mu Shuiyue and others practiced. This layer is also where the two messengers dealt with matters. Li Xing happened to hit Beichen Blue as soon as he appeared.

Beichen took two Yae Kokusho behind him, and then he had to go out and saw Li Xing. With her eyes brightened, she smiled, "I'm looking for you!"

In the future, Li Xing will rely on this woman and step forward to ask: "What does the princess tell me?"

Beichen Lanlan said: "I have seen your past, do you recognize a person named Zhu Ban?"

Li Xing was stunned, Zhu was forbidden to be a little person, how could Beichen Lanlan know?

"The emperor Xiangzhi died of illness seven days ago. Zhu Ban climbed up to a prince to assist his superior. Today, the state affairs are dominated by Cang Lanji, but he does not ask the princes below to seize power."

"You go immediately, under the name of assisting to win the throne, and put it under Zhu's door."

Li Xing could not help asking: "Princess, my subordinates don't understand why they should do this." Cang Lanji controlled everything, and it would be useless to help an emperor.

Beichen smiled bluely: "There is a secret in Zhu Zhu's hands. You just have to think of a way to get him."

Li Xing Yiyi, what secret does he have?

Beichen Lantian obviously did not want to say more, and Li Xing no longer asked.

"The cultivation of Zhu Ban, which has advanced by leaps and bounds, has now reached the point of practicing Qi Qi. Therefore, if you want to catch him, you must not be higher than this person, lest he be suspicious. After thinking about it, no one is more suitable than you. You can beat The top ten kingdoms, it is not difficult to capture Zhu's ban. "

Li Xing said with a telegram: "What secret can make Beichen Lanlan so surprised? Huh! Since I'm going out, I must ask this secret!"

Thinking of this, he immediately said: "Yes, his subordinates obey!"

"Okay! After you're done, remember your work!" Beichen Landao said, and then she said all the things that need attention and how to approach Zhu Jun, etc., and Li Xing wrote down all of them.

"People in our capital are inserted in the capital. As soon as you arrive, someone will respond and he will help you approach Zhu's ban. Once Zhu's ban is arrested, they will be responsible for sending people out and you will return.

"However, you have the same flaws in this trip, then Zhu Jin seems to know you?" Beichen Lanlan asked.

"Yes, but corrections can change appearances, and never let him find out."

"Okay, you go out right away, be sure to catch him in the middle of January!"

In fact, Li Xing really wanted to settle down to practice and break through the vitality of practice. But Beichen died, and he couldn't help but only got Qi Yun faction and went to the imperial capital of Pingguo.

The imperial capital of Pingguo is called Taiping City.

Unfortunately, there is not much peace in Ping'an City. Recently, Pingguo has been chaotic. The princes have joined together.

After a day on the road, Li Xing finally arrived at Taiping City. In Taiping City, the traffic is crowded.

Li Xing transformed into the appearance of "Zhao Yun" that year, and entered the Taiping City with a big swing. The goalkeeper, when he saw that Li Xing was a warrior, had unpredictable strength, he dared to question and let him enter directly.

However, this does not mean that no one paid attention to him. Only when they entered the city gate, there were two Mikuni scholars on foot, stopped Li Xing, and one asked politely, "Where did the scholars come from?"

Li Xing said coldly: "From the desert."

"What's coming?" The other asked.

"Ask for wealth," Li Xing said.

"Why not go to Tianchen?"

"It's a long way to go."

The two scholars glanced at each other, they were just matching the secret code, Li Xing met, and then said, "Please come with us to arrange your identity."

Li Xing nodded and walked with the two scholars.

These two scholars were the ones who were planted by Beichen in blue. Several people walked for a while and got into a carriage. The carriage went for an hour, and stopped in front of a compound. Www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing disembarked the carriage. Li Xing looked very handsome. Warrior.

On the way, they introduced themselves to Li Xing, one called Ma Shao'an and one called Niu Yiping.

Ma Shao'an led the way, led Li Xing to the compound, walked through the gallery and pavilion, and entered a large tiled house with eight side by side. After entering, Ma Shao'an bowed his hand and said, "Subordinates have seen the ambassador."

Li Xing is a member of Beichen, who is the messenger. Both of them listen to him. You are also welcome to ask: "The princess said, you will arrange for me to contact Zhu. I do n’t know what to do?"

"This matter, the two of us were well prepared. As early as a few days ago, my subordinates told Zhu Ban that there was a distant cousin who came to join and had extraordinary strength. This afternoon, the subordinates brought a ambassador to Zhu. Prohibition. Right now, if Zhu Zhuxi is thirsty, he will certainly accept the messenger. "

"You know, why did Zhu Ban suddenly increase his strength?" Li Xing asked for a while. For Zhu Ban, he is now full of curiosity. You know, he can only practice so quickly with the help of Jiuyang Zhu. But Zhu Zhu was not slower than him, which made Li Xing very curious, and he was ready to ask.

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