Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 323: Devil Flurry

Chapter 11: Devil Flurry

"Yin Sha! You are a senior man, and you are embarrassed to start with the juniors? I really do not know the shame!" You Yux mocked and sneered.

The Yinsha Demon Lord could not achieve a single blow. He tried to show that the other party was extraordinary in strength. The other party ’s mind was invisible. He secretly said: "Unfortunately, I have suffered great damage. "

You Yuxu stepped into the sixth training of the gods. This was an accident and completely disrupted the original plan of the evil evil master. However, since a person is here, he will never give up, and smiled immediately: "Yu Yuxu, it seems that you have decided to resist to the end!"

You Yuxu sneered: "Ignorance!" He was also lazy and said, pulling Li Xing back to the tower.

The yinsha devil was furious and yelled, "Full attack! Chicken and dog don't stay!"

Suddenly, 18 gods and men used their means to attack Qi Yun Tower. The power of God-man is revealed at this moment.

"Kaishan Shenquan!"

A **** man roared and punched a **** punch. As soon as this punch came out, the momentum between heaven and earth came together. The gust of wind rolled up boulders, trees, sand and dirt, condensed into a huge fist, and bombarded it.

However, outside Qiyun Tower, a circle of divine light appeared, turning into a huge mask. When the giant boxing came up, the mask was "shocked", dimmed, and recovered instantly, without moving.

"Split Finger!"

Another god-man attacked, pointed out, a sharp divine thought, carrying a tearing will, and slammed into it. There was a loud crackling sound on that mask, still motionless.

"God Thunder Strike!"

The third man of God vomited a curse, igniting the fire of nine days. Suddenly, there were dark clouds in the sky, the thunder exploded, and a thunderbolt roughly like a bull's body struck down and bombarded the mask.

The entire Qiyun Tower shook.

Attacking frantically outside, while inside the tower, You Yuxu, Gu Yeqi, Feng Jiu, three gods, all the main players sat in the tower and presided with all their strength.

Qiyun Tower, with a total of four arrays, respectively hosted a defensive array. When Mu Qianfan was not dead, the four gods were sitting in town at the same time, but now they are missing one person.

"Li Xing, you go to sit in the" Fubo Formation "!" Helplessly, Yu Yuxu had to let Li Xing be hard.

Li Xing didn't hesitate, knowing that this was the moment of life and death, and immediately entered the Fubo array.

The array is the core of a French array. The operation of a large array depends on the control of the person sitting in the array.

The Fubo array is the easiest to control among the four arrays. The role of this seat is to stabilize the Qiyun Tower and prevent it from collapsing and damaging.

The so-called array eyes, on a jade platform, above the jade platform, engraved complex runes and presided over the large array. Li Xing was ordered to sit on the stage. Suddenly, a mighty mana blessed him, the whole person, and the whole formation.

At the same time, a ray of divine thought entered his consciousness, which was Yu Yuxu, teaching him the method of manipulating the large array.

Soon, Li Xing knew how to run a large array, operate divine power, and start a large array. Outside the Qiyun Tower, a layer of soft white magic light suddenly sprayed out. This magic light has a certain buffering effect on external attacks.

Its biggest function is to stabilize Qiyun Tower, which is a relatively soft array.

Correspondingly, the other three large arrays are the absolute defense array, Wandun array and Pan snake array. These three large arrays all defended and opened at the same time. Together with the volt-wave array, Qi Yunta was instantly solidified and difficult to break.

Eighteen gods and men used their means to blast the tower with violent bombardments. Unfortunately, Qi Yunta was unmoved and was not damaged at all.

However, the four gods and men in the tower were also uncomfortable. A large array was attacked, and their primitive gods were also shocked.

In comparison, Li Xing is the safest of the four, so the Volvo Array is mainly responsible for stability. In addition, his Yuanshen's three mysteries are united, and he is extremely powerful. He is a first-rate Da Luo Yuanshen. After some shocks, it is nothing at all.

However, when he was running a large array, he had a new understanding of Yuanshen's control. Moreover, while defending, he evolved the Zhenhai Great Seal and forcibly joined the Volvo Array, which improved the power of this array to a certain extent.

Soon, three days passed, and eighteen gods and men were discouraged when they saw Qi Yunta's abnormal defense.

Facing the situation that can't be attacked for a long time, the evil master of the evil spirit angered and yelled, "You Yuxu! If you don't know what to do, let you know what the divine power is!"


Above the head of Yinsha Demon, burst out a divine light, turning into a divine infant. This baby child, 100 meters tall, radiates electric light, is almost an entity. When it appeared, it shook the sky and overwhelmed the people in the tower.

"Is this the Divine Baby? Great!" Li Xing was shocked when he saw the scene.

However, he also saw that the air outside the divine infant was unstable, seemed extremely weak, and seemed to be damaged.

"Break me!"

The giant baby child suddenly waved his palms and pressed hard against Qi Yunta. Covering the sky with his big hand, he suddenly bombarded. The outermost layer of mask, You Yuxu, was sitting in the defensive array of the town. It was most shocked. It suddenly shrank by half, but it didn't break.

You Yu Xuyuan God was shocked, but it didn't matter much. He resisted the attack, and said angrily, "Yinsha Lord! Qi Yun's revenge is ten times!"


The yinsha demon slaps again and again, every time he hits, he relies on the power of heaven and earth. In the palm of the hand, the infinite ice skates, fire and rain, and thunder hit them, making the mask bright and uncertain.

At this level of fighting, the scholars could not get involved at all. Disciples Qi Yun were anxious one by one, but they could do nothing.

"Who attacked our Qi Yun faction? Why didn't the Anti-Magic Alliance come to their rescue?" Someone asked anxiously.

"Hmm! Didn't you see it? It was the messengers of the Tianchen messengers who tried to make the demons perish. Qi Yunpai! Hum, but I do n’t know. He has become a half-step god. "

"The demon religion wants to destroy me Qi Yunpai, it is really delusional. This Qi Yun Tower, even the mage's attack, can resist it, let alone God and man?"

"Not long after the deputy leader teaches, he can cause divine punishment and become a god-man. At that time, the Qi Yun faction will be more powerful, unify the country, and command all directions!" Some people are also ambitious.

The evil master of the evil spirits made dozens of heavy moves in a row, and the mask of the defensive array was dark and bright, just not broken. Under this attack, Yin Sha found that the infant child was weaker and did not dare to fight again, and immediately accepted the infant child.

"Yin Sha! Don't you know, Tian Bo Jing them, want to let you and me lose both?" You Yuxu's voice came out.

The Yinsha Demon Lord now understands that today, when he broke the plan of Qi Yun Tower, he did not expect success. Originally, if Yu Yuxu was still practicing the Fivefold God, he had a great chance. But now, without a chance, the four defensive formations are very good.

He also knew that staying for a long time would be useless. Now he went down the donkey, and said loudly: "It's not concealed. The news that Qi Yun sent Shenyuan is Tian Bojing's resignation." Before he left, he also had to stir up the relationship.

You Yuxu sneered.

"Qiyun Tower, it really deserves its reputation.

The eighteen god-men came fast and went fast, and after attacking them for half a day, they went away instantly.

"Are you really gone?"

"It must be gone, they ca n’t attack, they dare not stay long, afraid of suffering from Tian Bojing. They did n’t hear it, Tian Bojing deliberately disclosed the news, this person is really abominable. They are all members of the Anti-Magic Alliance, but they secretly want us Qi Yun faction! "

"I can't figure out why they should calculate our Qi Yunpai?" Some people couldn't figure it out.

"Hmm! What do you not understand? The vice-president teaches about bringing the three thousand and ten strong scholars, they are all jealous, so they designed to suppress."

"That's the case, we Qiyun faction simply withdrew from the Anti-Magic Alliance and stayed with these villains for eternal life and tranquility."

The disciples were discussing. You Yuxu also called Gu Yeqi, Feng Jiu and Li Xing, as well as the elders, to the hall to discuss major events.

The matter was obvious, Qi Yunpai was put together, so everyone was extremely angry.

People talked, and Yu Yuxu glanced away, and everyone was quiet.

"Since joining the Anti-Magic Alliance, I ’m Qi Yunpai and do my best. To this end, Mu Qianfan protects the law. A elder was seriously injured and will return shortly after he returns. We Qiyunpai have lost two gods. People, make a great contribution to the Anti-Magic League. "

"However, this group of people still have to come up with such a bad plan, secretly self-determining! Such actions are chilling!" You Yuxu was furious, "So, my master decided to quit the Anti-Magic Alliance!"

Hearing this, everyone is overjoyed, and since joining this **** alliance, they are uncomfortable doing nothing. Qi Yun faction is now arrogant and can develop on its own, without having to see who is doing things.

You Yuxu made the decision after careful consideration. Nowadays, Tianchen's domestic chaos is endless, and there are monsters in Pingguo. Qi Yun faction itself has great potential, and it will not come out at this time. When will it wait?

And ~ www.readwn.com ~ If it is still in the alliance, it will continue to be persecuted, and there will be no peace.

Therefore, You Yuxu decided to leave the alliance. At this time, the Qiyun faction today has the confidence and naturally has to go another way.

Hearing Yu Yu's decision, Li Xing nodded secretly. As a matter of fact, Tianchenguo is now taking care of himself, which is a good time to leave. If he was Yu Yuxu, he would choose so.

The meeting is underway, and Tian Bojing and the other five gods of the Tianchen Kingdom, as well as Qingxiao, Danxia, ​​Xuanbing, Fire Spirit, and Extreme Forces, arrived together. They found that the demon had retreated and immediately came back to watch.

From a distance, they saw Qi Yun Tower still standing, without damage. Everyone, my heart is sinking, why is this so?

More than ten gods and men rushed around and surrounded Qiyun Tower. The head of Qingxiao School, Zuo Zong, cried out loudly, "How about you brother?"

You Yuxu and others also found out earlier that Qi Yun sent three gods and men to show up together, watching the crowd coldly.

In several schools, the gods and men all felt hot on their faces. This is all right, Qi Yunpai has not lost at all, this matter is difficult to handle!

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