Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 324: Purple Gold Gall

Chapter 12: Purple Gold Gall

Tian Bojing's look remained unchanged, and "Hehe" smiled: "Let's hear immediately when we hear the news. Fortunately, nothing happens, this messenger is assured."

"I've seen shameless, never seen you so shameless!"

Suddenly, a voice full of contempt came, and Li Xing stepped out of Qi Yunta.

As soon as Li Xing appeared, Beichen's blue eyes brightened, and she saw that Li Xing was already half a step away. The half-step god-man is only half a step away, that is, the god-man, who has refined the existence of the Yuanshen, and should not be underestimated.

Tian Bojing was furious, and a wave of divine thought hit him, but he was swept away by You Yuxu. At the same time, a wave of divine thought came back, and Tian Bojing "wow" had to spit out blood.

This is the difference between practicing the sixfold gods and practicing the fivefold gods. As soon as You Yuxu entered the sixthfold, his strength soared, and Tianbojing, the fivefold godhead, was injured. He was impressive every other day.

Beichen had a cold blue face: "You Yuxu, do you want to go against it?"

Yu Yuxu sneered: "The Qiyun faction is the Qiyun faction, not the subjects of the Tianchen Kingdom. What can we talk about? The Qiyun faction is by no means an opponent of the Tianchen Kingdom. , Let ’s just go away and take refuge in the super. ”

"Or maybe you are too aggressive, Qi Yunpai may not be able to join forces with the Heijiao and drive you all out of Pingguo."

The Qi Yun held the teaching, his words resemble a blade, and he was extremely sharp.

That Zuo Zongli yelled, "Qi Yunpai is so arrogant that he will suffer great trouble! You Yuxu, you are a smart person.

You Yuxu stared at God's light, and God's thoughts were attached to his eyes, suppressing it, Zuo Zong's body shook, he retreated, and his face was horrified. Only for a moment, he felt as if there were thousands of troops to kill him, and it was impossible to resist.

"What are you, and you have the right to comment on me?" You Yuxu looked scornful, and only spoke to Beichen Lan. He knew that now Beichen Lan is the person in charge.

Beichen sighed. She knew that she could not persecute Qi Yunpai. No matter how strong Tianchen Kingdom is, Qi Yunpai need not be afraid. As Yu Yuxu said, it is not necessary to stay far away in Pingguo if you have to travel far away and take root.

Today, the Qi Yun faction has a foundation, and may develop into a super faction. By that time, instead, he set up a powerful enemy for Tianchen.

Even Qi Yunpai can cooperate with the Heijiao to fight against them, which is even more difficult to deal with.

So, after thinking twice, Beichen Lan decided to compromise. What is wrong with them today is that if they did not calculate Qi Yun faction, Qi Yun faction would not rebel and break away from the alliance of resistance to magic.

She is a clever person, and she took the initiative and said, "This messenger allows Qi Yunpai to break away, but if Tianchen comes down in the future, don't regret it." Although not ready to investigate, she also left a threatening statement.

You Yuxu said indifferently: "Without any trouble, Qi Yun will have his own way of resistance."

Beichen waved his hands and many forces resignedly left the Qi Yunpai site. On the same day, the Anti-Magic Alliance moved to the Qingxiao School. Qi Yunpai finally became independent from it.

As soon as the people in the Anti-Magic Alliance walked away, the Qiyun Tower was filled with jubilation, and the disciples exulted and relaxed.

Today's Qi Yunpai is unbound and has a rapid development speed.

As far as the day of the siege of the demon religion, more than a month later, Li Xing had been busy during this time. As the deputy in charge of teaching, he had many things to deal with in person. At the same time, it is necessary to refine Xiaobaiyangdan, and some elixir that can improve disciples.

After one month, when things settled down, Li Xing could finally practice with peace of mind and prepare for God's punishment.

On the eleventh floor of the Qiyun Tower, Li Xing was sitting inside the Dan room, running the big Luo spirit in his body. Da Luo's spirit is so heavy that every strand is as heavy as a mountain, so it runs slowly. Each breath can only run for one week.

After more than ten days of hard work, the speed gradually increased by one week. Each breath can reach two weeks. In this way, I want to restore the level of 3,000 days a week, and I don't know how many years to cultivate.

It's not that Li Xing's qualifications are poor, but that this Luo Luo's spirit is really extraordinary. It is composed of Promise of Promise, Daluo Yuantai, Xuanjie Divine Source, San Xuan, and the fusion of spiritual power. The power is thousands of times stronger than ordinary air.

"Cultivation like this, how is it a head?" Li Xing suddenly stopped practicing, with a grin on his face. His starting point is too high, so cultivation is extremely difficult.

If it is an ordinary half-step god-man, it only takes ten days and a half months to consolidate before we can meet the divine punishment. And he can't, it takes a long time.

But people have a limited lifespan, and they can't go on like this.

"Now, it's only one step away. Li Xing, you can continue to cultivate the body of King Kong, you can break through the body of the triple King Kong." The Emperor Tianxie suggested that he did not encounter such situations in the past and did not solve it Road, had no choice but to adapt.

King Kong Alchemy, Li Xing has cultivated two aspects. For the first time, he ventured to practice and used it to build Bai Yang's body. The second time, by chance, was achieved through the demon king's alchemy.

But it is very difficult to reach the triple King Kong body. This heavy, not only requires a lot of elixir, but also blindfolded medicine, purple gold gallbladder.

The golden spirits of all souls are hidden deep in the ground, where gold gas converges. It is a sharp golden gas, which has crystallized over millions of years to form a gall-like object. Gold gallbladder under 10,000 years is white, red over 100,000 years, and purple over a million years.

Therefore, Zijin Dan is extremely precious and has no price.

Therefore, as soon as Emperor Tianxie said of the triple King Kong body, Li Xing laughed bitterly.

"If you want to find it, you will have a chance to find it." Tianxiedao said, "As a self-cultivation, it is hard-won, you must cherish it, be brave and advanced, not afraid of all difficulties, and you must not be discouraged and lose your spirit."

Li Xing was shocked, realizing that he should not be depressed, and said, "Yes! Disciples, let's go!"

On the same day, Li Xing distributed 600,000 Xiaobaiyangdan to 3,000 kingdom scholars. Some of these scholars, after taking Xiaobaiyangdan, showed signs of breakthrough and could become half-step gods.

Li Xing was in love again and distributed a batch of jade elixir, and told Yuyu. The next day, he left and went out looking for Zijin Dan.

His first stop was the demon forest, visiting the Phoenix King and Sun. In the beginning, he promised to make the three treasures for the Phoenix King and Sun. That year, he made 36 pieces, enough for Fengyi to take for three years.

Now, looking at three years, it's time to come back and practice some more.

Li Xing came as expected, and Feng Wang Sun and Huang Xiaoyu were very grateful and warmly received. Here, Li Xing finally saw Feng Yi. Feng Yi, a three- or four-year-old child, was born with pink carvings and jades and was very cute.

Feng Yi and Li Xing were very close to each other when they met. They probably knew that Li Xing practiced alchemy for him.

He lived here for half a month, and easily made 108 pills by using a large furnace, which was enough for Fengyi to take seven years.

With 10% of the elixir, Li Xing was about to leave. Before leaving, he asked the Phoenix King and Sun about the matter of Zijindan. Feng Wangsun provided news that there is a Vientiane Mountain in Tianchen. When he traveled before, Divine Thought had penetrated into the ground and found a lot of golden spirit.

However, he wasn't sure if there was purple gold gallbladder below.

After questioning, Li Xing said goodbye to the Phoenix King and went to Tianchen Kingdom. During his trip, one should look for Zijin Dandan, and the other is to watch his elder brother Wang Jiuliong.

Li Xingyun raised his divine energy, and under his feet, Da Luo's spirits surged up, supporting him, flying towards Tianchen Kingdom with an electric shock. On the way, he asked Tian Xie what the two phoenixes and grandsons were.

The Emperor Tianxie laughed: "These two are the top masters who practice God. You can get to know them and have good luck."

Li Xing was taken aback: "What? The training of God is heavy? Are there a lot going to enter Fa Tian?"

"It's not necessarily that. There are more than ten million gods and men, and how many masters are there? I see him as two of them, and their qualifications are acceptable. There is only a 10% chance to step into Fatian and become a master.

Li Xing regretted: "This path of practice is really difficult and long!"

He flew with vigour and speed no less than the flight of the god-man, and within a few days he arrived at Tianchen Camp.

I saw below that the countless camp accounts were where Tianchen's army was stationed. Civil strife has apparently not yet been restored, and war is continuing.

As soon as Li Xing arrived, he felt thousands of thoughts and glanced at him. One of them was Jiuliong.

Suddenly, among countless battalions, one of them, Ji Lixiong, who had shed a ray of light and had not seen it for nearly three years, appeared in front of Li Xing.

"Brother! You are finally back!"

Jiu Lixiong laughed and beat Li Xing on the shoulder.

Li Xing smiled "Good-bye", goodbye Brother Jie Yi, he was also very happy, the two held hands and landed. He still had the rank of Deputy Chief of Military Supplies, so the soldiers saw him and saluted him, calling him Deputy Chief.

Jiu Lixiong ordered the sergeant to kill the sheep and slaughter the cattle and entertain Li Xing.

At the banquet, UU reads www.uukanshu. The three and five school officials of the com accompanied him, Li Xing asked about the situation in recent years.

Jiulixiong laughed: "Thanks to my brother's full support, I took the position of the forward battalion leader. Since I have been providing Gu Xuan with the spear jade dew pill, this person is very dependent on me.

"In the past three years, he has repeatedly fought for his brother. This Gu Xuan has not been greedy. He reported it one by one, and both of them won the emperor's reward. Now, the emperor himself gave the title of first-class loyal Fanghou. After the war, I will There will be vast fiefdoms. "

Li Xing also rejoiced for Jiu Lixiong, saying: "This is also the elder brother's wisdom and courage. If you only please Gu Xuan and you have no truth to learn, you will not get the glory today."

"Brother, in recent years, Na Guxuan has not mentioned your name a lot, and is still at the Emperor's court, and I would like to ask for your help. You may not know that you are also a party member of Tianchen Kingdom now."

The marquis is divided into four classes, first class princes, second class princes, third class princes, fourth class princes.

Although Zhenhou is not very valuable, Li Xing also finds it interesting, and laughs: "This Gu Xuan is really interesting. Sometimes, real villains have cuteness." He thought about it, "Since he often mentioned I, brother, how about we visit him tomorrow? "

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