Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 317: Shaman Lord

Chapter 5: Insidious Demon Lord

"So many magical instruments!" All the elders and guardians instantly petrified. I don't know how to express shock.

Li Xing smiled lightly: "I defeated a master in the wilderness and plundered everything he had."

"Okay! With these instruments, my Qi Yun faction can improve a lot!" You Yuxu laughed.

However, what Li Xing is about to show is not over yet. With a big wave of his hand, more than 3,000 jade steps elixir appeared. In his hand, there were more than 5,000 mirabilis in total, and those with higher quality or strange effects were all retained.

These three thousand or so pieces were all handed out to the martial arts.

People were numb, Gu Yeqi covered himself, and said to himself, "Qi Yun Daxing! Qi Yun Daxing!"

You Yuxu's face was dignified, suddenly suddenly sternly: "Today's matter, you must not spread it!"

If people knew that Qi Yunpai had hundreds of magic instruments and thousands of jade-like elixir all at once, I am afraid they would attract others' greed and give birth to looting.

"Yes!" Everyone answered with excitement.

Li Xing also said: "In the wilderness, I got a lot of elixir and magic core, and I will dominate them for the refining of elixir." Then he waved his hands and displayed thousands of natural gods.

Qi Yun sent everyone, I don't know what to say. Originally, they expected Li Xing to find several sources of natural gods, and they were satisfied. This is good, he made thousands of them at once!

The expression on Li Xing's face didn't seem very satisfied: "Most of these natural **** sources are Jinjie **** sources, there are very few jade **** sources, there are none of Tianjie **** sources. Jinjie **** sources, I take Part of the refining elixir. The jade **** source is handed over to the palm teacher. "

Shenyuan can also refining elixir, and the refined elixir is mostly Tianjie elixir!

You Yuxu laughed: "Qi Yunpai, within five hundred years, there will be no shortage of gods!"

Next, everyone discussed Qi Yunpai's future development plan. In the meantime, You Yuxu said: "Since then, the eleventh floor of Qi Yun Tower belongs to the private place where Li Xing teaches. Private people are not allowed to enter or enter."

No one disagrees. Li Xing's credits can't be beaten. He even said that if he wanted to be a teacher, You Yuxu had to let Xian. With such a talent leader Qi Yunpai, there is only a way out and it is the king.

Li Xing quickly thanked everyone and sincerely said to everyone: "Li Xing was originally a little man in the Pingguo Sanyi Garden. He was sent in by Meng Qiyun to provide a place for his life. Qi Yun sent his disciples to consider themselves. "

Everyone nodded secretly, Li Xing's generosity of not forgetting the book is commendable. In fact, Li Xing and his party, relying on these resources, Li Xing can rely on any major. Even, he used too false orders and was able to go directly to the false doors.

However, Li Xing did not do so, he still returned and became a disciple of Qi Yunpai. This kind of mind is very rare, and everyone admires his character.

Li Xing also said, "Teach me, I have a suggestion that the three thousand kingdoms will be managed by me for the time being. When they were in the wild, they were all ferocious, and they may not be in charge. It will take some time to integrate into the Qi Yun faction. If not, let them live on the 11th floor of Qiyun Tower. "

You Yuxu now has absolute trust in Li Xing. If Li Xing is unwilling, he will not come back, and nodded: "Okay, do everything you want, whatever you need, just say it."

Li Xing nodded, and then said what Yu Yuxu wants to know most: "Zhangjiao, the Yuanlingcao you want has been found, and the time is ripe. Disciples can try to refining Yuanlingdan and let Zhangjiao practice further. "

You Yuxu was overjoyed. The elixir he collected was only a matter of Yuan Ling Cao. Li Xing found it and could immediately refine it.

"Before practicing alchemy, the disciples need a period of half a year to a year to practice steadily and improve their strength." Li Xingdao.

"You go to practice, and we'll take care of the outside." Yu Yu promised.

At the end of the meeting, Li Xing issued an order, and all 3,000 knights reached the eleventh floor.

The eleventh floor of Qiyun Tower has a large area, and the Dan room alone can accommodate thousands of people. After these people entered, they each found a place and settled down, waiting for Li Xing's order.

At this moment Li Xing had time to see Shuiyue.

"Xing brother!" Shuiyue flew into Li Xing's arms like a bird.

Li Xing kissed her on her forehead, and smiled, "Shuiyue, you have made great progress and you are already practicing Qi Qi."

Shuiyue laughed: "That's not as fast as Xingge."

Qiu Ye and others all came around and asked Li Xing's experience eloquently. These people have grown up with Li Xing and have a close relationship. Li Xing immediately took out the implements and elixir to make everyone happy.

At this time, Li Xing and Shuiyue were whispering alone.

Emperor Tianxie said: "Li Xing, this woman has a beautiful appearance and can be planted with strong Yin seeds."

Li Xing smiled slightly. Shuiyue had a deep affection for him, and he had no strong Yin seeds, the effect was the same. However, since this can improve her qualifications, Li Xing is also happy.

"I have a Master."

Immediately, Li Xing sent Mu Shuiyue to Baiyang Jingtian.

Once in Baiyang, Shuiyue suddenly stopped. This is really a magical world.

Li Xing didn't explain much, only said: "Shuiyue, you will cultivate here in the future."

Suddenly, an aura of light fell into her eyebrows, and Shuiyue felt a little cold in the meridians and then felt very comfortable. When she looked at Li Xing next to her, her heart suddenly became affectionate.

Li Xing looked at her with winnowing eyes and smiled, "Hey," and stepped forward to hug her.

"Not shy!"

Suddenly Xueling came over and stared at Li Xing and Shuiyue.

Shuiyue said, "Who are you?"

"I'm Xingge's woman." Xueling said, "Who are you?"

Shuiyue froze and looked at Li Xing.

Li Xinggan gave a laugh and introduced them. The two women, one who planted the seeds of Suyin and one planted the seeds of Lie Yin, were all so happy with Li Xing that they were not as jealous as women in the world, and looked at each other with a smile, and soon became sisters.

Li Xing secretly relieved and listened to Tian Xie smiling: "How? You have tasted the benefits of Jiuyin female body now? They are responsive to you, never jealous and well behaved. Unfortunately, when I was a teacher, I didn't understand so deeply , Making the harem three thousand beauties, fighting every day makes me extremely troubled. "

Li Xing smiled "Hey," and felt quite beautiful in his heart.

However, Tian Xie ’s voice changed: "Cultivation is fine, but you ca n’t be obsessed with beauty. Next, you have to prepare to impact the realm of God. You planted a demon, can those two find it?"

Li Xing shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid they won't be able to get a patch in a short time."

The Emperor Tianxie groaned for a moment and suggested: "There must be a trading market in Tianyuanzhou. If you can go, you may find a patch."

Speaking of the trading market, Li Xing's eyes lit up and he said, "Exactly! I should have thought about it earlier. But I don't know where the market is. I would also like to ask a few gods in the sect."

Li Xing wanted to break through at an early date, and after explaining to the 3000 scholars, he immediately went to see Yu Yuxu.

When several gods and men heard that Li Xing needed to repair amulets, they all thought that he needed to repair broken instruments. You Yuxu said: "In the west of the Tianchen Kingdom, there is a market called Luoyueji. You can try your luck."

Gu Yeqi stood up and laughed, "This is far away, Li Xing, I will accompany you. However, the patch is not of low value."

Li Xing quickly thanked him and said, "I can exchange tools, monster cores, etc., I have a lot of these things, and nothing."

Whenever he left, Gu Yeqi took Li Xing and the two flew away.

Just a few days after Li Xing came back, the Qingxiao faction and other factions were much lower-key. Li Xing suddenly brought back the 3,000 scholars and frightened them. No matter how he thought, he felt that it was impossible to overwhelm the Qiyun faction, and the trend of the Qiyun faction to grow stronger was difficult to reverse.

The situation forced several forces to come together.

The Qingxiao faction, Danxiamen, Xuanbingmen, Huolingmen, Jukongjia, and the heads of the five forces, sitting together, looked worried.

"This time, the Qiyun faction has increased by three thousand ten-strong scholars. Within ten years, a large number of gods will emerge from them, possibly more than one hundred! By that time, it will be the first in Pingguo. Power! "

Said the owner of the Extreme Family, Extreme Extreme.

"At that time, we will all be eaten by it, and even Tianchen Kingdom will not be able to control Qi Yunpai. Therefore, we must think of a way to weaken Qi Yunpai and plan ahead."

The speaker is Danxia Gate Master, a middle-aged god-man.

"Obviously, several emissaries of Tianchen are reluctant to see Qi Yunpai's strength. In addition, the only thing that can compete with Qi Yunpai now is the Dark Devils, and we can make a fuss about it."

This time, it was the head of Qingxiao School, an old man named Zuo Zong, whose expression on his face was full of conspiracy.

All eyes were on Zuo Zong.

Zuo Zongdao: "Tianchen also removed the Dark Demon and did not want Qi Yunpai to be strong. We are also the same, so our interests are the same. Just look for an opportunity to work with the Tianchen messengers to formulate a plan for Qi Yun The faction and the Dark Devils have both lost! Whoever dies is good news! "

"Good plan!"

Everyone praised.

"Just, how can we get the two parties together?" Someone asked ~ www.readwn.com ~ Easy! "

Suddenly, Tian Bojing came out, and he was always standing behind the scenes, listening to the people talking.

Everyone stood up, surprised, and looked at Zuozong one after another.

Zuo Zong looked as usual, and laughed: "The ambassador of Tianbo came from my invitation, and the plan was to make his heart on Tianbo."

Tian Bojing laughed: "Tianchen executives have learned about the Qi Yun faction. The order above told me to find a way to weaken the Qi Yun faction. Therefore, we have the same purpose and can work together."

"Please advise me," the crowd asked.

In the eyes of Tian Bojing, a flash of cold light flashed: "You know, a powerful figure of the evil religion, the evil master, has arrived at the black evil religion. This person is already practicing the Seventh God! However, he was badly injured and needed the natural **** Source refining tonic! "

"The Li Xing faction Li Xing has just returned from the wilderness, and there must be a lot of divine sources on his body. Wouldn't the Yinsha Demon Lord know about this? If he shot, the Qi Yun faction would have a hard time."

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