Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 302: Celestial bamboo

Chapter 90: Tongtian Bamboo

Outside Li Xing, covered with a layer of Promise, he turned into a collision machine. Everywhere he went, people in front of him were hit by flying. These people were too late to scold, Li Xing has rushed to the front, the first to enter the great wilderness secret.

After entering the other end of the Golden Light Bridge, the scene suddenly changed. I saw a vast landscape unfolding, the sky so high, and the mountains and rivers, forests and grasslands underneath it, seemingly vaster than Tianyuanzhou.

Li Xing didn't stop, turned into a shadow, and went away all at once. When the rest came down from Jinqiao one after another, Li Xing could no longer be seen.

"Who was it? I broke my arm!" Said an angry voice.

"If we catch him, let's take a shot and kill this person!" Someone said fiercely.

Tens of thousands of people all swarmed into the great wilderness, and everyone was so excited to see the vast sight in front of them. They spread out in all directions and quickly spread out. From now on, danger and opportunity go hand in hand.

Everyone has the opportunity to gain great opportunities. Everyone may be beheaded by others or devoured by ferocious beasts.

Li Xing is fast. He wants to stay away from the entrance. Near the entrance, there is a dense crowd, and even if you find anything, it is easy to be robbed.

Like electricity at his feet, Li Xing turned over several mountains, and a deep ancient forest appeared in front of him. In the forest, it was dark and gloomy, as if a demon was hiding. He stopped outside the forest and observed for a while, his heart trembling: "This forest is really big, so is the Demon Forest."

He didn't enter in a hurry, but found a hidden place, took the treasure rune from Zhu Forbidden, and placed it in the meridian. This amulet can temper the flesh. However, Li Xing has been afraid to use Beichen because he was worried about Beichen.

Now that he had entered the great wasteland, there was no jealousy, and he immediately took out and tempered his body. Baofu enters the meridian of refining and immediately releases a force to continuously train Li Xing's body.

This strength complements Li Xing's refining qi, and the refining effect is greatly enhanced. At every moment, Li Xing could feel that his body was improving.

After preparation, Li Xing summoned Xiaoxue. There are many more elixir in the great wasteland than outside, and it can be said that there are elixir everywhere. Now, let Xiaoxue come out, he can collect elixir wantonly.

Seeing Xiaoxue coming out, some of the riches couldn't sit still and shouted, "Why didn't the master let me out?"

This little Tianshi practiced a thousand miles in the midst of Baiyang Jingtian. Its body size is three times larger than the original, and it is quite a lion. It is a celestial beast. The strength at this moment is actually above Li Xing.

So after thinking about it, Li Xing filmed the rich and rich and said, "You can't go far, only near me."

Fugui said: "The master rest assured that preciousness will not be far away."

This Tiens, with its mighty power and fierce temperament, once it came out, it alarmed the beasts in the forest and avoided each other. Fugui Yangtian roared, turned into a white light, and caught his prey.

In Baiyang Jingtian, it couldn't eat meat, and a bird faded out of its mouth. Now when I come out, I naturally have to eat and kill a lot, and beat the teeth.

Xiaoxue stood on Li Xing's shoulder, her little nose was drawn, and she immediately noticed that her little paw pointed towards the front left.

There was a wind at Li Xing's feet, and he arrived in a moment. In front of it, a large turquoise bamboo forest appeared, bursting with aromas. Seeing this bamboo forest, Li Xing took a sigh of cold air and called: "Lingzhu!"

Lingzhu is a kind of spirit. The bamboo shoots it grows are also a kind of elixir. There are hundreds of acres of Lingzhu Forest in front of him. No wonder Li Xing was surprised.

Xiaoxue cried out when she saw Lingzhu Forest, and rushed in immediately. Li Xing followed closely and rushed into the bamboo forest. Among the bamboo forests, there is plenty of aura and pleasant fragrance. On the ground, there are jasper-colored bamboo shoots that can be used as medicine.

Li Xing didn't pick it rashly. He looked around and found that the aura outside the bamboo forest was far less powerful than the bamboo forest. This discovery made him puzzled.

"This place is actually overgrown with bamboo, which is too abnormal!"

Generally speaking, there are only two plants of Lingzhu even in some places. Like this, hundreds of acres of Lingzhu appeared all at once, Li Xing had never heard of it. If things are abnormal, there must be a reason, which attracted Li Xing's attention.

The bamboo forest was far-reaching, and Li Xing gradually deepened. As you enter the center of the bamboo forest, the aura becomes more abundant. Later, the rich aura has condensed into a mist. Lingzhu grows more and more lush, and the growing bamboo shoots are actually tall.

Xiaoxue seemed to understand Li Xing's thoughts, and he jumped up to Li Xing's shoulders, scurrying around, searching with him.

Reaching the most central position of the bamboo forest, Li Xing opened his eyes suddenly. In front of him stood a thick bamboo. The bamboo is pure white, with light flowing outside, and surrounding auras, all attached to it.

"Tongtianzhu!" Li Xing called his name in his heart.

However, Xiaoxue showed a fearful expression and winced her head. Li Xing also stepped back slowly, seeming to be afraid of alarm.

Tongtian bamboo, once legend has it, you can go down to the nether and go up for nine days to collect the heaven and earth aura. And Tongtian bamboo can contain Tongtian spiritual fetus. Once the celestial fetus grows up, it will transform into an adult form and become a peerless powerhouse.

Before being transformed into a human form, the Tongtian spiritual fetus was also spiritual, and did not even dare to approach it. Because Tongtian Bamboo is connected to the heavens and the earth, there will be some non-human beings entering it. With the help of Tongtian Bamboo's aura, the fertility will be bred.

Therefore, the ghost knows what terrible means these spirit fetuses possess. The souls contained in it may be people in the sky or ghosts, and they cannot be offended anyway.

Li Xing doesn't know if there is a birthplace here. This Tongtian bamboo has grown so large and has not been damaged, which shows that there is some kind of power to guard it. So he was unwilling to take risks and decided to quit.

"Baiyang Reiki! It's Baiyang Reiki!" A sharp voice passed into Li Xing's ear. Then, the entire Lingzhu Forest shook violently.

Li Xing's face changed so much that he wanted to escape, but found that he couldn't move.

In the sky of Baiyang Jing, there was a sudden shock. Countless roots emerged from the void, slammed into Baiyang's spar, and greedily drew strength.

"Oops! Tongtianzhu connects heaven and earth, and it can naturally sense Baiyang Jingtian. It is to draw the aura from Baiyang Jingtian!" Li Xing was shocked, but he couldn't help it.

Tongtian bamboo is a first-class spirit between heaven and earth. According to legend, in the Archaic era, a bamboo plant that formed the heavens formed a spiritual fetus, and became a super powerhouse.

It can be seen how arrogant this Tiantian Bamboo is, Li Xing has no chance to resist and leaves it at his mercy.

In Baiyang Jingtian, more and more roots and whiskers appeared, densely covered with a range of several miles, and even some roots fell into Baiyang Lingmu. Participating in Wang Yuanbao was so frightening that I was afraid that these roots would be entangled with it.

Xueling was also stunned, avoiding far.

"Okay! Good! With this aura, the King of Heaven can quickly cultivate and restore supreme power!"

Among the bamboo forests, the whole Tongtian bamboo suddenly disappeared, completely appearing in Baiyang Jingtian.

After this great change, Li Xing calmed down, did nothing, and looked at the heavenly bamboo. He knows that it must be the Tongtian spirit fetus in Tongtian bamboo, and after sensing Baiyang Jingtian, he is ready to seize it.

"Do you want to surrender Baiyang Jingtian to each other? But, what can I do if I don't let it go?" Li Xing's heart was full of powerlessness.

Xiao Xue was frightened too, it got into Li Xing's arms and shivered.

Just as the entire bamboo plant broke through the void and entered Baiyang Jingtian, Baiyang Jingtian was shocked again. An overbearing will descended from the deep. Then, in the sky of Baiyang Jingtian, a huge figure appeared.

This figure, dressed in ancient clothes, with a jade crown on his head, fluttering long beards, looks handsome, is three thousand feet tall and imposing. As soon as the figure appeared, the aura in the sky of Bai Yangjing formed a mysterious rune on its own.

Eighteen thousand runes condensed by Baiyang Reiki were created out of thin air, and they combined together to form a shocking array. At this ten percent, Zhu Tianzhu was trapped at the core.

"Who? Who dares to attack the King of Heaven!"

The voice roared, and a wave of overwhelming thoughts burst out, but it couldn't break through.

Large bursts of radiation brilliance, runes rotated, and suppressed Tianzhu.

"What? Actually want to erase the King of the Gods! Bold! You are so bold!" The voice kept roaring.

The huge figure in the air seemed to sneer, and then disappeared.

Seeing that Tongtian Bamboo was suppressed, Li Xing was stunned. Who was that figure? Where does this big battle come from? Is it the will left by the ancestor of Chunyang?

He couldn't find the answer, shook his head, didn't want to.

As soon as Tongtian Bamboo disappeared, the aura in the entire bamboo forest ~ www.readwn.com ~ faded suddenly. Li Xing stabilized his mind, and then began to collect a large number of spiritual bamboo shoots. The number of spiritual bamboo shoots here is very high, thousands. Even if the alchemy is not used, it can be sold or exchanged for other elixir.

On a few acres of land, Li Xing dug tens of thousands of bamboo shoots. Among these bamboo shoots, the large one is as tall as one person, and the small one has thick arms, which is very rare.

It took Li Xing three days to dig the shoots, and even Yuan Bao and Xue Ling were called out to fight, and this was done.

After working, Xue Ling asked with some hesitation: "What was it just now?"

In the great wasteland, the power of divine restraint in her body will not be transmitted, but Xueling can come out.

"Tongtian Bamboo." Li Xing smiled bitterly, "I did not expect to encounter this heaven and earth strange thing."

"God! Actually it is Tongtian bamboo, how can it be suppressed? That big array seems to be a French array, its power is infinite." Xueling's face changed.

Li Xing shook his head: "I don't know, anyway, no matter how strong Tongtian Bamboo is, it has also been suppressed. Don't think about it for now." He paused. "The purpose of my trip is mainly to find the source of nature, as soon as possible!"

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