Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 322: Half step

Chapter 10: Half a Step God!

Emperor Tianxie, when he saw Li Xing's success, he laughed and said, "Okay! The last step, Yuanyuan Shenyuan, unite into one!"

He grabbed it with a big hand, and in the sky bamboo, a brilliant nine-color strange light was caught by him. This Guanghua is the source of Xuanjie God, which was pressed directly by Li Xing into the body of Li Xing.

Xuanjie God Source, broke into the Yuan tire.

Suddenly, Yuan Fei was shocked, and the two fought fiercely.

At this moment, Li Xing immediately mobilized all will and spirit to suppress both.

This is a long process, at least for Li Xing. It seems that after thousands of years, the power of Yuantai and Shenyuan have been suppressed and completely integrated.

Outside, only a snap of time passed.

After the integration, Yuan Fei and Shen Yuan merged with Li Xing's spirit to become a spirit and spread the whole body. This air is so mysterious and moisturizing. In just one Sunday, Li Xing felt that his strength had made great progress.

When he opened his eyes and looked at the outside world, he found that it was quite different. His eyes have been washed with divine energy, transformed into divine eyes, seeing everything, clearer, straight through the essence.

In his eyes, Baiyang Reiki is not only a cloud-like thing. This aura has a smaller structure, it seems to be a series of magical arrays, continuous together.

At the end of the air, the Yuantai gradually dissipated. Its appearance was extremely short-lived, but it gave Li Xing tremendous benefits.

Shenqi runs slowly in the body, and can only run for one week between each breath. Compared with the speed of 3,000 times before, it is almost as slow as a snail. However, Li Xing is afraid to adjust the operation now, otherwise his body cannot bear it.

"Okay! You have become a half-step god-man. After consolidating for a period of time, you can shock the god-man!" Tianxie the emperor laughed wildly, and seemed to see the day when Li Xing was facing Tianyuan.

Li Xing smiled and worshiped the great evil **** first.

Tian Xie accepted it calmly and smiled slightly.

At this moment, Li Xing finally achieved Yuan Shen and entered the way of Yuan Shen! The existence of the Yuanshen is the essential difference. People who haven't become Yuanshen have a life span of less than two hundred years, and even if they practice ten qi, they can hardly live two hundred.

And the person who made the Yuan God can increase his life to 500 years at most because of his energy and body! Even if the physical body is destroyed, you can use Yuanshen to find a new physical body and be born again.

The way of the Yuanshen is extremely mysterious. It is close to another life form, the form of "god", so it is called a half-step god-man. When he opens up the deified meridian, he is the true god-man, possessing supreme power, infinite power, smiling and proud, and standing on the horizon.

After becoming a half-step god-man, the biggest thing was solved. Next, he is preparing to continue practicing. Unexpectedly, Tian Xie said: "You Qiyun faction, afraid of major events, do not rush to practice, you go out to find out."

Li Xing was shocked and immediately left the country to meet Yu Yuxu.

After three months, I saw Li Xing leave the gate, his body was full of vitality, his temperament changed greatly, and even he could not see through it. You Yuxu was overjoyed and laughed: "Okay! Li Xing, you are already half-step god-man. Congratulations! "

Li Xing has met people and asked, "What happened to the teacher? Why are all the disciples gathered in the tower?"

You Yuxu explained the incidents one by one and then said, "I feel this is unusual, so I am so prepared."

Li Xing thought for a while, and said, "It's really weird. We're doing it right." He thought for a while and said, "Teach me, let's talk in another place."

When Yu Yuxu moved, he and Li Xing went into a secret room and asked with a smile, "What's your problem?"

Li Xingdao: "I feel that 80% of people want to secretly self-generate the Qi Yun faction. Palm teaching is the five major successes of practicing God, and it is only the last step to break through. I decided to immediately refine Yuanlingdan to help the palm teaching impact the god's place. If the palm is taught to form a fetus, even if something happens, you can cope with it. "

Divine babies are conceived in the divine fetus, which is a higher level of life than Yuanshen. With the divine fetus, You Yuxu's strength will be increased tenfold.

The difference in strength is not huge. For example, the training of the one-strength God and the training of the five-strength God, the one-strength man has the opportunity to escape. Moreover, if there are more than ten one-man gods, there is a chance to fight five-man gods.

All of this is because the one-man and five-man gods have the same life form, and the five people are relatively one and do not have absolute advantages. But practicing the Sixth God is different. This is a watershed.

The fetus is 10% stronger and its strength is increased by more than ten times. The six-fold god-man has a great deal of confidence against the five-fold god-man, and the latter has very different strengths.

However, although practicing the Sixth God, although the strength is overbearing, it is extremely difficult to reach this level. There are many gods and humans in the world, and they are all in the range between the first and fifth of God. God-men who practiced God six or more became very scarce, none of them.

Otherwise, Yu Yuxu will not stay in the training of God Wuzhong for decades, without any advance. Now, he heard that Li Xing was able to make Yuanlingdan immediately, and he was very happy.

The teacher taught him a solemn gift to Li Xingxing: "It's your job."

Li Xing laughed: "You are welcome to teach, please wait."

Immediately, the flow of energy in his body turned, and the dissociated Ding Qi rushed out of the body, and under the action of the divine power, changed into the appearance of the Heavenly King Ding. Immediately, the same elixir was thrown into it and began to dissolve and refine.

You Yuxu was surprised when he saw Li Xing using this method to make alchemy, but he didn't dare to disturb Li Xing when he was in doubt, so he could only stare.

The elixir quickly decomposed into many auras, and then quickly condensed under the action of Li Xing's aura.

But this is not enough. The Yuanlingdan he is going to refine is a heavenly medicine. Tianjie elixir, like Tianjie Gongfa, must contain the power of heaven. For example, he used fentiandan.

Among that elixir, there is a power to burn the sky, the same as the power of no phase and the power of heaven.

At this moment, Li Xing is running a phase-free method.

With 10% of Yuanshen, Li Xing's non-phase cutting and rapid progress, under the watchful eye of Yu Yuxu, he directly practiced the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth forms.

It took Li Xing less than half an hour to practice these four forms.

The sixth point is that without phase power, Li Xing feels that the conditions are mature, and immediately releases an idea of ​​phaselessness, which is poured into the elixir. Suddenly, the elixir became looming, and a kind of willlessness was revealed.

Before and after, Li Xing took less than half a day to become a Yuanlingdan. However, he was not very satisfied, because under normal circumstances, there should be three Dans, but now only one Dan.

Yuan Lingdan was 10%, and Li Xing immediately gave it to You Yuxu.

Holding Yuanling Dan in his hands, Yu Yuxu finally couldn't hold back, and asked, "How can you make a tripod?"

Li Xing smiled slightly: "This is a great method."

You Yuxu no longer asked much, and immediately took Yuan Ling Dan and started to shock. Li Xing stayed aside to protect the Fa while observing its cultivation and increasing experience.

As soon as Yuan Ling Dan enters the abdomen, it turns into a mass of Yuan Ling Qi with no mood, and merges into Yu Yuxu's air. He has experienced five aspects of practicing God, the spirit in his body, the yin and yang complement each other, and is very full.

Now, being agitated by the spirit of this elementary spirit, and then guided by that force of phaselessness, the spirit has a mystery.


The horrible wave shocked, and Li Xing was shocked to sit on the ground with his eyes widened.

I saw that You Yuxu was so energetic that he rushed out of the body and turned into strands of godliness, woven into a large cocoon. In this cocoon is buried the moodlessness of his mind, and also his core spirit.

This cocoon looks like a human head and beats like a fetus. It is the symbol of the sixfold god-man, the fetus!

After the cocoon was woven, it released a huge power and then buried it in the body.

The spirit runs for ten days, and Yu Yu opens his eyes. Li Xing felt that his temperament was very different from before. This change is comparable to the changes before and after Li Xinglian's initiation of the Yuanshen.

"It's done?" Li Xingying asked.

You Yuxu smiled "Hehe": "For today, I have prepared for decades. With the help of Yuanlingdan, it will happen and it will happen overnight."

Li Xing secretly sighed that when he was struck just now, he had to die or live, but he had better die. How can Yu Yuxu be so skillful and free-spirited, it's just one day, one place.

"Now, I am the first person to enter the sixth person of the gods. Next, I must nurture the fetus. This is a long process." You Yuxu said.

At this time, eighteen gods and men suddenly appeared around Qiyun Pagoda. Gu Yeqi first spotted them and immediately alerted the police.

You Yuxu immediately knew that Shennian glanced quickly, his face was cold, and he sneered, "So it is!"

Li Xing was about to ask, his body flickered and he disappeared.

Eighteen god-man are the people in the demon religion, they surrounded Qiyun Tower. One of them, the strongest, is the Yinsha Lord.

"Yu Yuxu, I haven't come out yet to meet this demon master!"

The voice of Yin Sha Demon conveyed, shocking the disciples in the tower, with a painful look, some fell directly to the ground and passed out.

At the top of Qiyun Tower, a beam of divine light appeared, showing Yu Yu's stature. He stared at the person coldly, and said lightly: "It was a friend of the demon, what is your purpose?"

Seeing Yu Yuxu ~ www.readwn.com ~, it is already the sixth training of the gods, and the master of Yinsha looks cold: "You actually improved Xiuwei and formed a fetus!"

You Yuxu secretly rejoiced: If Li Xing had not refined Yuanlingdan, I would never be able to cope with this situation today, Qi Yunpai would have a disaster! "

He quickly stabilized his mind, turned his mind, and said lightly, "The Lord is here, nothing will happen."

The Lord of the Lord bluntly stated: "I heard that you have sent a genius from the Qi Yun faction, which attracted three thousand and ten thousand scholars, and obtained a lot of resources. The Lord of the Lord is here to take away the three thousand scholars and all The natural source of God. Of course, Li Xing must also worship under the door of the demon master. "

"Oh! You too!"

Another divine light burst out of the tower, showing Li Xing's figure. After becoming a Yuanshen, he possessed all kinds of magical methods, and had some power of god-man.

The evil master of yinsha was furious: "boy, you are looking for death!"

An overbearing divine thought hit Li Xing. You Yuxu greeted him with divine thoughts. Two horrible invisible forces collided in the air, sending out a huge explosion.

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