Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 297: Anonymous Atlas

Chapter 85: Anonymous Atlas

Li Xing stood up respectfully and immediately asked for it sincerely.

Feng Jiu was a slow-tempered person, and in detail, it was a long time. Li Xing listened to him patiently, and he had a deep understanding of the things in the great wasteland.

Into the Great Wilderness Realm, at any time, it may be killed by ferocious beasts and devoured by the devil. Even more terrible, the people who entered the great wilderness secretly killed each other, robbing elixir and magic weapon.

It can be said that as long as you enter the great wasteland, all are surrounded by enemies, and no one can trust it. At that time, every step will be crises, every step will be scared, and they may be killed at any time.

After passing on the experience, You Yuxu said, "Before you go to the Great Wilderness, you will be promoted to be a core disciple, and you can practice the most core things of Qi Yunpai."

Li Xing didn't take it for granted. He had the sword-killing method and the non-phase cutting, and had Jiuyang Jingtian to assist in cultivation. He felt that Qi Yunpai had nothing to cultivate. However, the idea was immediately lost by him.

You Yuxu seemed to see Li Xing's thoughts, and laughed, "Why, do you think Qi Yunpai, there is nothing worthy of your cultivation?"

Li Xinggan laughed, and didn't even dare.

You Yuxu looked at Gone Ye Qi, Gone Ye Qi nodded, and said solemnly, "Li Xing, you come with the elder!"

Li Xing didn't understand what the old guy was doing, but he obediently followed him.

Gu Yeqi entered the twelfth stage of Qiyun Tower, a dusty sealed room. Outside the back room, there are more than a dozen people guarding it.

As soon as Gu Yeqi appeared, the people who closed the door retreated.

Gu Yeqi opened the door of the secret room, and then closed the door again. In the secret room, more than a dozen jade frames were placed. On each jade frame, all ancient things are placed. Seeing these things, Li Xing's eyes lit up.

These items are diverse, with broken artifacts, broken magic symbols, and some books of Atlas.

Gu Yeqi is also a three-practice god, Xiu Wei is still above Feng Jiu, and his state of mind is very high, but when he sees these things, his expression becomes very excited. He points to the stuff in the room and says: "Li Xing, The Qi Yun faction has been passed down for thousands of years, and all precious things are here! "

Li Xinghu shook his body, okay! Will it be so rotten for thousands of years?

Gu Yeqi sneered: "What? You can't see these things in your heart?" He walked to a black stone in front of him and pointed at it: "This is the nine-day black iron, even if the mage sees it, he must be born with heart Greed. "

He also pointed to a scripture: "This is the burning scripture, the scripture of the fire system magic. Our Kaishan ancestor of Qiyun, Qiyun God left, which was accidentally obtained by his old man."

Gu Yeqi introduced Li Xing one by one. The more he listened, the more Li Xing felt that he was too ignorant. Anything here is more precious than his light electric boots.

Listening to the introduction, Li Xing's eyes fell on a map. The map was incomplete, but he could see at a glance that the strange symbols on the map should be related to swordsmanship.

"Why do you want it?" Gu Yeqi laughed. "It was a disciple who entered the great wasteland thousands of years ago and got it from a ruin. For thousands of years, countless people have come to understand this picture, but none have What you find. "

Li Xing thought about it and asked, "Elderly, I do n’t know how many things my disciples can use to get out?" He understood that Gu Yeqi brought him here just to let him choose his baby for self-defense.

Gu Yeqi: "You can only take one. This is the usual practice."

Li Xing shrugged, but didn't think Qi Yunpai was digging. You know, these things have been accumulated for thousands of years, and you can't just send them out. He thought about it, pointed to the map, and said, "The disciple wants this."

Gu Yeqi frowned: "This thing has never been understood, do you really want it?"

"Good." Li Xing nodded.

In fact, although there are many good things here, Li Xing feels unsuitable. Only this map, I do n’t know what it is, Li Xing wanted it instead. Because he didn't know what it was, he looked forward to it.

Gu Yeqi shook his head and said nothing more, apparently he disagreed with Li Xing's choice.

Out of the back room, Li Xing returned to the crowd. You Yuxu glanced at the map in Li Xing's hand, and smiled, "You actually picked it?"

Li Xinggan laughed: "The disciples feel that this map must be extraordinary."

"It's really extraordinary. When I was the core disciple, I also entered the treasure room. At that time, I left this map with me for three years and still found nothing."

If Yu Yuxu had Li Xing on the spot, then he laughed bitterly. Was his choice wrong?

You Yuxu: "Anyway, maybe you can find out that you do n’t have to be thoroughly enlightened. Just now, your promotion to the core disciple has been conveyed. As a core disciple, you will get the core inheritance of the Qi Yunpai. Before the mystery, the elders of the Gorge will teach you a set of jade-level exercises and stacked waves. In addition, the martial arts will also give you a number of jade potions, which you can take in the wilderness of the wilderness to enhance cultivation and enhance combat effectiveness. "

In this way, Li Xing then learned Dielangquan and got six elixirs of top grade. This kind of elixir is called 'Furious Dan'. Rage Dan's role can instantly triple a person's power to four times their combat power.

Of course, the damage to the human body is also extremely great. After taking it once, the body will be weak for three months. During this period, combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced, and the second Rage Dan cannot be taken.

When Li Xing got this dan, he felt as if he had won the treasure. He thought that he would have time to refine some of it. Four times the combat power, what is that level? As for the damage to his body, he has Chiyang Reiki repair, which can be ignored.

Seven days later, Li Xing returned to the place where Mu Shuiyue and others practiced. He was about to enter the secret realm of the Great Wilderness. During this time, he decided to accompany Shuiyue, and by the way, practice steadily.

Mu Shuiyue was full of worries about Li Xing's trip. She knew the dangers of the Great Wilderness, but she also knew that Li Xing was bound to go. This woman, after the death of her father Mu Qianfan, has put her whole heart on Li Xing, and regards Li Xing as her heaven, everything to rely on.

Chai Lin and others, far away from knowledge, give the two a space to get along.

"Xing brother, I beg you one thing," Mu Shuiyue said suddenly.

Li Xing said: "You said."

"After you return, take revenge for my father!" Mu Shuiyue said, "Do you promise me?"

Li Xing looked cold: "Who was killed by Mu Hufa?"

Mu Shuiyue: "When my father died, Gu Yeqi came to tell me. At that time, my father and the other three gods in the Anti-Magic Alliance went out to fight against the enemy. Two of the other three gods were Qingxiaoists. One It's the Fire Gate. "

"Four people agreed, and the father was responsible for dissipating the opponent's master. The other three people used the fastest speed to get rid of a demon cult. If the father was in danger, they would come forward to rescue it. After that, the father Gods chased after him. The three of them, after removing the altar, returned without asking about the safety of their father. "

With a sigh, Li Xing understood that the three god-men had indirectly killed Mu Qianfan. God and man are desperate, and heaven and earth will change color, so it is extremely difficult to kill a man. If the other party did not have three gods, Mu Qianfan would never die.

In addition to thinking about this, Li Xing also realized another meaning. Mu Shuiyue made him avenge his father, in fact, to make him return safely. Only when she comes back alive can she fulfill this wish for her.

He nodded, holding the woman in his arms, and said warmly, "You can rest assured, this revenge, I will definitely help you."

Time passed, and half a month passed quickly.

On this day, Li Xing said goodbye to Mu Shuiyue and Qi Yun and sent everyone to be escorted by two gods, Gu Yeqi and Feng Jiu, to the entrance of the Great Wilderness.

The entrance to the Great Wilderness Realm is located in the border of Taiwei, above the universal life grassland. Legend has it that there is a gap in the space, and only here can the passage into the secret land of the Great Wilderness be opened.

Pingguo is far away from Wanshou Grassland. Although there were two gods carrying the flight, they flew thousands of miles in an instant and also flew for more than half a month. Upon arrival, the time was just right.

The flying method of god-man is much more brilliant than that of the patriarch, and Li Xing cannot see the way. However, he can see the huge grassland below, which has reached the Wanshou grassland. After a short flight, Li Xing even saw gods flying in all directions.

Below, there is a huge city built entirely of white jade, with a radius of hundreds of miles.

Gu Yeqi and Feng Jiu landed outside the city. Feng Jiu said: "This is Wanshou City. It was built three thousand years ago. It is the only place to enter the secret land of the Great Wilderness. We cannot enter. You hold the Great Wilderness Order. After entering, obey The arrangement of the people inside. "

Li Xing nodded: "Thank you two elders."

Gu Yeqi handed another finger to Li Xing ~ www.readwn.com ~ and said, "This is the space finger. We have only one of the Qiyun pie. The storage of 10,000 pieces of mysterious crystals is the cost of entering the Wild City. "

"After you enter the great wasteland, you can also use it to hold items. What we can do for you has already been done. Below, it depends on your own fortune."

Li Xing stunned for a long time: "Li Xing will not let you down." He took his fingers and strode into Wanshou City.

Watching Li Xing's figure enter the city, Feng Jiu suddenly said, "At the beginning, my progress was a great wasteland, but there was no room to use my fingers to move, and I was a little biased."

That space-fingered finger belongs to the seventh-order instrument. Because it is a space instrument, it is much more precious than Li Xing's heavenly sword and light electric boots.

Gu Ye smiled, "You weren't as good as this boy at the beginning."

Feng Jiu sighed, but the smile on his face was very strong: "I really don't understand how he got his strength. Isn't Bai Yang's body like this?"

Gu Yeqi narrowed his eyes and said, "He teaches but has great expectations for him. I don't think he will let us down."

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