Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 285: Emperor Loli

Chapter 77: Emperor Loli

Li Xingchang was stunned. The hypocrisy mother he had originally imagined became a real chick.

Princess Yu Rui was so proud, and asked Li Xing with a smile: "How? Are you surprised?"

Li Xing nodded: "It's quite unexpected. The subordinates don't understand. Why does the princess do this?"

Princess Yu Rui: "Xiao Lan's mother is a poor woman. When she was alive, she was bullied. Therefore, she always wanted to have a son and take the opportunity to improve her status. Unfortunately, she did not want to, she was born daughter."

"This poor woman, for her own status, actually hidden the truth, bought the midwife and claimed that she had given birth to a son. This matter has been hidden for a long time until I found out."

"At that time, I saw Xiao Lan as a girl at a glance, asked the reason clearly, and decided to help her. Because Xiao Lan was always disguised, she rarely contacted other people, leaving a impression of Mu Na. "

"It's just that I never expected that they would recommend Xiao Lan as the emperor. Oh, it's ridiculous. What I want to be an emperor is not done, what I don't want to do, but they become emperors.

After hearing, Li Xing didn't feel strange. Everything happened in this palace was normal. He looked at Xiao Lan, and the little girl narrowed her eyes and made a face at him.

Li Xing stared and made a face at her. Xiao Lan laughed out loud and pouted. She is a little beauty, and she will grow up in the future.

Li Xing had no time to make trouble with this little ghost, he breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "The princess said to me to do one thing, I wonder what it is?"

Princess Yu Rui motioned to Li Xing to sit down, and she also sat next to Xiao Lan, smiling slightly. "Do you think Xiao Lan is cute?"

Li Xing glanced and had to admit that if there was such a younger sister, she would love her very much, treat her like a baby, and meet all her requirements.

So he nodded: "It's cute, but his subordinates don't think it has anything to do with me."

"Of course it does matter. I want you to take care of Xiaolan in the future until she is fully grown up." Princess Yu Rui said that he was extremely surprised.

After a moment, Li Xing asked puzzledly, "The princess asked me to take care of her? It seems that I have only met the princess and the two sides, so you believe me?"

Princess Yu Rui: "You do not know my identity. I am the reincarnation of Master Taixumen. I was born with mysterious eyes and can distinguish everything from good and evil. Your face tells me that you are a trustworthy temperament person."

Li Xing was taken aback: "Too virtual door? Too weak country?"

Within Tianyuanzhou, there are four giant nations. The territory is large and the population is thousands of times that of Pingguo. Such great powers as masters in the clouds, naturally, there will be some giant schools.

Among them, the Taixumen in the Taiwei Kingdom, known as the First School of Tianyuan, shows its strength and reputation. Li Xing was shocked when he heard this name.

"Yes, Tianyuanzhou has only one such virtual gate. Within the virtual gate, there are millions of single nationals and thousands of gods and human beings. Everyone in the township is a teacher. Can you imagine its strength?" Yu Rui Say.

Li Xing pursed his lips and said with a smile: "How powerful is the Taixumen?

"Of course it does matter. Before I was reincarnated, I was a high-ranking person who was too virtual. This time back, I can quickly recover my strength. By then, presumably Xiao Lan has grown up. If you take good care of her, then I will give you great benefits. "

Li Xingsi turned into electricity, and he thought that this princess Yu Rui might be the master of the gods. However, he would not easily believe, think about it, and ask questions.

"Since the princess has such a means, why not take Xiao Lan away, why should she hand it over?"

"Because it is inconvenient, I will leave in a few days. I have a lot of things to do in the future. I have no time to take care of Xiao Lan, so I asked you. Of course, there is no proof, I will send you this thing." Then, she put A warrant was delivered to Li Xing.

This is a purple token, non-gold and non-stone, very heavy, with strange runes engraved on it, and mana flowing on it.

"This is a tacit order. With this sign, you can enter the taic door smoothly, and someone will welcome you. Even if you want, you can worship the taic door and become a disciple there. Entering the taic door like this You will know how big the world is and how wonderful the path of spiritual practice. "

Li Xing took the order and quickly considered that it was an opportunity for him. This woman, I am afraid, is really a person who has a status in Taixumen. It is not a bad thing to be with such strong men.

"The princess' past life must be a strong man at the level of law and heaven?" Li Xing asked.

Princess Yu Rui said faintly: "In the previous life, I have reached the end of the law days, but because of the enemies' calculations, I have to be reborn here."

Li Xing: "But as far as I know, Yuan won the house, there will be a congenital deficiency. How did the princess overcome it?"

Princess Yu Rui laughed: "You actually know this, and there seems to be expert advice. Yes, if I win, I will be a waste of my life. However, I know a method called reincarnation and rebirth. Practice this. Can be reborn. "

Li Xing was shocked. It seemed that even the Emperor Tianxie did not know such a method. If he knew it, he would have been reborn. He felt excited for a while, realizing that if he learned this technique, it would be extremely useful to the Emperor Tianxie!

Moreover, the Emperor Tianxie can reincarnate the fetus and be born again.

In a flash of thought, Li Xing tentatively asked, "I don't know the princess, can you put your reincarnation strategy and say more carefully?"

"Oh? Are you interested in it?" Princess Yu Rui laughed. "Unfortunately, I can't pass you on casually. This exercise is the highest secret, created 800 years ago by a peerless wizard."

Li Xing was extremely disappointed and sighed.

"However, if you take good care of Xiao Lan, I can pass on this skill to you then."

Li Xing's eyes brightened, but then he became suspicious again.

"Why is the princess so fond of her?"

"It's very simple. She is my disciple. Didn't you find out that Xiao Lan is a cultivating wizard? You can achieve the dual training of qi at the age of nine. Have you heard of such a person?"

Li Xing understood all of a sudden, dare to love this woman as an apprentice from her sister, this generation is chaotic.

"Xiao Lan has the talents of heaven and man. The achievements in the future may not be under me, otherwise I would accept him as an apprentice."

Li Xing couldn't help looking at Xiaolan again, this little girl, could she reach the level of Fatian in the future?

"Even, she may become a celestial being, step into nine heavens, and be at ease." Princess Yu Rui's face showed a look of nostalgia.

If a practitioner can break through the level of law and heaven, he can break through the void and enter another broader and larger world. The people of that world are called celestial beings. As for the situation of heaven and man, even the evil of the sky is unknown, only one or two can be obtained from the legend.

Li Xing was quick to judge, he too wanted to get reincarnation, finally said: "Okay, I promise!"

Princess Yu Rui seemed to have expected Li Xing to agree, saying, "You only need to do two things. First, you must ensure Xiao Lan's safety. The second party must not let her cry."

As soon as Li Xing stayed, it was not possible to let girls cry.

Although the task was very difficult, Li Xing agreed and said, "I will do my best."

"I believe you." Princess Yu Rui smiled and turned to Xiao Lan, "Xiao Lan, did you hear what I said?"

Xiao Lan pouted, pointed at Li Xing and asked, "Sister, shall I follow him in the future?"

Princess Yu Rui's eyes showed compassion and touched her head: "Yes, you should treat him as a close person, he will protect you."

Xiao Lan glanced at Li Xing and smiled, "Okay, I know my sister."

Princess Yu Rui said: "After I leave, you must not be lazy, but practice daily. When I come back, if you see that you have not made much progress, you must be punished heavily!"

Xiao Lan shrank her head and pursed her lips, "I know!"

Li Xing rolled her eyes. Will she take care of this yellow hair girl in the future?

Princess Yu Rui said: "Zhao Yun, what is your identity and what purpose do you come here, I can't ask. I only hope you can take care of Xiao Lan, well, you will get along for a long time in the future, familiarize yourself in these days."

After that, the master Yu Rui stepped out of the study.

As soon as Princess Yu Rui left, Xiao Lan immediately asked, "Hey, what's your name?"

"Zhao Yun," Li Xing said.

"Cheat, my sister said you were a false identity." The little girl was not stupid and said angrily.

Li Xing smiled bitterly: "You are so smart, in fact my real name is Bruce Lee."

"Bruce Lee?" The girl blinked, "The name is good. My name is Xiang Lan. You can call me Xiao Lan."

Dealing with a little girl is actually very easy for someone like Li Xing who came out of the information explosion world. Speaking of two or three sentences, the chick was dizzy and turned to admire Li Xing.

"Wow! There are talking boxes and acting boxes in the world?" Xiao Lan asked in surprise.

Li Xing is serious: "Of course there are, but these things are too deep, you said you don't understand." He didn't explain much.

"Oh, have you ever seen it?"

"Of course I do." Li Xing's stinking expression, "Not only have I seen it, I've used it."

"Then do you help me make it?" The girl looked forward to ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xinggan smiled: "Did you, I can't make it, but I heard a few songs from the box Or sing it to you? "

Xiao Lan was overjoyed: "Okay, sing fast ..."

Xiang Lan was at a lively and naughty age. Li Xing sang a few classic tunes and heard her look intoxicated.

When Li Xing's throat was about to sing, Xiang Lan suddenly said: "It's time to practice, Bruce Lee, shall we practice together?"

Li Xingyi stayed: "Practice together?"

"Yes, my practice is called Hao Ran Shenzhang. My sister said that it is very powerful. Would you like to learn it?"

Listening to this chick, she actually wanted to practice with him. After a moment of surprise, Li Xing was relieved. Since Princess Yu Rui asked him to take care of Xiang Lan, she must have taken this into account, that is to say, she did not object to Li Xing also learning this practice.

It ’s not cheap, it ’s not Li Xing ’s character. He smiles and asks, “Oh, your mighty palm is better than my exercises?”

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