Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 284: Become a Guard Commander

Chapter 76: Become a Guard Commander

Everyone who watched took a sip of air conditioning, it was too strong! Between two moves, defeat the two, lifting heavy weight. Among them, some of the top ten scholars who were ready to make a splash, couldn't help but look dignified, and dare not rush to challenge.

Zhu Ban raised his eyebrows and laughed at Zhu Qingying around him: "This son's strength is not under his father. No wonder you persuaded me to draw attention to this person, it seems right."

Zhu Qingying is also happy in his heart. If Li Xing can take the post, their father and daughter will be one step closer to their goals.

"You are arrogant!"

The crowd separated automatically, and one person walked slowly. This man was actually a teenager, sixteen or seventeen years old, in white clothes and carrying a machete. Above the machete, the mana fluctuations flowed out, apparently a magic weapon.

Juveniles belong to the top ten levels of qi training, and here, those who dare to challenge the leadership position, except Li Xing, are all top qi training.

This boy, with his nostrils facing the sky, looked at Li Xing with his eyes white, with a very scornful expression. It seemed that he did not put Li Xing in his eyes at all.

Li Xing did not despise the other party, smiled slightly, and drew with one hand: "Please!"

"You can win, completely by surprise. Your set of footwork is a little bit interesting, but it's nothing, compared to my free steps." The young man spoke and praised Li Xinggong as soon as he spoke. The law is not as good as hiss.

Li Xing suddenly sank his face: "Don't you hit in the end? Don't hit, get out early!" He came to snore, not to brag. This person actually said that no phase step is worse than his footwork, Li Xing thought with his toes and did not believe it.

No phase cut, belongs to the Heavenly Order of Gongfa, unique skill. You want to suppress this skill, unless the other person has practiced the Xuanjie method. But in the Xuan Xie Gong method, the strong man at the illegal level cannot practice, and this person is absolutely impossible to learn.

Besides, Xuanjie Gongfa is rare in the world. If this person can get it, he must have a huge background. How can he come to fight for this little guard?

Therefore, Li Xing instantly determined that this person was playing psychological tactics. He simply pulled his face down and called directly.

The other party was “rolled out” by Li Xing, drinking red-faced and red-faced, and angrily said, “Look at the sword!”


It was like a scorching sun, and the whole earth shone suddenly. It was indescribably bright, and everyone narrowed their eyes.

However, Li Xing's eyes widened, and he was shocked and trembled: "Good sword technique! The power of this sword technique is not under the fifth-level heavenly sword technique!" He finally understood where the confidence of the other party came from Here, this set of swordsmanship is extremely powerful.

However, when it comes to sword skills, Li Xing is not afraid. He can also compete with only five-level killing swords. What's more, there is more powerful no-phase cutting.

"The pearl of rice grains also shines brightly?" Li Xing sneered, wondering when he held the extinction knife in his hand, Wu Xiang cut the second form, and suddenly issued.

When this type of show was performed, the sky was full of sword shadows, infinite murderousness, cold swordsmanship, and chaotic will, all blessings came from all directions. While attacking the physical body, it was still attacking the spirit.

After Li Xing mastered the second phase, the more times he performed, the more he felt, and the power of this sword increased. When he was out of the sword, the body was really condensed with the chaos in Dan Tianzhong, generating a chaotic will to affect the other party.

The young man in white was shocked and had a moment of confusion.

Suddenly enough, Li Xing's extermination knife, carrying extremely domineering, supreme intention to kill, fell from the sky. No one can describe the mystery of this knife, like the thunder that blew in the void, and the lightning that shines in the dark.


The boy in white had not responded yet, and Li Xing was shot with a knife in the back of his head, and his eyes fainted as soon as he rolled his eyes.

Above the hall, the two sides were innocent. Li Xing was unwilling to kill people lightly, so he just knocked the other side out.

"Ah! He won again!"

"Yeah, this man was brought by Mrs. Zhu. Zhu banned this person, and he has risen fast recently! Even a guard around him is so powerful."

"Zhu Ban has the support of an elder from the Dark Demon. Naturally, he goes smoothly. However, this person is also very strong."

People are divided into different opinions, shocked by the strength of Li Xing. Qiqi is sevenfold, you can easily clean up ten Qiqi, which is as amazing as a child knocking down an adult.

The boy in white was carried down, and Li Xing stood on the spot.

No one came forward to challenge again, and it was obvious that the person in front of him was simply the strongest person in the kingdom of peace under the god-man. Indeed, as they thought, Li Xing was already the first person among the gods in Pingguo!

The smile on the face of the great prince gradually grew stronger. Zhu Ban was a prince, with a huge official position, in charge of military and political power. More importantly, he is the heir to the throne in name, the teacher of the ninety-nine prince, and the great prince.

After the death of the old emperor, all the princes were eager to move and wanted to get on the big treasure. Although he was an emperor, he was still a puppet, but everyone still wanted to fight.

However, the relationship between the princes and ministers is intricate and complicated, and no one can take office. In the course of the game, the ninety-nine prince, who was only nine years old, was pushed out and became a soldier to continue.

The biological mother of the ninety-nine prince was already dead, there was no one in the palace, and because of her young age, she was usually very low-key and honest. Therefore, everyone wanted to support this person by appointment. Because if the ninety-nine prince is in office, no one will benefit and continue to fight.

Of course, in the eyes of these people, the 99th prince is nothing more than a puppet, worthless and can be abandoned at any time.

Immediately after Zhu Ban's departure to the great prince, he was assigned as a prince, as a teacher to assist the young emperor.

Seeing no one dared to go up, the great prince exclaimed: "It seems that the position of the guard leader has been determined."

Zhu Ban stepped out at this moment and said to Li Xing: "Zhao Yun, go with your emperor to see the emperor."

Li Xing also learned today that the emperor has actually been elected in the palace. He nodded and followed the prince and the great prince to the apse.

Behind them, everyone's eyes were full of anger. It seems that in the future, the defense force of the entire palace will be controlled by the great prince and Zhu Ban!

The apse is a royal study, which is elegant and noble. The large room was full of celebrities, calligraphy and poetry. Behind the desk, there was a young child with clear eyes and beautiful eyes.

Seeing Li Xing and others coming in, he quickly sat upright and deliberately asked, "What's wrong with you?"

The eldest prince smiled: "The ninety-nine brother, the guard leader has been selected, and the eldest brother brought him to see you." He called directly to the ninety-nine brother, not the emperor, apparently he didn't pay much attention to this little emperor .

The little emperor smiled and looked at Li Xing: "Is that him?"

Li Xingwei bowed: "Subordinate Zhao Yun, see His Majesty the Emperor."

Zhu Jun laughed: "Zhao Yun, you will stay with the emperor and play with him in the future. There is something to discuss between the official and the great prince." Now they can use Li Xing's identity to join their own people. The guards turned the entire palace into their own backyard.

The two retreated, not even saying hello to the little emperor.

In the large room, only Li Xing and the little emperor remained. The little emperor blinked his eyes and asked, "Zhao Aiqing, please sit down."

Li Xingdao: "Dare." He vaguely felt that the little emperor was not simple. However, the little emperor apparently had nothing to do, and even practiced blood. How could he give him such an inscrutable feeling?

Confused, Li Xing came closer, only to find that the little emperor had a very pale skin and a body shape more like a girl. He is a Dan teacher. He is versed in the change of yin and yang. He is puzzled in his heart. Is he a little pseudo-mother?

He suddenly grabbed the little guy's right hand. Who knew that the little guy's hand suddenly flickered and suddenly avoided it.

Li Xing was shocked. Although he was unintentional, it was not easy to escape. Hugh said that even the top ten warriors could not escape.

When he hid, the little boy's face changed and he seemed to know that he should not hide.

Li Xing caught it for the second time, and he obediently grabbed his hand.

Promise of Promise, slowly permeating into it, Li Xing was suddenly stunned. This little guy is actually a dual training!

At only nine years old, you can achieve the dual training of Qi. What kind of monster is this?

"Well, it was discovered." Suddenly, a voice sounded behind him.

Li Xing was taken aback, and as soon as he turned back, he saw Princess Yu Rui. This woman, Li Xing always felt that she was unpredictable, at this time it was confirmed that the other party was indeed strong. Being able to appear behind him so silently is definitely a master.

"Subordinates see Her Royal Highness Princess." Li Xing calmed down quickly, politely.

"Zhao Yun, who the **** are you?" Princess Yu Rui was shocked when she spoke.

Li Xing's expression remained unchanged. Since the other party was at this time and place, breaking his identity, it had another purpose and would not easily leak it out.

Turning his thoughts, Li Xing said, "Why does the princess ask this?"

"You change your appearance, when I don't know?" Princess Yu Rui smiled. "I and Murong Jiaojiao are friends. She seems to know you too ~ www.readwn.com ~ So you don't have to hide it."

Li Xing secretly sighed, it seems that Murong Jiaojiao disclosed her part to her. However, he will not drag out the whole thing, just asking: "Is she telling you?"

"She didn't say anything, she just knew you. I wasn't so curious at first. But I didn't expect that you became the guard leader and discovered the secret of the little emperor."

Li Xing laughed. He understood that the other party was worried that he would spread the matter, so he broke his identity and thought it was a threat.

"It seems that there is a link between the princess and the little emperor. Well, I will not tell anyone about this, and I also hope that the princess will not talk about the next thing." He can see that this princess Yu Rui is in the palace Very detached status, not too much about power. However, this woman obviously has the means. The little emperor cultivated himself, and in many cases this female tune was taught.

Princess Yu Rui laughed: "What? Do you think I'm afraid you know? I will not only let you know, but I will also give you one thing to do." She said to the little emperor, "Xiao Lan, restore your appearance."

Under Li Xing's gaze, the little emperor slowly changed his appearance, and suddenly became a beautiful and cute chick, a pure chick.

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