Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 298: Longevity City

Chapter 86: Longevity City

Li Xing is not a person who has never seen the world before. He has been to the barracks of Tianchen Kingdom, walked through thousands of mountains and rivers, and passed through many life and death difficulties. However, when he came to Wanshou City, he couldn't help but be shocked.

People from all directions, like him, came to this place with their dreams in their arms, hoping to enter the great wasteland, gain strength, sharpen themselves, and obtain the source of nature.

They come from various forces in Tianyuanzhou, and everyone is an elite. These people gathered in front of the city to form a stream of people, forming a hundred-meter-long dragon.

Li Xing came a little late, so he lined up at the end. But soon, there were people behind him gradually, more and more long. Everyone around him is practicing Qiqi. Li Xing, an Yae-guru, is eye-catching.

Many people were showing curiosity and glanced at him.

"Well? How is this person practicing Qi Qi?" Some people who didn't know started talking about Li Xing.

"It's not clear yet, this person entered this place through a relationship." Another humane.

"It turned out to be this way. However, this person is so poorly trained that even if he enters the great wasteland, he will die sooner or later, and no one will collect the corpse then."

Li Xing ignored the crowd and quietly lined up.

Suddenly, a tall figure was standing in front of him, sandwiched in front of Li Xing. Everyone was ruled out, but this person was an exception.

The Gaza people, in their twenties, have tall heads and are physically strong, a head taller than Li Xing. The momentum on him was also terrifying, revealing a sense of sturdyness.

When he first came here, Li Xing had always been very low-key and did not even speak to people around him. But low-key does not mean that he is bullying. Seeing that someone is jamming in front, he immediately sneered and put his right hand on the other's shoulder: "Friend, have you stood in the wrong place?"

"Huh?" The other side had a fleshy face, and his eyes were fierce. He grinned and looked at Li Xing like a dead man. "Aren't you convinced?"

Li Xing stopped talking nonsense, spread his five fingers and slap in the past. The big man saw Li Xing's vitality, and then he stepped forward and stopped. He didn't take Li Xing as an onion. But I do not know, Li Xing is a fierce god, even more fierce than him.

The two were so close that the Han did not look down on Li Xing. Moreover, with the slap of Li Xing, his performances are unreliable and unpredictable. When the Han is alert, it is too late.


This slap was like Laozi hitting his son, Li Xing slapped him away. The big man only felt a thunder in his head, his head hurt, and he fell back and forth on the ground for a long time.

Li Xing walked over, stepped on his head and stepped on his head, and asked coldly, "Are you not convinced?" With a little hardening, he could flatten the other's head.

"Served! Serve!" Dahan never expected to kick the iron plate, begging for mercy.

"Roll behind and line up!" Li Xing stepped on Han with a few more heels and continued to stand back.

Everyone around took a breath of air.

"Guy! This kid is so powerful!" Some people who just talked about Li Xing almost glared. They haven't seen such a fierce Yagoku shogunate and a tenfold shogunate, as easy as a grandson.

The big man with a slap by Li Xing shrank his head and lined up behind him, his eyes glowing with resentment. However, for the time being he was afraid to look for Li Xing again, and could only hold his wickedness in his chest.

After lining up for half an hour, Li Xing finally reached the gate of the city. The city gate tower is 100 meters high and 50 to 60 meters wide. There is a main gate and two auxiliary gates. The deputy gates were closed. Two people stood in front of the main gate, responsible for verifying the desolation order.

The people in the queue obediently took out the Wilderness Order to show them, and handed in 10,000 pieces of Xuanjing. It's not that everyone has a good temper, but one of these two people is a **** man.

It was Li Xing's turn. One person took Li Xing's wild order and looked at it, then returned it. Pointing to the door on the left, she said coldly, "Take 10,000 mysterious crystals, and then let people arrange."

Li Xing said yes and walked towards the portal.

Entering it, Li Xing's eyes widened. Just in front of me, in a huge warehouse, there are many small crystals like hills. This into the secret realm of the Wilderness is not for nothing. Everyone has to present 10,000 mysterious crystals.

In front of Xuan Jingdu, two gods stood, one said: "Give up Xuan Jing."

Li Xing entered the truth with his fingers in space, took 10,000 pieces of Xuanjing, and placed them in front of him.

The god-man counted and said, "Go back and find somewhere to stay."

Li Xing didn't say anything, and went straight back. He went out of the warehouse. There was a street outside, and there were many top ten scholars walking. On both sides of the street, there are hotels, inns, and shops, as secular.

Li Xing walked down the street and looked around and found that the shop was overcrowded. When the consumer paid the bill, they all took out Xuanjing. Li Xing could not help rolling his eyes. Qi Yunpai only gave him 10,000 Xuanjing. Now that he has run out, how can he consume it?

Li Xing was wronged by the Qi Yun faction. It took many years for the Qi Yun faction to gather more than seven thousand mysterious crystals. Later, You Yuxu ran a long way to sell a magic weapon, and then changed more than 2,000 Xuanjing, only made up 10,000.

Li Xing didn't know Chai Migui. He thought Xuan Jing was so good at it.

Others are no better than Li Xing, who are entangled with each other and eat and drink in the store. Someone even went to the shop to buy the magic instruments directly. Although the instrument is precious, it can still be used for trading.

Generally speaking, an ordinary first-order instrument can sell about several hundred mysterious crystals. This mysterious crystal can add divine power to the god-man.

Li Xing watched others splurge, and he couldn't help getting jealous. He thought about it and took out a shuttle-shaped magic weapon from his body. This thing came when he killed the venomous puppet a few years ago.

Holding this unknown shuttle-shaped instrument, Li Xing found a shop that operated the instrument. The shop owner was greeting the guests. When he saw Li Xing brought in a magic weapon, he immediately knew his intentions, but ignored them intentionally.

Li Xing looked around and found that the store was not large, and there were dozens of first- and second-order instruments in it. What swords and halberds have. He coughed and shouted, "The shopkeeper, I want to sell magic instruments."

The shopkeeper came here slowly, looked at Li Xing's magic weapon, shook his head and said, "The quality is too bad, one hundred mysterious crystals, if you are willing to sell, you can stay." He said, thinking that Li Xing would bargain.

No matter what, Li Xing didn't even think about it, and nodded, "Okay."

The shop stayed awake. In fact, this magical instrument can be sold for 200 yuan. He bids 100 yuan, which is extremely low.

The transaction was completed quickly, and Li Xing took a hundred Xuanjings and entered the hotel with a swing. Originally, he thought that one hundred mysterious crystals would be enough for a few days, but upon asking, I realized that one night would cost thirty mysterious crystals.

Li Xing surrendered ninety crystals in one hand and was planning to stay for three nights. Feng Jiuzao told him that after entering Wanshou City, it is likely that it will take a long time before the great wilderness is opened. Therefore, he may live here for ten and a half months, three days may not be enough.

The customer assigned to Li Xing only had one bed, the room was small, and there was not even a table. Li Xing was indifferent. After a glance, he sat on the bed and started meditating.

If you can reach the training level before entering the wild, it is best. Therefore, Li Xing must seize the time to cultivate and hope to make a breakthrough.

Li Xing stayed in the room for three days. Three days later, it was time to repay the room. He got up helplessly, ready to go out and change some Xuanjing.

Before coming here, if it wasn't for Feng Jiu's order, Li Xing would never spend this money and just rest outside. However, Feng Jiu said that in Wanshou City, if there is no guesthouse, life will not be guaranteed, and people may be attacked at any time.

Don't look at the humble room where Li Xing lives, but when people live in it, no one has an idea. Therefore, one night of these thirty mysterious crystals is actually worth the money.

Li Xing lives on the second floor of the inn. This inn is quite large, with three floors above and below. On the first floor, there were no residents, but a dozen tables were set up selling wine and meat.

The practitioners of Qi training also need to eat. Many people are eating on the first floor. There were only ten Xuanjings in Li Xing's pocket, and he was not prepared to spend them. With a quick glance, I found an empty table and sat down.

Looking at the people around, drinking and eating meat, Li Xing sighed and took out a jade box from his body. Opening the box, the fragrance was immediately fragrant. The jade box was full of elixir, of course, it was mostly Jinjie elixir.

These elixir were accumulated by Li Xing over the years. He grabbed a hand and sent it to his mouth. He "clicked" and ate, like eating fried beans.

Everyone around him cast a surprised look, so there is such a panacea?

A man at the next table couldn't see it anymore. He sat across from Li Xing and laughed, "Friend, these elixir are eaten and wasted by you. How about selling them to me?"

Indeed, these Jinjie elixir have little effect on Li Xing, who is practicing qi. But if you give it to people who practice blood, the effect is not trivial.

Li Xing looked up at the other person, put the jade box in front of him, and said, "You bid."

The opponent counted, and Li Xing's elixir varied, but the quality was good. With some calculations in his mind, he said, "How about three hundred mysterious crystals?"

Li Xing also did not bargain: "OK."

There are three hundred more Xuanjings in the hand ~ www.readwn.com ~ But Li Xing has a bitter mouth, because of this money, he can only live for ten days. Wanshou City Residence is not easy! He couldn't help feeling.

After replacing Xuanjing with the elixir, Li Xing still went to the room to meditate and practice.

In the ten days, Li Xing has learned a lot, and feels that he can always pass the ninth congenital element at any time. However, his house had arrived again and he had to go out again.

"No way, I have to get some extra time!" When Li Xing went out, he thought fiercely that he was so anxious now that he never felt so poor that he couldn't even afford a house.

But how can you make money? Li Xing thought of a way to "hit too old."

Hitting too old is a rogue hooligan, the means used to blackmail others is similar to touching porcelain. But after thinking about it, he shook his head and denied it. He was also a very good young man at that time. It was absolutely impossible for him to touch porcelain. So he decided to be robbed.

That night, Li Xing didn't live in the inn anymore, he walked slowly along the walls of the city. Feng Jiu didn't say that someone came out to kill people and buy more goods at night? He is now looking forward to someone to rob him, and then he can rush back.

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