Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 315: Out of the wild

Chapter 3: Out of the Wilderness

This kind of "mini-game" method sends a group of experts to participate in the war, taking the opportunity to kill other small forces and plunder their wealth. Li Xing couldn't be more clear, so he went the other way, providing protection for these people and attracting them to join the evil cult.

Sure enough, as soon as this statement came out, a large number of monks rushed towards Li Xing. Just now, his words of righteousness spread out thousands of miles, and everyone heard clearly.

One side is a wolf, but the other side can provide asylum. These people are not fools and naturally know how to choose. So they turned to Li Xing.

Seeing this scene, the four masters were angry from their hearts, and evil was born in the gall. The thousand fantasy brothers screamed, "Brother Mo, Yang, and Dongmen. This man is the enemy of me. We really hate it. Let's shoot together and kill this man!"

The news that Li Xing defeated Jun Qianheng was passed out early. All four have self-knowledge and are no better than Jun Qianheng, so they are also afraid of Li Xing. So, Brother Qian Huan decided to take four shots to deal with Li Xing.

"Okay! If he didn't do it, he thought we were bullying!"

Suddenly, four phantoms gathered together ten miles away from the place where Li Xing was stationed. These four people are the four masters, which are Qianxian Zi, Mo Shu, Yang Lie, and East Gate.

These four people are the top masters among the top ten scholars, with superb qualifications. If they were not to enter the great wasteland, they could become gods at any time.

Li Xing heard the conversation between the four of them clearly, and he had no fear. Now, he has absolute confidence in his own strength, and no one is his opponent below God-Man.

"Huh! Even if you shot together, they are not the main opponents of the gods, but they are humiliating themselves." Li Xing also flew from the station and stepped out in the air. At each step, his body flickered, only Ten steps to the opposite of the four.

Li Xing showed no step, and all four were shocked. Four of them, each of them practiced the Heavenly Order of Gongfa, but none seemed to be as brilliant as Li Xing.

As Li Xing came, he secretly urged the inspiration demon to release the seeds of inspiration. This devil's method is extremely mysterious and silent when it hurts people. The four masters just felt that there was something strange in their hearts and they were not alert.

Planting a magical idea, Li Xing immediately knew the thoughts of the four people.

"This person's Heavenly Order skills are very powerful. I am afraid that the four of us will not take advantage of it. On the contrary, if he fights back dying, some of us will be injured."

"It is said that Jun Qianheng is not his opponent at all. If he strikes at him, I can't take the first shot. Let them go to life and death. I can only take the shot at the most suitable opportunity."

"This person, like me, is the body of Bai Yang. In the future, when I dominate the sky, he will be my biggest obstacle! Today, if I have the opportunity, I must remove this person!"

"The harvest of the Dahuang and his party has been extremely huge. Such a fight is unnecessary. However, if the four of them fight, I can pick up some cheap."

The thoughts of the four people passed into Li Xing's heart one by one. He immediately knew that today's battle can be eliminated.

After turning his mind, he smiled slightly, stood there, didn't speak, and didn't do anything.

In this way, the four masters are all inexplicable, saying that this Li Xing, what the **** is it?

However, Li Xing did not take any shot, and none of the four were willing to stand up first. No one is a fool. In case of loss, it won't look good on that face. It may even be hurt by Li Xing.

Thousands of people passed into the cult of the past minute by minute, and nearly 10,000 patriarchs gathered outside. Depending on the situation, they were ready to enter the cult of the asylum in search of asylum.

Five people just face each other like this, no one moved.

"Brother Qian Huan, your tearing hand is extremely domineering, why not shot?"

"Once the torn hand is cast and the world is shaken, he will be shocked and unable to succeed in one hit. But Brother Mo, you have great magical powers, so mysterious, this Li Xing must not be an opponent."

"Well, the next Huali Gong is not yet complete, and it is not working as expected. I think it is still the ruling of Dongmen Brothers. Once it is performed, this person is definitely not an opponent."

"Brother Mo has lifted me up, and the following ruling states that, just after practicing first, where can I get Yang Brother ’s obscured sword, the way of life and death, and the obscurity, when this sword comes out, the ghost is scared and afraid of Li Happiness? "

"Where and where, the swordsmanship under, not even the fur, how dare to show ugliness before the kings?"

Just like that, the four of you secretly pushed me back and played Tai Chi. As Li Xing expected, the stand could not be beaten.

In the cult of Heaven, most of those who are new are small martial arts, or they are independent practitioners. These people immediately joined the evil cult. In their opinion, as soon as there was a great shortage, they were free, and it was nothing to join the religion.

But I didn't know, Li Xing secretly implanted the magic of inspiration into them and found out their thoughts. In the future, no matter how far apart, as long as Li Xing has a thought, he can control these people at any time.

And Li Xing felt that the more inspirations he sent, the more powerful the demon head seemed. In fact, the inspiration devil takes inspiration as the source of strength. The more thoughts there are, the stronger it is.

Time passed unconsciously for seven days, a golden bridge came across, and at the same time an old voice sounded: "The journey to the barren land is over, everyone is leaving quickly."

As soon as the voice sounded, Li Xing smiled slightly: "Four people, meet again in the future." He waved and shouted, "Heavenly cult, leave the country!"

Nowadays, Li Xing ’s Heavenly Cult has become the largest of the five major forces due to the addition of thousands of people, followed by affiliated people, and the mighty tens of thousands of people.

Therefore, the first evil cult came out of Jinqiao, and Qian Huanzi and others could only stare at it and dare not rush to stop it.

As soon as he got out of the Golden Bridge, Li Xing was relieved, and he led everyone to worship the mage on the stage: "Thank you!"

"Thank you, Master!" For the mage, they all maintained absolute respect.

The mages took care of themselves and ignored them.

Li Xing was unhappy, and turned around and yelled at the people: "Heaven cults listen to the orders, you return to each faction, and if you are willing to stay, return to the Qiyun faction with the present master!"

Among the tens of thousands of people, more than 3,000 scholars stood out and worshiped Li Xing: "We are willing to follow the leader and create a great cause!"

And more people worshiped far away: "Farewell to the leader." Despite the great shortage, they still respect the leader, Li Xing.

Li Xing waved his hand: "There will be a period later."

Zhuo Xiaowan came at this moment and smiled: "Leader."

Li Xing nodded. He felt quite good about Zhuo Xiaowan, and smiled: "The period of goodbye is far away. If you have time, you can play in Pingguo. I will certainly welcome you warmly."

Zhuo Xiaowan pouted and smiled: "The leader is welcome, the little girl dares not to be a prince. However, if the leader goes to the South China Sea in the future, the Nanhai Sword School will certainly welcome it."

You know, Li Xing gave up a Lingquan to the South China Sea Sword School, which is a big favor. In the future, if he goes to the South China Sea Sword School, he will naturally be treated warmly and respectfully as a guest.

"Oh, well, there will be a period."

"There will be a period later."

The two sides bid farewell, Li Xing also brought three thousand kingdoms out of Wanshou City.

When he came, Li Xing was a poor man, and he didn't even have Xuan Jing who lived there. But now, he is a lord of hundreds of millions. He is proud of himself and leads 3,000 people.

Outside Wanshou City, there are many great nations and small nations, big factions and small factions, and many gods and men come to welcome their disciples. The spirit of these god-man emanated, spreading heaven and earth, a mighty scene.

However, the people of the gods do not enter the city of longevity. This is a rule. Within the city of longevity, they do not enter the people of God. Except for a few responsible mages, any **** is forbidden. Otherwise, the mage has the right to kill.

No one has dared to violate this rule since its inception.

The first evil cult led by Li Xing came out first, with a mighty number of thousands.

"Well! Look, which school is that lead boy? It doesn't seem to belong to the Seven Schools!" A **** man muttered to himself.

"As far as I know, this person is not at least a thousand magic purple, ink document, Yang Lie, Dongmen Yuanyang four people, I do not know his origin. However, looking at this son, it is actually Bai Yang's body, but it is the same as Yang Lie Qualified. "

"Bacheng is from a small martial arts. Such a disciple is too eye-catching, I'm afraid the small martial arts can't keep it, otherwise."

There were two people in the crowd. After seeing Li Xing, they almost stared out. They are anxiously waiting for Li Xing's Feng Jiu and Gu Yeqi. They were originally worried about whether Li Xing could survive.

However, what made them unexpected was that Li Xing actually brought out 3,000 scholars! An idea that made them extremely excited flashed in their minds, and when this idea came out, Gu Yeqi turned his eyes excited and seemed to pass out.

"Li Xing!"

Feng Jiu yelled, "Beep", appeared directly behind Li Xing, and yelled, "What is going on? Who are these people?"

Li Xing laughed "www.readwn.com" without hesitation: "Elder Mr. Feng, they are all disciples' new gatekeepers, and they will all join the Qiyun faction." The created cult of nature will naturally be temporarily under the name of the Qiyun faction.

"Sure enough! Sure enough!" Feng Jiu "haha" laughed wildly, and the laughter shook the sky, attracting everyone's attention.

Gu Yeqi was so happy that he closed his mouth and said straightly, "Okay! Li Xing, you are indeed a wizard of the Qi Yun faction and a proud man of heaven. ! "

While the two were happy, ten god-men suddenly appeared ahead. These ten people are all on the strength of Gu Yeqi and Feng Jiu, and all of them are gods above the quadruple of God!

Feng Jierren's face changed and immediately realized what was going to happen. This appearance of genius disciples, being robbed, was discovered almost every day. Presumably, these ten people took a fancy to Li Xing and were ready to take the snatch.

The two looked dignified and stood in front of Li Xing. Even if they die, they have to keep Li Xing. In their opinion, Li Xing is already the hope of the Qi Yun faction to grow stronger, and it is even one hundred times more important than teaching Yu Yuxu! There must be no mistakes!

"A few, what's your advice?" Feng Jiu asked coldly, without fear.

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