Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 304: Thunder Ape

Chapter 92: The Thunder Ape

Feng Yang attacked suddenly, but Li Xing was prepared for nothing. The step that came out of his feet stepped out, and the man avoided the shroud of boxing power and turned to the wind behind him.

"It's just you who want to stay with me?" Five fingers crossed and snapped.

Li Xing's slap is actually no skill, but powerful and fast. Let him have a strong sense of style and vigor, and he has rich combat experience and cannot escape.


Feng Yang's entire body was slaped by Li Xing. After landing, his head was roaring, his eyes were golden, and he couldn't move.

Li Xing still kept his hand this time, and if he wanted to, he could punch this person's brain out and kill him on the spot.

As soon as Feng Yang shot, Zhuo Xiaowan knew that things were going to be bad. Why didn't she know that Li Xing might have hidden Yin fruit. But that day, when he saw Li Xing's magic guardian, he knew that he was not a simple character.

Sure enough, Li Xing put down the wind in one move, and his strength was far above everyone.

The disciples of the South China Sea Sword School suddenly became tense and formed a siege.

Zhuo Xiaowan waved her hand: "Everyone back!"

Her sister is quite majestic, and everyone retreated.

She stared at Li Xing: "You hurt my Nanhai sword school, you should have been punished severely, but after meeting you and me, you can go!"

Li Xing smiled: "Thank you very much." Turned away and swaggered away.

After a while, Feng Yang sobered up, leaping wildly, and roaring, "I must kill him!"

People from the South China Sea Sword School, Li Xing went on to collect elixir. Every day, with the help of Xiaoxue, hundreds of elixir can be collected. The value of these elixir is high or low.

After taking so many elixir, Li Xing has never encountered the source of natural gods, so he couldn't help worrying. After a while, the Emperor Tianxie will wake up and must find the source of God as soon as possible.

Gongfu is worthy of care. After searching for half a month, Li Xing finally encountered the first natural **** source.

Among the flowers, a golden grass is growing. This golden grass is different from the ordinary golden grass, and it is shimmering with glaze. As Li Xing approached, he felt this golden grass was extraordinary.

Sure enough, as soon as he approached, Jinguang grass suddenly shot a ray of divine light and flew towards the sky.

Li Xing had already prepared. How can I let it run away? Crazy reminder of light electric boots, all of a sudden caught up, covered with a big hand, and caught a light.

An egg-sized divine light rolled in the palm of Li Xing, and there was a mysterious breath, but there was no will. It is the source of nature.

The natural **** source captured by Li Xing is of low quality and belongs to the lower ranks of the Golden Order. Among these divine sources, there is a kind of hair-generating power, which is obviously a divine source of wood properties.

Li Xing was not satisfied. The higher the quality of Shenyuan, the more beneficial it was to Tianxie, and he was ready to continue searching.

This forest seems to be endless, and Li Xing spent half a month without going to the edge. However, he had clearly entered the core of the forest, and many fierce monsters and monsters began to show their figures.

Li Xing was very careful and converged. He climbed up and down with the help of light electric boots.

But even so, it attracts some strong presence. In the past few days, he has experienced several vicious dangers and eventually fled.

But this time, Li Xing's luck was obviously not so good.

Just after finding another natural source of God's quality, Li Xing had to start. Suddenly his body tightened, and a strong sense of danger was born from the bottom of his heart. He stood still, motionless.

Not far ahead, a huge tree suddenly broke, the ground shook, and a huge white ape came out. This white ape is white and ten meters away, with huge tusks, large blood bowls, and red eyes, and stares at Li Xing with unwillingness.

Outside the great ape, countless fine lightning crackles, and it touched the trees, and the trees were immediately scorched and no longer lived.

Li Xing was astonished. Nobody was the same. He first captured the natural **** source, and then looked at the giant ape.

The origin of this great ape, he knew. This ape, named Lei ape, is a jade-like spirit beast. Encountering this monster can be said to be bad luck that Li Xing has repaired in his eight lives.

Thunder ape locks Li Xing, and its human face looks interesting, which seems very interesting.

Li Xing stood still, he knew that the Thunder Ape could emit lightning instantly. The energy of the thunder and lightning can be said to kill the same-level spirit beast at once. If he moves, maybe he will eat a lightning bolt.

Thunder ape looked at Li Xing in amazement, and he had met humans as usual. But when humans saw it, they flew away immediately. At that time, he would record a thunderbolt, kill the other party, and eat a delicious barbecue.

However, this time, human beings seemed very bold and did not run away when they saw it.

The Thunder Monkey walked towards Li Xing step by step, stepping on the ground with his feet, making a loud noise, and the ground shook. It took three steps in total and came to Li Xing.

During these three steps, Li Xing turned his head sharply and thought of various methods. When Thunder Monkey stood in front of him, and seemed to be ready to start, Li Xing suddenly drank, as if there was a thunder on a sunny day, and Thunder Monkey also stepped back.

Taking advantage of this, Li Xing over his head, Wuji Shinji rushed out and turned into a chaos demon.

Although the thunder ape is strong, the spiritual realm may not be clever, so Li Xing decided to use the demon to kill the Tao.

As soon as the chaos demon came out, chaos of thoughts surged out, Thunder Monkey suddenly became angry, and swung his huge palm, smashing his head at Li Xing. Under its chaos, he forgot to cast a lightning power.

At the foot of Li Xing's foot, he came behind Thunder Ape, and continued to spur the demon head to attack Thunder Ape.

Constantly attacked by magical thoughts, Thunder Ape's thinking was confused, scrambled and scratched, and the lightning force was subconsciously induced, bombarded in all directions. At this moment, Li Xing can see what Thunder Power is.

I saw a flash of lightning with thick arms that was struck by him and bombarded on all sides. Li Xing showed no step, he swerved left and right, he was almost hit several times.

When Thunder Monkey was dizzy and turned, Li Xing turned away as soon as he closed his head.

After all, Thunder Ape was extraordinary, he became clear instantly, growled, and continued to pursue Li Xing.

Thunder ape's speed is obviously faster than Li Xing's flight. It generates electricity step by step, and every step out is a thunderous thunder, which is approaching in an instant.

Li Xing was so frightened that he had to release the Chaos Demon again and launch a demon attack.

Both humans and beasts are affected by magic. It's just that the beasts are not as sensitive to magic as humans. But even so, the Chaos Devil can't bear the Thunder Monkey.

The chaotic thoughts made it crazy again, and the clutter of unknown things fluttered.

"No! I can't always urge the magic, I always have time to relax." Li Xing's mouth was bitter.

But when he saw the destructive power of Thunder Ape, he gritted his teeth and said, "Animals! You forced me, and I will kill you today!"

Furious, he took out a furious Dan suit.

This elixir was in the abdomen and suddenly turned into a violent force, all his potential was triggered. Li Xing felt that the strength in the body was growing rapidly, double, double, triple and quadruple!

Both the strength and the spirit have tripled. At this point, he urged the chaos demon again, and the chaos demon that he produced instantly became overwhelming several times.

Thunder Monkey roared his head with his arms and roared, seeming extremely distressed. It tossed, and immediately alarmed the wild and wild, and the surrounding beasts fled.

The violent thunder ape constantly destroys everything around him, and Li Xing avoids it more and more difficult.

As a last resort, Li Xing called for wealth and wealth: "Rich and wealthy, you might control this monster?"

Fugui said: "Master rest assured, I can do my best to restrain it!"

Immediately, Li Xing photographed Tiens. As soon as Tiens came out, a roar of a lion suddenly appeared, and a wave of strength emerged. As far as the power is concerned, everything is still, and even the thunder ape has suddenly settled down, unable to move like a stone statue.

"Master, you can only make him a moment, start quickly!" Rich and rich voice yelled in Li Xing's mind.

Li Xing flew up, splitting his sword with all his strength. This is a shocking sword. A ten-meter-long sword is utterly volatile, like a scorching sun.

Extinction Knife, showing its peerless sharpness, chopped the Thunder Ape into two sections.

Thunder ape's huge internal organs, all flowing to the ground, smell bad. When Li Xing landed, he breathed a long sigh of relief and patted his rich head: "Good job!"

The rich man snorted.

"The host should have let me do it."

Li Xing smiled: "Next time, it's time to wait for these monsters to let you shoot."

Rich and rich returned to the sky, Li Xing raised his nose, waved his sword, chopped his bones, cut his fur, tossed around, and hunted a beast from the thunder ape. This Beast Dan is a human-sized bead surrounded by countless small lightning bolts.

This Beast Dan has lightning properties and is called Thunder Ball. These and other things are very precious. Although the thunder ape is a jade-order spirit beast, it is extremely old and has very rare natural abilities.

This thunder ball is naturally a good thing and can be sold for a good price.

As soon as the beads were put up, a sound of breaking sound came from behind. He turned around and saw a person rushing ahead, followed by hundreds of people behind him.

"Quick! Don't let him run away!"

"Leave something, spare your life!"

The people in the back shouted, and the people in front just hurried away. When he saw Li Xing blocking the road ahead, he yelled, "Get out!"

A majestic truth came in shock.

Li Xing flashed around ~ www.readwn.com ~ to avoid one side and let him pass. When the two sides met each other, Li Xing saw that the other side was a fat man and a fat body, but he was not slow to run.

The hundred-hundreds behind, hurried to catch up, and went a long way.

A few moments later, more than a dozen people caught up, but apparently they were too slow to catch up.

The group stopped and one asked Li Xing: "Did you see a group of people? Where did they go?"

Li Xing didn't answer, but asked: "What did the people chase after find? Make them so relaxed."

The man looked at him, but couldn't catch up, he sighed, and said, "The man got a flying sword, a 9th-order weapon, so everyone was jealous."

Ninth-order instrument, it is quite precious. Such instruments, belonging to the killings, are extremely rare even if they are placed in the superpower. Like the Qi Yun faction, there is no possibility of nine-level killing.

The King of Heaven, hidden in the faction, has always kept secrets, and he dares not reveal his wealth, for fear of being robbed.

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