Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 279: Onai guard

Chapter 71: Inside Guard

Both Ma Shaofeng and Niu Yiping shook their heads, and Ma Shaofeng said: "Shangshi, only the princess knows about this, the two of us just vaguely felt wrong."

Li Xing no longer asked this question, but instead referred to Zhu's recent moves.

"What do you think Zhu Jun wants to do?"

Ma Shaofeng frowned for a long time, in a less certain tone, slowly said: "Subordinates feel that this Zhuban ambition is very great, it seems ... seems to want to be emperor."

As soon as Li Xing stayed, Zhu Ban wanted to be emperor? He's crazy?

Today's Pingguo can be said to be fragmented. The great power division Cang Lanji controls the palace and leads some princes. Most of the princes were not affected by their height, but were constrained by the five martial arts and the princes.

Under such circumstances, if he wants to be emperor, it can only indicate that this person has a problem in his head. If he changed to Li Xing, he would not want to do any **** emperor, the emperor is nothing more than a puppet, it might as well be a prince with real power.

Suddenly, Li Xing asked again, "You said that Zhu Ban wanted to be emperor. He once revealed such a meaning?"

Ma Shaofeng shook his head: "He never behaved, but from his daily changes, his subordinates always felt that he was going to be emperor."

As he mentioned this, Niu Yiping immediately thought of it, and said quickly: "Yes, when Zhu Ban was walking, he always wobbled. But now, when he walks, he is smooth and stable, and there is a golden sword in front and behind him. The guards followed, and the show was very big. "

"When eating, eighteen to eighteen primes are all made of jade. This is the way the emperor eats. This is not to mention. Zhu Ban often tries on the imperial robe. These are nothing, and his subordinates think he has changed the most It is his temperament. It seems that every time Zhu Ban does something, he reveals a spirit of emperor and can point to Cang Sheng. "

Li Xing was surprised, then laughed. In previous lives, he was familiar with history books, knowing that there are always some people in history who are too enthusiastic about power, so he does things that make future generations feel strange.

Could this Zhu Jun be crazy?

He suddenly wanted to see Zhu Ban soon. What did this little man a few years ago look like now?

After asking a few questions, Li Xing stopped talking, and sat on the couch, carrying Wanji Shinji in his body. When looking inward, he saw the rune in the sea.

Above the rune, it exudes a sacred breath, suspended above the devil's head, and easily suppressed the inspirational devil that Li Xingguan had come up with.

When Li Xing tried to approach the rune with his consciousness, he was blown away by a soft force. Obviously, the rune was not under his control at all, and its effect was only suppressed late.

"Where did this rune come from? What happened when I was controlled by the inspiration demon?" Li Xing was puzzled in his head and no one answered it. At that time, when the demon head of inspiration landed, his consciousness was completely shielded. I didn't know what was happening outside, and naturally I couldn't find the woman in white that suddenly appeared.

Can't figure it out, Li Xing doesn't want to, just slowly adjust his breath and comb the truth in his body.

Soon, it was afternoon time and Li Xing was taken by Ma Shaofeng to meet Zhu Ban.

It's been a long time since he saw Li Xing for a long time, and when he saw Zhu Ban again, he couldn't help feeling that his temperament could change so much!

In the past, Zhu Jun, a dual scholar who practiced Qi, was the master of Qingyun City. When he saw someone, he always smiled and was kind. However, at this time, Zhu's body revealed a domineering and confidence, and he was already practicing qi.

So at the sight of this person, Li Xing understood that there must be a secret on Zhu Ban!

Li Xing always felt that the confidence revealed on Zhu Ban's face was so similar to him. He has Jiuyangzhu as his base. What about Zhu Ban? What does he have?

He couldn't wait to know the truth.

In the lobby, Zhu Ban sat calmly in the center, wearing a robe and a square hat on his head. Behind him, Zhu Qingying, still beautiful in appearance, stood there with a smile, like a gorgeous flower.

Zhao Yun and Zhu Qingying once took photos in Qingyun City. However, she did not show the same, I wonder if it had been seen.

"See Lord Taifu!"

Ma Shaofeng stepped forward to meet him and introduced Li Xing: "Master, this is the distant cousin of the villain, Zhao Yun who is the seventh person to practice Qi." He introduced to Zhu Ban as Li Xing said.

Zhu Fu's official position is exactly Tai Fu, and his position is very high. Li Xing couldn't understand how exactly this Zhu ban was mixed in this position.

Zhu Junyu looked at Li Xing. Li Xing looked like Zhao Yun, but his temperament changed little. So after a few glances, Zhu Jun laughed and said, "It's strange, I feel like you are an old man of mine."

This place is not a martial arts school, and the Qi Qiqi is seven, but it is an extraordinary figure. At the beginning, if one of the seven talents who practiced Qi was willing to go out, he would be able to siege the city and carry out a career.

Therefore, Li Xing showed enough stubbornness and pride, but nodded slightly, and said lightly: "Under Zhao Yun, I've seen adults."

Zhu Jun laughed: "You are Qiqi, you are good, I need someone like you around me." After thinking about it, I asked, "I ’ve temporarily given you a position as a guard in the big city. You see how is it?"

Li Xing naturally had no opinion, and arched, "Thank you, Master."

Zhu Jun smiled and said to Zhu Qingying, "Qing Ying, walk around with this Zhao Guoshi and get familiar with the rest of the guards."

Zhu Qingying Yingying smiled: "Good father." She beckoned to Li Xing, "Zhao Guoshi, please here please."

Li Xing said goodbye to Zhu Ban and followed Zhu Qingying out of the hall.

On the way, Zhu Qingying sighed: "It's so fast, more than three years have passed, Zhao Guoshi, your progress is really fast! I remember that you were still a blood trainer at that time, but now you are seven. "

Obviously, Zhu Qingying still remembers Li Xing. However, Li Xing was not worried. There was no conflict between Zhao Yun and this woman. And if this identity appears here, the other party will not doubt.

After all, the Sanyi Garden no longer exists, and the two sides have no old grievances before, and no doubt.

Li Xingdao: "Yes, Miss Zhu has also changed a lot. Isn't it also the dual training?"

Zhu Qingying smiled slightly and said, "Zhao Guoshi, do you know the whereabouts of Chen Xue and Chen Shuang?"

Hearing the names of Chen Xue and Chen Shuang, there was a sweetness in Li Xing's heart. The two chicks are still in the misty palace and don't know how they live. After the time is ripe, he will go to the misty palace and see them.

"They have long been separated from them, and I heard that Sanyi Garden was destroyed." Li Xing did not continue to say anything, but the meaning was obvious.

"It turns out you didn't know that both of them entered the misty palace. The misty palace is weird, and life won't be easy." Then, walking through many pavilions and entering a courtyard. The courtyard is large and luxuriously built, with carved beams and painted buildings, and bridges to divert water.

In the courtyard, a number of three or four-story wooden buildings were built.

As soon as the two arrived, there was one in the wooden building, and laughed: "Miss is here, I don't know what to order?" At the same time, he glanced at Li Xing.

Li Xing also looked at each other. This man has a wolf-backed waist, a wide face, a thirty-year-old appearance, and a calm gait.

Zhu Qingying said: "Guardian of the year, this is the new Zhao Weiwei, how close you are."

The man just gave Li Xing a sideways glance. There was no goodwill in his expression, but he was cold. He only said "um" in his nose.

Zhu Qingying thought: "This Zhao Yun has progressed so fast in three years, he is just a wizard! I must tell my father about this, and let his father pull him all in. In the future, if he has achieved success, he can become a father Right arm. However, it has not yet been determined whether this person is sincerely trusting, and it will take a while to test him. "

Mind turning, Zhu Qingying exited the yard with a smile.

In the courtyard, only Li Xing and Nian guards. Nian's guard crossed his arms with his arms and crossed his chest, staring at Li Xing.

Li Xing also looked at each other, with a smile on his face.

"Guard Zhao, do you know who our guards will protect?" Asked the guard.

Li Xingdao: "It must be His Majesty the Emperor, and Taifu Zhu."

"Yes, we are protecting big men. Therefore, as an in-house guard, strength is first. Master Tai Fu will let you come and give you a guard position, and you will listen to me in the future."

"Oh?" Li Xing disagreed, which made Nian's guard unhappy.

"Did the young lady not tell you? Is she the leader of Onai guards?" The young guards were very patient and suppressed their anger.

Li Xingdao: "Miss didn't say anything, Mrs. Zhu only told me to let me be a big guard." He smiled. "If Mr. Fu doesn't say, it's about how much energy I have, I can assume as many positions."

His words showed his ambition, and immediately made Nian's guard look greatly changed. He entered the palace at the beginning, but for the seat of the guard. The guard is in command, and Lu Lu is very tall, which is equivalent to the great princes of all parties.

Now, somebody came to snatch, and the guards of the year were deadly inside. The reason why he is called "year guard" instead of "year leader" is because he is not the official leader at present ~ www.readwn.com ~ I wonder how much energy do you have? Nian's guard took a step forward and approached Li Xing. Among the wooden buildings, more than a dozen people stepped out one after the other, and they were trained to practice Qi Qi triple.

These people suddenly surrounded Li Xing and looked poor.

The guard of the year suddenly became more confident. With so many helpers, he was sure to subdue Li Xing.

Li Xing's face showed a contemptuous expression, and his mouth moved, and he asked in a weird voice, "What does the new guard mean? Welcome to the next one?"

Guard Nian sneered: "Guard Zhao, there is no rule and no way to make a round. Since you have come here, you must observe the rules of this place and follow the command of the rule! Otherwise, we can only speak with our fists."

This year's guard was direct, let Li Xing listen to him.

Li Xing smiled: "You are not afraid of the wind flashing your tongue? Listen to you? What are you!"

Such a word immediately made everyone angry, and Nian's guard was so angry that his nose was crooked, and his eyes flashed murderously.

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