Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 318: Buy patch

Chapter 6: Buying Patches

"It's a real trick! Practicing the Seventh Level of the God, you have become a **** babies, and you can make Qiyun faction perish at the fingertips!" Everyone said yes.

Discussing the poison plan here, Li Xinghe and Gu Yeqi flew for three days and finally arrived at the sunset set.

The founder of the setting sun is the setting sun valley, a power of the kingdom of heaven. It is said that behind the setting sun, there is a big surname Tianchen as the backstage, so it can last for hundreds of years and become more and more prosperous.

The setting sun valley is located in a million mountains, and its position is very hidden. Many people who come to trade are gods and people, not even the top ten kingdoms. Because if it is not a god-man, it is not easy to have valuable things on hand, and there is no need to exchange here.

In addition, the scholars are weak, and they may not be able to take things when they come here to trade things. If they are not good, they will be counted by the gods halfway, and they will be different.

Far away, Li Xing saw a large mountain valley among the rolling mountains. The valley is nine hundred miles long, and it is very wide, and there can be seen many gods and humans in the process.

"The sunset set has more than 3,000 regular business firms, and there are places where the gods and men set up their own stalls. We are here to keep a low profile and not to attract the attention of others." Gu Yeqi secretly warned Li Xing.

Li Xing knew that it was very powerful. In case anyone was remembered, he would not end well, so he took it seriously and agreed.

The two landed in the valley, and at a glance, a straight street was built in the valley, which was very long. At both ends of the street, there are small stalls on the ground, one table and one chair.

In the middle of the street, there is a formal shop, with luxurious decoration and elegant style.

Gods and man after man, walking on the street, no one looks at anyone, only focusing on what they want to trade.

Li Xing was going in, but was pulled by Gu Ye Qi, and laughed: "The things on this stall are also good. We are here anyway, so let's take a look."

Li Xing nodded, watching the stalls on both sides while walking.

These stalls have a jade table on them, with a few things on it. There are various instruments such as magical instruments, elixir, elixir, magic symbols, meteorite, poison, etc.

Seeing all the way all the way, there is no one who is eye-catching, seeing that he is going to the store, Li Xing stopped suddenly, his eyes fell on a piece of jade table. On the couple, put a human figure.

That portrait, Baoxiang solemn, seems to contain the supreme majesty, wearing a cloud robe, long ears and shoulders, one finger to the sky, one finger to the ground. The more you look at it, the more you feel the momentum that radiates from the sky.

However, when you look closely, the stone statue is carved from ordinary stones, which is really nothing precious.

Gu Yeqi also stopped and asked strangely, "What's so special about this stone?"

A few days ago, a god-man who practiced God was standing there. He smiled slightly and pointed at the stone statue: "This stone statue was obtained from an ancient site. It contains a spirit on it. If it is used to practice God, then Nothing better. "

The ten most important exercises of God, the sixth most important. The top five exercises of God are all laying the foundation for the six exercises of God. God and man are sixfold, and you can practice God by the God of all things. For example, there are those who practice the gods by the sun, some who practice the gods by the moon, and others who practice the gods by the mountains.

What things can be made into divine fetuses, what kind of true form can be achieved in the future, whether it is a mountain, an east is a river, or a day, or a month, or a beast, etc., all have wonderful things.

Of course, the true form period will be condensed only when practicing the God of God.

After listening to the other party ’s comment, Gu Yeqi dismissed it and said, "This stone statue does have some meaning, but its material is just an ordinary stone. Even less valuable. "

The god-man smiled lightly: "If you want to buy goods, two people want to buy it, and the price is 3,000 yuan."

When people of God want to cultivate or fight, they can use Xuanjing to provide supplementary power, so everyone needs it. Especially those who do not have spiritual springs and spiritual veins. When practicing, there is a great demand for mysterious crystals.

As soon as he heard three thousand Xuanjing, Gu Yeqi turned away and Li Xing didn't think there was anything special about this portrait. He smiled and had to leave.

The god-man was said by Gu Yeqi, and also felt that the stone statue may lose its value at any time, and the spirit above it disappeared. By that time, he could not get a penny.

He couldn't help anxious, and called out quickly: "Two, please stay!"

Gu Yeqi was in the portrait, and he had no interest at all. But Li Xing, I think this thing is a bit interesting. He has been practicing using the demon fierce Zen, and he has also practiced the great light spell, and would like to learn more about practicing the Word of God.

So he stopped and asked with a smile, "Sir, would you be cheaper?"

The god-man groaned for a moment and said, "One thousand Xuanjing, if you want two, take them as much as you can."

Li Xing also knew that if it was less than a thousand, the other party would never agree. He was also a cheerful person and nodded immediately: "Okay."

After buying a stone statue, Gu Yeqi took Li Xing as a prodigal and sighed, "It's not worth it.

Li Xing smiled and said nothing.

Continue to walk around, no patches were found on the stall, they only had to enter the shop.

The bosses in these shops are all masters of three or more who are practicing God, and have a strong momentum. However, the shopkeepers are very hospitable and will introduce the goods to the two. What instruments and symbols are often complete.

After walking a few houses, Li Xing found out. The items sold in these shops are focused. Some mainly sell magic symbols, some mainly sell magic instruments, and some mainly sell magic symbols.

In this way, the two have a goal, and only go to the shop where the magic symbols are sold.

Because the patch was rare, they went to seven Famu stores in succession, and did not gain anything until the eighth.

This shop is simple in style and the owner is a chubby **** man with warm hospitality. The name of the shop is "Ji Fu Xuan".

"What do they need?" The owner stepped forward with a smile and asked the two.

Gone wildly smiled: "Boss, is there a patch for sale?"

The owner's eyes lighted up: "Are you going to repair the charms? You're in the right place. Only the shop sells them on the sunset set."

Li Xing neither showed happiness nor surprise, but simply said: "We need to repair the charm, and also ask the owner to show it."

"Okay." As soon as the shopkeeper waved his sleeves, Li Xing added a piece of jade in front of them. On the other hand, a dozen or so spells were placed, all of which were two or threefold.

Li Xing shook his head again and again. What he needed was a patch of the nine-fold law forbidden heart. How could these be used?

The owner asked, "Why, aren't they satisfied?"

Li Xingdao: "We need a patch of nine-fold ban, can we have one here?"

"What? Nine heavy laws!" The shop owner stared. "Nine heavy laws, it takes a lot of time for the Master to make them. It can't be produced in batches. The price is very expensive. Do you really want it?"

Generally, low-level magic instruments and magic symbols can be refined in batches by the masters, and between a few fingers, they can be made into a dozen or so magic instruments, and even some powerful magicians can make thousands of magic instruments at once. It's not impossible.

But things like this nine-fold law cannot be produced in batches by masters. They must be completed in the same way, showing that they are precious.

Upon hearing a play, Li Xing said lightly, "Please ask for a price."

The owner groaned: "I have only three patches of the nine-fold law, and I have treasured them for many years. If you want, you can exchange them for three million mysterious crystals."

"What? Three million mysterious crystals!" Gu Yeqi pulled his muscles straight from his face. He wanted to go to Wanshou City at the beginning of Li Xing. In order to prepare for the thirty thousand mysterious crystals that must be paid to enter the city, the Qiyun pie were all from the teeth from. Now, it takes three million pieces at once!

Li Xing smiled bitterly: "Can the shopkeeper give one or two?"

The owner shook his head: "Ninefold law is a rare patch, and my price is absolutely fair. If you change places, you may not be able to buy it." He refused to let it go.

Li Xing thought for a while and nodded, "It's gone. Please ask the owner to bring out the spell. I want to see the quality."

As soon as the owner waved his hand, several patches were turned into three, and each spell was a ninefold ban. The quality was very good.

Li Xing stretched out his hand, and the owner gave Li Xing the same space weapon. Li Xing took the space implement, put three million mysterious crystals in it, and returned them to him.

At the time of the Great Desolation, more than 10,000 people entered the cult of heaven, and each person gave over 1,000 and 10 million. In fact, there are as many as 370 million Xuan Jing on Li Xing!

Originally, these things were after he was ready to become a man of God, and after all his cultivation. But now, in order to buy the patch, I have to take it out. Three million, not even one percent of his stock.

Li Xing did not disclose this wealth to Qi Yunpai, so Gu Yeqi was surprised. But think about it and feel relieved. Li Xing even has so many instruments, and it is not difficult to get some Xuanjing.

"This boy is afraid of tens of millions of mysterious crystals." Gu Yeqi speculated. However, he didn't feel anything, these were originally Li Xing.

The shopkeeper thought about it, found that the number was appropriate, and nodded with a smile. He immediately gave the patch to Li Xing and smiled, "Welcome to come again."

After the transaction ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing kept saying goodbye and left.

The two left the shop, Gu Yeqi urged the magic, colorful clouds, held up the two, and flew away.

The two walked away, another position, two figures, followed closely. The two were a two-headed ape and a rude han. If Li Xing saw these two, he must know them, it was Hu Bafang and the two-headed strange ape, the latter known as the red and green double evil.

"That's not Brother Li, how did he come here?" Asked the boss in the red and green double evil.

"He seems to come to trade, let's catch up and ask clearly. Brother Li is young and promising. Let's take him to see the wind, maybe it is useful." Hu Bafang laughed.

The two chased him in an instant, Gu Yeqixin was vigilant, turned to face the two, and shouted, "What's the matter with the two?"

Li Xing recognized two and laughed: "Hu Bafang, red and green, are you?"

He cooperated with the two once, and the core disciples of the total extermination of the Dark Devils have some friendship, so they are quite happy.

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