Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 325: Diamond corundum

Chapter 13: Emery Dew Pill

Jiu Lixiong waved his hands again and again: "Brother, brother I speak straight, in case you offend Na Guxuan, you blindly try hard. Or you go, if you need anything, you can take it on my side."

Li Xing smiled: "This is not necessary. I have many good things on my body, and I will be happy when I measure that."

This time the two brothers were very happy. Li Xing has become a half-step god-man, with frequent adventures. Jiuliong was also rewarded and became Fang Hou. The two banqueted for one night and stopped the next day.

Early the next morning, Li Xing brought two soldiers to visit Gu Xuan as a quartermaster.

When Li Xing entered the barracks and saw Gu Xuanshi, he was surprised. I haven't seen it for a few years. This valley is full of red, full of spirit, and it's gone for a long time. He just remembered that he was afraid that the refined spear Yulu Maru played a magical role, which made him develop vitality while playing with women.

"Looks like this treasure gun Yulu Wan is really effective." He thought secretly.

As soon as he saw Li Xing, Gu Xuan's eyes brightened, and he stood up, "Haha" laughed: "Li Xing, you are finally back!"

Li Xing quickly referred to: "Meet the great general."

"Get up, I have often asked Jiu Lixiong for three years, he said that you are not around, and I will only see you today." He stood upright, with a bit of temper on his body, and laughed, "How? You can find me Has it changed? "

Li Xing immediately said: "The general is powerful and imposing, and only with victory over the general can he have such a grandeur."

Gu Xuan laughed, and she was very happy.

In fact, he was almost emptied of his body. He was chaotic and confused every day. The emperor scolded, the people looked down on him, let him give up, and behaved worse and worse.

Even he knows that if he goes on like that, it won't be long before he loses his wealth. However, it is too late for him to develop his habit.

Later, Li Xing appeared and offered Baoqiu Yulu Pill. Although this medicine is not a precious elixir, it is mainly used in the room. Moreover, even serving for three years, it has shown great results. Gu Xuan can not only find happiness in the room, but also full of strength and strength.

In this way, he is full of energy every day, and he has the mood to deal with military affairs. Coupled with the heavy use of Jiu Lixiong, he repeatedly established military exploits and received awards.

Gu Xuan is also a smart person, knowing that all of this has to do with Baogun Yulu Pill. And the person who offered the medicine, he also found out that it was Li Xing, not Jiuliong who offered it.

So, he was very respectful of Li Xing and regarded it as a blessing. He only felt that the changes in his body originated from Li Xing.

"Well said! Li Xing, how about you staying with this general in the future?" Gu Xuan suddenly said.

Li Xing knew for a moment that he couldn't refuse, otherwise things would be bad. As soon as he had a clever idea, he came up with the idea of ​​killing two birds with one stone and said, "General, his subordinates are here to give a pill."

Upon hearing the elixir, Gu Xuan's eyes lit up immediately, and she couldn't wait to say, "Hurry up, talk!"

"The general has taken the Baogun Yulu Pills and feels its wonderful use. However, this Baogun Yulu Pills has a limited effect. If you take them after three years, the results are not as good as before."

Gu Xuan repeatedly nodded: "You are right. Recently, I really feel that the effect is not as strong as before."

"Therefore, the subordinates were extremely worried, so they studied the ancient recipes and read the Dan Book, and finally found another, more robber's elixir. Taking this medicine will not only make the general a woman's favorite, but also enjoy the blessing of the people. It's nine degrees, and it's spring breeze every night. It can cultivate vitality and help the generals achieve God and man! "

Hearing can be a god-man, able to blossom nine degrees, spring night breeze, Gu Xuan trembled with excitement, shouted: "Is this medicine really?"

Li Xingdao: "Do you dare to deceive?"

"What medicine?" He asked quickly.

"Vanadium corundum dew pills," Li Xing said.

"Vanadium corundum? Well, it sounds magical!" He stared at Li Xing. "Li Xing, as long as you offer this medicine, what do you want, what will this general give!"

He Gu Xuan, born in the Gu family, one of the eight surnames of Tianchen, was born with a golden key. He has a high status and is lawless. Although he has limited qualifications, he can eat elixir as a meal from a young age, and he is also a master of empowerment.

However, his vitality is already his limit. For this reason, he was quite annoyed. Every time he saw the god-man with his toes high in front of him, he was extremely upset. How many dreams, he wanted to be a god-man, and he could be magnificent.

Moreover, according to clan rules, if you cannot become a god-man, you cannot be a high-ranking member of the clan. He has always coveted the great power of the Gu family. Unfortunately, as a scholar, he does not have this qualification.

But now, Li Xing can provide a panacea that can make him a god-man. How can he not be excited?

Li Xing smiled slightly, his words were not completely false. King Kong Yulu Wan, also known as Shuang Xiu Dan, is a jade-grade top-grade elixir. If you take it for a long time, you can become a god-man.

This Dan Fang was naturally taught by Emperor Tianxie. In addition to diamond corundum dew pills, Tianxie also has more than a dozen types of Danfang, and even a Tianjie Dan medicine, Daxinxidan, the effect is better. However, Li Xing is unwilling to give Tianjie Pills to this person.

"Dare to serve the general, it is an honor to be subordinate." Li Xingdao.

Gu Xuan was so touched, he slammed Li Xing's shoulders vigorously: "Good! In the future, you will be the confidant of this general, and you will be blessed!"

Li Xing looked flattered and said, "General, refining this medicine requires many kinds of precious medicinal materials. The medicinal materials prepared by his subordinates are not complete. Please give me medicine."

"No problem, what do you need, I will write to the family and get it all!" Gu Xuan said with great care, he is very confident in the wealth of the family and will not lack a panacea.

Li Xing nodded, and now came pen and paper, writing down the names of 640 elixir.

Gu Xuan looked full of paper elixir, but rejoiced and laughed: "So many elixir! The refined elixir must be no small matter! Well, I will send someone to do it!"

Li Xing laughed secretly in his belly, only one hundred medicines were needed to make this Dan. The remaining 540 kinds of high-quality elixir are all profitable and will fall into his pocket. These opportunities, do not fish for nothing.

Even in the Dan Fang, he wrote the medicine of Zijindan. The Gu family is one of the eight surnames of Tianchen, and there must be such treasures.

Gu Xuan only swept casually, he wrote a letter, attached the prescription, and sent it to Tianchen Gu's home quickly.

As soon as the messenger left, Gu Xuan immediately set up a banquet to receive Li Xing. After saying a few words, Li Xing knew Gu Guxuan's mind better. In his opinion, Gu Xuan is a very personal person, acting freely and unwilling to be restrained.

If such a person is placed in the world where Li Xing once lived, people will think he is free and easy. However, in this world, people look down on such people.

At the feast, Gu Xuanlian toasted and asked, "Li Xing, you are such a brilliant master. I knew that I would keep you by my side."

Li Xing modestly said a few words, "The subordinates are very honored to serve the general. However, before this, the subordinates must first successfully refine the diamond corundum.

"Yeah!" Gu Xuanlian nodded again and again. "Alchemy first, talk about other things later."

A moment later, Gu Xuan let go and said nothing in front of Li Xing.

"Huh! When this general becomes a god, my father will fully support me in attacking the Marquis!"

Li Xing slashed and knew something about the Gu family.

The patriarch of the Gu family, sat down seven years ago, and left their jobs.

Gu Xuan's biological father, named Gu Lun, is a master of the six gods. Gu Lun has a high status in the family, and together with the other two, **** the position of the patriarch. But after seven years of struggle, there was no result.

Gu Lun has his own advantages, but unfortunately his son Gu Xuan can't become a god-man. If Gu Xuan succeeds as a god-man, he will have a way to make Gu Xuan attack the Marquis of Jade and greatly enhance his power.

"Li Xing, you can use this person to plan for major events." Tian Xie suddenly spoke.

"Master, my disciples also think so, if I can support Gu Xuan and let him take office, I can borrow from him in the future." Li Xing laughed.

Originally, he didn't take Gu Xuan seriously, but only for Jiuliong. And now he saw an opportunity. As long as he has enough investment, he can reap great results in the future.

While the two were having a banquet, an old man suddenly came out of his account. The old man, full of red light, Tong Yanhe hair, walking like the wind.

As soon as the old man came out, Gu Xuan quickly stood up and laughed, "Master Huang, how many drinks do you have?"

This Master Huang met Gu Xuan, and then stared at Li Xing with an eye to eye.

Li Xing was weird in his heart. He said who this is, and why did he look at me like that?

Gu Xuan introduced with a smile: "Li Xing, this is Master Huang. He is also good at Dan Dao. He is an expert invited by this general."

This time, Li Xing finally understood. It must have been the news of King Kong Lulu Maru. It spread out and made this "Master Huang" feel that he had been robbed, so he came to challenge.

With a spectrum in his heart, Li Xing smiled, but did not speak.

Master Huang gave a cold hum and said to Gu Xuangong: "General, this person's Danfang ~ www.readwn.com ~ The villain has seen it. The villain thought that blindfold medicine could not use so many elixir . This person, deliberately deceived, in order to be full and private! "

Gu Xuan looked cold and looked at Li Xing.

Li Xing's expression remained unchanged, and he said lightly: "So, Master Huang knows how to make diamond corundum dew pills? Otherwise, how can he judge this way?"

Master Huang was in no hurry and righteousness: "Although I ca n’t make it, I know the pharmacology. So many elixir, there are many conflicts, how can you make them together? You obviously have greed, and you want to swallow the Gu family Elixir. "

With a sigh, Li Xing stood up without arguing and told Gu Xuan: "If the general does not trust his subordinates, please dispose of it immediately!"

Gu Xuan hurriedly raised Li Xing. He looked forward to the diamond corundum, how could he deal with Li Xing?

"Li Xing, how could General Ben doubt you?" He turned to Master Huang, his face sinking. "Master, if you have no evidence, it's best not to talk nonsense!"

Master Huang trembled: "Okay! This man really pretends, I will expose his boss and see how he handles it!" At the moment, he sneered, "The villain has evidence!"

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