Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 307: 10 Great Successes in Practicing Qi!

Chapter 95: Ten Great Successes in Practicing Qi!

With a look of surprise, Li Xing asked, "What is Master saying?"

"Tongtian bamboo can conceive the Tongtian spirit fetus. If I could entrust the Yuanshen to it, I would be able to achieve the heavenly body, and it would be infinite!" Tianxiedao.

Li Xingdao: "Master, wait for you to leave the realm in the future and directly entrust Yuanshen to it."

Tian Xie was relieved and laughed, "Give it to me, what do you do?"

Li Xing said with a smile: "Is the apprentice still disadvantaged by the Master's support?"

Tian Xie smiled: "Well, you have this heart, I'm satisfied. There are other ways to break through for the teacher, and I can't use Tongtian Bamboo."

If you think about it, the evil emperor of this day is a strong man with many ancient and modern times. He has a wide range of knowledge, and Li Xing is not surprised. Instead, he asked, "What does Master mean when he says Xuanjie God Source?"

"How? You don't know?" Tian Xie pointed to Tongtian Bamboo, "I don't know who is strong, and he entrusted Yuanshen to Tongtian spiritual fetus. However, he was unlucky and was trained by the formation of the old ghost of Chunyang Go to the will. The Yuanshen lost his will and was nurtured by the heavenly spirit, what is the source of the natural god? "

"Moreover, this person is afraid of a long history. This **** source is also a mysterious **** source."

Li Xing was overjoyed, he explained in detail. I heard that the other party is a heavenly man, and the Emperor Tianxian's face was dignified: "No wonder! It is said that after Fatian, you can break up the void and enter another world, heaven. The person in heaven is called Heaven. In charge of the existence of one party. "

"He is a celestial being, why should he enter the world and entrust Yuanshen to the heavenly spirit?" Li Xing was puzzled.

"Perhaps, he was conspired by others to escape only from the Yuan God. Or maybe he has other plans. However, if he can really use the heavenly spirit fetus to achieve the heavenly body, his future achievements must be above the original, not Lost. "

Li Xing never imagined that he actually got a Xuanjie God Source!

But the matter was far from over, the Emperor Tianxie immediately threw a blockbuster again. He pointed to Tongtian Zhudao: "Although this Xuanjie Divine Source is precious, it is nothing compared to the Tongtian spiritual fetus. Wait for your refining. At the sixth time of God, I will help you to refine this spiritual fetus to condense the fetus. When the fetus breaks the cocoon and becomes a butterfly, you will be able to produce the Tongtian Divine Infant! Well, by then, you will be able to go to the world. , Even if you meet a mage, you can fight! "

Li Xing was thrilled with excitement.

Tian Xie continued: "The magic symbol is also extraordinary. Even when he was a teacher, he would never waste energy to refine such a powerful magic symbol. On top of this symbol, there is a heavy legal prohibition of 981. To You know, sacrificing the second level of prohibition is more than ten times more difficult than the first one; sacrificing the third level of prohibition is more than ten times more difficult than the second one. , Is simply the King of Fuzhong! "

"Unfortunately, this amulet has been damaged. However, this amulet is already spiritual and can be repaired on its own."

"Master, what exactly is it? It seems to have a magical effect of refining." Li Xing asked.

"Naturally, for the teacher to observe this symbol, the core law formation composed of the eighty-one heavy ban seems to be the battle battle law formation. This law formation is greatly famous. Moreover, the purpose of this charm is to temper the flesh. To reach the body of fighting. "

"Fighting body?"

"Yes, if the fighting body is cultivated to the level of Gaoming, you can hard spell the mage by the flesh alone. It's great. You get it, you just need to put it in the meridians and nurture it daily, and it will improve your Physique is a treasure. The person who makes this amulet is not much worse than a teacher. "

Emperor Tianxie, who studied heaven and man, immediately solved Li Xing's doubts one by one.

The monotheistic flower that day, as promised, can produce the monotheistic fruit. When Li Xing practices the ninth and tenth levels of Lishen, taking this fruit will greatly enhance the realm.

In the end, Tian Xie said of Yuliu, saying: "This Yuliu has become a humanoid. You will keep her beside you as a waiter in the future, which is not bad."

Li Xinggan laughed, but said nothing.

Tian Xie's eyes finally fell on Xueling. As soon as he came out, Xueling was blinded by the Five Consciousness, and he didn't know his existence, and was still there to practice quietly.

Tian Xie asked after passing by and heard that the Bone Saint of Bone Spirit Gate was in Xue Ling's body, and laughed: "Wonderful! You have practiced Jiu Zhong and have not yet completed it, so take this Bone Saint to make you great!"

Gaining the Heavenly Order God Source, the strength of the Emperor Tian Xie surged, grabbed a large hand, and there was a tyrannical force rushed out. The forbidden body in Xueling was destroyed first, and then a sleeping force was awakened.

A layer of white light appeared on her. The glare is clearly fighting the intake of the evil.

Tian Xie sneered: "The pearl of rice grains also shines?" A big hand pulled, and Bai Guang was pulled out stiffly. There was a scream in that white light, and it seemed that something was flying out of smoke. Later, Tian Xie shot the cleaned white light into Li Xing's forehead.

Li Xing suddenly felt that a ray of enthusiasm entered the body. This power immediately penetrated into his bones, exuding a firm breath.

"Immediate refining!" Tian Xie shouted.

Li Xingpan sat down, running Wuji Shinji, and began to refine.

Watching Li Xing practice, Wuji Shinji burst out of his body, magnificent. Emperor Tianxie also showed his appreciation: "Good boy! There is a lot of luck, even Xuanjie Yuanzhang has gotten it. The quality of Xuanjie Yuanzhang used by this emperor at first seems not to be so infinite."

Chiyang Aura, Bone Holy Power, and Fighting Talisman, plus Li Xing's own refining energy. The four forms of refining power, at the same time, make Li Xing's physical body more and more arrogant and more and more terrifying.

Li Xingyi's practice is nearly two months. The power of the Bone Holy has been fully absorbed by him and integrated into the Promise of Promise. His refining meridian has also been completed, and a layer of metallic texture is flowing on his surface. He is extremely tough. Even the sharp blade hurts him.

In refining the meridian, the fighting battle amulet continuously releases the fighting power and continues to train the body. At the same time, it also continuously draws Baiyang aura from the surroundings, repairing itself. With the patching, the fighting power released by this treasure charm became stronger and more mysterious.

As Tianxie said, fighting amulets is the king of charms and treasures of the world. Even when he was refining in the heyday, it would take a long time and huge energy.

At this moment, Li Xing's meridians are extremely tough and extremely wide. He opened his eyes, and as soon as he moved, he made a crackle like broad beans, densely packed.

Emperor Tianxie still stood by and watched him practice successfully. He smiled, "Yes, at this time, you have a solid foundation. Compared to the year when you were a teacher, you are better than that! Below, you can clear the gate. "

Li Xing smiled, nodded, and Wou Ji shuddered, and hurricane rushed out, all of a sudden opening up the tenth congenital yuan point.

Next, he went all out in a day, and in one day, he opened up all 36 qi points. At this point, Li Xing's whole body, 365 qi points, all got through.

At the same time, his body was shaken, and 365 Qi qi were connected like never before. Chuyuan Meridian, Xingyi Meridian, Najie Meridian, Traction Meridian, Thunder Meridian, Matrix Meridian, Wave Meridian, Flying Meridian, Refining Meridian.

Jiuzhong Congenital Meridian, with the primordial meridian as the core, instantly merges into one, interwoven into one piece, and turns into a perfect congenital meridian. This is the cloth world meridian.

At this moment, Li Xing finally succeeded in ten major exercises. Between his thoughts, a mysterious power, a field covering a hundred miles and a square circle! This field is called Wuji Field!

His previous accumulation was too strong, so within a day, he achieved ten great successes in training, and his strength skyrocketed. Li Xing even felt that even if he met a man of God, he could fight with him.

Li Xingong's success was complete, and he could not help but yell at the sky.

Emperor Tianxie laughed: "Okay! In your current state, you can practice Jiuyang Jing!"

Li Xing hadn't responded yet, the Emperor Tianxie suddenly waved a big hand, a little aura, fell into Xueling's body. The Xueling was practicing. Suddenly, she found a force in her body.

She was practicing Qi Qi, and the attention of this strength instantly made her break through and entered Qi Qi Qi.

Li Xing paused and said, "Master, you ..."

Emperor Tianxie said lightly: "This woman has a beautiful appearance, do n’t you take it, do n’t you let her go? Besides, she knows your secrets and ca n’t stay. With your character, naturally you do n’t want to kill him, and help as a teacher. You dealt with it. I have planted the seed of Su Yin in his body. She is now Su Yin, and she will follow you in every possible way. "

After that, Emperor Tianxie disappeared. Just then Xueling opened her eyes.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Li Xing staring at herself. She didn't know what happened, and asked with a smile, "What do you think I do?" Suddenly, she felt a rush of emotion in Li Xing's body.

Subconscious ~ www.readwn.com ~ Xue Ling stood up and walked to Li Xing step by step. She shivered slightly, muttering to herself: "Why ... how could this be?"

Li Xing also felt that there was something in the woman that attracted him and made him want to be closer. Involuntarily, the two came together, Li Xing took a breath, and wanted to say something, and was suddenly hugged by Xueling.

The chick's body was very soft and fragrant. A pair of meatballs squeezed over. Li Xing immediately lost her heart and held her tightly with her hands.

In the distance, the wealthy quickly turned his face, and Xiaoxue was still, but was run over by Yuanbao, covering her eyes, and anxiously, "Don't pay attention to indecency."

In Li Xing's mind, he just wanted to possess this woman immediately. The surrounding Baiyang Reiki rolled up and turned into a huge palace, covering them. Immediately, tables, chairs, bedside tables, and all other appliances appeared in the hall, all of which were condensed by aura.

Li Xing and Xue Ling rolled on a large bed, the bed was covered with clouds, soft and cottony.

At this juncture, Li Xing's mind appeared with a scripture, which was the general outline of the Jiuyang Jing. "The beginning of heaven and earth is divided into yin and yang, build nine days, and evolve nine yang ...".

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