Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 303: Xuanyinguo

Chapter 91: Xuan Yin Fruit

Xueling said: "The source of natural gods is said to be the spirits generated in the heavens and the earth. They were wiped out of the idea in the scourge of heaven and earth and turned into natural gods ... These natural gods are often parasitic on some spiritual medicine. . "

Li Xing nodded. He asked from the evil place already and knew what the natural source of God was.

"Exactly, I took medicine all the way, and searched for the natural **** source all the way, hoping to find a better **** source." Then to Xueling said, "Your strength is not suitable for walking outside, or return to practice inside."

Xue Ling also had a sense of self-knowledge, sighing: "Well, it's dangerous in the great wasteland, you need to be careful." Now, Li Xing and her share the same shame, naturally they don't want Li Xing to show something unexpected.

Li Xing took Xueling into Jingtian, took Xiaoxue, and continued to search for elixir. Most of the natural **** source is in the elixir. He wants to try his luck and see if he can find the natural **** source.

As he went deeper into the forest, Li Xing felt that more and more dangers were lurking around him. It was an intuition, seemingly with countless eyes, spying on him secretly.

However, along the way, he also collected a lot of elixir, including even some extremely precious elixir. Originally, the growth place of these elixir was extremely secretive and difficult to find. But Li Xing has Xiaoxue here, he can smell the elixir, and he can easily pick it.

In the meantime, the wealthy went crazy outside for a few days and had enough fun. He returned to Jingtian again and practiced obediently.

For a few days, Xiaoxue smelled the elixir again. This time, Xiaoxue's performance was extremely excited, and her small paws fluttered. Li Xing knew that this elixir must be extremely precious, and the little ones would not be so excited.

He stepped without a step and appeared silently at the scene.

In the forest, a small hill appeared unexpectedly, and on that hill, there was a big deep hole. In the cave, the cold air hit people and turned into a white gas, soaring into the sky. Around the entrance of the cave, frost was formed.

However, Li Xing didn't approach because he saw several top ten scholars standing at the wellhead and facing each other.

Two groups of people confronted each other, with three on each side.

"Xuanyin fruit was discovered by us first, and a few of them had better retreat!" The side sang.

The people on the other side refused to be outdone, and burst into a grin: "Xuanyin fruit is a treasure, and those with virtue live in it. Whatever is discovered first, this thing, we want it!"

The two sides did not agree and immediately started. The six were all top ten scholars. The shot was a field attack, and the fight was dark.

Li Xing was silent and no one else found him. Therefore, he did not reconcile and just waited.

Xuanyin fruit is an extremely precious elixir. After the divine person is sixfold, he should integrate the yin and yang to condense the fetus. The divine birth contains the baby, which is the foundation for the future.

To integrate yin and yang, we need the yin and yang, and the xuanyin fruit is the first of the two yin and yang. Use this material to condense the fetus, the quality is extremely high.

If you can pick up the Xuanyin fruit and sell it to the Sixth God, you can get huge benefits. Therefore, these people say that they should grab Xuanyin fruit and never give up.

People fought on both sides for more than half an hour, and some people were killed one after another. In the end, only two people were fighting. Both of them were injured, but they clenched their teeth and tried to kill each other fiercely.

Li Xing sighed and died, what's the use of Xuanyin fruit? If he meets someone who has the same strengths and could possibly lose him, he will never be so desperate.

Just thinking, suddenly a sword light rushed to one side. The all-glorious and magnificent, swept forward, and instantly killed the two fighting.

The two men had already fought with oil and dried up, and the attacker had a high-strength method, which actually succeeded.

Immediately, a big man stepped out. As soon as the man appeared, Li Xing narrowed his eyes. This person, is not the one who kindly persuaded him that night?

This man, who claims to be Tie Shou, has a silly look on his face, who knows that he will become a sinister killer at this moment, conspiring against others?

As soon as Li Xing's back was cold, he suddenly realized that if he got close to this person that night, he might be subject to his conspiracy. The sinister heart is shuddering.

"Good boy! How dare you think of me!" Li Xing smiled coldly, and suddenly appeared beside the well.

The appearance of Li Xing surprised Tie Shou, a ray of sword light appeared on his hand, staring at Li Xing coldly.

Li Xing smiled, "Isn't this Brother Tie Shou? I didn't expect you and me to be so destined, but they met again here."

"Huh!" Tie Shou didn't seem to know Li Xing at all, and said coldly: "If you want to play the idea of ​​Xuan Yin Fruit, it's better to die. Just get away now, I won't kill you."

"Haha" Li Xing smiled, raised his extermination knife, and pointed at the other side: "That day, you want to secretly be with me. If you encounter it today, let's divide it up!"

At his feet, Li Xing turned into a phantom and slashed towards Tie Shou. The sixth-level killing sword method was played by Li Xing to the fullest, and the killing force was soaring to the sky.

Tie Shou did not expect Li Xing's strength to be so strong, his face changed, and he quickly urged Jian Guang to resist. The flying sword in his hand was a third-order weapon, and it was also precious. However, Li Xing's extermination knife is infinitely powerful, and the killing of the sword is the way to kill.

The combination of the two, together with the overbearing true power, saw a flash of sword light. In the "Senran" strange howl, Jian Guang was split into two. The sword continued unabated, and Tie Shou split in half. The intestines and viscera flowed all over the place, and the iron guard did not stare.

He couldn't figure it out when he died. How could the Nine Kingdoms fighter send such a terrible sword?

Originally, it was not easy for Li Xing to kill this person. After all, the other party has a third-order magic weapon body, and its strength is more powerful than ordinary scholars. However, Li Xing made a breakthrough not long ago, entered the nine-strength training, and greatly increased his strength, only then would this fatal blow be issued.

After beating Tie Shou, Li Xing trembled with a long knife, and the blood on it was shivered into blood mist, and the blade was restored to clean.

After clearing the obstacle, Li Xing went to the cold cave and looked down. I saw the darkness below. I didn't know how deep it was, he frowned, and said, "It's really troublesome to pick this black yin fruit. When I heard that black yin fruit grows, there are many guardians guarding it. Cut it. "

Thinking about it, he struck softly and jumped into the hole.

In the cold cave, the air-conditioning is so compelling that even the Shikoku scholars will not be able to withstand this kind of cold. However, Li Xing had Baiyang Reiki in his body, and this Reiki was the nemesis of all cold qi, so he didn't feel cold.

The cave is two or three meters in diameter, the cave entrance is vertical, and the cave walls are black and hard rocks.

Li Xing descended hundreds of meters before reaching the bottom of the cave. After entering the hole, it was found that there was another horizontal hole leading to the depth.

In desperation, he continued to walk in. After walking for dozens of meters, he saw entering a cave, including a cold pool, where the air was blowing. The pool was cold water, tinged with blue and black.

The pond is three or four meters in diameter, and a small tree of half a meter tall grows in it. The tree bears three fruits, oval in shape, and the size of a thumb.

This is Xuanyin fruit, Li Xing did not immediately start, but watched around vigilantly.

Next to Xuanyin fruit tree, there is a lotus flower, which is pure white and also releases a fragrance, which seems to be an elixir.

When Li Xing saw the lotus flower, his eyes narrowed, and he released a poisonous flying needle. As soon as the flying needle came out, it turned into two red lights and twisted to the white lotus.

The white lotus suddenly moved and turned underneath, turning into a snake head. This snake, born with a white meat crown, resembles a lotus flower, makes people mistakenly think that it is a panacea. Once approached intently, this poison will give a fatal blow.

The poisonous flying needle was very sharp. The snake opened its mouth and spit out a black light, fighting with the flying needle. Li Xing's score showed that the black light was a beast of a snake, and it actually spewed out the enemy.

Li Xing sneered, strode forward, and chopped his sword. No matter what beast of its kind, under the extinction knife, it is vulnerable. Hearing only a "click" sound, like the sound of broken glass, the beast was cut by Li Xing.

The strange snake screamed violently, and its combat effectiveness was very weak.

After killing the poisonous snake, Li Xing immediately picked off the three Xuanyin fruits. Unfortunately, this Xuanyin fruit tree can only grow here and cannot be transplanted. Li Xing is sorry.

Taking Xuanyin fruit, Li Xing immediately made a hole. As he soared towards the entrance of the cave, there was a faint voice from above.

"Sister, there are signs of fighting here, there must be good things nearby."

"Okay, let's find it out. Maybe it's in this hole."

The second voice is very familiar. Li Xing heard that it was the South China Sea Sword School, and that voice was so strong.

"That's right! I got some elixir here." Li Xing laughed and suddenly jumped out of the hole.

Outside the cave, more than a dozen students from the South China Sword School stood in astonishment and immediately surrounded Li Xing.

Zhuo Xiaowan was also among them. When she saw Li Xing's face clearly, she wondered: "It's you!"

Li Xing smiled: "It turned out to be Zhuo, and we met again."

Zhuo Xiaowan asked with a smile: "What elixir did you use when you entered the cave?"

How can Li Xing tell the truth, that Xuanyin fruit is extremely precious. Even if this woman is not attentive, it is difficult to ensure that other people in the South China Sea sword school are not jealous.

"Oh, there is a Xuanyin fruit tree growing below. Unfortunately, the Xuanyin fruit growing above it has been picked away, and one step later." Li Xing said.

"You didn't kill someone outside?" Zhuo Xiaowan asked with a smile.

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Nature is not, how to fight them in the next." Then he arched ~ www.readwn.com ~ to find the source of natural gods in Xiayu, leave. "


That Feng Yang suddenly stopped Li Xing, Yin Yin said: "I see Xuan Yin fruit is on you, hand it over and let you go!"

Li Xing smiled, looking at Zhuo Xiaowan.

Zhuo Xiaowan's eyebrows stand upright: "Feng Yang, what are you doing?"

Feng Yang's face was vicious, and Han said, "What can you do? Xuan Yin Guo, if we get back to the martial arts, how much reward can we get? We must not let him go, we must get this fruit!"

"Say, let him go." Zhuo Xiaowan's face sank.

Li Xing arched her hands: "Girl Zhuo, thank you."

"Want to leave?" Suddenly, Feng Yang flashed behind Li Xing and punched.

Feng Yang's fist contains the power of the field. This fist, called "Da Han Fist", when it is performed, it can include the power of the field, which is amazingly powerful.

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