Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 288: breakthrough! Exercise Qi 8

Chapter 80: Breakthrough! Training Qi Yae!

Xiang Zhishan's face changed continuously, and his heart wanted to kill Li Xing, but the situation was stronger than others. He could only suppress the thought, humming, and didn't answer.

Li Xing smiled: "Presumably you also know that our purpose here is to find the magic weapon Kowloon Jiu."

"You want a magic weapon?" Xiang Zhi's kind heart gave birth to a poisonous plan, and he suddenly pointed at the death of Xiang Longsheng. "The magic weapon is in it. If you can take it out, I will give it to you in vain."

"Is that so?" Li Xing walked around the relics and laughed, "You are welcome."

"Be careful!" Murong Jiaojiao quickly stopped, and she didn't think Xiang Zhishan would be so kind.

Li Xingdan said indifferently, "I have something in mind."

In fact, there is no need to remind Murong Jiaojiao, he also knows that this is very dangerous. If it was easy to take the Jiulongyu, Xiang Zhishan would not stay here, and would have gone far away.

Moreover, the magic weapon ’s lethality is not trivial. Often, only the division can hold it. With one blow, it can break the mountains and the sea, and the sky is falling apart.

Knowing the dangers, Li Xing didn't decide to force the Jiulongya at all. He understood that even if this treasure was damaged, it should be extremely lethal, and Li Xing could be burned to ashes at once.

Before he walked to the ruins, he smiled and waved his hands suddenly, and everyone saw a glimmer of light, and the ruins suddenly disappeared.

Xiang Zhishan was stunned. He had countless calculations and could not think of it. Li Xing would remove the whole ruins. And how did he do it? This legacy is so heavy that he can't even move!

Shocked by incomparable anger and jealousy, Xiang Zhishan couldn't hold back his anger and yelled, "Leave me!"

He shot again.

Li Xing has suddenly absorbed the remains into Baiyang Jingtian. Since it can't be taken out now, keep it, and it won't be too late to pick it up later.

Seeing Xiang Zhi's remorse, Li Xing's eyes flickered, and he said in a Yin voice: "I don't want to kill anyone, but how can someone kill me!"

This time, Li Xing had no reservations. He completely released the killing power of the extinct sword and exhibited the second style of Wu Xiang. In the hall, all sword lights, all hit Xiang Xiang good.

The same as Qi Qi, who was practicing Qi, Murong Jiaojiao felt totally unable to help, but was pulled away by the energy and his face was full of joy.

"He did not disappoint me. When Lan Gu was seven-strong, he had no strength at all!" Her heart suddenly jumped.

Murong Jiaojiao is a common disciple in the misty palace. When she reaches the realm of **** and man, she must enter the misty palace. Female disciples in the misty palace can only deal with male disciples in the palace.

However, Murong Jiaojiao always felt that the men in the palace were all feminine, not manly, and even spoke softly. Therefore, Murong Jiaojiao inevitably wonders whether there will be a man in the future with powerful strength, which will take her away from the misty palace and get free.

The deeds of Lan Gusheng and Shuirou are known to everyone in the misty palace. The seniors don't want to mention it, but the female disciples talk about it.

At that time, the misty palace ordered Shui Rourou to marry a powerful male disciple in the palace. The water was soft and was locked into a dungeon. Later, there was Lan Gusheng alone in the misty palace. On the third day and night of the battle, he defeated the twelve masters of the palace and four major protection methods, and successfully rescued the water and softness. From then on, the two men played the world of swords and swords.

Thinking, Murong Jiaojiao's eyes blurred.

The extermination knife showed its mighty power, forcing Xiang Xiang's goodness to fight back. Li Xing's power is too powerful, and the terrible territories he released will not be able to catch even one sword, and he will be cut. Every time he cut it, his power was weakened.

When Li Xing moved the knife, the infinite truth in his body was running at an unprecedented speed, rolling like a tide.

No-phase chop, which belongs to the Heavenly Order of Gong method, is in harmony with the Tao of Heaven. When it is displayed, a rule of no-phase in the dark landed down, washing Li Xing's body and spirit. Unconsciously, his spirit has entered a state of "no phase", without self without phase.

This realm is even more mysterious than the empty set, and one step further. Suddenly, Li Xing felt a shock in his chest, and Wuji Shinji broke through the barrier on his own, got through the eighth congenital element, and stepped into the eighth level of training!

Li Xing was very surprised that this kind of thing happened naturally and broke through by himself for the first time. But when you think about it, you are relieved. He has accumulated a lot recently and repeatedly washed his body with Chiyang Reiki, his qualifications have reached an incredible level, so the outbreak today is also reasonable.

Stepping into the eighth stage of practicing Qi, Li Xinghao suddenly became enthusiastic. He shouted and said, "The good of Xiang, I only issue 35 knives. Within 35 knives, if you do not die, I will spare you! ! "

Li Xing's momentum suddenly skyrocketed. Xiang Zhishan looked closely and found that he actually broke through at this time! It's so unreasonable that you can break through when fighting? How did he enter the vacancy?

Although he was vomiting blood, he had no choice but to kill the enemy with all his strength, trying to kill Li Xing as soon as possible.

"First knife!"

The looming sword light and sharp beheading came, and Xiang Zhishan's heart grew horrible and resigned. It's a pity that he has no way back and can only do it.


The annihilation field was cut again.

Xiang Zhishan doesn't want to use his power to destroy the field, but if he doesn't, he can't resist Li Xing's terrible swordsmanship.

After issuing the first knife, Li Xing's body Wu Ji Zhenxi rushed fiercely, "Boom" suddenly shocked, and opened up a piece of weather. He used the strength at the time of the knife to force the clearance, which was countless times faster than usual.

It took half a day for Li Xing to get through. But now, it only takes a moment to break through one place.

"Second Knife!"


The annihilation field was cut again.

Xiang Zhishan's complexion was iron, and he could not wait to eat Li Xing. He felt like this going on, sooner or later, the lamps were exhausted, exhausted!

And Li Xing issued a second knife, and opened up a second Qiqi.

In this way, every time Li Xing made a knife, he opened up a Qiqiao. The more qi qi, the more you release Feitian Zhenqi, the stronger the Promise of the Promise, and the sharper and heavier Li Xing's swordsmanship becomes.

Three, four, five ...

At the thirty-fifth sword, Xiang Zhishan was already very angry, and it was the end of a strong crossbow. He couldn't hold it for long.

Thirty-five knives were issued, and the thirty-sixth Qiqi tongs got through. Li Xing was like thunder, and the eighth heavy meridian, Feitian meridian appeared.

The flying meridians can release the flying qi, making the human body float like a feather. Therefore, Yae Kuniyoshi, also known as Feitian Kuniyoshi, is already a strong man among Kuniyoshi.

As soon as the flying meridians came out, Li Xing's Promise Really changed suddenly.

The qi cultivator, each time he cultivates a layer, a true qi will be added to his body. The first is the primordial qi, the second is the easy qi, the third is the introductory qi, the fourth is the traction qi, the fifth is thunder and qi, the sixth is matrix qi, and the seventh is undulation. Qi, the eighth heavy fly is really angry.

Among the true qi, a kind of true qi is added, and a qualitative change will occur in the true qi. The addition of Feitian Zhenqi made Li Xing's infuriated body suddenly reach a qualitative leap.

"Thirty-six swords!"

Murong Jiaojiao could hardly describe the speed of this knife. The mystery of this knife saw the flash of the knife, invisible and disappeared. Xiang Zhishan couldn't even hit the field, and his head fell to the ground.

To kill Xiang Zhishan, Li Xing's cultivation also achieved Qi Qi by practicing Qi Qi, and opened the Fei Jing Meridian. Flying meridians not only allow people to fly freely in the air, but also allows him to have a deeper understanding of the air and earth.

At this time, if Li Xing used the traction method again to stimulate the power of heaven and earth, the effect would be ten times stronger, far better than before.

After her shock, Murong Jiaojiao stepped forward and asked, "How did you break through?" She couldn't figure out how Li Xing could break through in the battle. She hadn't even heard of such a thing.

Moreover, the speed of Li Xing's practice became too horrible. After a fight with people, he directly practiced the Qi-Bai period, which was almost complete.

Li Xing was sitting on the ground at this moment, and said lightly, "Protect the Fa for me." Then he remained motionless and practiced meditation.

Where does Murong Jiaojiao know that Li Xing's cultivation method is too fierce, although the progress is rapid, it can also damage the meridians. It's like a person can only eat one steamed bun a day, but one year of steamed steamed bun must be eaten at a time, and three hundred and sixty at a time.

This was the case with Li Xing. He issued thirty-six knives at once and quickly opened up the thirty-six Qi qi. Although the scenery caused great damage to the body. Fortunately, he has Chiyang Reiki, which can be repaired regardless of multiple injuries.

Li Xing was seated for three days. He opened his eyes when his injuries recovered almost.

Murong Jiao was relieved and asked softly, "Are you injured?" She thought it was Xiang Zhi's injury to Li Xing.

"I'm fine, just to strengthen the state, now we can go out." He stood up.

"Wait." Murong Jiaojiao stood still and asked earnestly, "Where did you get Xianglongsheng's legacy?"

Li Xing smiled, "Hey, anyway, why are you wanting it?"

Murong Jiaojiao asked, "I want it, do you give it?"

"Here," Li Xing said immediately. "The message was originally you told me. If you want, I will give it."

You want ~ www.readwn.com ~ I will give it. Murong Jiaojiao's heart trembled and Li Xing gave a white look: "I don't want it, don't you give it?"

Li Xingzhengzheng said: "The magic weapon is not trivial. You get it now, and you can't surrender it, but it brings disaster to you, so this thing is still safe for me."

Murong Jiaojiao knew that Li Xing's words were correct, and smiled: "In this case, it's cheaper for you." In fact, she had decided to give up the ownership of magic weapon.

The two came out of the ground and returned to the coffin. When he entered, Li Xing covered the coffin cover, so people outside did not notice anything abnormal.

Li Xing pushed open the coffin and jumped out with Murong Jiaojiao. The two women in the coffin were so scared that they were about to scream. Li Xing released confusion. The two women's eyes rolled over and they all fainted.

The two men swayed out of the coffin, passed through the guarding tombs, and left the tomb.

At this time it was still night. The two were on their way. Murong Jiaojiao returned to his residence, while Li Xing returned to the palace.

"No time is wasted here. Ask the secret of Zhu's ban as soon as possible!" Li Xingru thought on the way back.

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