Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 287: Emperor Pingguo

Chapter 79: Emperor Pingguo

"Are you sure this is Xiang Zhishan's coffin?" After facing each other, Li Xing asked Murong Jiaojiao.

Murong Jiaojiao nodded vigorously: "Of course it is OK, and when Xiang Zhishan was buried, I was there, and I couldn't read it wrong."

Li Xing's eyes narrowed, and after a moment, he laughed: "I see, thirty-six measures, golden silkworm shelling!"

"What thirty-six measures?" Murong Jiaojiao looked confused.

Li Xing smiled "Hey" and explained to you when I had time. Then, he jumped into the coffin and searched carefully. Murong Jiaojiao thoughtfully and waited for Li Xing quietly.

Before long, Li Xing said, "Yes!"

He opened the brocade under the coffin, exposing a wooden board, and after opening the wooden board, a black and faint hole was exposed. As soon as the hole appeared, the two men said in unison: "He's not dead!"

"What to do?" Murong Jiaojiao asked Li Xing that things were completely unexpected, and she could not help asking Li Xing. For some reason, with Li Xing, she felt that she had always been clever, and she was too lazy to think, and she had to ask Li Xing everything.

Li Xing laughed: "Isn't this more interesting? Think about it, why does Xiang Zhishan sham?"

Murong Jiaojiao asked, "Why?"

"He is the master of a country, but he is controlled by the Great Power Division. If I were him, I would be very uncomfortable and wanted to get rid of this kind of control. However, his strength is obviously not strong enough, but he can't fight it. Can use this strategy. "

"When Xiang Zhishan dies, he is equivalent to losing his identity. When he returns to the world, Tian Gao is allowed to fly, and Hai Kuo relies on leaping fish, and no one can restrain him. Moreover, he can also perform some things in secret, such as discovering the Xiang family. Treasures left by our ancestors. "

"Yes!" Murong Jiaojiao changed her face. "Since he doesn't want to be emperor, he will definitely get a treasure to improve his strength!"

Li Xing looked at her with regret and laughed: "No hurry, I speculate, the treasure is not easy to get, otherwise Xiang Zhi will not wait until today? Go, let's take a look!"

The two, one after the other, jumped into the hole. Fifty or six meters down is the ground. Li Xing is very vigilant, and his feet are not on the ground. He first floats in midair and waits until he is sure there is no danger before moving slowly.

This is an underground passage, very long, I do not know where it leads. Li Xing was ahead, and Murong Jiaojiao was behind, searching forward.

After walking for ten minutes like this, a line of light appeared in front. When I approached, I discovered that it was a hidden slate portal. Li Xing glanced and pushed hard, only listening to the muffled sound of "Long Rong", the stone door was pushed open, exposing bright light.

As soon as Shimen opened, his eyes became brighter. This is a huge earth hall, with red slate flooring, and a giant tripod placed in the center. It is burning oil and fat fiercely, and the light is emitted by it.

Entering such a place, Murong Jiaojiao whispered: "Li Xing, where is this?"

Li Xing looked as usual, calmly observed the surroundings, and slowly said, "The goodness of Xiang must have been prepared a long time ago, and I found this place a long time ago." His eyes turned forward, crossed the Dading, and fell on a stone platform .

Sitting on the stone platform, a person sits like a statue, without any vitality.

Li Xing Yi pulls Murong Jiao Jiao, this woman only thinks that Li Zhi's big hand is very powerful, she jumps in her heart and lowers her head to follow Li Xing forward.

Li Xing noticed her little daughter's attitude, strode in front of the man, took a closer look, and sighed, "If I guess well, this is Xianglong's rise."

Xianglong rises, the ten strong peers who practice God, the founders of Xiangjia's general trend, and the ancestors of Xiangchen Dust.

Murong Jiaojiao asked strangely, "How did you see that?"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "What is the ten-level practice of God? As long as one thought, you can kill small people like us. The ten-level gods, burning the flesh with the thought of God, are extremely powerful, so they can be destroyed for millions. . "

He pointed at the portrait, and said, "Look, this man doesn't know how long he has died. The dust is on it, but it is still alive. In all likelihood, Xianglong rises."

"But how could Xianglong Sheng be here?" Murong Jiaojiao was puzzled.

"It's easier to guess. He is a ten-practice deity, and he will definitely want to impact the level of Fa-tian and become a teacher. But can everyone pass through the realm of Fa-tian? I have heard people say that the key to God-man is When he hits Fatian, he will experience a catastrophe. This dragon rises, and Bacheng died of calamity. You can see that there is a trace of burnt marks on his brows.

Although Li Xing is the top ten in practicing qi, the Emperor Tianxie has practiced God to the level of law and heaven. The situation in each period has told him in detail. Therefore, if you know the practice of practice, in fact, it is far above Murong Jiao, and even some gods are not as good as him.

Murong Jiaojiao admired secretly in her heart, trembling: "How did he know so much? Even the events of God and mankind's calamity were clear!"

Li Xing continued to look around and said, "Xiang Chen failed in the first robbery, and his body was stored here. About that magic weapon was also there."

When talking, his eyes were always staring at the ruins.

"What's wrong?" Murong Jiaojiao felt like a fool in front of Li Xing. She could do nothing except ask questions.

Li Xing did not answer, but asked Murong Jiaojiao: "Do you know what the magic weapon's biggest role is?"

"Of course it is to attack the enemy and improve its strength." Murong Jiaojiao said.

Li Xing shook his head: "Wrong, the magic weapon's biggest role is to fight against the calamity. At the time of the calamity, the magic weapon can resist some of the aggression and even replace the master."

Murong Jiaojiao had heard of such a high-level thing, so she listened carefully to Li Xing's explanation.

"Xianglong Sheng's ten-fold gods and mankinds must use the magic weapon Kowloon Jiulong. In the end, Xianglong Sheng died, then Jiulongyi must also be damaged or even destroyed."

"I didn't expect that you, a little fellow, knew so much." Suddenly, a middle-aged man stepped out from behind. As soon as this person appeared, Murong Jiaojiao's face changed, because the other party was Xiang Zhishan, the emperor of Pingguo!

Li Xing looked as usual, glanced at Xiang Xiang's goodness, and bowed his hand in a gift.

Xiang Zhishan stunned: "Are you the guard leader?"

Li Xing nodded: "Yes, his subordinates took office not long ago."

Xiang Zhishan laughed at himself: "Are you a leader? It has nothing to do with me. I am no longer an emperor. I am just a scholar who wants to promote cultivation."

Li Xing saw that Xiang Zhishan's cultivation was complete in the practice of Qi, and it was time to hit the god-man.

"What do you want to do when you find this place?" Xiang Zhishan's face grew cold and cold, and there was a flash of murder in his eyes. When he was found dead, he couldn't stay alive, or he might leak news.

"I advise Your Majesty not to kill, because you can't kill your subordinates." Li Xing's expression was serious.

Xiang Zhishan sneered: "Small Qi training Qizhong, I can't kill you?" He talked. As soon as he took a shot, he took the lead, and a domineering sprout sprung up.

This is the family tradition of Xiang Family, Jade Order, Overlord Boxing!

Li Xing pushed the blossoming Murong Jiaojiao, strode forward and drank, "Under God, no one can kill me! Give me back!"

In a loud shout, he punched. This fist contains chaotic will, terrifying murderous power, and majestic strength, which can be said to be the pinnacle of Li Xing's boxing.


A punch came out, the air oscillated, and the flames in Dading were blown out, and the slate underground was smashed by the howling wind. This is a punch that is extremely strong and fierce.

Xiang Zhishan only felt that his spirit was suffocating for a while, and when he punched this punch, he lost more than half. Then, there was a horrific murderous shroud, and his heart chilled, and his punches eased again.

Next, Li Xing's fist arrived. The punch created by the fifth-level Heavenly Sword is simple and straightforward, but impeccable.


Xiang Zhishan was shocked and flew to the ground like a leaf in the wind, his face flushed with blood. Li Xing's fist shook him all over his body and he could not calm down. This punch, he did not suffer, but was shocked.

Li Xing was unreasonable, stepping out next step, and when the phantom flashed, he reached the side of Xiang Zhishan and yelled, "You eat my punch!"


Is still a strong killing, chaotic will, Xiang Zhishan actually did not dare to connect, dodge. However, Li Xing's infinite step is extremely mysterious, like a shadow, keeping a three-step distance from him, and can hit at any time.

A strange scene appeared, Xiang Zhishan fluttered across the sky, avoiding right and left. But Li Xing just stepped out at will, but he always managed to catch up, covering his opponent with his fist.

After ten breaths, Xiang Zhishan exuded cold sweat on his face, and suddenly yelled loudly, "I don't believe it! Your Seventh Kingdom Scholar can really fight me!"

He stopped abruptly, and between heaven and earth, a great force was generated, covering Li Xing. The emperor of Pingguo finally issued the strongest blow, struck out a kill, and destroyed the field!

The people of Xiang Family ~ www.readwn.com ~ have been practicing the Divine Essence. After the tenth stage, they can be made into the Eradic Realm. This area of ​​extinction can use the dead air in the earth to erode life, which is very overbearing.

The power in the field is powerful, and Li Xing suddenly felt that he could not punch out. On the Quartet, a force of perdition enveloped him, infiltrating his soul and depriving him of his life.

With no fear, he said coldly, "My strength can destroy everything! Give me!" In his hand, I don't know when he held the extermination knife. A knife in hand, murderous.

In the distance, Murong Jiaojiao saw that the knife in Li Xing's hand turned into a bright light. In her life, she had never seen such a bright and sharp light shining all around.


As if the sound of jade shattering, the terrible realm was cut by Li Xing's phaselessness.

Xiang Zhishan moaned, and the lightning retreated, staring at Li Xing in shock. The strength of Li Xing has overturned his understanding of the scholars. It turns out that the scholars can also be so powerful!

Li Xing stopped chasing samples and said lightly, "I said, you can't kill me, now you believe?"

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