Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 291: Before the contest

Chapter 83: Before the Competition

Murong Jiao Jiao smiled and said, "I know everything about Xiang Lan."

Li Xing stared at Xiang Lan: "You said that?"

Xiang Lan nodded: "Sister Murong is very good, I told her. Sister Murong said that Murong's family has a lot of fun things, and there are many people to play with me."

After all, the little girl is a little girl, and her thoughts are immature, she just makes such a decision.

Li Xing said nothing, Yi Lamurong Jiaojiao, the two came to the side, he asked in a deep voice: "Are you serious?"

Murong Jiaojiao did this for a natural purpose. In her heart, somehow she didn't want to let Li Xing go. Even if he left, she wanted to keep a contact. When he knew that Li Xing was taking Xiang Lan away, he knew that this was an opportunity.

If Xianglan is left, Li Xing will definitely return in the future. In this way, there will be a connection between the two.

"Of course." She immediately said, "I like Xiao Lan very much, and how inconvenient it is for you to be a big man, and I will help you, don't you thank me?"

Li Xing frowned. "But her identity is special. Can you keep her safe?"

"It's easy. Restore her to a little girl, put her in an identity, and let my father accept her as a righteous daughter. Who would doubt it?"

Li Xing believes that the other party is willing to help himself. The woman used to help him a lot. Now, after going through some things together, the relationship is one step closer, and he has become a great friend.

"Okay, thank you so much. If you have any questions in the future, you can find me." This is a promise from Li Xing.

Murong Jiaojiao smiled lightly: "No thanks."

Li Xing: "It is not too late. If we want to leave, we will leave immediately." At present, he took Xiang Lan and left the palace during the day. To avoid suspicion, Murong Jiaojiao left.

The guards led the little emperor to go out, and no one dared to stop them. After leaving, Li Xing entered the shop and chose Xiang Lan's clothes for the girl. He also changed his appearance.

When they came back, they became completely different. Afterwards, I went to an appointment with Murong Jiaojiao and met at a hotel.

At this point, Li Xing knew it was time to leave, and said to Murong Jiaojiao, "Xiang Lan will take care of you in the future."

"You can rest assured that she will live well." Xiang Lan said with a smile, "Are you going?"

Li Xing nodded: "Too much face time is a wild game, and I want to get a place."

There was light in Murong Jiao's beautiful eyes, and his tone was firm: "I believe you must succeed."

Farewell to the two, Li Xing immediately disclosed the news to Beichen's blue people, saying that Zhu Ban was dead, and he also returned to Qi Yunpai.

Li Xing practiced the eighth qi, the flying meridians opened, and he flew all the way, returning to the Qiyun faction that day. As soon as people arrived, they went to Qiyun Tower to see Beichen Blue.

Beichen Lantian got the news early and was already waiting for Li Xing. When Li Xing saw this woman, her face was not very good-looking, and she asked coldly, "How did Zhu Ban die?"

Li Xingdao: "On the way to Murong's house, he was killed."

"Are you there?"

"Yes, but the other person is powerful, and they can only protect themselves by casting a magic weapon, and they can't protect Zhu." Then sighed, "This was a good opportunity. I could seize Zhu's ban. He was actually killed. "

"Where is the body?" Beichen Lan asked busy, apparently, she already knew about Baofu.

Li Xing shook his head: "It was quite confusing at that time, and when his subordinates saw that Zhu Jun was dead, they stopped paying attention."

"Confused!" Beichen was angry at the table, "Why don't you take back the body?"

Li Xing deliberately wondered: "Why grab the body?"

Beichen shook his head in blue: "I should tell you that there is a treasure charm on Zhu Ban, and his origins are not trivial. A teacher in Tianchen Kingdom has been searching for hundreds of years. If I offer this treasure charm, I will be greatly rewarded . "

Li Xing's heart moved: "What treasure is it? Is it more precious than magic?"

Beichen Lan hummed, but didn't want to say more: "It's too late to say anything at this time." He waved his hand and let Li Xing back down.

Li Xing still had doubts in his heart. He didn't understand how Beichen Lanlan knew the secret of Zhu Ban, and he also knew where the treasure was from. However, listening to Beichen's blue tone, the thing must be extremely precious. Otherwise, how could it alarm the mage and look for hundreds of years?

"This treasure rune must be treasured, wait for the Master to wake up and ask him." Li Xingru thought.

After seeing Beichen's blue sky, Li Xing went to pay a visit to teach Yu Yuxu and talked about the recent situation. You Yuxu encouraged a few words, let him practice well, and greeted the near contest.

After Li Xing explained the things, he returned to the 11th floor of Qiyun Tower. This layer is where Mu Shuiyue and other people cultivate. When he came, he found that everyone was retreating. Moreover, there is a disciple with six vigors practicing the law.

The disciple saw Li Xing, and stood up and bowed his hands in salute: "Brother Li is back. It is Elder Solitary Elder who orders his younger brother to be here to guard. Brother comes back and I retire."

Li Xing thanked him and took out the only Tianxin Danxiang gift. The patriarch was very happy, thanked again and again, and retreated.

Looking at a few practitioners, Li Xing secretly said, "I have more than a month to go. I wonder if I can rush into Jiu Jiu?"

He didn't bother a few people in the practice, and sat down and meditated. In Li Xing's body, the Promise of Promise has become so ambitious to a horrible degree that he has great power in his hands.

He is not eager to continue his breakthrough, but is ready to practice steadily. This flying meridian is very mysterious. Since its appearance, Li Xing feels that the link between him and heaven and earth is closer.

Wuji Shinji walked over and over again, the speed gradually increased, Li Xing's body suspended in the air by itself. A light air flow created under him, and Thor paused it.

This is the magical function of flying meridians, connecting the light air between heaven and earth, making the body lose weight and be able to fly freely.

At the same time, Li Xingmu had no merit. No-phase work is the Heavenly Order Exercise. Heavenly Order Exercise is rare in the world. Each set of Heavenly Order Exercises represents a kind of "path" and a state in the world. The Tao represented by Wu Xiangzhe is the state of Wu Xiang.

Some people have bad qualifications and can't break through the triple practice. However, if you are taught the Heavenly Order of Gongfa, you can use the Gongfa to continuously cultivate your realm, and your qualifications will gradually improve, and it will not be difficult to become a god-man.

It can be seen that the Heavenly Order exercises are extremely magical and rare. Even if it is a god-man, few people can practice the Heavenly Order. Only the strong at the level of law and heaven have more opportunities to practice the Heavenly Order.

The idea of ​​phaselessness came down, and this state obviously had a blessing effect on Li Xing's flying meridians. Li Xing found that his Feitian Meridian had a more "non-phase" mood.

Flying meridians are the basis of Li Xing's flight. In other words, when he flies again in the future, he will have a "phaseless" state. This is phase-free work, which achieves a certain level of performance, and can express the state of phase-free, in every word and every action.

Even if Li Xing practiced deeper, even eating, sleeping, walking and lying down would reveal the essence of being phaseless.

There are 36 types of non-phase cutting, and there are also 36 levels of non-phase power matched with it. Li Xing only entered the second level, and it was too early to reach Dacheng. After the phaseless chop is decomposed, phaseless steps, phaseless fingers, phaseless boxing, etc. can also evolve, which are unpredictable.

In fact, Li Xing also felt faintly that there should be no specific moves for the real "no phase cut". Because if there is no phase, how must it be displayed, then it will be phased, and it is not a phase.

However, if you want to enter into phaselessness, you must start with phaselessness. Li Xing still remembers that Tian Xie once said that he should "incorporate phase into phase without phase." Of course, all this is too profound for Li Xing.

When Qi Qi was in Qi Qi and Qi Qi was in Qi Qi, Li Xing leaped forward suddenly, and advanced in a moment. But now, he is slowly honed and steady, not aggressive. In this way, he practiced daily in such a hurry and unknowingly, unknowingly, the competition period was near.

In the meantime, Mu Shuiyue and others awoke from the set, and are now protecting the law for Li Xing.

At this moment, Li Xing suddenly opened his eyes and stood up. Everyone felt that Li Xing had a vain and ethereal temperament, and this is the state of non-phase showing the mystery.

"Brother Xing, I feel your strength is much stronger than before." Shuiyue said happily, and the bird stood beside Li Xing like a human.

The couple of Chai Lin nodded again and again and said, "Yeah, we only have this feeling when we see the god-man." They few could not see the depth of Li Xingxiu, which can only be described as such.

Li Xing smiled and said, "You all have made progress, which is very good."

Nowadays, the five people in Chailin and Qiuye are all practicing triple Qi, which of course benefits from Li Xing's cultivation. What makes Li Xing happy is that Mu Shuiyue has also reached the triple level of Qi training. Her cultivation speed is far above that of Chai Lin and others.

Li Xing and Mu Shuiyue talked for a few moments, and talked about their experiences these days, and then said, "I'm going to participate in the competition. You don't want to go out of the tower, you are still here to cultivate. very dangerous."

Everyone agreed. UU Reading Books www.uukanshu.com

At this time, there are three more days, which is the competition time. Li Xing must report to Yu Yuxu to prepare for the competition.

Unfortunately, when Li Xing entered the Qiyun faction's hall of discussion, he found that Beichen Lantian and Tianbo Jing were both there, and even the other members of the Sanmen and Jukong family were also there. After Li Xing arrived, Gu Yeqi motioned for him to go and sit with him.

"Senior senior, what's going on?" Li Xing asked secretly.

"The Wilderness game is about to start, and the Dark Devil is also a member of Pingguo, and a messenger has been sent to compete with us for the quota." Gu Yeqi said.

"What? The Dark Devils also have to participate?" Li Xing was very surprised. He thought that the Dark Devils would not have such qualifications.

Gu Yeqi sighed: "Originally, we are very confident in you. But if the Dark Devils join in, things will change. It is said that a young talent appears in the Dark Devils and claims to be invincible under the God-Man ! "

Li Xing's eyes narrowed and a sneer, invincible under the God-man? This period is his!

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