Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 283: Magic weapon. 9

Chapter 75: Magic Treasure.

"Now that you know this, Murong's family should stay early." Li Xing looked at Murong Jiaojiao. "If you believe it, maybe I can help you in this matter."

"Oh? Do you want to help me as a disciple of Qi Yun?" Murong Jiaojiao asked.

Li Xingdao: "If the Murong family can provide information, and then I will transfer the information to the Qi Yun faction. After a few years, if the Dark Devil is destroyed, this is also a credit, and the Murong family can be affected."

Murong Jiaojiao thought for a while and said, "I have also thought of it this way, but I haven't found a way. You are willing to help me, that's very grateful. However, this matter is very big, and I must discuss it with my father before I can give you a reply . "

"Anyway, I will stay in the palace for a while."

After talking for a while, Murong Jiaojiao couldn't help asking: "Li Xing, why are you here for the palace?" After talking about it for a long time, Li Xing never mentioned it, which made Murong Jiaojiao want to know more.

Li Xing smiled: "You all know my identity. It doesn't matter if you tell me this. I need your help right now." So he said about Zhu Ban.

Speaking of Zhu Jun, Murong Jiaojiao said: "Yes, this Zhu Jun has risen very fast. At first, he was just a small city master, practicing Qi twice. But now, he has become a taifu and is everywhere. The friendship with the party feathers is very powerful. "

"If there is no secret in this person, I don't even believe it." She thought about it and asked, "How do you want me to help you?"

"You just need to find a suitable opportunity to invite Zhu Ban out. You don't have to worry about the rest, I will start halfway."

Li Xing came here to arrest Zhu Ban and hand it over to Beichen Lan. However, he did not want to do so directly, but wanted to dig out the secret of Zhu Ban. If you can get the benefits, then of course the best. If it is found to be of little value, it is not too late to give Zhu Ban to Beichen.

As soon as it sounded so simple, Murong Jiaojiao laughed: "It's easy, I can do it at any time. At that time, you can just say hello." She groaned for a while, and said, "On the contrary, I have something to ask for. you."

Li Xing raised an eyebrow: "You speak."

"Three days after the selection of guards, you will definitely win. After you become the guard leader, I hope to help me Murong's family." Murong Jiaojiao also asked.

"What's the matter?" Li Xing asked.

Mu Rongjiao hesitated for a moment and said, "This is a great secret. My father happened to learn that he only told me so far. But I believe in you, so I don't want to hide it."

Li Xing's heart jumped and she listened carefully.

"The first generation of Pingguo, the famous Sixiang Longsheng, is also a god-man, and is a top ten peerless power-trainer. Xianglongsheng was able to establish a peaceful country, so that the great powers such as those who left the country at the time did not dare to invade. , Relying entirely on his own arrogance. "

"In addition to its own strength, Xianglong Sheng has a magic weapon in his hand, named Jiulongyu. According to reliable information, Jiulongyu is hidden somewhere in the palace."

Li Xing was taken aback: "What did you say? It is a magic weapon!"

Murong Jiaojiao nodded: "The Jiulongyu is a golden rank magic weapon, which contains an inherent injunction. Among them, nine dragons are sealed, and they are unpredictable. After Xianglongsheng suddenly disappeared, the magic weapon remained in the palace."

A generation of males suddenly disappeared, there must be insider. However, Li Xing is not interested in this, he just wants to know if this Jiulongpi really exists, and if so, where it is.

"How many people know about this news? How did you hear about Murong's family?" Li Xing thought and asked.

"Isn't the emperor Xiangchen a while ago? Xiangchen has a concubine, who is too vicious, and the princes in the palace hate her. Once the emperor died, everyone wanted to put her to death. This Concubine was frightened and she found a way to get Murong's house. "

"In the beginning, the father was unwilling to offend the princes for this woman. Later, the concubine told the secret. Xiang Chen was very fond of her and told the secret."

"It's a pity that Xiangchen did not tell her the exact location of the treasure, only that the treasure was in the palace. As for how many people knew, the woman said that Xiangchen had only told her one person."

After hearing, Li Xing said immediately: "Okay, as long as I become the guard leader, I will help you."

Murong Jiaojiao smiled slightly: "It's set, it's not too early, and I'm going back." She glanced at Li Xing and left.

As soon as she left, Li Xing's expression suddenly became weird, and she thought, "Nothing! How can you tell me the secret of the treasures of the palace? If she asks me for help, the magic weapon may fall into my hands? "

"Does she have other thoughts?" Li Xing thought hard and couldn't figure it out.

At this time, Murong Jiaojiao was also thinking about her mind on the way back: "I wonder if he can appreciate my painstaking effort and become a strong one, like the blue valley who took away the soft water?"

Thinking of this, she smiled bitterly and murmured: "Perhaps I did a stupid thing, even if he was Lan Gusheng, I may not be soft and soft!" In the eyes, there was a deep loneliness in the eyes.

Soon the third day, guard selection began. It was only now that Li Xing realized how difficult it was to become a guard.

In the main hall of the palace, ministers, princes and relatives came to the scene. There were thirty-six princes of light, and the ministers who came were all those with heavy power. This shows that these people attach great importance to the choice of guards.

Among the crowd, there was a middle-aged man, wearing a python robe, with a serious look. He stepped out of the crowd and said in a deep voice: "The inner guard is responsible for the security of the palace and has heavy responsibilities. Many talents are listed in the ranks. There is only one seat. After discussion with the other princes, the prince decided to choose the guard leader first, and then the leader was responsible for selecting the guards. What do you think? "

The person who speaks is the great prince, among the princes, who has more real power. As soon as he spoke, there was no objection. In fact, everyone knows well that whether they can take over the leadership position will ultimately depend on their respective abilities.

"It should be so, please invite the Crown Prince to preside over the selection." Immediately said.

The great prince immediately waved and yelled, "Come here, set off! Ministers, princes, and relatives, each can only recommend one person to compete for guards. Here, we don't need to talk about the competitor's control wisdom, just look at his Strength, whoever has the best strength is the guard leader. "

Everyone is deeply convinced that it is difficult to distinguish between commanding abilities. Everyone says that the person they are advocating is incomparable in wisdom, which makes it impossible to compare.

If you only talk about force, it will be much easier. Whoever fists hard and who is in charge is simple and straightforward. And this is also the world's usual style of behavior, the strong respect. If a leader does not work, even if he is smart, he will be killed sooner or later.

Suddenly, a place was vacated in the hall, and the surrounding people dispersed.

Among the crowd, Li Xing stood behind Zhu Ban and Zhu Qingying. Zhu Ban looked at the court and said to Li Xing, "I recruited eighteen scholars. Your strength is the strongest, so I hope all of them are pinned on you. If you succeed, you will be my close friend."

Li Xingwei nodded: "Tai Fu rest assured."

At this time, the great prince spoke again.

"The position of the guard within Oichi is not trivial! Those who can play this role must be superior in strength. Therefore, those who intend to compete can stand in the center of the hall and accept the challenge of the rest. Who can stand on the ring last, Whoever is the great commander. "

Zhu Qingying frowned and shook his head: "This way, the competition will be extremely fierce." She looked at Li Xing and seemed to ask him if he was sure.

Li Xing smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter."

Zhu Qingying was completely relieved. Li Xing's tone was light, but he showed strong self-confidence.

At this moment, a big man stepped out behind him. This man is in his twenties and is already a top-notch nationalist who has practiced his energies. He stood on the field and everyone felt the pressure.

"In the Lower East Side, the Crown Prince advocates, please enlighten me!"

Another one immediately jumped out from the crowd. He was also in his twenties, and he practiced vigorously. He exclaimed: "Nangong hatred! The thirteen princes will keep up! Please!"

They didn't say much, and they started immediately.

Dongfang Yue displayed a set of boxing skills and surging power. Nangong's feudal footwork is exquisite.

Li Xing frowned after watching for a while. Obviously, both of them kept their strength and did not fight each other.

Zhu Jun also looked at him and said to Li Xing: "The two are too careful and have never dared to give their best. When you come on the court, you must make a quick decision, not like them."

Li Xingdao: "So, his subordinates are going to shoot." He stepped out and suddenly came to the field.

The two men in the fight felt the figures flash, and a terror broke out in the center, and they were suddenly shaken away. Li Xingyi stood on the spot and said lightly: "Are you fighting ~ www.readwn.com ~ or a blind date? Weak and weak, when will you fight? Well, you two shot at me."

With one person's strength, against two top ten scholars, everyone heard that Li Xing was crazy. Obviously practicing Qiqi, how do you fight to be a top ten scholar?

Dongfang Yue and Nangong Qiu were furious at the same time and yelled, "You are looking for death!"

Two people, one left and one right, shot at Li Xing, one punch, and one palm.

Li Xing "haha" smiled and shook his feet. The temple was full of his silhouettes, and everyone looked stunned.

The more the East felt that there was a flower in front of it, there was a pain in the back of his head, his eyes rolled, and he passed out. Nangong Qiu's footwork is exquisite, but how can it be compared to the Heavenly Order Gongfa without phase power? After only hiding a few times, Li Xing was hit in the back of the head with a punch, his breath was confused, and he passed out.

Li Xing's punch is not as simple as it looks. His Promise of the Promise penetrated into the other person's body at once, which was mixed with chaotic thoughts, which directly made people feel confused. That's why it has this effect.

He resolved the two at once, and the shadow of the palace disappeared, standing quietly in the center of the hall, saying lightly: "Next."

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