Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 327: King Kong's body 3

Chapter 15: Triple of King Kong!

However, when Li Xing saw many elixir, he saw another Dan master.

A plain-looking woman appeared in front of Li Xing in the general's camp account. The woman, wearing a simple and plain shirt, had a gray cloth hat on her head. But even so, she couldn't hide her beauty.

Gu Xuan pointed at the woman and smiled: "Li Xing, she is the daughter of our Gujia Medicine Garden, Su Xiaomei. Due to the large number of elixir sent this time, she personally escorted the delivery."

Li Xing nodded slightly: "Miss Su."

Xiaomei Su said lightly, "I'm Su Ying. I'm here to order the family. I have a few questions to ask."

When Li Xing heard that Zijindan was among them, he knew that things were not so simple. He had been prepared for a long time, and then laughed and said, "Please."

"First question, what is the chance of alchemy success?"

Li Xing didn't think about it, and said, "It's ten percent certain."

"Second question, what is the chance that this elixir will let Gu Xuan step into the god-man?"

Li Xing thought about it: "60%."

"The third question, if the Gu family asks for help in the future, will your answer?"

"You can do whatever you can," Li Xing replied.

Su Ying nodded and said, "My words are over. These are elixirs, please order them." She handed a space weapon to Li Xing.

Li Xing took the magic weapon and swept away, and found that everything needed was there. When he moved these things into his space, he returned the empty magic weapon to her.

Immediately after the settlement, Su Ying left. Looking at her back, Li Xing thoughtfully.

"It seems that Gu Lun understands my elixir in Heigujia. However, in order for his son to become a god-man, he doesn't care about these losses at all, it really is a personal thing." Li Xing thought to himself, he saw this from the other three questions just now. all.

Most of the 600-odd elixir that Li Xing wrote down were mostly needed for his triple form of Vajra refining. It can be said that he used Gu Xuan's identity to obtain these elixir. In particular, the purple gold gallbladder has excellent condition, at least tens of millions of years old, and is extremely precious.

Now that everything is ready, Li Xing can start cooking alchemy. He immediately said to Gu Xuan: "General, don't be late, the subordinates will start to make alchemy. Please send a few people to protect the law from others. interference."

"Good!" Gu Xuan was overjoyed, and assigned him two guards around him.

Before King Kong refining, Li Xing met Jiuliong again. It was only a few days after he was gone. Jiulixiong thought that something had gone wrong. He watched him come back and asked him carefully.

Li Xinglue said briefly, "Big brother, the Gu family is very powerful. Gu Lun, who has real power, intends to cultivate his parents Gu Xuan. Now, you and I have an opportunity. If you can use Gu Xuan, fully support the superior, in the future It's good for you and me. "

"The younger brother need not say. Alchemy and medicine are much more convenient. The elder brother is a man in the army, and a talented man is about to use it. How can there be a way out if there is no backer? You and my brother, you should be inside and outside. To do the next thing. "

When Jiuli's ambition moved, he looked at Li Xing and said with a smile: "Brother, I always feel that your ambition is bigger than mine. Is it possible to be a general?"

Li Xing smiled slightly. He was not only to be a general, he was to be the king of Tianyuanzhou, and he came to the world to restore the glory of the great emperor. However, these cannot be said, just saying: "People go to high places, and water flows to low places."

Jiulixiong sighed and said, "In the past few years, I also want to understand. Well, brother, everything is listening to you. I will do whatever you want."

Since Li Xing intervened in his affairs, Jiulixiong has been in peace. He stayed in the army for decades. Although he had many military achievements, he was rarely promoted. Li Xing gave him many awards and awards, and some noble figures came to make friends.

Therefore, Jiuliong was grateful and trusted for Li Xing and was willing to do what he wanted.

In this way, after the two discussed, Li Xing asked Jiulixiong to continue to help Gu Xuanli's battle, and he went back to practice.

Outside the Dan room, two gods guarded. In the Dan room, Li Xing is preparing to reshape King Kong.

All the elixir, and the drug Yinzijindan, are ready. Next, it ’s time for King Kong to reshape. He decided to use King Furnace method to carry out King Kong refining.

To be on the safe side, he first asked Tian Xie. Tianxie was greatly appreciated, so this method is the authentic means of the candle dragon that year.

Using the big furnace Dingdan method to practice King Kong ’s large alchemy, perfect combination of Dan Tao and cultivation, the effect is wonderful.

For all the elixir, Li Xing had to take two copies, one for Baiyangjingtian and one for cultivation. When he opened Baiyang Realm, the gods and guardians outside felt the leak of Baiyang aura.

These two people were secretly shocked: this person's Dan Dao was so bright that he could provoke the fluctuation of Baiyang Reiki!

Because of the identity of Master Li Xingdan, the two did not suspect anything at all, and they both felt that this kind of aura fluctuation was normal.

In Li Xing's body, that dissociated the qi, swallowed all the elixir at once, and decomposed the elixir. After a while, the Zijin Dan also slowly flew up, driven by Li Xing's idea.

This purple gold gallbladder is oval in shape and has the size of a fist. It is permeated with a strong golden killing spirit.

He didn't know that Gu Lun was very excited after learning that his son Gu Xuan had a chance to become a god-man. The Gu family did not have purple gall, but the intelligence system learned that one of the medium-sized martial arts had this treasure.

Therefore, Gu Lun did not hesitate to send a killer to destroy the medium-sized martial arts, and then won Zijin Dan.

Although Li Xing did not kill Bo Ren, Bo Ren died because of him. Of course, he didn't know about it at this time, so he couldn't be moved.

Zijin was very tenacious, and Li Xing practiced it for seven days and nights before dissolving it into the essence of gold. This golden spirit is the king of golden spirit, which is not trivial. As soon as it came out, it immediately cut around and was extremely sharp.

"Medicines unite, refine me!"

Li Xing yelled, the dissociation of the spirit of Ding, all of a sudden filled the whole body, wrapping him around Zhou Yi. Many of its medicinal powers penetrated into his body and various wonderful changes took place.

Perhaps Bai Yanggong was the base, and King Kong's third practice was smooth sailing without any danger.

On the seventh day, Li Xing seemed to hear a "click", and suddenly felt that his physical body and Yuanshen had never been so close.

"That's it! Until today, I have perfectly integrated with this body!"

Li Xing was overjoyed. When he came to this world, he always found that his qualifications were very poor, and he must constantly rely on Baiyang Reiki to upgrade his qualifications. It was later discovered that this was due to his being soul-traveling.

It is similar to the situation that Yuanshen took the house, which caused Yuanshen and the physical body to be incompatible, so the qualifications were low.

Today, however, he practiced the third form of King Kong's shape-refining arts, and finally, the physical gods were perfectly combined. Owned this body completely.

After the sound, his body changed drastically, becoming harder and more arbitrary. That golden spirit, even fused with Yuanshen, made Li Xing's Yuanshen sharp, sharp, and murderous.

These sharp primordial gods are as powerful as Jianguang, and ordinary meridians simply cannot bear them. But Li Xing is the body of Triple King Kong. He is extremely hard and can easily carry this elementary god.


The intense divine light shocked and then completely converged, and Li Xing was restored to his original appearance. There was a layer of golden light on his skin, but it disappeared again, and it was still the same.

However, the Yuan Shen of his body has undergone tremendous changes. In the body, the meridians have completely turned into dark red gold, tougher than golden iron. The bones, blood vessels, and muscles have all changed into another form.

At this moment, he felt the air in his body, sharp and unparalleled, even if he encountered the divine magic of man, he could fight one.

This sharp demeanor slowly accelerated the operation of the day and day, and gradually grew faster and faster. In the end, every breath is reached, and a thousand speeds of terror are running.

Thousands of days a week, Li Xing's limit is now, and no matter how fast, the triple King Kong body can't bear it.

"Now with this constitution, it is completely possible to practice the seventh-level sword-killing method and the first nine-fold practice of Wuxiang Beheaded successfully!"

However, one thing he didn't do was to refine the corundum dew pills.

The method of refining the elixir was very fast. After more than a month, he refined 108 elixir. Three per month is enough for Gu Xuan to take it for three years.

Immediately after Dan Cheng, Li Xing presented the elixir.

Gu Xuan waited for nearly two months and could not wait to get the elixir and took it immediately.

Diamond corundum dew pill is more than ten times stronger than the treasure gun dew pill. He immediately felt the wonderful effect and was very happy.

Next, Li Xing raised his qi and refined his spirit. In the military camp, he stayed for another March. In three months, he raised Yuan Shen to his peak state, and reached the condition of impacting God-Man Avenue.

"Finally hitting the gods!"

This day ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing woke up from the fixation, his eyes shot with determination. On the same day, he resigned to Gu Xuan, saying that he would go out to find elixir and refine a wonderful elixir.

Gu Xuan was so happy that he sent him out of the barracks in person, and repeatedly asked that within one year, he must come back and Li Xing promised to come down.

There was a ray of divine light all over the body, and Li Xing was flying away. The divine light was more powerful than Jianguang and extremely sharp. After seeing Gu Xuan's god-man guard, he was shocked. God.

Li Xing didn't go far. He flew to a deserted place without a crowd and found a cliff. The cliff, which protruded between the peaks, was surrounded by cliffs with deep snow.

He was sitting on the ice now, ready to meet the thunderous thunder.

The thunder of divine punishment is the horrible punishment that God must bear when opening the deified meridian when the scholar becomes a divine person.

"Li Xing, you are about to meet the sky, the biggest challenge in this life. If it succeeds, it will fly into the sky! If it fails, it will never be restored!" The desolate voice of Emperor Tianxie sounded.

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