Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 319: Blast Furnace

Chapter 7: The Great Boiler

Li Xing knew the two, and Gu Yeqi said nothing and stood quietly.

Hu Bafang's "ha ha" generously: "Brother Li, I haven't seen you for a few years. You are already practicing vigorously and progressing fast. We are going to visit Xiaoyao Valley, isn't my brother like that?"

Upon hearing Xiaoyaogu's name, Guyeqi's face changed sharply, and he cried: "Two! Li Xing is my talented disciple from Qi Yun. He will never go to Xiaoyao and other places to leave!"

With that said, he even left Li Xing.

The red and green monsters are a little angry, but their realm is not as high as Gu Yeqi.

Li Xing turned back and smiled, and said, "Two, I have something to do. If the two are interested, how about we meet here a year later?"

One year later, he was confident that he had stepped into the realm of God and Man, and by then, he was completely ready to venture out. Although the two were not very temperamental, they were both **** people, and Li Xing intended to associate with them.

Hu Bafang laughed: "One word is set. One year later, it will be the Baihua Festival in Xiaoyao Valley. We must wait here."

Gu Yeqi seemed to be afraid that Li Xing would go and speed up his return.

On the way, Li Xing laughed: "The elder seems to be worried about my passing?"

Gu Yeqi hummed: "In Xiaoyao Valley, there are a bunch of sluts, what are you going to do? If you want a woman, just one sentence, our female disciple from Qiyun School, use it as you please."

Li Xing rolled his eyes and didn't know what to say.

Gu Yeqi ’s gracious spirit said, "You do n’t know, the women in Xiaoyao Valley are good at charm and charm, and none of the men who fall in love with them has a good end. There is even more than the secular brothel brothel. Unbearable, you can never go. "

Li Xinggan laughed and nodded again and again, but thought in his heart, "Wait for me to be a god-man, look at Xiaoyao Valley, what is the situation." This is purely his curiosity, not to want to be happy.

When Li Xing returned to Qi Yun Tower, Liu Yiyi was standing in front of You Yuxu, his face flushed, and he was very embarrassed.

You Yuxu sighed, "Yiyi, I regard you as my own. At that time, you were very reluctant to assign you to the child of Blue Sky, wasn't it?"

Liu Yiyi lowered his head and did not speak.

"However, Li Xing is very promising, and now he is the deputy director, and in the future, the position of the palm teacher will be his sooner or later. If you marry him, then it will be a palm teacher, isn't it wonderful? "Yu Yuxu is like a matchmaker. She picks up her tongue to convince Liu Yiyi.

"Your cultivation makes it difficult to achieve God-Man. But if Li Xing can help you, as his master, you have ten percent certainty and become God-Man. Moreover, I think this Li Xing also seems to be interested in you, Don't quit. "

Liu Yiyi sighed: "But the righteous father, Yiyi has been promised to You Bikong, and now wants to be allocated to Li Xing, what will the world think of me?"

You Yuxu didn't take it seriously: "What's that? Others say, let them say it. It's just a revocation of the marriage contract, it's a common thing in the world."

Liu Yiyi was silent for a moment, and gently nodded: "Yiyi listens to his father."

"Well, you have to contact him more in the future. In the future, Li Xing is not a thing in the pool and has a high level of achievement, I dare not speculate. Letting you marry him is to add more chips and wait for him to become famous. Qi Yun faction. "

Qiyun Tower is on the eleventh floor, and there are three groups of three thousand national scholars, and five groups of them are utterly talkative.

When they chose to follow Li Xing, they ran a bright future. However, staying in the tower every day now seems not as good as before.

"Next, many of us are going to impact the realm of God-man. Can the leader help us?"

"This is hard to say. To shock the god-man, someone must protect the law and teach the Lord one person. How to help all people?"

"Well, it seems that following the leader is not necessarily a wise choice. This Qiyun faction is really a little smaller. Even the entire Pingguo is nothing, not even as powerful as the martial arts I and I used to go to."

These people's thoughts were all known by Li Xing through magic. At this point, he had just entered the temple, and his heart trembled, "If I don't let them know my means, I'm afraid of giving up the thought of leaving."

Thinking of this, he suddenly thought of an idea, immediately entered the Dan room, stared at the Tian Wang Ding.

"Master, the disciples have an idea, and they also invited Master to the staff and staff." Li Xingdao.

"Speak to hear." Tianxie Emperor said.

"A disciple thinks, can I use my body as Dan Ding, God as the fire, everything as medicine, and refining elixir?"

Hearing Li Xing's words, the emperor was also a stunner, and then laughed: "Well, you can think of this step, and you really have the qualification of Danshi!"

Li Xing was puzzled and listened to his explanation.

"There is also a difference between the method of refining the elixir. The method of refining the remedy with the aid of a device is the small furnace Dingdan method. Above that, there are the large furnace Dingdan method, the heaven and earth furnace Dingdan method, and the Taishang furnace Dingdan method. In the world, most of them are small furnaces, that is, borrowing ground fire and refining alchemy. "

"In fact, the method you said has been in ancient times, that is, the Dingdan method of the furnace, using the body as the tripod, using God as the furnace, using everything as medicine, and refining elixir."

Suddenly, Tian Xie sent a thought to Li Xing by expressing her thoughts. This idea is exactly the way of refining Dading Ding. Li Xing understood it immediately because of these methods.

The reason he thought of this method was because he wanted to refining Baiyang Reiki into elixir. This kind of elixir will inevitably enhance the qualifications of the people, so that these 3,000 scholars will gain great benefits. Even later, he can turn Chiyang Reiki into elixir.

In this way, these people will be completely attached to him and will never betray. Because only if he is loyal to him can he get the elixir.

However, alchemy requires a fire, and it is quite troublesome. He wondered if he could use himself as a medicine pot to provoke the gas of dissociation and then refine the elixir? Unexpectedly, this law has existed in ancient times and is more perfect.

Li Xing was overjoyed. After a while of thinking, he felt itchy immediately and wanted to try his skills.

He struck out a Promise of Promise and rushed into the King of Heaven. Suddenly, the dissipating energy of that tripod was pumped out and merged into the Promise of Wuji.

The Promise of Promise, without polarity, holds everything. The dissociating gas entered into it, and it actually changed into the appearance of the King of Heaven, but it was reduced by many times. This little tripod slowly sinks into the sea of ​​Li Xing's chest, suspended there.

As soon as he thought, a Promise of Promise rushed out of his head, and Xiao Ding rushed out. At the same time, several elixir were thrown into the air and inhaled into Xiaoding.

Dissociate the elixir and immediately exert its effect. The elixir is immediately broken into several auras. Less than an hour before and after, Li Xing produced six small refining dandelions. Speed ​​is a hundred times faster than using a real hearth!

If there is a furnace tripod refining, it is necessary to use the power of the ground fire to urge the dissociation of the tripod gas. The fire temperature must be controlled exactly, and all changes are extremely complicated. But now, everything is simple and easy. Li Xing directly uses God as the fire, controls nature, and speeds up greatly.

"Wonderful!" Li Xing couldn't help applauding.

"Only these means can be used by you. Promise is true and non-polar, so you can tolerate the spirit of dissociation. In addition, your mental strength is overwhelming, and it becomes normal in an instant. This is also normal. However, you, the great furnace Dharma, if you want to succeed, you must make real fire. "

Speaking of real fire, Li Xing frowned instantly. Through the teaching of Tianxie, he understood that the true fire is a fire of mysterious ideas. In general, if you can fully understand a kind of heavenly power, you can condense the real fire.

For example, Li Xing, if he can master the non-phase power completely, he can make true fire without phase.

It is just that he has no second power and only practiced the second level, which is still far behind. No phase power, a total of thirty-six, in conjunction with the thirty-six style no-phase chop. Distance is a complete understanding of the truth of phaselessness.

Therefore, Li Xing still has a long way to go before he can make a real fire, which will not be a success overnight.

"It seems that after I have achieved God-Man, I must first practice Wuxianggong," he thought.

It took three days for Li Xing to deliberate through the big pot, and now he started to refine the elixir. As soon as the mind moved, the white aura in Baiyang Realm directly infiltrated from his body, into the meridians, and into the dissociation of true energy.

The dissociation of the qi rushed Baiyang Reiki, and suddenly, a bead-like jade medicine appeared, all of which were the size of a finger, and fragrant.

These elixir are naturally not as wonderful as Bai Yangdan, but they also have excellent results.

"This Dan is called Xiao Baiyang Dan." Li Xing thought.

A large amount of Baiyang Reiki was mobilized by Li Xing and turned into Xiaobaiyangdan. Hundreds of thousands of Xiaobaiyangdan are produced every moment. Above Li Xing's head, a group of Shinji rolled, disengaging Zhenqi and operating efficiently.

Such alchemy, one refining is three days. Li Xing's mental strength is overbearing. He also feels weak and dizzy. This is the cause of excessive mental exhaustion.

However, in these three days, his gains were also great, and a total of 300,000 Xiaobaiyangdan was refined. These little white yangdans are all of the quality of jade-grade lower-grade dandan medicines, which have the effect of improving qualifications.

Ten percent of the elixir, Li Xing immediately asked Shuiyue and others to distribute the elixir, with one hundred Xiaobaiyang Dan from each scholar.

The scholars ~ www.readwn.com ~ are practicing. Suddenly, they receive the elixir and listen to the humanity of the elixir: "The vice-president teaches to send Xiaobai Yangdan."

Little Bai Yangdan? What does it have to do with Bai Yangdan? These people were strange at first, and then looked at the elixir, which was full of strong Baiyang aura, and immediately rejoiced.

Many people, the first time to take a little Baiyangdan. Suddenly, a warm atmosphere flows into the meridians and has a wonderful effect of improving physical fitness.

"If you take this little Baiyangdan for a long time, you can strengthen the meridians, which will impact the gods and people in the future, and your chances of success will be greatly enhanced!"

Suddenly 300,000 little white Yangdans were made, and Li Xing himself felt incredible. But if you think about it carefully, if others have such a lot of Baiyang aura, you may not be able to make it. The refining of Xiaobaiyangdan is millions of times easier than refining ordinary elixir.

As long as you put the aura into the dissociation of the tripod, it will immediately condense into a small white Yangdan, which does not consume much spirit.

If it is changed to refining general elixir, such as small refining dan, tianxin dan, etc., Li Xing will never have such a speed. It can be made one hundred a day, even if it is fast.

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