Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 308: 81 heavy 9 Yang Gong

Chapter 96: Eighty-one Heavy Nine Yang Gongs

Emperor Tianxie granted Li Xing the master outline of the Jiuyang Scriptures as a way of expressing God. Immediately, the first chapter of the Jiuyang Jing, the Baiyang chapter, was revealed.

"Baiyang, the early sun too! Easy tendon washing, pointing at innate ..."

After these words flashed in Li Xing's mind, he was immediately remembered. He was already Bai Yang's body and immediately cultivated. Suddenly, the Baiyang Reiki in Baiyangjing sky slammed into Li Xing's body.

Now Li Xing finally knows that Baiyang Reiki in Baiyang Realm is not pure. He ran the exercises on the Jiuyang Sutra, and immediately took the Baiyang Reiki to save the essence and extract the real Baiyang Reiki.

Hundreds of thousands of white auras in Jingtian can't extract a trace of these auras. According to the description in the Jiuyang Sutra, the Baiyang Reiki is divided into nine grades, and the Baiyang Reiki among the heavens of Baiyang is the Jiupin Reiki.

Jiu Pin Reiki is transformed into Ba Pin Bai Yang Reiki by Li Xing's Jiu Yang Gong. In the future, with the improvement of Li Xing's strength, the eight-grade aura can be transformed into a seventh-grade aura, or even higher quality.

The higher the quality of Baiyang Reiki, the more powerful it is, and the more obvious the effect of easy tendon washing.

At this moment, Li Xing realized that the Jiu Yang Gong recorded in the Jiu Yang Jing was so mysterious. Even Bai Yang Gong, which was the foundation of the first step, was so esoteric.

Xue Ling was completely addicted, she automatically dropped off her shirt and exposed the perfect figure under Li Xing. Ice muscle jade bone, skin like sheep fat beauty jade, defrost match snow. The jade neck looks like a swan neck.

The pair on the chest is full and hard to hold with one hand. She was breathing fast, waving her hands wildly, holding Li Xinghu's body like a life-saving straw.

"I'm so uncomfortable ..." This woman, first-time personnel, can't understand what's going on. She just knows that her body is suffering from extremes, extreme emptiness, and extremely need something to fill.

Li Xing's second head, already looks like a angry frog, bright red, with a trace of clarity in his head. He is not Liu Xiahui. Besides, he always thinks that there is a problem with the surname Liu's ability. After hesitating for a moment, he said fiercely, "Go on and talk!"

The tiger's body was shaken, and it struck Huanglong, the woman under her, groaning softly, and her charming voice was in her bones.

In this battle, Li Xing was more than eager to kill three hundred rounds. When he and Xueling huddled, Xue Ling's body, a ray of yin and aura, slowly flowed into his body, complementing Baiyang aura and yin and yang.

In this way, just like putting a lighter in a gunpowder barrel, Baiyang Reiki suddenly became violent, and the speed of Jiuyang Gong was suddenly increased more than ten times.

This violent explosion made Li Xing's strong meridians unbearable and caused great damage. Fortunately, Chiyang Reiki immediately descended and began to repair.

This battle between men and women lasted for a day. When Li Xing got off the horse, Xue Ling, like a kitten, fell asleep and fell in Li Xinghuai's arms. In her body, Su Yin's aura was extremely filling, and she also got great benefits.

Because of being buried in the seeds of Suyin by the Great Emperor of Heaven, this Suyin aura has spirituality and operates on its own. Without Xueling's knowledge, he can continue to improve his skills.

A few hours later, Xue Ling woke up, her beautiful eyelashes moved slightly, and the jade cheeks became flushed, and suddenly her head was buried in Li Xing's arms. Obviously, this chick didn't know anything, she was awake.

The previous scenes and scenes were kept in mind, flashing like a movie.

Li Xinggan laughed: "You ... are you okay?"

"Fun!" Xue Ling sipped, and suddenly took a bite on Li Xing's shoulder.

Li Xing grinned, but "hehe" smirked. Anyway, he took advantage. At this moment, his heart was quite agitated.

"After others, it's yours, you ... you don't want to lose me." Xueling Youyou said.

Li Xing hugged her gently and sighed. The little girl was so good. She didn't complain at all. The little bird was like a human, not like Xueling before.

Originally, Li Xing was the first one who wanted to feed Suyue. Unfortunately, Emperor Tianxie hurried quickly and threw it directly to Xueling. However, he was relieved to think about it, and there were eight seeds, so there were many opportunities.

At present, Li Xing did not hide it, and told Suing about the seeds of Su Yin and Jiu Yang Gong. Xueling heard it without blame, and laughed, "It's great, so that I can practice thousands of miles a day."

The Emperor Tianxie appeared at this moment and smiled "Hehe": "Yes, yin and yang intersect, and it is a great practice. For your teacher, within three years, your Bai Yang can be accomplished."

The exercises recorded in the Jiuyang Jing belong to the super-Xuanxian exercises, and it is naturally not easy to practice. Jiuyang Gong is divided into nine layers. The first layer is Baiyang Gong. The following are Qingyang Gong and Chiyang Gong.

Each layer of exercises is divided into nine weights, totaling nine hundred and eighty-one. Li Xing is now the beginning of Bai Yanggong. It is too early to want this success. He even estimated that after becoming a man of God, he might not be able to complete this feat.

After really practicing Jiu Yang Gong, he discovered that Jiu Yang Gong is completely different from the orthodox cultivation methods of training blood and energy. It seems that this exercise does not belong to the world, but should belong to another level of existence. Between the two, there are two completely different cultivation systems.

When there was any doubt, Li Xing immediately asked: "Master, your old man created the Jiuyin Classic and practiced Jiuyin to the eighth floor. He must have a deep understanding of Jiuyang Gong. Disciples want to know. where?"

Tian Xie said indifferently: "You just need to know that this skill should not appear on earth."

"Shouldn't it appear on earth? Is it a heavenly practice?" Li Xing paused.

Emperor Tianxie did not answer, but only said: "When you are successful, you will know that you will control the power beyond the world."

Li Xing stunned, it sounds like this Jiuyang Gong is super awesome! However, now that he is far away from Dacheng, he can even say that the chance of success is not great, and it is not time to be happy.

"The teacher only tells you that Jiuyang Gong is the basis of all the exercises. As long as you practice this skill, whether you are doing Vajrayana, no phase cutting, or Heavenly Sword, you can catch it and learn it easily. So In the future, you will spend most of your time practicing Jiu Yang Gong. "Tian Xie warned.

Li Xing also knows this, and his body of Bai Yang is only in its infancy. The body of Baiyang, corresponding to Baiyang Gong and Baiyang Reiki, is also divided into nine levels, namely, the body of double Baiyang, the body of double Baiyang, and the body of Baiyang.

After Nine Heavy, Bai Yang's body reached the extreme, and obtained the next level of qualification for advanced Jiu Yang Gong.

During this period, every advancement made by Li Xing was of great benefit to the cultivation of other exercises and the growth of basic cultivation.

The matter at hand for Li Xing finally came to an end. The Emperor Tianxie became awake. He also began to practice Jiuyang Gong and reached the tenth level of qi perfection.

"Next, I can enter the great wasteland and collect a lot of elixir. This time into the great wasteland, there is a rare opportunity. If I do n’t take more elixir to go back, it is a waste of opportunity!

At present, Li Xing let Xue Ling practice in peace in Jingtian, but he went out of the kingdom and entered the wilderness.

At this moment, it has been less than half a year since he entered the great wasteland. The top ten scholars who entered the wild waste killed an unknown number of times and robbed many elixir, one by one filled with pockets.

Li Xing and Xiao Xue went into the wild and continued to collect medicine. No matter what elixir, if you encounter it, collect it all, and then plant it in the white sun and let it grow. An elixir can be turned into a millennium elixir in just a few years in Baiyang Jingtian. Li Xing's biggest advantage is that he even opens branches and leaves and grows into a large medicine field.

Now, he has stepped into the top ten levels of qi training, and has practiced Jiuyang Gong, his strength has soared. Even if he meets a god, Li Xing is not very afraid. Therefore, picking up the elixir again becomes much happier.

Within a few days, Li Xing had taken many elixir and was very happy. However, taking medicine like this will inevitably run into other people's eyes.

Just today, Li Xing met several monks. The breath of these monks is very strong, and they are obviously powerful. Li Xing came to collect medicines and ignored them and acted on his own.

Who knows, they accidentally saw Li Xinghuai holding a little fox. Although it was just a quick glance, one of them sharpened his eyes and immediately recognized it, shouting, "Medicine Fox!"

The value of a medicine fox can hardly be measured, and no more elixir can be compared with it. The man screamed, and everyone reddened his eyes and stared at Li Xing.

"Must kill him! Rob the Medicine Fox!"

"You must not let him run away! Get the medicine fox, we snow mountain pie, we can definitely become a super pie, aspect Tianyuan!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill! At all costs!"

The nine disciples of Snow Mountain made a decision almost instantaneously, and at the same time shot at Li Xing.

The Snow Mountain School ~ www.readwn.com ~ I don't know what it is. Nine disciples actually each have a second-order flying sword weapon. Moreover, the nine-handed flying sword can actually be interwoven into a sword array, one piece at a time, strangling towards Li Xing.

Nine people are all trying to catch Li Xing, and they are not allowed to lose their hands. Therefore, the next step is the joint trick. They must make Li Xing run away and die here.

Facing the combined blow of nine second-order flying swords, Li Xing's look remained unchanged. In previous training, he had a strong confidence in his own strength. Hugh said that even if the gods are out of control, there is no fear!

"Very good! If this nine-handed flying sword is brought back to the martial arts, it will be a great achievement!"


Nine days of thunder and lightning, without a great force, completely shrouded hundreds of miles!

This infinite area is a special means obtained after Li Xing's vigorous training.

In the field of Promise, a force of Promise is everywhere. Under the shroud of this power, all flying swords lost their direction, and the sword array broke through.

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