Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 314: 5 masters gather

Chapter 2: Five Masters Gather

Lightning Thunder!

Li Xing's face turned white, and he was an imperial scholar. It was extremely difficult to become a god-man. At the moment of becoming a man of God, we must be blamed by the thunderous punishment of God. God-man, why he is called God-man, has to a certain extent been out of the scope of God-man and possesses the attribute of "God".

The top ten kingdoms, although powerful, have a life span of at most 200 years. After becoming a god-man, not only is he more powerful, but his life can reach 500 years.

Of course, if you can practice to the realm of law and heaven, you will become an old monster with a thousand years of life.

When a patriarch becomes a god-man, he will have the power to surpass human beings, suffer divine jeopardy, and be punished by thunder. The stronger a person is, the more lethal he is when he receives divine punishment.

On the contrary, some weaker generations can easily survive thunder.

People who have gains and losses, and powerful people, if they can pass the punishment, their achievements are horrible. In the tyrannical divine punishment, they tempered the body, washed their spirits, reached the most perfect state, and entered the level of god-man.

Pouting, he knew the power of it, and asked Tian Xie.

"The Master was so turbulent and did not know the divine punishment he experienced? How did he spend it?"

Emperor Tianxie, who is a wizard of the world, has terrifying strength. Such a fierce man is absolutely not relaxed.

Emperor Tianxie smiled "Hey": "When the tenth year of training for the teacher was complete, there was no such strength as you. If you had to make a comparison, the strength of the year for the teacher was about 80% of what you are today."

"The divine punishment lasted for seven days and seven nights. All kinds of visions were produced, and eighteen magical instruments were exhausted for the teacher. Many elixirs were eventually slightly injured. And the divine punishment you received will be compared to that of the teacher. Even more horrible. "

When Li Xing heard it, his face suddenly turned pale and he smiled bitterly: "Master, what can you do? Your elders are having difficulty dealing with the divine punishment. Isn't the disciples even more playless?"

"You don't have to worry. You have more advantages than when you were a teacher. The body of the Vajrayana, the body of Bai Yang, the fiendish demon, and the nine yang gongs, nine yang beads, and the teacher's guidance. These are for the teacher Nothing of that year. As long as you follow the instructions for the teacher and go step by step, you can be sure that nothing will happen. "

Li Xing was overjoyed, he had known for a long time that the Emperor Tianxie had a perfect plan.

"But don't be too happy. Before you can become a god-man, there is a step to consolidate your babies. This step is extremely dangerous and it is also a step to lay the foundation for the cultivation of the god-man. It is extremely important."

"If you do well at this step, everything will be fine in the future."

In the past, the Emperor Tianxie more than once told Li Xing about the barriers of cultivation, and Li Xing naturally understood the significance of this step.

After practicing Qi Qi successfully, the first step to shocking the gods is to condense the elements. The existence of Yuantai is to accommodate the source of natural gods, so as to cultivate them. Once the Yuanshen is half, even half a god-man is called a half-step god-man.

In order to condense the elementary babies, it is necessary to hold the true essence in the body together. This step is very difficult. Three of the ten patriots who attacked God-Man died here. Because of the condensed elements, the requirements for the meridian are extremely harsh.

All of the dead scholars who failed to clear the gate were killed. Because when condensing the elementary tire, there will be a terrible explosive force.

Especially Li Xing, he cultivated the Promise of Promise. That Promise Yuan is a mysterious mystery, which is extremely mysterious. Like Xuan Xie Gong Fa, Xuan Xie Yuan Yuan contains the will of the avenue and points directly to the insignificant Tao!

Even those who become mages rarely get the Xuanjie truth.

Therefore, this mysterious truth is not trivial, but also very powerful. If it succeeds in consolidating the elementary tire, that elementary tire can be called a non-polar elementary tire. Among the elementary tires, there is a trace of immense imprint, which will have great benefits for its future cultivation.

There are advantages and disadvantages. Although the electrodeless tire is powerful, the requirements for the meridian have reached a level of abnormality, which is almost impossible for humans. Even if Li Xing is the dual state of King Kong's body and has the body of Bai Yang, it is also at risk.

"Does it mean that we should continue to cultivate the shape of King Kong?" Li Xing frowned. The third body of King Kong was extremely difficult to practice. Without a few years, it was extremely difficult to succeed.

The Emperor of Heavenly Evil "haha" smiled: "No! You do n’t have a rune in the talisman, a treasure rune with eighty-one heavy laws? This treasure rune has the wonderful effect of tempering the flesh, as long as you ban the first three The repair is complete. Within half a year, your physical body and meridians can be very powerful and powerful enough to impact the elementary tire. "

Li Xing made it clear now that the key to the matter was to repair the first three bans of Baofu. He quickly asked: "How to fix it?"

"Easy to say, easy to say, and difficult to say, as long as you find three or five patches with nine or more bans, you can repair it. Of course, if there is no patch, you can repair it by yourself in Baiyangjingtian In the last ten or eight years, the triple ban can also be repaired. "

Patches are a kind of special used to repair damaged instruments and spells. They are very rare. They are rare in martial arts, and naturally they are not easy to get.

Li Xing rolled his eyes. For ten or eight years, he could not wait. It seems that only the patch is found. However, the nine-fold law prohibition is only available in some martial arts. How can I get it?

Thinking of this, he moved in his heart and laughed, "Here!"

Tian Xie said lightly: "Now that you have an idea, do it."

Li Xing immediately searched the memory of the people under the evil spirit through the head of inspiration, and soon he selected 580 people. In the memory of these 580 people, there are memories about the patch.

Then it was screened. In the end, only nine people met Li Xing's requirements.

Li Xing's method is to get the patch by the cultists. Some of these people are from the super big school. In that big school, it is still possible to get a few patches.

Of the remaining nine people, there are seven of them, determined to leave Li Xing as soon as there is a shortage. The other two people even rebelled now and decided to leave shortly after.

For the two rebellious people, Li Xing was rude and immediately launched his inspirational idea. Suddenly, the consciousness of the two was completely controlled.

The devil's inspiration is wonderful. These two have become Li Xing's concubines. In the future, they will return to the martial arts, and they will find a way to get a few patches, and then hand them to Li Xing.

Having controlled the two, Li Xing was still not assured. Because neither of them has absolute certainty, they can definitely get the patch. Therefore, he also needs to make second-hand preparations and find the patch in person, so that he takes a two-pronged approach to ensure that the patch is obtained.

Next, Li Xing took medicine every day and practiced exercises to gradually establish the order of the Tian Cult. This sect is becoming more regular every day, and it is on the right track.

Unknowingly, the time to return to Tianyuanzhou and leave the wilderness was near. During this time, the cult members of heaven have also contributed nearly 10,000 elixir to Li Xing.

On this day, Li Xing issued an order to let the evil cult move to the place where it originally entered the great wasteland and began to prepare to return to Tianyuan.

Thousands of people, arrogant, rushed over, wherever they went, by the way, collecting medicine, hunting animals. If you encounter monks from other forces, you still have to exploit them fiercely, leaving everything valuable on your body.

The migration took nearly half a month, and when Li Xing and others arrived, they found that people were gathered around the Jinqiao landing site. The other four forces, as well as the remaining small forces, are stationed nearby.

The arrival of the evil cult has attracted many people's vigilant eyes.

Historically, in the last days of leaving the Great Wilderness, it was a time of intense fighting. Nearly 30% of the scholars who lost their lives in the wild were killed at this time. Therefore, no one dares to take it lightly, everyone regards everyone around them as a potential threat.

Li Xing chose an open space and ordered everyone to stay. He sat in the middle of the town and looked around.

Tens of miles to the left, there are also thousands of people, gathered together, obviously a big force. There are thousands of people on the right tens of thousands, which is another big force.

"Master, there will be another seven days, the day when the Golden Bridge opens. During this time, it is very dangerous here. I hope the master will be ready." A congregation came forward to remind.

Li Xing nodded: "This religion understands."

On the first day, nothing was found, and there was silence everywhere. However, the silence seemed strange.

The next day, a loud voice came suddenly. The voice was extremely majestic and spread out hundreds of miles.

"Everyone! Let's wait here, it's boring. Why not make a little game?"

"Oh? Brother Mo said to listen."

Another majestic voice said, hundreds of miles away.

"Brother Yang, the mini-game I said is for all parties to send some people to compete for a contest. Those who win can get some benefits. If they lose, they can show their favors. Brother Dongmen, what do you three think? "

"Okay! I agree!"

"Wonderful! I agree." The other said, the voices of the two also spread a hundred miles.

"What a fart!"

Suddenly ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing's voice came from far away, sounding like thunder, far away. Four masters, all discolored.

"What kind of cult Li Xing are you?" Brother Yang sneered.

Li Xing said, "Hey, I'm Li Xing! What you call a mini-game is just to compete for other hard-earned resources, the wolf's ambition!"

Upon hearing that Li Xing was posing as a good person at this moment, the four masters all crooked their noses.

The thousand magic brothers angrily said, "Li Xing! Do you think that I am so humiliated?" In his tone, there was a spirit of killing.

Li Xing smiled, "Dare, but just state your opinions, how can you insult the four?" A tone of voice turned, "If anyone doesn't want to participate in the fight, they can join our cult, I see who dare to force you to participate.

This is the purpose of Li Xing, to take the opportunity to recruit talents.

He said so, the four masters were so angry. Okay! This person had such an idea, it was really hateful!

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