Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 301: The golden bridge crosses.

Chapter 89: The Golden Bridge Across.

This uninvited guest slowly raised his palm, above his palm, flashing blue brilliance, he was about to press down on Li Xing's head.

At this moment, Li Xing's head suddenly burst out of a true meaning and turned into a chaos monster. As soon as this demon head came out, chaotic will rushed in, making this man's face greatly changed, and he hurriedly resisted.

Li Xing's practice of non-phase power can maintain vigilance even while practicing. This person was shocked at first, but the juncture of cultivation could not be decided immediately.

As soon as the Chaos Demon came out, his strange eyes flashed, and strange brilliance radiated. The man squeezed his hands, held his mind, and said angrily, "You are a magical one!"

The Chaos Demon immediately issued a more violent impact, making the opponent tired of parrying and unable to further attack Li Xing.

As soon as the devil came out, the whole inn was startled, and all the disciples gathered in all directions.

"What's going on? Good magic?"

"Come and see!"

Even Zhuo Xiaowan was shocked. She felt that the magic came from the room where Li Xing lived, her face changed, and she immediately rushed over.

The crowd rushed in, and Li Xing urged Wuji Shinji instantly, only listening to the "click" sound, and the thirty-sixth Qiqi suddenly rushed away. The ninth level of innate meridians, refining the meridians appears.

As soon as this meridian came out, refining the true energy filled the meridians of the whole body, then penetrated into every part of the body and began to temper Li Xing's body. Refining meridians, as the name suggests, can temper the body.

As soon as the meridians appeared, Li Xing opened his eyes and closed the chaos. He stared at the other person coldly: "Why did you insult me?"

When questioned, the door was pushed open and a dozen people drifted in. When they saw the scene in front of them, someone immediately asked, "Brother Feng, what happened?"

This brother Feng, named Feng Yang, is a leader in the South China Sea Sword School.

Hearing, Feng Yang pointed at Li Xing, his face was righteous, and he sang, "This man is a man in the demon Tao. He was broken by me, and he will do it with me!"

Li Xing listened to him upside down and sneered, the other party was theirs, and he was useless to argue at the moment.

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

"what happened?"

The crowd separated, Zhuo Xiaowan walked slowly, she looked at Feng Yang and looked at Li Xing again. Obviously, this sentence is for two people.

Feng Yang said: "Sister Mei, this person is a demon, and the magic I just performed harmed me."

With a sigh, Li Xing asked Zhuo Xiaowan: "Girl Zhuo, it was your kindness that saved the next life under the hands of the wicked. It is too late to be grateful. Where can you dare offend the girl's friends? Besides, this place is all from the Nanhai sword school. Man, I shot here, didn't I find myself dead? "

Zhuo Xiaowan couldn't see the emotions on her face, she just asked, "What happened?"

Li Xing told what happened at the time and said, "He was training, and this person broke in. At that time, although I was alert, I didn't care. The room was originally a girl, and he might be looking for a girl. Break in. "

"But who knows, this person glanced at me when he came in, and suddenly showed his murderous power, and actually had to fight against it. In desperation, I had to release a demon guardian. Then, these people broke into here, and the thing was such."

Zhuo Xiaowan didn't know whether she believed it or not, and continued to ask, "What is the magic demon head you said?"

As soon as Li Xing moved, he released the demon of chaos. As soon as this devil came out, everyone changed color. They all felt that the power of this devil might not be able to surrender.

"This demon head is surrendered with the supreme spirit, and then collected as the guard of the demon head, but can be released to protect the law when practicing." Li Xing explained. He did not lie. The cultivation process of the fiendish demon had originally trained the demon head to protect it.

"It's nonsense! It's because you have seen the identity of the demon before you see that you have to do it to me!" Feng Yang looked angry and pointed at Li Xing. Then he said to Zhuo Xiaowan, "Sister, we are the same. Do you believe what he said?"

Zhuo Xiaowan said lightly: "I only believe the truth." She swept the crowd, "all go out."

Feng Yang's eyes flashed a coldness, and he flew out of the room. The others also left one after another, leaving only Li Xing and Zhuo Xiaowan in the room.

"You, the magic demon head, is not weak. I didn't take the shot at first, wouldn't you be fine?" She asked coldly.

Li Xing knew that the chick was beginning to suspect that he had deliberately shown weakness at first, and he did not change his face, saying: "The magic demon guardian, it is easy not to cast, otherwise it will easily attract the attention of others. Just like today, when the devil came out, everyone attracted Now. "

"However, if you use the devil, you can really protect yourself. Then Zhuo Zhu, the magic soldier, fell to the sky, saved the next, and was just as grateful."


After hearing this explanation, Zhuo Xiaowan's annoyance faded. The moment she saw the demon of chaos, she knew that Li Xing was not weak. That day, even if she didn't do anything, Li Xing would be fine.

This matter slightly annoyed her, and felt a sense of being deceived. However, Li Xing's words are understandable. If it were her, in the circumstances, she might do the same.

Seeing that the other party was no longer angry, Li Xing asked, "There is something unknown underneath, why did Feng Yang kill me?"

Zhuo Xiaowan pondered for a moment, and said, "Feng Yang, who is jealous and jealous, can't tolerate others to be better than him." She looked at Li Xing. "Did you show what makes him feel worse?"

Li Xing knew it as soon as he thought about it. When he was practicing just now, he opened up a Qi qi in about a minute. With such abnormal speed, it is estimated that Feng Yang was frightened, only to have a murder, secretly accounted to him.

Thinking about this festival, Li Xing looked angry and said, "This man is really hateful!"

Zhuo Xiaowan stared at Li Xing with a smile: "I just see that you are actually Bai Yang's body, and the natural potential is endless. Feng Yang wants to kill you, and it is reasonable."

Li Xing smiled bitterly. The identity of Bai Yang's body can actually cause death.

"There has been news from the outside, and the five divisions have gathered here. Three days later, the great wasteland will be opened." Zhuo Xiaowan said.

To open the Wilderness Secret, five Masters need to shoot at the same time to open the cracks in space and send tens of thousands of people into the Wilderness Secret. The gap can only be opened for about an hour and then closed.

Until one year later, the five mages would open the gap for the second time and let everyone out. At that time, the one-year trip to the Great Wilderness would be over.

As soon as he heard it, he would enter the great wasteland. Li Xing said, "Thank you for your time and care, and I'll leave now."

"Will you leave?"

Zhuo Xiaowan laughed: "If you want, you can enter the great wasteland with us. When you enter the team, you can improve your overall strength and reduce losses."

Li Xing refused, and he shook his head: "I have already had a holiday with the people in your school, so I shouldn't stay anymore. I will come to thank the girl in the future."

It's good to be in the mysterious realm with others, but it's not convenient to do things. As for encountering danger, he was quite confident. Only then did he enter the Jiuzhong of Qi training, and his strength has been greatly improved, and he can kill the ten-kings in seconds.

Zhuo Xiaowan didn't want to stay, she turned over and said, "Please, please."

Li Xing bowed out and walked out of the room. In the process of coming out, people from the Nanhai Sword School gave him pointers and discussed them.

"What is the relationship between this person and sister? Did she have a spring heart ..."

"It's possible! Otherwise why would you speak for him? Even Brother Feng's face would not be given."

Li Xing's ear strength was very good. Hearing these arguments, he smiled bitterly, and his pace was even more urgent.

In the center of Wanshou City, there is a huge square. This square, called Dahuang Square, is 3,000 steps long and 800 steps wide. In the center of the square, a high platform is built. Above the platform, there is a cloud of colored clouds.

In that cloud, there are five human figures sitting in the shadow, which makes people invisible, it is the five mages.

Li Xing was on the square at this moment. He glanced at it from afar, and immediately felt that the five were unpredictable and integrated into the heavens and the earth.

A lot of people have gathered on the square, and a bunch of people are sitting on the ground. There are also some people, like Li Xing, who are all out of the box.

When he arrived at the square, Li Xing didn't talk to anyone, he just sat down and slowly operated the Promise of Promise. His refining meridians have begun to form, and the refining qi enters the body. Every additional week, the body gains a benefit.

Ordinary Kyushu scholars, in one breath, generally operate for twenty to thirty days. Li Xing, on the other hand, was dying fifteen thousand and fifty days a week, which was fifty or sixty times faster than others, and his strength was horrible.

Because Wuji Shinji was running too fast, Li Xing's body was always shaking slightly. The slate beneath his buttock has long been shaken into stone dust.

"The Bone Spirit Gate is a vein left by Taikoo Taoism. If they can absorb their most precious bones, it will be very helpful for me to shape." He was thinking while carrying Shinji.

He would think so, because once the shape-building meridians came out, he felt that the shape-building qi had a characteristic of integrating tens of thousands of powers. No matter what power, it can be incorporated into it, and then used to shape, that is, the physical body.

However, at present, Li Xing dare not move lightly, because there are five teachers above him, and once they make a noise, they will immediately alarm them, and then it will be bad.

"It's easy to go after entering the great wasteland ~ www.readwn.com ~ I can do whatever I want without worrying about what others find." He secretly said.

The more people there were in the square, the more Li Xing sat for three days.

Three days later, an old voice came out on the central stage: "The great wasteland will be opened in one hundred breaths, and the people of all factions are preparing to enter the great wasteland."

Suddenly, numerous fine lightnings appeared in the sky, and a thin crack appeared out of thin air. Deep in the crevice, there was a dark and quiet place, I do not know where to lead.

The voice came out in all directions, and all the patriots rushed over, ready to enter.


With a thunder, a golden light bridge extended from the gap. The bridge was a hundred steps wide, like a golden light, and landed on the ground.

At this moment, the old voice sounded again: "The channel is open, you can enter." Suddenly, the crowd swarmed in, all excited, as if the starving ghost flew to the fat, the bee flew to the flower, the black pressure The ground rushed up. Li Xing grinned fiercely, urging Wuji Shinji, stepping on no step, turning into a phantom, striding past meteorically.

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