Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 280: Princess Yu Rui

Chapter 72: Princess Yu Rui

"Guard, Zhao, you are too arrogant!" Nian Guard was not going to do anything, as long as Li Xing was soft. But now, he decided to let Li Xing taste his power to relieve his anger.

Li Xing's expression was indifferent. How could he not see that this year the guards paid great attention to the position of the guard leader? Just now, Zhu Qingying called it "annual guard" instead of "annual commander", which shows who the seats are and who haven't decided yet.

Obviously, if he wants to be a person that Zhu Ban can rely on, this guard leader must be a must.

All thoughts flashed in his mind, Li Xing set down the strategy of Zhuang, the first step was to become the leader of the inner guard.

"You can go together, as long as you defeat me, I will leave immediately. If you lose, the seat of the guard will be seated by me." Li Xing was too lazy to explain to the other side and said it directly.

Nian's guard laughed loudly: "So arrogant boy! OK, since you don't know life or death, brothers, let's take him down!"

Suddenly, the few people closest to Li Xing moved, and several innocents smashed into it with great strength. For those who have practiced three to five energies, Li Xing now doesn't even look at his eyes, sneers, and the whole body is covered with endless truth.

Promise of Promise and Prowess, the opponent's suffocation struck over and was immediately dissipated. Some people with weak skills were shocked to vomit blood on the spot.

Li Xing carried a few blows, suddenly stepped out, and was behind the guard. He has no steps, is extremely mysterious, and the guard has never seen it all his life. He just saw that Li Xing disappeared suddenly and felt bad immediately.

But it was too late, Li Xing spread his five fingers and slap down.


Just like Lao Tzu taught his son, Li Xing slapped his middle-aged guard head. Nian's guard felt like an iron mountain fell from the sky, and a "bang" in his head made him faint.

You know, Li Xing's strength, but he can kill the top ten statesmen. It is easy to deal with such a sacred soldier, and it is not difficult at all.

A slap stunned the young guard, and the other guards were frightened. They stopped attacking and stared at Li Xing like a monster. His eyes were full of fear.

Li Xingdan said indifferently, "I am here to be the leader of the inner guards. Whoever refuses to accept it can stand up."

No one dares not to admit it, dare not put one.

Seeing no one responded, Li Xing said: "It seems that you are all smart people. When you see me in the future, you will call Zhao Zhaoling. Listen?"

"Listen clearly." Everyone answered.

In fact, these people have no friendship with the young guards. Only because the young guards have the best strength, they attach to them. Now, there is a stronger one, and they have no reason to object.

It doesn't make much difference to them who should lead. Only then did the shot, because it was because of the obscenity of the young guard. Now the young guard is down, who would like to take the lead for him?

At the time of Li Xing's magnificence, Zhu Qingying was reporting to Zhu Junyi.

"What? It turned out that you knew this person. In three years, you have stepped from practicing blood to practicing Qi Qi! That ’s faster than being your father!" Qi Ban flashed in his eyes, and suddenly he laughed, "Okay! This! Man, as long as he can be centered, I must train him with all my strength, so that he can be a helpful assistant to his father! "

Zhu Qingying said: "Within one year, my father is expected to step into the level of the god-man. No matter how high his qualifications are, he cannot surpass his father, and it is not difficult to subdue him. However, his daughter still has to observe him for a while. It is not too late to promote him. "

"Okay, Qingying. You have been in contact with this person recently. By the way, ask him where he came from before he entered Sanyi Garden. Where did he live after leaving Sanyi Garden?"

Zhu Jin's mind is so meticulous that he would not easily trust a stranger.

It was late, and the palace was brightly lit, and Li Xing quietly floated out of the window. He wanted to come out and investigate inside the palace. Now that I have the identity of Inauchi, even if it is discovered, it is nothing.

Li Xing stepped without a step, silent, like a shadow, quickly shuttled around the palace. The imperial palace in Pingguo is very huge. I do n’t know how many palace buildings there are.

Walking around, Li Xing secretly noted the situation. Suddenly, he heard the sound of a person talking, a little familiar.

The sound came from a towering hall, like Li Xing, standing at the window and door, listening carefully.

"When will the moon be asked about the sky, I do n’t know the heavenly palace, what year is this evening, I want to go back by wind, and I am afraid that Qiu Louyu will not be cold in the heights ..." Words.

"Huh? I didn't bring this word?" With a movement in his heart, Li Xing heard that the other party was money to ward off evil. For quite a few years, Qian Bixie was a fourteen-year-old hairy guy. Now, he is seventeen or eighteen years old, and his voice has changed. Otherwise, Li Xing won't hear it after a while.

"Brother Qian, this word is so good. Who made it?" A soft and gentle voice asked, and when people heard it, it was sweet and comfortable.

"This word is made by a strange man." Qian Qiexie's tone was very emotional, "I haven't seen him for a long time."

"Who is he?" The soft voice asked.

"His name is Li Xing. He was originally from Sanyiyuan. But later, Sanyiyuan was destroyed and I lost his news."

"This Li Xing must be a strange man with many experiences, otherwise he would never write such an open-ended word."

"Yeah, I was called a poetic genius, but I couldn't write such wonderful words." He laughed at himself.

The woman said with a smile: "Tomorrow, Murong Jiaojiao and a group of expensive sons and daughters will come here, brother Qian, you can give me a breath and compare them all."

Qian Biexie smiled: "The villain does his best."

The two talked for a while, Qian Qianxie suddenly said: "Princess, it's not early, and evil spirits are about to leave."

"Okay, Brother Qian rests early," the woman said.

"It turned out to be a princess." Li Xing smiled and retreated quietly.

The temple door opened, Qian Bixie stepped out and a young girl behind saw him off. The girl was thirteen or fourteen years old, her eyes were very smart, she wore a goose yellow shirt, and she looked very elegant.

After Qian Bixie left, the girl in yellow looked at the place where Li Xing had just stopped and muttered to herself: "Where did the man come from and dare to run in the palace?"

Li Xing, like a wandering soul, looked at many places, and when someone spoke, he overheard a few words.

I looked at the palace like this, and when Li Xing was about to return, suddenly he was tight and shrouded in strength. Li Xing stopped and arched his hand and said, "Which god-man? Guard Zhao Yun in Xia Da Nei and conduct regular inspections."

He had felt these feelings more than once, knowing that it was a man of God.

"Are you new?" A voice sounded in my heart, the voice of God-man.

"Yes, I just arrived the next day. Because I am not familiar with the palace, I came out for investigation and control at night for future inspections."

"Well, you have good qualifications, but you are Bai Yang's body. But why do you hide your appearance?"

Li Xing changed his appearance and concealed Zhu's ban, but he could not hide it from the god-man.

Li Xing showed an embarrassing look, and made a laugh: "Senior man laughed, women like the appearance of villain, so hehe ..."

The god-man "haha" smiled: "That's it, go!"

Li Xing felt that the restraining power had disappeared all of a sudden, knowing that the other party had withdrawn his thoughts, he was relieved and immediately returned.

Early the next morning, Zhu Qingying came to Li Xing. As soon as she arrived, she found Nian guard holding her head with her hands, squatting in the corner of the wall, her face downcast.

Zhu Qingying opened his mouth slightly and looked at the wooden building in doubt. I saw, Li Xing Dadao Jindao sitting in the center, put a pot of tea, a plate of dried fruit, staring at the corner while eating.

When Zhu Qingying came out, he quickly stood up and smiled, "Miss."

"This is ..." Zhu Qingying pointed to the young guard.

Li Xing smiled: "The young guard was too naughty, and he gave him a little lesson to make him obedient."

After hearing that, the guard wanted to vomit blood, and he really became a grandson? Still naughty?

However, the situation is stronger than others. After being knocked out by Li Xing, he knew how terrible the other party was, and only surrendered to him. Of course, he was still very unconvinced. That's why Li Xing let him squat in the corner and wake up.

Zhu Qingying froze, his heart trembling: "This Zhao Yun really has the means to guard the position of the leader, and it is appropriate for him."

With such an idea, she stopped paying attention to Nian's guard and said to Li Xing with a smile, "Guard, Zhao, I'm going to visit Princess Yu Rui today. Can you accompany me?"

Li Xing was approaching the father and daughter, and naturally agreed: "Subordinates take orders."

As for the Royal Palace, Li Xing was precocious. Looking at it, Zhu Qingying walked into the hall where yesterday people overheard Qian Buxie's words, and then realized that the girl was Princess Yu Rui.

The door of the hall was open, and many servant servants stood outside the door, apparently brought by the master. In the hall, there are dozens of men and women, boys and girls.

These young men and women are all ministers and relatives of the emperor.

As soon as Zhu Qingying came, many men's eyes lit up, and they saw flowers like bees and surrounded them all at once.

"Qingying ~ www.readwn.com ~ I've seen you for a few days, and you're beautiful again."

"Xiaoyingying, your skin is getting paler and white, I really want to bite ..."

Li Xing heard the scalp numb, slowly took a few steps back, flickered aside, and stood still. However, his eyes flickered and he immediately saw Murong Jiaojiao. The little girl was still so beautiful, but her temperament changed a lot and she became more stable.

Of course, Murong Jiaojiao would never look at him because she doesn't consider "Zhao Yun".

No one would notice such a guard, so no one bothered him. However, if intentionally or unintentionally, a young girl surrounded by the core looked at Li Xing from time to time, she was Yu Rui's master.

"You can come, I'm very happy." Princess Yu Rui smiled sweetly. "So, specially invited Qian to dispel evil and write poetry for everyone."

"Qian dispel evil? Is that the Pingguo poet?" Someone wondered.

Qian Buxie slowly walked out from behind, stunned, and smiled: "Meet you boys and girls, and spend money to fight evil."

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