Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 299: Fat sheep

Chapter 87: Slaughtering Fat Sheep

The walls of Wanshou City are nearly 100 meters high. . . However, no matter how high the wall is, it can't stop the patriots who can fly. However, Wanshou City is famous, and no one dares to come uninvited, otherwise, there will be gods and people to kill.

However, the man of God only cares about those who invade outside. As far as the city is concerned. Therefore, in Wanshou City, it is not quite flat. Feng Jiu said that as soon as he entered Wanshou City, there were hundreds of poor worms on the street.

Under the city walls, an extremely tall tree was planted that could not be named. Li Xing chose a tree, stretched it up, and found a branch that was more comfortable to sit on, and sat on it horizontally, waiting for darkness.

"The trip to the Wilderness Realm is full of danger. First get some Xuanjing, and then live in the inn, and try your best to increase your strength to Jiuzhong." Li Xingru thought.

Sitting on the tree, he didn't dare to cultivate. When bored, he thought of Xueling in the sky of Baiyangjing. This Xueling has lived here since he escaped from Bone Spirit Gate.

During this time, Li Xing was busy participating in the Great Cold and practicing hard, but she never asked her.

As soon as he thought, he got in touch with Xueling in Baiyang Jingtian.

Xue Ling was sitting under the Baiyang Ling tree to practice at this moment. Bai Yang's aura is very abundant here, which is very helpful for her cultivation. In just a few months, she has gone from practicing Qi Qi to reaching Qi Qi Qi.

"Xue Ling." Li Xing's voice sounded in her ear, but no one appeared.

Xue Ling opened her eyes and asked, "What's the advice?" The tone was extremely indifferent.

Li Xing: "It's okay, it's just boring. I want to talk to you."

"I'm very busy." After that, the woman closed her eyes again, preparing to continue practicing.

"Do you know that your **** are actually quite small?" Li Xing said in this sentence.

"You ..." Xue Ling flushed with embarrassment. This reminded her that the last time Li Xing touched her chest.

Li Xing smiled "Hey", "Just a joke, your **** are not small at all. Are women's **** too big and not good, too small?"

Xueling's complexion had sank, and he raised his face, "What the **** are you doing?"

Li Xing sighed: "I didn't say it, I was extremely bored and talked to you. Hey, how to say, I also rescued you from the tiger's mouth, you don't need to be so cold if you don't appreciate me?

"Huh!" The woman answered bluntly.

Li Xing teased a few words, then changed the topic, and said, "Xue Ling, I want to ask, what's going on in your body? Is there any change?"

Xueling shook her head: "It hasn't changed much. In fact, it has fallen asleep when it enters me." She sighed, "I don't know when I can clear it."

Li Xing thought for a while: "This bone sage is actually a treasure, and when used properly, it has a strong promotion of spiritual practice. You can rest assured that I said I would take it away for you, and never give up."

He knew that since the Bone Saint was inherited by the ancient monks, it must have existed in the form of Vajrayana. If you can get it and integrate it into your body, you may be able to carry out the second weight of King Kong.

Of course, all this is just an idea at the moment.

Xueling said lightly: "Thank you so much. But I very much hope that I can banish the gods in my body."

The magpie of the bone spirit gate planted a divine restraint in her body. With this divine restraint, as soon as she emerges from the Baiyang realm, she will be immediately sensed and come to capture it. Therefore, she did not dare to leave Baiyang Jingtian at this moment.

Li Xingdao: "This matter is not urgent, I will help you solve it."

At this time, Xiaoxue and wealthy Baba ran to Xueling's side, and was quite close to her. After this time, she became familiar with Xiaoxue, Yuanbao, and riches in Baiyangjingtian, and became friends.

Xue Ling knew that everything had to depend on Li Xing and nodded. She looked around and said, "This place is suitable for cultivation, but unfortunately there is no scenery."

"Do you want a landscape?" Li Xing smiled. "It's easy!"

With a change of heart, the aura of the entire Baiyang Jingtian rolled up. In the distance, like a scroll of colorful ink paintings, a hill rises. On the mountain, another tree and one grass grew.

Xueling stared at it, Xiaoxue cheered, and went up to the mountain early.

When you look closely, the mountain looks like a crystal. The trees and grass on the mountain are like crystals. They are all condensed by Baiyang Reiki.

Li Xing's mental strength is already very tyrannical, which can make Bai Yang aura change into such a small hill. In the future, when his mental strength increases again, more mountains and rivers can be transformed.

Of course, the so-called change is just a pretense. Regardless of the landscape, plants and trees are aura, and they are not real plants and mountains.

Xue Ling returned to God and couldn't help but said, "This heaven is definitely of extraordinary origin." She still didn't know that Li Xing's Baiyang Jingtian was changed from Jiuyangzhu.

Li Xing smiled: "You can only stay here for the time being, if you need anything, just tell me."

Li Xing was chatting with Xue Ling, and it was dark before he knew it.

Tonight, the moon is dark and the wind is high, it is really a good time to kill and set fire. Li Xing jumped off the tree and still walked away.

His luck was really good. As soon as he walked, he heard footsteps behind him. He stopped and sneered.

"Brother, it's dangerous to come out alone at night!" Suddenly, a thick voice passed over.

As soon as Li Xing stayed, he turned around and saw a magnificent man coming up in rags. This big man has an honest face, big eyes and a strong build.

Li Xing said "Oh" and asked lightly, "You say it's dangerous outside?"

The big man nodded again and again and sighed, "I didn't have Xuanjing on my body, so I couldn't afford the inn. So I slept outside for a few days and was attacked by several groups. If I didn't respond quickly, they had been killed."

After hearing him say, Li Xing was secretly surprised, how many people did not succeed? That being said, this person's strength is quite good!

The big man did not wait for Li Xing to speak, and introduced himself: "Howling Brother Tie Shou, how do you call your brother?"

Li Xing was very disappointed. He never encountered the robbery and murder. He met this honest man. Next, he continued to wait for others to do it, so he said coldly, "My name is not easy to show."

With that said, he strode forward and ignored Tie Shou.

Tie Shou watched Li Xing go away, his stupid face revealed a ray of murder, and his body gradually disappeared into the darkness.

"Weird, it's been midnight, why didn't a group of people meet?" Li Xing felt that his luck was really bad, and anyone who wanted to find a robbery couldn't.

"Friend, at night, what did you come out for?" Suddenly, three people flashed out behind a big tree in front.

These three people are all ten strong, about twenty years old. As soon as they came out, they surrounded Li Xing in a fan shape. Obviously, Li Xing's numerous robbery and murderers came out.

Seeing them, Li Xing was not surprised, pointing at them "haha" and laughing: "Very good, are you trying to grab me?"

The three of them looked at each other and said that this man was insane and mad? They did come out to rob, and the consumption in Wanshou City was not generally high. Like Li Xing, the three were not sent out from the gate, and they were tight.

After much thought, the three of them came up with a way to rob. They think that there are tens of thousands of people in Wanshou City, and there are not a few people who come out at night. It is enough for three people to use them for a few days.

Li Xing was waiting for someone to grab, and the three wanted to grab someone. At this time, they met him, and it was fair.

"Boy, if you understand, quickly hand over your body." One in the middle said coldly, "As long as you cooperate, we will not embarrass you."

Li Xing smiled, pulled out the extinction knife, and banged his finger on the ridge of the blade, making a sound of moaning, and without shit, just swung the knife up.

All three were stunned. They robbed more than one person and killed one person. However, like Li Xing, who did not speak, went directly to the meeting, or encountered it for the first time.

Generally speaking, those who are robbed are shocked and then yelled at each other. Only after a verbal contest between the two sides, they will fight with each other. But Li Xing did not follow the rules and played directly.

The extinction knife, combined with the six-level killing sword method, instantly enveloped the man in the middle. The powerful murderousness locked him. And Li Xing, stepping without a step, all behind him.

Too fast, the three of them were too late to react, and they saw a flash of sword light, and their heads flew up and blood sprayed.

"Not good! Hard idea, hurry up!"

The two were startled, one of them shouted, and turned away. The strength shown by Li Xing was too perverted. He did not even give him a chance to fight back with one stroke.

"Want to leave? Leave the head!"

With the extermination knife in his hand, Li Xing's heart was full of murderousness, and he yelled, turning himself into two phantoms, each carrying a sword-like sword light, and beheading them.


The sharp blade of light flashed out, one was cut by the waist, one was cut off his legs, and lying on the ground miserable.

Li Xing closed the knife, kicked forward, and kicked the man's head directly.

"唉 ~ www.readwn.com ~ If you want to grab my stuff and take my life, then I'll be polite." He muttered, and his men continued to search the bodies of the three quickly.

Three people had robbed several times before, and they took a lot of Xuan Jing, more than 5,000 pieces. However, Xuan Jing has been placed in the space weapon. Compared to Xuan Jing, the three space instruments in Li Xing's hands are much more precious.

Three pieces of space implements, one is a third-order implement, and two are fourth-order implements. Although not as good as his space, he can sell a lot of money.

In addition, there are twenty-nine jade elixir, a third-order attack weapon. Among them, Li Xing is most pleased by the three spells. On that amulet, there are actually two bans, exactly the same, called Wanjianfu.

This symbol is not trivial. Once it is displayed, it can evolve hundreds of thousands of arrows to stab the enemy.

With this sign, Li Xing sweated coldly on his forehead, calling for danger. If it hadn't been for his quick shot, he would have been seriously injured once the three of them cast all arrows. When he fought with Sima Shenbing and Ju Wuxie at first, a static enchantment with a heavy law was extremely powerful.

This 10,000 arrow runes are many times more powerful, and their lethality can be imagined.

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