Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 281: Shameless

Chapter 73: Shameless

Qian Bixie greeted everyone, and before he started to write poems, Zhu Qingying suddenly smiled and said, "Princess, the guards around me can also write poems. Why not let him make a song first?"

At the beginning, the words "Zhao Yun" and Chen Shuangqing Yunlou's lyrics helped Chen Shuang to win a lot. Zhu Qingying is a smart woman. She had long guessed that the real master of the poems was Zhao Yun.

Chen Shuang weighs a few pounds or two. She knows that she can never make such a good sentence. This is why she is bringing Li Xing today. This is to borrow Li Xing for a long face.

Everyone's eyes looked at Li Xing. It doesn't matter that much, Murong Jiaojiao suddenly felt shocked. How could this person be so familiar?

There is always such a person, you only need to see him at first glance, you will feel kind and familiar. For Murong Jiaojiao at this moment, Li Xing was undoubtedly such a person, she was stunned.

Li Xing's eyes also stopped for a moment in Murong Jiaojiao, and then moved away. This little girl is actually practicing Qi Qi now, her progress is not small.

Li Xing is not surprised that Zhu Qingying suddenly let him write poetry. This is not the first time he has encountered such a thing. Therefore, when Zhu Qingying spoke, he immediately stepped out.

No one can describe his momentum at this step, and just taking one step forward has changed his temperament dramatically. Originally, he stood there like a stone, no one asked.

But now, as soon as he stood up, he suddenly looked like a towering mountain and stood up to the sky. Even if you practice the top ten scholars, you can never have such momentum.

All the people in the temple were shocked, and no one despised him any more.

"Observe." Li Xing arched a hand, and then her eyes fell on Murong Jiaojiao and approached slowly.

Murong Jiaojiao only felt that where his eyes saw, there was a strange feeling on her body. But then, she realized that she was a bit sick, and immediately became serious and glared at Li Xing.

Step by step, Li Xing walked in front of her. At that time, he first came to this world, just a poor little man in Qingyi City Sanyi Garden.

Today, he is already practicing Qi Qi, and has a powerful ability to kill the top ten scholars. Thinking about the past, I couldn't help sighing, and finally stopped in front of Murong Jiaojiao, smiling slightly.

Murong Jiaojiao, it feels like this smile is from an old friend, she can't help but wonder, did you know this person before? Or is he a childhood playmate?

Today, Murong Jiaojiao wore a red dress, just like a flame, with gold embroidered phoenixes on top of her head, and a phoenix on her head.

The crowd was first deterred by the powerful atmosphere suddenly issued by Li Xing, and at this time, they were all waiting for Li Xing to write a poem. Everyone wants to know what kind of poem the guard can make.

In the previous life, Li Xing still doesn't remember many words. After thinking about it, I found such a sentence that was not appropriate. I smiled and chanted slowly: Yun wants clothes, flowers, and spring breeze Revlon. If you do not see Qun Yushan in the first place, you will meet Yaotai Moon.

Yun Duo wants to be more beautiful than her clothes, and flowers must be more beautiful than her looks. The spring breeze blows the railings, and the dewy flowers are extremely delicate. If the country is so beautiful, if you don't see it at the top of Qunyu Mountain, then you must meet under the moon.

When this poem came out, everyone was shocked, and even Murong Jiaojiao stood on the spot. Almost instantly, she remembered someone who was so talented and that person who was so unruly.

"How can he be so similar to Li Xing? No wonder, no wonder I feel that way," she said.

After the rise of the Dark Devils, Yu Hou Murong changed his flag to change flags and joined the Dark Devils. Because of this, Murong Jiaojiao was able to come to the palace. However, Murong Tianxing joined the Dark Devils and stood up with the Qi Yun party where Li Xing was. Therefore, two people have never heard of each other in these years.

Qian Bixie's eyes widened. He walked up to Li Xing and looked up and down curiously. Like Murong Jiaojiao, he feels that Zhao Yun and Li Xing's temperament are really similar.

After the poem was finished, Li Xing smiled slightly, and saluted everyone: "I'm laughing." Then he stood back. When he stood back, his whole body was magnified, and it seemed to become a lifeless stone statue.

Even Zhu Qingying, the initiator of the incident, looked at Li Xing in surprise. Not only was she shocked by Li Xing's poems, but also surprised by his strength. As far as she knows, even the top ten scholars, it is difficult for Li Xing to have the mighty momentum just now.

What's more, this man's momentum is freely releasable, and the fire is pure and green, showing a difference.

"Good sentence." Princess Yu Rui smiled Yingying, and said to the maid next to her, "Give me a seat."

Originally, the guards were not qualified to sit at all, but Princess Yu Rui admired Li Xing's talent and made an exception.

The two women moved a cushion and placed it under Princess Yu Rui, facing opposite Murong Jiaojiao. Li Xing also nodded and nodded to Zhu Qingying, then sat down with a swing.

Li Xing is like this. No matter who he is facing, no matter the noble emperor or the lowly beggar, he treats it equally. It is this mental temperament that gives people an extraordinary feeling.

After seated, Li Xing watched his eyes, his nose, his heart, his face expressionless.

Qian Pixie picked up a treasure and ignored other things. He squeezed to Li Xing and sat down, introducing himself with a smile: "Little brother Qian Pixie, dare to ask Xiongtai's name."

"Zhao Yun." Li Xing smiled slightly and gave his hand in return. "Brother Qian's name, I heard it the next morning, like thunder."

He said so, Qian Bixie blushed and waved his hands again and again: "Laughter, my poems are worthless compared to you! As far as I know, only one person in Pingguo can compare with Xiongtai."

"Oh? I don't know who that person is?" Li Xing asked lightly.

"The man's name is Li Xing, but it's similar to the temperament of Xiongtai." Qian Pixie sighed. "Unfortunately, I haven't seen him anymore and I don't know where I'm going now."

Li Xing smiled and declined to comment.

These people, all born in the house of your grandson, have a high level of accomplishment. Everyone can admire Li Xing's poems.

"Shit! This poem is simply not as good as shit!"

Suddenly, one person in the crowd criticized loudly. Everyone looked at the sound of the past, and saw a middle-aged scribe, wearing a blue old robe, sitting in a serious position, full of arrogance.

Li Xing's poems were full of joy, and Zhu Qingying was very happy. At this moment, listening to people seemed contemptuous, she was curious and angry, and asked with a smile: "Oh? Who are you? Could you write a poem better than this?"

"He is Dong Guosheng, the prince's guest." A teenager spoke. He was only fifteen or sixteen years old, and everyone recognized that he was the sixty prince, Xiangyu.

Li Xing wasn't bothered to hear someone comment on his poems in this way. This poem was not originally written by him, but just used casually. On the contrary, some people who like poetry glared at Dong Guosheng.

No doubt, their attitude is the same as that of Zhu Qingying, and they hope that the other party will also make a good poem.

Being watched by so many aristocratic figures, Dong Guosheng was extremely excited. However, he remained calm on the surface, seeing everything as a cloud. Nostril turned to the sky, rebirth snorted: "The works of poetry, the first focus on the scene. This man's poem is almost unintelligible, low-level!

Li Xing smiled: "Roughly versed in poems, let Mr. Dong Guo laugh."

Li Xing is so humble, yet talented; Dong Guosheng is so bitter and mean, but he can't really learn. By comparison, everyone was even more disgusted with Dong Guosheng.

Dong Guosheng didn't panic, and continued slowly: "You have a sense of self-knowledge. I will write a poem to let you know what the real poem is!"

Li Xing laughed secretly in his belly to see what kind of words he made.

I saw that Dong Guosheng gave a cough and groaned loudly: "When will the moon be? Ask the wine about the sky ..."

The other said that Li Xing and Murong Jiaojiao were still a few people.

"Another Zhuangrenjie!" Li Xing shook his head.

Murong Jiaojiao even cheekily, holding up his glass and squinting.

Eventually, Dong Guosheng finished reading, and looked around at the people with pride, only to find someone with a look of contempt. He was shocked in his heart, pretending to be calm, and said, "This word was made by chance, please comment. "

"Oh, this is the original word, I have heard it already, I don't want it to be made by this person." Someone said.

"Yeah, I never knew who the author was. It turned out to be Dong Guosheng."

After Li Xing exposed some words of Mingyue at the beginning, he chanted them immediately. This Dong Guosheng has a few inks in his stomach, but they are also limited. However, this person's heart is very high, always want to fly Huang Tengda, and Zhuang Renjie is the same.

This word was circulated only outside, but no one knew who the author was. Dong Guosheng's phlegm lost his mind, and he wanted to impose his name on him, and then borrowed it to become famous. The awful behavior of him is still above Zhuang Renjie.


Murong Jiaojiao and Qian Bixie exported at the same time. UU reading www.uukanshu.com made everyone stunned, for unknown reasons.

Dong Guosheng looked as usual, sneering: "Why, do you think this word is bad?"

"The word is very good, but the person is too bad and bad to smell." Qian Pixie sneered. "The author of this word is obviously someone else. How can you pretend to be here?"

Murong Jiaojiao also sighed: "I happen to know that the author of this line of words does not seem to be Mr. Dong Guo."

Dong Guosheng furiously said, "What? Someone actually took his own word and came out to deceive the two. What a reason!"

A few Li Xing are stunned, okay! Take the words of others for nothing, but bite back. Have seen shameless, never seen such shameless!

Qian Bian was so embarrassed that he pointed at Dong Guosheng, only opened his mouth, but he couldn't speak.

However, Murong Jiaojia sneered, and asked, "As the original author, can you make another song?"

Dong Guosheng shook his head and sighed, "Good poems are all occasional, how can you just do it?"

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