Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 313: Great Light Curse

Chapter 1: The Great Light Curse

A total of 30,000 strains, all kinds of elixir! More than 10,000 magic cores, beast elixir, more than 300 pieces of magic instruments of each order, more than 4,000 jade elixir!

These resources, if seen by the elders of the Qi Yun faction, will directly scare them to death. Even if it is a super big school, it is impossible to come up with so many things at once!

"Five masters must be so rich. If I plunder the rest, then it will develop!" But think about it, Li Xing still gave up. The other four masters have super big supporters behind them, so don't provoke them.

Super big, all have mage sitting, many gods and men, too powerful.

In fact, all factions allow powerful disciples to enter the wilderness, and they hope that they can become a kind of character like Jun Qianheng. In this way, great benefits can be brought to the martial arts.

Just take a look at Jun Qianheng. I collected tens of thousands of elixir and hundreds of magic instruments, and the amount of light is scary enough.

Just counting these things took Li Xing seven days. He put all the items in separate categories and stored them separately. After all the elixir was transplanted to Baiyangjingtian, it took root and sprouted, and more elixir was born.

This batch of elixir is Li Xing's greatest wealth in the future.

After the inventory, among the magic instruments, there are two pieces of ninth-order magic instruments, namely the streamer sword and the golden dragon sword. Three pieces of eighth-order instruments, seven pieces of seventh-order instruments, 13 pieces of sixth-order instruments, twenty-one pieces of fifth-order instruments, twenty-four pieces of fourth-order instruments, forty-four pieces of third-order instruments, two There are 63 pieces of first-order instruments and 132 pieces of first-order instruments.

In addition, there are 160 pieces of jade medicine on the top of jade; 845 pieces of jade medicine on the top of jade; 3,300 medicines on the jade stage!

There are more than 800 high-end magic cores, demon cores, and beast dans, medium-level 3,000 cores, and more than 9,000 low-grade goods.

Magic core elixir can be used to make alchemy, which is the most precious thing for Li Xing.

Li Xing felt that he now has the experience of an upstart. Not to mention the Qi Yunpai and the Black Demon, even if all the monks in Pingguo add up, they are not as rich as him.

"The great wasteland is really a great opportunity!" Li Xing said with emotion.

After taking inventory of the spoils, it's time to start building the cult.

At first, Li Xing was too simplistic in establishing the evil cult, but now when he puts it into practice, he finds many difficulties. For example, after the establishment of the evil cult, how to act, how to set up positions and so on.

You know, all of these congregations are extremely strong and have the same strength. It is not easy to calm down the scene if someone is ordered to hold positions such as protecting the law and elders.

In fact, in any martial art, there are often divine people sitting in the town, and divine talent is the core of a martial art. Of course, the core of the superpower is the mage.

Although Li Xing's strength is strong, he is not a man of God, let alone other people.

In addition, going out of the wild in the future, teaching members to go their separate ways, it is not easy to organize.

Regarding these difficulties, the Emperor Tianxie was clear and reminded: "Li Xing, see that you have conceived an inspirational demon for your teacher. If you can drive this demon, you can control these thousands of people and make them loyal and never betray."

Li Xing smiled bitterly: "If I can control the inspiration demon, the disciples would have already started."

At the beginning, Li Xing had no choice but to contemplate the inspired demon, unable to suppress the demon, and controlled by it. Later, a woman came forward and surrendered to the devil. However, Li Xing didn't know all this, but later discovered that there was a sacred rune that suppressed the demon head.

Emperor Tianxie had long noticed the rune. He had a wide range of knowledge and immediately recognized its origin.

"This is a spell issued by the Great Light Spell, and the person who casts it is quite brilliant. Presumably, it was this person who rescued you from the state of enchantment at the beginning. It is not a target for you to surrender your inspiration to the teacher. As long as you If you can refine the great light amulet, you can go to the next level, not only can you control the demon of inspiration, but also lay a solid foundation for the next step in refining God. "

"So it is! Please teach me, Master." Li Xing overjoyed.

"In fact, this matter is easy, and the great light spell is also well-known to the teacher. As long as you pass on the secret method, you can draw the power of this spell for your use." At present, the heavenly evil uses the expressive method to bring the great light spell, Teaching to Li Xing.

The great light spell, like the fiendish fierce Zen, is a method of spiritual cultivation. However, the fierce Zen of the demon must surrender the demon head and become a guard. The Great Light Curse, however, blesses itself with the power of light. The two methods are very different, but they share the same goal. In the end, they are mainly to enhance spiritual strength.

Li Xing's spiritual power can already surrender the Chaos Demon head. It is very arrogant. At this moment, the great light spell is cultivated, and the foundation is laid in three days.

At this moment, he was full of light, and an extremely simple rune condensed in Li Xing's knowledge of the sea. This rune carries a breath of light and sacredness. This spell is obviously not as complicated as the rune that suppresses the inspiration demon.

However, as soon as this spell was released, the spell that suppressed the demon's head was divided into strands of light, and was attracted by Li Xing's spell.

"Just as the demon's charm, ferocity, and chaos belong to the devil's avatar. The spells you make and this spell that suppresses the inspirational demon are all avatars. This spell uses all its power to suppress The devil had no time to fight with another spell, so he was constantly drawing strength. "

Li Xing felt that the spell he had cultivated became stronger and stronger. Almost instantaneously, his great light spell, practiced to the second, and moved towards the third.

He was shocked and delighted, and shouted, "Master, this light spell is such a powerful force!"

"When the great light spell is cultivated, as long as there is an expert to help, the practitioner can practice to the highest level within a day. Of course, this spell is also flawed. If it is so forcibly improved, it may become The puppet of the light spell has become the so-called light messenger. It sounds good, but it has lost its identity and is no different from the dead. "

"However, you have cultivated the fierce Zen of the demon, and you don't have to worry about it. You estimate that you can fully absorb the power of this spell and practice the great light spell to the third level."

There are ten great light spells in total, which belong to the Heavenly Order of Gongfa. I can use the power of light between heaven and earth for my use. It belongs to the power of heaven, like the power of no phase and the power of heaven.

Sure enough, as the Emperor Tianxie said, after a while, Li Xing stepped into the third aspect of the great light spell. As the spell's power gradually weakened, the repressed demon head began to move.

When Li Xing broke through the third light of the Great Light Curse, the spell "boomed" and exploded. All the power was suddenly absorbed by Li Xing. At the same time, the demon head of inspiration was completely liberated, and he laughed loudly and attacked Li Xing's spirit.

In a short time, Li Xing also reached the triple perfection of the Daguangming curse, his eyes widened, and he shouted, "Devil, kneel!"

As Li Xing shouted, a force of light blessed from the void. This spell he practiced flew over the head of inspiration and suppressed it again.

Now, Li Xing runs the power of spells, combined with his cultivating Zen power, to work together to refine this magic.

Suddenly, the inspiration devil roared and seemed quite willing. However, Li Xing's released power was too powerful, and it soon couldn't hold it, completely surrendered, and became a magic defender of Li Xing.

"See the master!" This inspirational demon is obviously much smarter than the chaos demon and so on. He has the same wisdom as a human and speaks.

Li Xing was overjoyed and shouted, "Inspiration, you help me quickly, and control all the evil cult people!"


The head of inspiration suddenly released tens of millions of inspirational magic and extended it in all directions.

The inspiration for the devil is the word "inspiration", which can control the mind, manipulate emotions, and move the mind. Anyone else can think of it. At the command of Li Xing, this demon head quietly penetrated thousands of seeds of inspiration and magic into all the cults.

As soon as these people infected with the magical thoughts have the idea of ​​rebelling against Li Xing, they will know immediately. The devil surrendered to Li Xing, and the two were inspired by each other. What it knew, Li Xing also knew.

Moreover, if necessary, you can launch the demon seed to completely control the person being watched and make it a puppet. In this way, Li Xing can be said to have complete control over the evil cult.

At this moment, thousands of thoughts were felt by Li Xing, and they came from all the evil cult congregations.

"After a while, we will return to Tianyuanzhou. At that time, we don't have to be oppressed here, we can return to the martial arts." A super-discipline disciple thought.

"The leader is invincible. He can be called the supreme man under God-Man. I have no way and no way. If I follow him in the future, it is a way out. I do n’t know, where is the leader and where is the mountain gate?"

"The other four masters are said to have been sent out by the big ones. They should have more potential than the leader. I have to prepare early, change the court early, and go to them."

"The leader is Bai Yang's body. UU reading www.uukanshu.com will definitely become a god-man, even a mage. But his current strength, after going out, is not much, is it necessary to attach to this person, and to go Look back. "

All kinds of ideas were accepted by Li Xing. Some of these people have decided to take refuge completely, some have rebellion, and others are hesitant. Suddenly, Li Xing had the feeling that Zhizhu was holding it, and he could control everyone.

"Inspirational demon, there really is a way." Li Xing was shocked.

"What's this? As a teacher, at the beginning, you can manipulate every disciple of Tianxie Palace at will, and no one can betray me." Tianxie Emperor said, "On top of the devil of inspiration, the head of the idol, if you If you can control it, you can control your existence stronger than you. "

With a smile, Li Xing thought about the **** puppet devil. It was too early. He doesn't need to think about it now. It was another urgent matter that made him very concerned.

"Master, disciples should now be ready to shock the god-man." Li Xing was full of confidence.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Tianxie poured a basin of cold water down and said coldly: "It's a long way! You are too powerful, and the thunderous punishment that you will meet in the future must be extremely horrible, not prepared enough, and a dead end!"

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