Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 306: Dongxuan School. Yuliu

Chapter 94: Dongxuan School. Yuliu

The stream didn't flow, there was no wind, and even the sun hanging in the sky seemed to become fake, unlike the real existence. The whole world is frozen like a movie.

"Weird!" Li Xing groaned in his heart, and couldn't help screaming.

At this moment, he saw that a young girl appeared under the valley. The girl was barefoot and hair-like, with a skirt woven from leaves around her waist. On the chest, there are two pink petals, the size of a palm, blocking those two reds.

In this situation, this delightful thing, but Li Xing watched unconsciously, he shouted to the girl: "Girl, are you the master here?"

Unfortunately, he couldn't hear his voice at all. Gradually, Li Xing found that his body in flight gradually stagnated, and seemed to be as quiet as this world.

The girl raised her head, and a peerless face appeared in front of Li Xing.

Li Xing's breath was suffocated, there is such a beautiful woman in the world!

However, he didn't have the mood to look at it any more, and immediately entered Baiyangjingtian.


At Baiyang Jingtian, Li Xing was still shocked. He couldn't figure out what happened just now. That formation is too weird, and it can make everything stand still. If Li Xing had not forcibly entered Baiyang Realm, God knew what terrible consequences would occur.

In the sky, Li Xing hid for several days.

On that day, there were dark clouds within a thousand miles, and even the valley was covered. For a moment, the lightning flashed and thundered, and a thick lightning struck down.

A "click" made a loud noise and the force of thunder and lightning struck out the gap in the array over the valley.

Although Li Xing is in Baiyang Jingtian, he can always sense the situation outside. Suddenly, he felt that strange power disappeared. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he immediately broke out of Baiyang Jingtian and reappeared in the air.

As soon as people came out, they saw dark clouds and thunder.

Li Xing made a strange noise and hurriedly landed towards the bottom of the valley.

This thunderbolt, by accident, destroyed the formation and made Li Xing enter the valley safely.

The valley at this moment is not what it is seen from the outside. However, there is a willow tree like Meiyu, which is about ten meters high and grows in the valley.

"Yu Liu!" Li Xing was surprised, "In the wild, there are so many strange things!"

The origin of Yuliu is not as ancient as Tongtian Bamboo, but it is also the same. According to legend, Yuliu is a spiritual creature growing in the sky and has been degraded. After Yuliu grows up, she can be transformed into a beauty. If anyone can get the favor of beauty, they can live forever.

Of course, these are just legends, not to be believed. But it also proves that Yuliu is extremely mysterious and has a long history.

Outside of Yuliu, six flag gates were inserted in six directions, trapping Yuliu in it. The six flag gates obviously formed a large array, very mysterious. However, this large array stopped at this moment. Obviously, just before the thunder, the large array was forced to stop.

However, Li Xing vaguely felt that the large array seemed to be quickly recovering strength.

This jade willow has already surprised Li Xing, and what shocked him even more is that on the many willow leaves of the jade willow tree, there is a shining light. In other words, the many willow leaves are actually pinned on the source of nature! Hundreds and thousands!

"God! How can there be so many natural gods?" Li Xing was stunned, and he saw that a large bowl of jade flowers had been transplanted above Yuliu. The jade flower was obviously not grown on the willow, but was planted on the tree the day after tomorrow, similar to grafting.

There is a mysterious light on that flower. Seeing that divine light, Li Xing's eyes brightened, he realized that among the jade flowers, there must be a high-level **** source!

"Not a chance!"

He was a decisive person. He rushed into the formation in one step, his eyes widened and he said, "Get me up!"

The entire Yuliu plant suddenly shook, and then disappeared out of thin air. This Yuliu was taken into Baiyangjingtian by him, and all the natural **** sources were also taken away!

"Let's go!" Li Xing laughed, flashed, and rushed out.

The moment he left, the six flag gates shook slightly and began to exert their power again. It was just that there was nothing left in the battle.

As soon as Li Xing came out of the valley, he ran madly and went as far as possible.

You know, that Yuliu was trapped by a large array of people, obviously it is the thing of the Lord. If he moves other people's things, can he not run farther?

He ran for thousands of miles at a stretch, and Li Xingyu went into the heaven of Baiyang.

Shortly after Li Xing's departure, three gods of light descended from the sky, and three monks in ancient clothes appeared. When they saw the large array, they were all empty and disappeared, and their faces changed greatly.

"Abominable! Who's so bold and dare to move the cave door!"

"This jade willow was born with aura of heaven and earth, and a Tianyishen flower was transplanted on it to raise the heavenly **** source. This **** source is extremely precious and is specially prepared for the young master. Can't afford it! "

"There are a lot of foreign monks in the great wasteland, they must have done it! Let's go immediately and follow up to the end, we must catch that man, destroy his soul, and punish him!"

The three were so angry that they chased each other in three directions.

At this moment, Li Xing was hiding in the heaven of Bai Yangjing and studying the jade willow.

As soon as Yuliu entered Baiyangjingtian, it also took root in the crystal ground. Bai Yang's aura is extremely rare. The branches and leaves of the willow are all stretched out to show the beauty of the willow.

Under Yuliu, a young girl suddenly appeared with barefoot long hair and a leaf skirt around her waist.

As soon as she appeared, she looked at Li Xing curiously and asked, "Did you save me? What is this place, really comfortable?"

Li Xing remembered that he saw the girl when he was in the air. At this moment the distance was so close, bursts of fragrance, from the girl's body, he could not help but hesitated.

But he soon realized that he was out of shape, and quickly turned his gaze.

"Who are you?" Li Xing asked.

The girl pointed at Yuliu: "It's my body."

When Li Xing saw the girl, she guessed that she might be the incarnation of Yuliu. At this time, she confirmed that she was trapped in a large array. What happened? Who is trapping you?

"The person who trapped me is the Dongxuan faction, a super faction in the great wasteland. Their people are very domineering, and they want to plant the Tianyishen flower in me, and then cultivate the **** source on it.

Li Xing looked at the jade flower and asked, "Is it the Heavenly God?"

"Yes, this flower, like me, is a spirit between heaven and earth. However, it cannot grow on its own and needs to parasitize other spirits."

When Li Xing waved his hand, Bai Yangjing's aura in the sky, listening to his movement, condensed into a palm, and enveloped the heavenly **** flower. Yuhua shuddered, fell off, and there was a divine light on it.

How did Li Xing get rid of it? Reaching out a hand, Hua Shenguang obediently was caught in the palm.

The sources of natural gods are all things without self-consciousness. They didn't know how to fight back and were easily caught by Li Xing.

This divine source looks like an egg and has a golden yellow appearance, which is extraordinary at first glance.

"I heard people from Dong Xuanmen say that this is the God of Heavenly Order." The girl said with a smile, "Are you robbed of their stuff, aren't you afraid?"

Li Xing smiled, "Hey **** hole mysterious gate, the martial arts secret field, can't control me. After it is done, I will leave this place, where do they go to find?"

There are also many monks and sects in the great wilderness, and even the forces in the great wilderness are far stronger than the monks outside. There is no such thing as a mystery, Li Xing is not surprised.

The girl pursed her lips and smiled, "You help me take this nasty Tianyishenhua, how can I thank you?"

Li Xing glanced over her and asked, "How do you want to thank me?"

The girl thought very seriously: "If you fit with me, I can pass the qi in my body to you, so that your future practice will be thousands of miles a day."

Fit? Li Xing's old face blushed, this is too straightforward!

Moreover, the girl obviously did not know the etiquette and shame, and did not take it as a thing at all.

Think about what a wonderful thing it is to have such a great male and female avenue, Li Xing couldn't bear to refuse. However, he was a very good young man at that time, so he sank his face and said, "This matter, I will talk about it later."

The girl said: "Yes." Then she pointed at Tianyishenhua. "It is also very useful. It can produce Tianyishen fruit in the future. Eating one is more powerful than my Tianyi."

Li Xing was taken aback, but he didn't remember what Tianyi Shengo was in the impression. However, since the woman said it was useful, keep it. Right now, he threw jade flowers. The flowers fluttered, and finally fell on the Baiyang Lingmu and took root.

The girl smiled and said, "I'm a duo, I'm going to practice." After that, I disappeared.

Li Xing narrowed his eyes and looked at the natural **** source in his hand, and murmured, "There will be another month, Master will be awake. With this heavenly order **** source, he can definitely recover!"

Time is running out from the sober day that Emperor Tianxie said. Thinking about it at this moment, Li Xing all felt that it would be impossible for Xiao Xue to find the Heavenly Source of God if Xiao Xue found the valley.

Over the next month, Li Xing practiced with all his strength. The purpose of Nine-strengthening Qi is to shape, shape, that is, to force the flesh, to lay the foundation for the future cultivation of God-man.

Time passed day by day, Li Xing's physical body was more and more domineering day by day ~ www.readwn.com ~ even the ordinary low-level flying sword could not cause him serious injuries.

On this day, Baiyang Jingtian shook slightly, and a long-lost voice sounded: "Good apprentice, you have really found the source of God! Or the source of heaven!"

Li Xing opened his eyes immediately and smiled, "Master, are you awake?" He stretched out his palms, and the source of natural gods was in it.

A figure appeared in front of Li Xing, and there was an emperor atmosphere, which was the Great Emperor of Heaven. He opened his mouth and sucked, and Shenyuan was sucked into his mouth. Suddenly, Tian Xie's entire people's congress was brightened, a wave of overwhelming mental pressure was released, and Li Xing was shocked.

"The strength of the teacher is more than a hundred times stronger than before the loss of vitality!" Tian Xie laughed, but then his laughter stopped abruptly.

"What? Tongtian Bamboo! Xuanjie Divine Source! Yuliu! Tianyi Shenhua! Eighty-one Heavy Talisman! Apprentice, where did you get so many unique treasures?" The Emperor Tianxie was shocked.

Li Xing Yiyi, Xuanjie God Source? No!

Without waiting for his explanation, Emperor Tianxie walked to the front and sighed, "Tongtianzhu! If I got Tongtianzhu back then, I wouldn't fall down!"

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