Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 316: Shock return

Chapter 4: Shocking Returns

"Huh!" Yi Shenren dismissed Feng Jiu with two disdain, and set his eyes on Li Xing.

"Boy, you are the body of Bai Yang, a rare and rare one! Today, the gods will give you a great opportunity to give you a chance to join the heavenly pie. As long as you nod, we will take you immediately."

Feng Jiu, Gu Yeqi was furious, and said at the same time: "You deceive people too much!"

Li Xing couldn't see it. The opponent had ten gods, and each of them had strength above peak nine. How did he fight against others? As soon as his heart moved, he suddenly took a step forward and said lightly, "Several people may not know my origin."

He stretched out his hand and took out from the bosom the gift that was too vain and originally given by Princess Yu Rui.

Too deceptive, and the faces of ten gods changed greatly. Tiandu Pie is really great, but compared with Taixumen, it is more than a star point. Suddenly, ten people stopped thinking, and said nothing, turned and left.

Ten streams of light, soared to the sky, Feng Jiu two stayed still, busy asking why.

Li Xingdao: "It is not appropriate to stay here for long, disciples will say on the road."

At present, the three led three thousand new disciples and immediately left. Because Li Xing showed too false orders, the most reliable sign of this false door, so no one dared to stop them.

The two gods exerted supreme power, a divine power, turned into a colorful cloud of gods, and supported more than 3,000 people, and flew into the air, rushing back to the Qiyun faction.

On the way, Feng Jiu busy asked: "Li Xing, when did you join the Tai Xu Men?" His expression was worried. If Li Xing joined the Tai Xu Men, Qi Yunpai's loss would be great.

Li Xing laughed: "Two elders, this is too deceptive. It was a gift from a friend. The disciple has never joined the too virtual gate. Just now, I just used it to startle away the ten gods. If not, the other party once Strong, two elders will inevitably suffer. "

Feng Jiu Gu Ye was so overjoyed that he praised Li Xing for doing well. At this moment, the more they looked, the more they felt that Li Xingjingui, and that look made Li Xing's heart feel hairy.

The flight time was not long. Seeing it, Qi Yun sent the mountain gate looking.

At this moment, all the inner disciples, core disciples, outer disciples, as well as the elders, elders, elders, guardians, etc. in the Qi Yun faction waited quietly in the square under the leadership of Yu Yuxu.

You Yu guessed, Li Xing was coming back. However, there were some concerns in his mind. In the great wilderness, there are endless dangers. Can Li Xing cope? If he comes back, can he collect Yuanling Cao again? Or, can I get more?

Everything is in doubt, he can only wait for the final news. The palmist, the fivefold god, couldn't even settle his heart.

Outside the square, there are some other schools, such as Qingxiao School, Xuanbingmen, Huolingmen, Danxiamen, and members of the Extreme Family. Their hearts are quite complicated, and some expect that Li Xing can come back alive, which is also an honor to Pingguo.

At the same time, they do not want Li Xing to return. In that case, Qi Yunpai's strength will inevitably increase.

Even the five gods and men in Tianchen Kingdom are not far away. Beichen frowned and looked at the sky, thinking about something.

"Princess, do you think that Li Xing can come back alive?" Tian Bojing asked.

"He has great potential and a great chance to live. I'm not sure if he can get a good chance in the great wasteland." Beichen Landao said.

Tian Bojing didn't take it for granted: "I see, it's good that he can come back alive ..." Suddenly, he said nothing, and Beichen was blue, and all the gods and men looked at Nantian.

A colorful cloud of God flew quickly and arrived in an instant. On that **** cloud, thousands of people are carried. This battle frightened everyone, thinking that the Dark Devils would attack.

But listening to Yunzhong, Feng Jiuli screamed, "Qi Yun sent Li Xing, led the 3,000 kingdoms, and returned from victory!"



"Did I hear it wrong?"

Everyone was stunned. Three thousand scholars, all the scholars in Pingguo combined, I am afraid there are not so many! What's more, all of these people are actually top ten scholars. The top ten scholars! Of the one hundred scholars, one may not appear one of the ten scholars!

At the time of the Qi Yun faction, there were three hundred scholars. Among them, there were three who had the most vigorous training! Ordinary scholars who do not have the entry wall, such as Sanyi Garden before Pingguo, etc., have a lower chance of producing top ten scholars.

The ten-strong nationals means that they have the opportunity to impact the gods and human beings. Super big school, but that's it!

Above the **** cloud, the feeling of more than 3,000 scholars in the heart is rather unpleasant. He said in his heart how the Qi Yun faction was shattered. However, they all rushed to Li Xing. Although they think so, they don't care much.

You Yuxu trembled violently, welcoming directly to the air, and suddenly appeared in front of Li Xing, eyes opened, and yelled, "What's going on?"

Li Xing laughed without saying a word, Gu Ye was impatient and told the matter.

You Yuxu laughed three times: "Okay! Okay! Ok! Unexpectedly, Qi Yunpai will carry forward in my hand Yu Youxu!"

The following people also vaguely knew what was happening. The people of the Qingxiao faction and other forces, their jealous eyes turned red, one by one.

"Why! Why is Li Xing not my Qingxiao faction? If so, we Qingxing faction can immediately become the largest faction in Pingguo. No! There is even a chance to become one of the Tianyuan factions!"

"My God! Am I not dreaming? This Li Xing even brought back three thousand ten strong scholars, how could this be possible! Three thousand kingdoms! One hundred years in Pingguo, it would not have produced so much!"

"This Li Xing, it's amazing! It's amazing! I think he will become a Wizard of the World in the future and become famous all over the world!"

"There are so many people, then how much benefit does he get from the Great Wild?" Some people's hearts moved, and there was even an urge to immediately join the Qiyun faction.

Beichen is blue. It is the most complicated mood among all people. When Li Xing came back, she was very happy. However, he didn't want him to get so many top ten scholars at once, which greatly enhanced Qi Yun faction's strength.

In this way, this matter is very bad for Tianchen Kingdom. Because the Qi Yun faction has this strength, it will inevitably be able to unify Pingguo in the future, making Pingguo strong, posing a threat to Tianchen Kingdom, and at least it will make Tianchen worry about it.

Tian Bojing even changed his face, and said, "Immediately inform the country of this matter, let the high-level decision quickly, deal with this matter!" He flickered and disappeared.

"I hope Li Xing can be loyal to Tianchen!" Beichen Lan thought with a bitter smile, she had a hunch that Li Xing's future achievements were never under her.

After Gu Yeqi finished speaking, Li Xingshen said, "Don't you see how to teach?"

"See Zhangjiao!" Three thousand kingdoms, respectfully.

You Yuxu was unable to settle for a long time, and said again and again and yelled down: "All disciples obey, today set up a banquet to clean the air for Li Xing! Welcome 3,000 scholars to join my Qi Yun faction!"

There was a thunderous thunder, and the disciples of the Qiyun group all reacted and were ready to go. The core disciples, completely convinced by Li Xing, also looked excited one by one.

Among them, Liu Yiyi looked indifferently and murmured: "He ... why is he so powerful?" So far, she can't respond.

Qiu Ye and others, surrounded by Mu Shuiyue, were overjoyed. Shuiyue was in tears with joy, murmured to himself: "Xing brother, I knew you would come back!"

For her, Li Xing's success came second, as long as she could return safely, she would be satisfied.

In the entire Qiyun Square, only Qiyun factions remained. The Qingxiao faction, Xuanbingmen, Huolingmen, Danxiamen, and Extreme Family all retreated. I'm really sorry to stay. Now they are compared with Qi Yunpai.

Moreover, the strength of the Qiyun faction grew instantly, and they all had to go back to study and prepare to prevent being eaten by the Qiyun faction.

The messengers of Tianchen Kingdom, only Beichen Lanlan stayed and banquet with everyone.

Above the banquet, it was very lively, people were toasting and changing their cups and beaming with joy.

However, Li Xing secretly sent a message to Yu Yuxu: "Teaching, Yuanlingcao has been obtained. In addition, please ask the teacher to arrange these three thousand disciples immediately. They have to travel thousands of miles and must adapt as soon as possible. It is bound to cause suspicion and secret calculations by many forces, and we should immediately prepare for a response. "

"Okay, I have my own plans." You Yuxu suddenly exclaimed, "Qi Yun sent everyone to obey orders! From today, the head teacher has appointed Li Xing as the deputy head and manages the teaching affairs!"

"Teacher in charge! Teacher in charge!" Shouted Qi Yun's disciples.

Three thousand state scholars, but quite disapproved, they thought that Li Xing should sit in the position of teaching, so they did not squeak. They were willing to follow Li Xing, but they were convinced by Li Xing's domineering and domineering. It is known that once the leader of Li Xing becomes a god-man, it is also a heroic figure in the god-man, sweeping and majestic.

Li Xing was not surprised. He got up and thanked Yu Yuxu, and then said, "Heaven makes me prosperous for Qi Yunpai! In the future, I hope everyone will become a city and work together for Qi Yunpai!"

Beichen blue toasted and laughed: "Congratulations to Youzhang, and also to Li Xing."

Li Xingyao toasted.

The banquet lasted a short time, and the former disciples of Qi Yun all came out to settle three thousand kingdoms. Li Xing and Qi Yun sent high-level officials to enter the tower to discuss plans.

All the elders ~ www.readwn.com ~ are too elders, and the law protection is there. Li Xing, as the deputy commander, sits under Yu Yuxu.

You Yuxu said with a smile: "Li Xing, it's all my family now, what can you tell us?"

Li Xing and his party, Li Xing is a hero, and what he has gained in the Great Depression should be assigned by him, and he ca n’t be taught. This is a historical rule.

Li Xing said with a smile: "On this trip, I not only practiced to the top ten statesmen, but also learned a lot."

Everyone was dumbfounded, and the sound of air conditioning kept coming.

Someone stuttered and said, "God! So many magic weapons!"

You Yuxu opened his eyes and was shocked at the scene.

This scene is so shocking, there are four hundred magic instruments, from the first order to the fifth order!

Li Xing still has reservations. He didn't take out the sixth-level instruments. For instruments below the fifth level, he doesn't really see it in his eyes.

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