Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 290: Capture the Talisman

Chapter 82: Capture the Talisman

Seeing that no one was behind him, Li Xing secretly called for an opportunity. He flew like electricity and caught up with Zhu Ban and Wang Zixing in a moment. Seeing Li Xing rushing back, the two were delighted, and Zhu Jun asked, "Can someone come after me?"

"No." Li Xing replied, flashing to Zhu Ban's side. When Zhu Ban thought of Li Xing about to shoot at him, he felt that a little wind came from behind him, and his back was tight, and Li Xing was already in his hands.

Li Xing pressed his finger upwards, and held down the other person's key to stop him. This method of getting people to know things is learned from the Emperor Tianxie, which is very useful. Just hold it, no matter who you are, you will never run away.

Zhu Jun felt weak and weak, and said in surprise: "Zhao Yun! What are you doing?"

Wang Zixing was taken aback, paused, and pointed at Li Xing: "Dare you start with an adult!"

Li Xing sneered, and wiped his hands on his face, restored his original appearance: "Look, who am I!"

Wang Zixing's complexion changed, and he turned and left. Of course he recognizes Li Xing. There is a big hatred between the two. How can he forget his face? As soon as Li Xing appeared, Wang Zixing knew that it was not good. He knew that he was not Li Xing's opponent and fled immediately.

"Can you escape?" Li Xing sneered, holding Zhu in his hand, stepping out, and went directly behind Wang Zixing, reaching out and catching him. This scholar with four strengths of practice is not as good as a baby in front of Li Xing and has no resistance.

Carrying the two, Li Xing went straight to Tieniuling, looked for a hidden cave, and threw them in between.

Zhu Jun was okay, keeping calm and staring at Li Xing. If Wang Zixing is ashamed, he cuts his teeth, "It's really unexpected. After a few years, you have grown so much!"

Li Xing stared coldly on the ground, the immovable Wang Zixing, and asked, "Wang Zixing, the people in Sanyiyuan have no grudges and grudges against you, why do you want to kill them all?"

Wang Zixing laughed "Haha": "The Sanyi Garden at that time was no different from the ants in my eyes. Would anyone have any idea of ​​killing the ants?"

Li Xing said coldly: "You are no different from the ants in my eyes." He said much more lazily, waving with one palm, the impulsive real power rushed out, Wang Zixing sprayed blood wildly, his whole body was rotten and his bones were dying Can't die anymore.

Zhu Jin closed his eyes and Shen said: "Li Xing, why did you deal with me? Have Zhu Zhu ever offended you? Last time, I even gave you Baiyang Lingmu!"

Li Xing sighed and sat opposite Zhu Zhu, helpless, and said, "Master Zhu, there is really no resentment between us. However, I am curious how you have reached the point of practicing Qi in such a short time. You I know the qualifications, and it is good to be able to reach the triple level of Qi training in this life. "

Zhu Ban looked as usual, and said lightly: "What's weird when you make a leap forward? It's not uncommon for people like me, even those who broke through in their old age."

Li Xing stretched out a finger and shook, "No! You have a secret. Otherwise, how can Zhu Qingying's qualifications be cultivated to the state of realm? You still tell the truth, if you don't say it, I will let you speak in my own way. . "

Zhu Ban's face changed constantly. He didn't know what means Li Xing would use, and even if the other party would kill. So in my heart, I was extremely embarrassed. However, he remained calm and said lightly, "Li Xing, I don't really have a secret in me."

Li Xing looked very sorry and nodded: "It seems that you will not tell the truth." Suddenly, a ray of infinite truth burst out above his head, condensing a demon head of chaos.

As soon as this demon head came out, he immediately released his chaotic will. Zhu Ban's eyes became confused for a while, he couldn't hold it for a moment, and lost his husband's clarity.

"Zhu Ban, what secrets do you have?" Li Xing's voice was vague.

"A charm, a magical charm, it's my biggest secret. With it, my cultivation is advancing by leaps and bounds." Zhu Ban practiced the eighth qi, how to withstand the attack of the chaos demon head.

Li Xing still kept asking. Suddenly, Zhu Ban released billions of brilliance. When Guanghua rushed, the chaos devil roared and disappeared instantly. Zhu Jin shook himself, and immediately recovered his sobriety. He glared at Li Xing: "What did you do to me?"

Li Xing was so overjoyed that he reached out and patted Zhu Ban, and Wuji Shinji rushed in, searching for Zhu Jin's innate meridians. Every meridian and every Qi qi was searched by Shinji.

Soon, Li Xing found that in the eighth congenital element of Zhu Ban, a broken rune was hidden. This symbol is composed of countless French arrays. It is extremely complicated. As soon as Li Xing sensed it, he felt that his head was dizzy and he dared not study it.

"What!" Li Xing was shocked and delighted, and Wuji Shinji quickly wrapped it up, taking out the spell.

Zhu Jun screamed: "Li Xing! You dare to take my treasure, I don't wear it with you!" His cry was like a female cat with a tail on it.

With a smile, Li Xing sighed, and the rune was drawn without any resistance. Obviously, this amulet has not been sacrificed, so even Zhu Ban cannot be driven.

In the Promise of Promise, there is a rune that is sunk and floating, the size of a slap, and I do not know what material it is made of. It is non-paper, yellow, and there are countless runes on it. This rune is more complicated than what Li Xing saw in the ancient tomb.

After getting the Baofu, Zhu Ban seemed to be ten years old, his lips were pursed and he stared viciously at Li Xing.

Li Xing looked back at Zhu Ban with a smile: "Master Zhu, you should always say now? Where does this treasure rune come from? Does it make your cultivation progress by leaps and bounds?"

To this day, Zhu Ban does not admit it or die. After all, he is a wise man, and his reason overwhelms his anger. He asks, "I say, don't you kill me?"

"Don't kill." Li Xing said, "Although your strength is good, I don't look at it."

"Okay! I'll tell you." This Zhu Ban explained the origin of Baofu in detail. This is very insightful, knowing that Li Xing is the kind of person who said one is one, he doesn't worry about Li Xing's remorse, he really kills.

About three years ago, Zhu Ban left Qingyun City to prepare for a living outside Pingguo. He encountered a sandstorm as he passed the cold desert. The sandstorm had a strong lethality, and the top ten scholars were involved, and they were torn to pieces.

Shocked by Zhu Ban, he came up with a stupid solution. He tried his best to dig the sand under his body and wanted to hide underground.

Unexpectedly, when he dug, a large hole appeared below, and the man fell into the hole. When he looked around, he found that he had entered a stone chamber filled with sand. There was a road in front of Shishi, and he went forward.

After a short walk, he entered another larger stone room. A dry corpse was hidden there, and his limbs were mutilated, apparently killed before his death.

Zhu Ban had nothing to do with it. He searched the body and found a broken rune. The magic charms were sacrificed by the mage and were very precious, and Zhu Ban immediately took them into his possession.

Later, he left the stone chamber, and soon found that the magic symbol was very magical, and he could release a force at any time to strengthen his physical body. In addition, you can breathe into the innate meridians, and let that power help clear the air, and repair it for thousands of miles.

Li Xing was surprised, he had never heard such a charm before, how could it be so useful? Immediately, a volume of Wuji Shinji was taken by him into the eighth congenital meridian and flying meridian.

Baofu into the body immediately released a mysterious power, slowly strengthening Li Xing's meridians, the body, and even the spirit was washed.

"Good baby! Really good baby!" Li Xing was overjoyed. He felt that the effect of Baofu was similar to that of Chiyang Reiki, but it was more comprehensive and was of great benefit to him.

The flesh on Zhu Ban's face was twitching. This was his thing, but now it has been taken away by others!

Li Xing didn't leave in a hurry. After he restrained Zhu's ban, he began to study the treasure in detail. He felt that there should be a secret in the treasure.

After Shen Ding, I saw that there were some heavy legal bans on that treasure rune. Prohibitions are unique to the spells. The more the number of spells, the greater the power of the spells. Some high-level spells can even kill gods, and the power is amazing.

"This sign, I don't know how many heavy laws are prohibited, seems to be no less than ten weights!" Li Xing secretly was shocked, if the ten heavy laws were sacrificed, ordinary gods and men would also be injured.

However, he found that the sign was obviously damaged, not comprehensive, and there were huge flaws on it.

After studying for one night, Li Xing didn't want to rest assured that this kind of baby would be taken into Jiuyang Jingtian. What surprised him was that once the Baiyang Realm was out of the sky, Baiyang's aura suddenly shocked, and a large number of Chaofu Runs came over.

Li Xing was surprised to find that Baofu seemed to start to repair itself after absorbing Baiyang Reiki.

However, this didn't seem to be a bad thing, and after being surprised, Li Xing no longer thought about it. He woke up from the decision and said to Zhu Ban: "After three days, you will resume your ability to move."

Shortly after Li Xing's departure, more than a dozen dark shadows appeared near the same group of killers. One asked: "Hound, are you sure he's here?"

"That's right, the subordinate's sense of smell can't go wrong," the other answered.

It turned out that after the killers had evacuated, they accidentally settled nearby to rest. One of the killers is good at tracking and has a good sense of smell. He had a scent message from Zhu Ban, so he immediately smelled that Zhu Ban was nearby, so he notified the leader and the killers attacked again.

The man nodded and led the people to search, and soon found the cave.

Zhu Jun saw ~ www.readwn.com ~ a group of murderous people broke in, and his face suddenly showed despair.

A moment later, a scream came from the cave.

Li Xing showed his body not far away. He found out that the killers were also nearby and was looking for Zhu Ban. Zhu Ban must never leave, otherwise, he would not be able to go back to Beichen and explain.

Beichen's blue order ordered him to take Zhu Jin back. But if he really wants to bring back Zhu Ban, Bao Fu's secret will be leaked, Li Xing doesn't want to let such a baby lose again. Therefore, Zhu Ban must die.

Of course, he promised not to kill Zhu Ban, and he did not kill Zhu Ban. The killer was the killer.

Li Xing still changed into Zhao Yun and returned to the palace, ready to take Xiangxue away. When his people arrived, they found that Murong Jiaojiao was already waiting in the palace and was talking with Xiang Lan.

When Xiang Lan saw Li Xing, he immediately said, "Zhao Yun, I want to be with Sister Murong!"

Li Xing's eyes flashed, looking at Murong Jiaojiao, what idea does this woman have?

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