Chapter 9: Yuantai!

Li Xing's eyes were wide open, he took a sip of air-conditioning, and Yu Yuxu practiced the fivefold of the gods, not even Jinjie! What horror would it be if it was Xuanjie or Tianjie?

"Master, when I had a baby, I don't know to what extent?"

Li Xing is very curious, what is the situation of the Heavenly Evil Emperor, who is known as the first man in Tianyuan, was it the Xuanjie Yuantai?

"When I was a teacher, I met a lot of strangers and passed on the ancient mysteries to get a mysterious fetal mystery and a mysterious fetal mystery. That mysterious mystery is called Da Luo Zhi Sheng, and the mystery of that day is called Zhen Wu Freedom. "

"These two methods, because the teacher claimed that he could not bear the metaphysical elementary birth, so he stepped back and practiced the secret method of that day, the true martial law."

Li Xing's heart jumped fiercely and quickly asked, "Master, what about the disciples?"

"Your physique is still above the teacher you were in that year. The three bodies are one, and the true martial arts practice is a great opportunity."

"What about Da Luo Zhi Sheng Fa?" Li Xing asked with open eyes.

"It is very dangerous. The Daluo Holy Law may lead to extermination. In the ancient times, there were many tyrannical beasts. When they became human, they would trigger extermination. Your foundation is too deep, Being jealous of ghosts and gods is also very likely to cause such robbery. "

"Cultivate true martial arts, your achievements are also unlimited. If you are more secure, practice this method. But if you want higher achievements, or even break the void, then practice the Dharma Most Holy Law."

Emperor Tianxie put two paths before Li Xing. One road, bright future, great success rate. On the other way, there are countless achievements and low success rates.

Li Xing was in deep thought. Facing these two choices, I believe that most people will choose Zhenwu Rungao. Not only is this option a small risk, but it is equally huge. As for the other option, the risks are huge. Of course, once successful, the benefits will be incalculable.

Using this secret method, Daluo Shengyuan can be cultivated and merged with that mysterious natural source. At that time, it was the combination of the three mysteries, the Xuanjie Yuanzhang, the Xuanjie Yuantai, and the Xuanjie Shenyuan, all of which were the most wonderful and powerful.

Da Luo enters the Promise, introduces the source of the gods, and then uses his own spiritual fusion, at that time, he can achieve the Supreme Yuan God, the Great Luo Yuan God.

"How, you have a choice?" Tian Xie asked lightly.

With a smile on his face, Li Xing said, "Master, can Heaven be a great man, how can he be safe and risk-free? No tiger, no tiger! A disciple is willing to practice that Daluo ’s holiness, even halfway through Fall without regrets! "

The Great Emperor of Tianxie showed a happy face, but sighed again: "In the beginning, my teacher's constitution was inferior and he had not been able to practice the Daluo Shengyuan tire. It has been very regrettable. Today, you have this ambition, but you are also considered to be successful A wish of the teacher! "

"As a teacher, I will do my best to help you and achieve the ultimate god!"

Among the heavens of Baiyang, Li Xing and Emperor Tianxie appeared in front of Tongtian Bamboo.

This celestial bamboo is a first-class spirit in heaven and earth. The celestial spirit contained in it is a horrible existence.

A glance at Tongtian Bamboo, Tianxie said: "Tongtian spiritual fetus, if not subject to occupation, will condense the pure Tongtian yuan spirit. However, this fetal fetus is obviously occupied by the person who claims to be the king of heaven. However, this It is also cheap for you. He devours the source of Tongtian Yuanling, and grows himself, and obtains great benefits. But he never imagined that when he broke into Baiyang Jingtian, he would be refined by the large array left by the old ghost of pure Yang. Without the will, it became the source of the mysterious natural god. "

Speaking of this, he suddenly asked: "Li Xing, do you know why it is called Xuanjie God Source?"

"Master, please advise." Li Xing didn't know much about it.

"For example, as a teacher, if you completely fall and lose your will, the Yuan Shen will also become a natural **** source. This natural **** source can only be called the Tianjie natural **** source. Because the cultivation of the teacher is only Fatian. At the peak, you never broke the **** of this world. "

"And Tongtian Yuanling can reach heaven and earth by itself, and not be bound by heaven and earth. Moreover, the person who devours it must also be a great man in heaven. The unity of the two is sufficient to achieve the purpose of the mysterious source of Xuanjie."

Li Xing was shocked to hear, so to speak, there are really few Xuanjie gods in the heavens and the earth. He can meet them, which is a unique opportunity!

"From ancient times to the present, no more than three people have obtained the Xuanjie Divine Source, and each of them has achieved great achievements. But Yuan Zhen, Shenyuan, and Yuantai have all reached the Xuanjie, but you are the only one!"

Emperor Tianxie seemed to look at Li Xing like a stranger, and said with a smile, "Even as a teacher, I was a little jealous. If I had practiced you in this way, I would have broken the void and escaped the world."

Li Xinggan laughed. He also felt that since entering this world, luck had been good. It seemed that there was a force in the midst of helping him.

He suddenly thought, how did he get into this world? Is there also a power to guide him here?

The thought flashed by, Li Xing shook his head and stopped studying it.

"Now, as a teacher, preach your Dalu Most Holy Gong, for this skill, can you cultivate and see how good you are?"

As soon as the words of Tianxie fell, the surrounding Baiyang aura suddenly oscillated, condensing into a fist-size, complicated rune. Each rune contains billions of tiny magic circles.

A series of runes are intertwined to form a supreme array called Da Luo Zhi Sheng array. This array method is natural, without traces of artificial modification.

Li Xing just felt a dizzy and bloated. If he had not used the devil to practice God, he would faint at the moment and be unconscious.

"Great!" Li Xing's face changed slightly, but then calmed down.

Bai Yang Reiki combined together in a mysterious way to condense a ball of light, which is exactly what Yuan Yuan looks like. This is the Dalu Most Holy Art, a supreme magical method of condensing the birth.

All of Li Xing's spirit is used to observe the Da Luo Zhi Sheng Yuan, and he wants to imprint it into his heart. However, this work is too mysterious, no matter how he remembers, he always can't remember. If you don't remember, you can't practice this skill.

Emperor Tianxie yelled: "Li Xing, release the source of natural gods, for the teacher, use the technique of" passing the gods "to pass this skill on you!"

Li Xing immediately released all the Jade Order God Sources stored. Li knew very well that it was easy for Tianxie to perform the expressive method. However, this Dalu Most Holy Way is not trivial, and the evil must rely on external forces.

At this moment, Tianxie opened his mouth and sucked, all the **** sources were sucked into his belly. On him, the fire of the male and female primitive gods is burning, which is the source of the burning gods and the infinite spiritual power.

"Accept it with all your strength!" Tian Xie shouted.

Li Xing suddenly felt that a huge amount of information was instantly infused into his mind, more and more. There is so much information, it seems to burst his head.

"The Promise of the Promise! Try your best!"

He yelled, recognized the square in the sea, quickly calculated, and helped memorize. That day, the sword-killing method, Wuxiang chop, and so on were all pushed aside. Now, he is using all his power to receive information and cultivate Dalu Most Holy.

Fortunately, Li Xing has the Promise of Promise, and the ability to calculate the rectangle is also of the degree of mystery.

Reluctantly, I can receive this information, but the damage is also great. Blood was flowing from Li Xing's seven holes, and the bloodline was also sprayed out of the 108,000 pores around him.

This is because this skill is too difficult to practice, and he is constantly being traumatized. Fortunately, a large amount of Chiyang Reiki descended to repair his body and mind, but strengthened his body.

The intense pain erupted in Li Xing's spirit and body, and could not bear it.

"Be sure to hold on! Xuanjie Yuantai is bound to be full of hardships. I have to hold back! Hold back!" Li Xing growled in his heart.

This transfer of power lasted for three hours and finally stopped.

At this moment, all the blood on Li Xing's body had disappeared, and he sat quietly. Surprisingly, after he fully grasped the Daluo Holy Art, he could not feel the pressure anymore.

All the mysteries of the Da Luo Supreme Holy Art are in his mind, very clear.

"If you were a teacher, you would have died by just passing on this step." After the Emperor Tianxie passed on the merits, he was greatly moved.

Li Xing opened his eyes and laughed, "Master, the disciples are about to gather their births."

Tian Xie Shen cried: "Remember! Be brave and advanced, regardless of consequences!"

At this step, Li Xing can't hesitate to reach his goal. He must go all out and resolve to go black with one path. Whether dead or alive, there is no regret. Only then can there be a chance of success.

"All strength, unite the primordial! Supreme will, strengthen me!"

Li Xing yelled ~ ~ The potential of full power, the potential of life, the potential of will. The infinite truth in his body exploded repeatedly, surging wildly.

The incredibly tough golden meridians actually showed traces of fragmentation, but were then repaired by Chiyang Reiki. Cracks also appeared in his skin and bones, and were repaired by Reiki.

Inside the body, all the Promise of the Promise is condensed to the Qihai area. This sea of ​​qi is the tenth place to practice qi. After the ten congenital points overlap, it is the most concentrated area with the largest capacity.

The Promise of Promise is slowly condensed into a rune, and in each rune, it is extremely complicated and contains the mystery, and there seems to be a looming matrix.

When all the Promise of Promise is transformed into runes, these runes are once again combined together to form a complex array, showing a spherical shape.

At the moment the ball appeared, the world and the earth seemed to be standing still. Li Xing's hair seemed to be blown up by the wind and fluttered. On his skin, a bright light, a sacred and noble breath, was released, shaking the earth.

For a moment, it seemed that it was a long time ago, the big Luo Yuan tire condensed by Li Xing finally succeeded. There are eight holes on the yuan tire and nine tips on the bottom, revealing a meaning of life.

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