Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 320: Yuan Shen Tao

Chapter 8: The Way of the Primordial God

After practicing alchemy, Li Xing was lucky and rested for seven days before he recovered. Now, he has time to repair the fighting treasure.

He took the amulet from his body, and on top of the amulet, Guanghua circulated. This amulet was also constantly nourished by Baiyang aura in Li Xing's body. Li Xing's body is Bai Yang's body, full of Bai Yang's air.

In addition, once Baiyang Reiki is lost, it will be replenished immediately from Baiyang Jingtian, so you are not afraid of lack of Reiki.

This battle spell has a ban of 981 on it. However, it is now damaged and does not work as it should.

Li Xing squeezed a patch and input a trace of truth into it. Suddenly, the spell was activated and turned into a streamer. Li Xing drew this streamer and clicked on it.

Suddenly, the fighting treasure runes brightened, the first layer of law forbidden vibration, and instantly recovered. The first level of ban is the most superficial ban and it is easy to touch, so the first one is restored.

Then, the second ban was also repaired and he recovered after a while.

A patch to fix the double ban. Li Xing was very satisfied and immediately issued a second spell.

But this time, Bao Fu didn't respond. It wasn't until the third patch was pressed that the combat spell shook a bit and the third law was restored.

The triple law was banned by 10%, and a golden light of fighting spirit was released from the treasure rune. This golden light is very wonderful, condensing into one villain, hitting boxing swords in the air, performing various martial arts moves.

Li Xing was overjoyed, knowing that the battle amulet, and finally played a real magical effect!

Immediately, he put Baofu into the meridian. As soon as Bao Fu entered, Jinguang immediately circulated through the meridians. Every week, Li Xing's meridians would get great benefits and become stronger.

At this point, Li Xing's horrendous speed of 3,000 weeks per interest, showing benefits. Between every interest, Jinguang runs with Shinji, and it also has 3,000 days, which makes Li Xing's benefits a hundred times higher.

Even looking outside, Li Xing was covered with a layer of golden light outside the body of Li Xing, full of fighting spirit.

Li Xing was completely immersed in cultivation, and the day passed quickly. For him, the effect of enjoying amulet smelting a day is a hundred times that of ordinary top ten scholars, which is equivalent to the average person possessing amulet for one year.

His meridians have turned golden and penetrated through all parts of the meridian body.

"Okay! You have stepped into a heavy fighting body and alienated the meridians." Tianxie's voice sounded.

Li Xing didn't mean to stop. He continued to run for another nine days. His meridians have become dark golden, and the internal organs have become golden. At this moment, he achieves the body of a double fight.

"Continue to practice! Shock the body of the triple fight!" He advanced vigorously, never stopped, and continued to practice madly.

After another eighty-one days, Li Xing's bones also turned golden. The hidden, unabsorbed sacred power in his bones was completely released at this moment.

His bones are as transparent as crystals, with golden light flowing in them. These bones are extremely hard. Since Feijian, it hurts it too.

At this moment, Li Xing has achieved the body of the triple fight! With strength, he has reached the extreme with tenacity.

Fighting body! Body of Bai Yang! King Kong body!

Li Xing's body has reached the level of horror that no one has ever seen before.

At this point, he has been practicing for three months, and the moment when he is done with great impact on the god-man is about to begin.

"Li Xing, the teacher now extracts the mysterious natural source of God for you! Help you to achieve the supreme **** body!" Tian Xie roared, his tone of excitement, he is about to cultivate a disciple who is even tougher than him.

Li Xing retreated in March, but Qi Yunpai was very upset.

For the past three months, Tian Bojing has always used Qi Yunpai's strength as a reason, and ordered him to continue to send his disciples to attack the Dark Devils, causing heavy casualties. Several of the original core disciples, including Song Jian, died one after another.

The internal disciples of the Qi Yun faction also suffered a large number of injuries. You Yuxu said several times that Qi Yunpai's inability to complete too dangerous tasks was rejected.

Therefore, the Qiyun faction all took a sigh of anger in their stomachs and could not send it out. Obviously, the messenger of Tianchen deliberately suppressed Qi Yunpai. Other forces are idle every day, but they want to go out desperately.

However, today Tian Bojing changed his temper, and actually led all the people in the Anti-Magic Alliance to go and attack the Heijiao, leaving only the Qiyun faction.

For the first time in several years, only the Qiyun faction was present. The disciples felt bright and very comfortable. However, You Yuxu smelled a trace of conspiracy.

Qiyun Tower, Qiyun faction's senior officials gathered to discuss the matter.

"Everyone is going to deal with the Dark Sect, leaving us Qiyun faction alone, this is not right!" Gwano wondered, "Did they design any vicious means to deal with us?"

"It's them who deal with the Dark Demon. What danger can we have?" Feng Jiu couldn't figure it out.

No one can answer, but You Yuxu deserves to be a teacher and superhuman wisdom. He thought for a while and said, "This matter reveals the mystery, and immediately all foreign disciples and internal disciples will enter Qiyun Tower. Wait until they come back. "

So, in just one day, all the disciples of the Qiyun faction all entered the Qiyun Tower.

Qiyun Tower was originally established to prevent invasion by powerful enemies. The space inside is huge enough to accommodate all Qi Yun disciples.

After the disciples entered the tower, all the defenses on the Qiyun tower were fully opened, and the circles were halo. Released from the tower, powerful.

The builder of Qiyun Tower is the founding father of Qiyun School. The ancestor, who was good at civil engineering, built the Qiyun Tower with his life's work, and attached multiple magic arrays on it. Even if people at the level of law and heaven arrived, they couldn't break it all at once.

Until now, Yu Yuxu's heart was relatively stable. He wanted to see what kind of ghost Tian Bojing was about.

At this moment, thousands of miles away, all the people of the Anti-Magic Alliance are stationed here on a hill. There is a cave in the mountain, and in the cave, the gods and men are all there.

Qing Xiaopai Zuo Zong laughed and said, "After continuously spreading the news, the Yinsha Demon Lord has suffocated to find out the situation. Within seven days, he will bring the masters of the devil to attack Qi Yunpai and seize the source of nature . "

Tian Bojing said coldly: "If the three gods of Qiyun fight hard, the Black Devils will not benefit. Moreover, the Qiyun Tower is very mysterious and difficult to break. This will be a long-lasting fierce battle. . "

Everyone was laughing and laughing, and the sky was blue in it, but there was no joy on their faces, but they were a little worried.

"I don't know, what a result." She sighed softly in her heart.

At the same time, in a valley three thousand miles away, eighteen demon gods gathered. Among them is Cang Lanjing, but he is not a leader. The leader is a middle-aged man with a grim face.

This middle-aged man is extremely tall, and his whole body is full of magical energy. His face was dead grey, his eyes were full of evil, it was the evil master.

Among the demon religions, the demon master has quite a position. The master of the evil spirit, practicing the Sevenfold God, united the **** babies, and knew all kinds of divine skills. Especially the divine infant, who has the power to kick the stars and step on the moon, topple over the river.

The magic performed by the infant child is infinitely powerful and destructive.

Cang Lan smiled silently: "The Lord, Tian Bojing's people obviously want to use our hand to destroy the Qi Yun faction. I heard that the Qi Yun faction brought back three thousand kingdoms from the wilderness, and Qi was uneven. To protect the foundation, it will definitely fight hard. "

The yinsha demon smiled heavily and said sharply, "Tianbo Jing is nothing but a stupid person. He doesn't know the power of the divine infant. The demon master exerts superb magic skills.

"You Yuxu practiced the **** five, it is not a cause for concern, the demon master can kill this person at his fingertips." A **** man laughed.

Everyone took it for granted that practicing God Five and practicing God Six is ​​a watershed in strength. Practicing the Sixfold God, condensing the fetus, and performing the magic performed in the show, the power is increased more than ten times.

There is another watershed between the sixth and seventh training of the gods. Sevenfold can give birth to a divine baby from the divine fetus, and the power of the divine baby is astonishing.

In the Qiyun Tower, the disciples were heartbroken and did not know what was about to happen. Why did they enter the tower. However, everyone has a feeling of coming from the mountains and rains.

Outside, a fierce battle is about to begin, and Li Xing is ready to impact the way of the Yuanshen.

Before you can achieve God-Man, you must first achieve Yuan-Shen, who has achieved Yuan-Shen, which can be called half-step God-Man, and then open the deified meridian and step into the realm of God-Man.

In order to achieve Yuanshen, we must first condense the Yuanta and use it to contain the source of natural gods. The two merge into one and give birth to Yuanshen.

Primordial God is the basis for the future achievements of the god-man. The stronger the Yuan God, the later it becomes the god-man. The stronger the strength, the greater the potential.

So far ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing has a solid foundation. Xuanjie Yuanzhang, Xuanjie Yuanshen, arrogant physique, etc., laid a solid foundation for his future success.

"Li Xing, how much do you want to achieve?" Before the impact, the Emperor Tianxie spoke.

Li Xing was puzzled and asked, "Of course, the greater the achievement, the better. Why does Master ask so?"

"There are tens of thousands of ways to make one yuan, and the quality of the yuan is very different. Most of these people do n’t know the reason. Even if you are taught by Qi Yunpai, you do n’t know the secret. . "

"Masters have to use mystery to conceive their fetuses. There are four levels of fetal concealment. The first-class achievements are inestimable in the future. They are mysterious. The third level, the wisdom of the Yuanshen in the future, will be the jade state. The fourth level, will strengthen the Yuanshen, the golden state. "

Li Xing listened for a moment, and asked: "What kind of state is Yu Yuxu's birth?"

"What kind of man is he? He can't even reach the golden realm. His cultivation is at most up to the sixth level of God training, and he can't progress." Tian Xie looked disdainful, and he stared at Li Xing. Big, how dare you try? "

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