Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 289: Attacked

Chapter 81: Attack

Back at the palace, Zhu Qingying immediately came to the door, and Li Xing disappeared for three days, almost making this woman soaring.

"Where did you go?" Zhu Qingying split his head and asked, his tone was extremely unpleasant.

"I didn't have time to tell you about private affairs." Li Xingdan said indifferently, he didn't care much about the attitude of this woman.

Zhu Qingying snorted: "I don't want this to happen next time."

Li Xingdao: "Yes, my subordinates understand."

"Several times the Emperor sent someone to urge you to go, you go, coax this little emperor, maybe it will be useful in the future." Zhu Qingying waved his hand and let Li Xing step down.

Li Xing sneered secretly. When he wanted to arrest Zhu Ban, did he deal with this girl as well?

When good-bye Xianglan, the young girl jumped up angrily and pointed at Li Xing: "Too irresponsible! After walking for three days without saying a word, people are very worried!"

Li Xing blinked: "Are you worried about me?"

"Of course, the palace is so big, what if you lose it?"

Li Xing almost vomited blood. He coughed: "Your Majesty, don't worry, I have a good memory and won't get lost."

Xiang Lan, like an adult, sighed quietly: "Since I was with you, I found that it was really boring! My sister has left, and now I am alone." She looked at Li Xing pitifully, "Hey, wouldn't you also go?"

Li Xing was silent, and he felt headaches about Xiang Lan. I ca n’t stay in the palace of Pingguo all the time. Can I take this girl with me? As soon as this idea came out, Li Xing was suddenly two heads old, and he took a minor girl with him, thinking about scalp tingling.

However, since he promised Princess Yu Rui, he couldn't keep his promise. At this moment, the girl asked, Li Xing was lost in thought.

"You don't really want to go?" The girl jumped up again, staring fiercely at Li Xing, and clenched her fist.

Li Xing's eyes rolled around, and he suddenly asked, "Xiang Lan, if I take you away from the palace, would you like to?" He thought about it, only this way.

Xiang Lan froze for a moment, thinking about it, and sighing, "There is no one in my palace who is close to me. Although I haven't known you for a few days, I have found that you are not bad. If you leave, I can only follow."

Xiang Lan said so, Li Xing was relieved, and he had decided to temporarily send her to Feng Wangsun and take care of him. As for the Pingguo emperor, if he didn't do it, he would have nostalgia.

"Well, after a while, you will leave with me. When Princess Yu Rui returns, I will give you back to her."

In the next few days, Li Xing never asked about the governing government. The power of the governing government was actually in the hands of Zhu Qingying. For them, Li Xing was just a tool to seize the commanding power. Li Xingzao It's clear.

This evening, Murong Jiaojiao visited the emperor and secretly told Li Xing that Murong's family had invited Zhu to go. After sending the news, Murong Jiaojiao secretly agreed to discuss it before leaving. Li Xing immediately went to Taifu Mansion.

As soon as they arrived, they found that the Taifu Mansion was preparing a horse sedan and was about to go to Murong's house as a guest. When Li Xing arrived, Zhu Ban called him and said, "Li Xing, Benfu went to Murongyu Hou's house as a guest, and you followed the guard."

Li Xing's strength is very strong. With such a person around him, Zhu Ban is more at ease.

His request was right in the middle of Li Xing, and he quickly said: "Yes, his subordinates are willing to help."

People traveling with him, and Wang Zixing. Obviously, Wang Zixing has become one of Zhu's confidants, and his trust is far higher than Li Xing. But this is also good, Li Xing just happened to get rid of Wang Zixing in order to report the old grievances.

After over an hour of cleaning, a group of people, with hundreds of people, set off vigorously, went to Taifu Mansion, crossed the aisle, and went to Murong's house.

The ground of Murong Yuhou is about two hundred miles away from the imperial capital. If you walk fast, you can arrive in less than an hour.

Zhu Ban was sitting in a spacious carriage, and Wang Zixing was also sitting in it. They both mumbled, wondering what they were discussing. Li Xing rode on a white horse and slowly followed the car, guarding him.

After about a meal, the car went out of the capital and entered an official road. The official road is wide and straight, passing through a hill. This hill, called Tieniuling, has a radius of dozens of miles and houses many Orion families.

Tieniuling is a must pass. Seeing passersby who have not passed before and after, Li Xing will be ready to start. But at this moment, he suddenly closed his eyes and looked at the hill ahead.


Li Xing's sense of murder was extremely keen, and he was immediately known to others when he thought of enemies. He felt forward, murderous.

"I don't speak for the time being, and I will be in chaos when I catch Zhu's ban!"

Li Xing was not surprised at all. In such a short period of time, Zhu Ban had mixed up with the position of Tai Fu, and he would certainly be jealous. It was normal for someone to assassinate him.

After a while, in the dry grass on both sides, dozens of dark shadows suddenly burst out. These dark shadows are full of strong murderous spirits, and all of them are practicing five or more qi, even including ten gentry.

Zhu Ban ’s guards were far from having such high strength. One person was killed and several people screamed, one after another.

Li Xing yelled, "Protect your lord!" He reminded Ma to guard, and didn't do anything.

Zhu Jun was so angry that he said, "Zhao Yun, you have to deal with the assassin, you don't need to worry about me."

Li Xing said, "Sir, there are many people who are very strong in training. If they fight, their subordinates may be in danger."

Zhu Jun was also a cautious person. After listening, he asked, "What do you think you should do?"

"The subordinates escorted the adult away, and will not go to Murong's house today." Li Xingdao.

Zhu Jun thought for a while ~ www.readwn.com ~ nodded and said, "Okay, let's go!" He abandoned the carriage, and together with Wang Zixing, ordered Li Xing to open the way and return to the original road.

Zhu Ban was the lord of the killers. When he appeared, the killers surrounded him.

Li Xing looked cold, holding an extinct knife, rising into the air. After the flying meridians were cleared, he flew freely, several times faster than the ordinary Yae-kunshi. When people were in the air, Li Xing was still stepping on the non-phase step, and saw a phantom, like a **** who killed him. Everywhere he saw, he saw sword light, but no figure.

When the knife is passing, someone will fall to the ground and blood will spray.

"Let's go first!" Li Xing sipped while slaying.

Seeing Li Xing's bravery and sharpness, Zhu Ban's eyes lit up and he praised: "I have to be such a great scholar, I can do great things!" Then he took Wang Zixing and turned away.

Li Xing beheaded and killed several people, shocked the killers, and then turned around and chased after them.

Everyone wanted to chase, a killer Shen said: "Hard ideas, don't chase, retreat!" The dozens of people went far away in an instant, and Li Xing's terrible strength showed them to give up the pursuit.

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