Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 329: Become God-Man

Chapter 17: Become God-Man!

In one punch, Li Xing smashed the golden light and was reborn. His body is now King Kong's indestructible body, and his physical body has sublimated again, reaching a terrible degree.

At the juncture of life and death, he actually merged the Vajrayana's Vajrayana and the nine-nine-thirty-nine-thirteen-day Nirvana method that was too vain to create the feat. In the end, he not only broke the calamity but also improved power.

"This work can be called Nine Lives and Nine Killing King Kong. It is not bad!" Li Xing said lightly, motionless.

As soon as Jinguang disappeared, Jieyun did not disperse, and shot a red light again. This red light, like blood, was extremely thick, and it suddenly covered Li Xing. Unlike Jin Guang, this blood light has a strong corrosive force. When it is stained, Li Xing's body suddenly emits black smoke.

Fortunately, King Kong is not bad, Nirvana is born again, and has strong resistance. Therefore, as soon as this corrosive force was oppressed, it was blocked from the body, and only Li Xing's body was injured.

"The first three are the number of thieves, the middle three are the numbers of the demons, and the second three are the numbers of the light. It is the most difficult to deal with."

Li Xing suddenly stood up, glaring with eyes, and shouted, "I don't have a bad body!" The whole body was shocked, and the violent divine power erupted instantly. This force formed a shock wave.

Just listening to the fluttering noises, the red light exploded. The power of Li Xing is so strong!

Jieyun was shocked and issued a ninth severe punishment. A colorful light shines down. When this light came out, the strong toxicity penetrated into Li Xing's body. His face changed and he cried, "What a poison!"

Strongly toxic, as soon as it touches the rocks, the rocks begin to melt into black smoke. When it touches the air, the air is also corroded, which is many times stronger than that red light.

In Li Xing's body, a large amount of Baiyang Reiki was ingested, and it was covered around the body. This Jiuyang Reiki is a cold and poisonous nemesis. Once it came out, it immediately neutralized with the poison and turned into white smoke.

However, the toxicity was too strong, Li Xing's body was still seriously injured. Fortunately, there is aura repair, otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Time passed minute by minute, the five-colored poisonous light gradually dissipated, and finally, the robbery cloud also dissipated.

At this moment, Li Xing was extremely embarrassed. His flesh was burnt and red, as if it had just come out of a stove. Her hair is gone, and her clothes are untouched. The sharp light in his eyes also converged, very tired.

"This bitch's punishment has finally passed!" He breathed a long breath and lay back on the mountain peak.

Chiyang Reiki continued to repair his body. After one night, his injuries were recovered the next day. He washed his body, took a shirt from the space implement, put it on, and went down.

At this moment, finally set foot on the realm of God-Man and opened the deified meridian.

This first deified meridian is called Divine Power Meridian. As the name implies, this heavy meridian can make manpower infinite.

At this moment, Li Xing became a god-man. At his feet, he drove the light of God, flying across the sky like a meteor, over thousands of mountains and rivers, full of energy and spirit.

"Master, the next practice, the disciples do not have to rely on Chiyang Reiki." Li Xing laughed.

Previously, his body, Yuanshen and flesh did not fully fit, resulting in poor qualifications and difficult cultivation. But now, the two have been perfectly matched. In addition, he practiced Jiuyang Gong, possessed the body of Baiyang and the body of fighting, and newly learned the Jiuyang Nine and the nine Kings.

Therefore, in terms of qualifications, his current qualifications are superior to super geniuses. What geniuses and wizards are in front of him, not even shit.

In other words, in the future cultivation, Li Xing does not have to rely entirely on external forces. He can rely on his own qualifications to practice all the way.

"Today, you are considered a reborn, countless accumulations, and you will have today's achievements." Emperor Tianxie also sighed, "Li Xing, you have grown up."

Li Xing smiled, "Master, disciples, how are you now than your elders?"

Emperor Tianxie pretended to be profound and asked: "What do you say?"

Li Xing sighed, "The disciples are naturally inferior to Master. However, with Master being half as good, I am satisfied."

Tian Xie's heart was full of taste, and he said, "This boy, when I train the gods heavily, there is no such arrogant strength, which is much worse ..."

Flying all the way, shortly after that, the day broke up with Hu Bafang, Hongbai Shuangsha. I met at the time and met here a year later. Counting the time, today is exactly the agreed period, Li Xing came.

This is a place of mountains and mountains. Li Xing waited for a long time, and saw the two divine lights descend, showing Hu Bafang and Hongbai Shuangsha. As soon as the two of them appeared, they both said, "You are here!"

The two looked at Li Xing, and Hu Bafang was surprised and said, "Oh, he has become a god-man, amazing!" Hu Bafang admired. He is the dual of practicing God. At this moment, the strength may not be Li Xingqiang.

Hongsha laughed: "Can anyone we know be worse? Let's just talk nonsense, go to Xiaoyao Valley, and have been waiting for a year.

Li Xing also knows that this Happy Valley is similar to the brothels in the world. However, the women in Xiaoyao Valley only serve the gods, and the women among them all call themselves goddesses.

The goddesses are naturally beautiful and delicious.

"The two go to Xiaoyao Valley, are they just looking for a woman?" Li Xing asked strangely, not understanding why the two monsters were so anxious.

The flying tiger demon Hu Bafang smiled "Hey": "Brother Li, you don't know. The gods' room surgery can make people fly to the sky. If you don't try it, you will feel uncomfortable."

Li Xing nodded and smiled: "Okay, I'll go see it."

He went here for "sight", just to satisfy curiosity. Just like him in the previous life, Baba ran a night club, just for the sake of insight.

Xiaoyao Valley is a beautiful valley. The valley, about a hundred miles long, is full of pavilions, small bridges, and garden courtyards. At Taniguchi, there is a large square with a monument standing on the edge of the square.

On the Yingkeping, a square jade was laid and extended. After Yingkeping, I saw an archway with the three characters "Xiaoyao Valley" written on it. The archway is tall and carved from white jade.

As soon as you pass the archway, you can see a lot of figures, shuttle between the courtyards, pavilions, and indeed they are all gods. When these people came, they looked hungry. When he left, he was as satisfied as he was drunk.

Hu Bafang narrowed his eyes and said, "Brother, although you are here for the first time, you have a better taste, and you should go to 'Bing Qingwan'."

Bai Sha shook his head again and again: "No! You should go to 'Sweet Wan', where the woman is holding a handful of water. What's so good about Bingqingwan? One by one, if it's frosty, it's a bitch, but it's pure.

Hu Bafang insisted on his own opinions, and argued with Hongbai Shuangsha.

Li Xington felt a headache and said that a woman can be so troublesome. Now, "Two, listen to my brother, let's go to Qingbingwan, then sweet Wan, how?"

The two immediately stopped arguing and applauded in unison. However, Hu Bafang smiled bitterly: "It's just that the Xuanjing we have on our body is just enough to go to one place to spend."

Xiaoyao Valley is also a golden cave, and the god-man without a value cannot enter. Hu Bafang said that the red and white Shuangsha were also silent, and looked at each other with a bitter smile.

Li Xing rolled his eyes: "I am entertaining today, both of you can play whatever you want, don't worry about Xuan Jing." Dahuang and his party, he is sitting on the rich, let alone that, even if you pay 10,000 back to fund.

Li Xing became the East, and the two were overjoyed. They took Li Xing and went straight to that Bingqingwan.

Bingqingwan, located in the center of Xiaoyao Valley, is a small and elegant courtyard with flowers and plants and a courtyard. A small three-story building was built in the center. The second-floor window was half open. A young girl sat leaning against the window and looked lonely. Not to mention, it looks very inviting, and Hu Bafang's eyes are straight.

The two monsters, who also knew the instruments, had performed deification methods and changed their looks. Hu Bafang looks like a mighty man with a magnificent appearance.

And that red and white double evil, but it is not easy to handle. It looks like a human, but it's still weird. However, the two demon feel good about themselves and followed with a smile.

As soon as the three of them appeared, a woman, full of body, walked with a smile, and asked, "Three grandpas, which goddess are you looking for?"

Hu Bafang apparently has been here, and said loudly: "Call Xiaoqing girl." After calling, I remembered that it wasn't him who came alone and said, "Call Xiaojie, Xiaohuan, and Xiaoying all together!"

The woman is Bing Qingwan's steward and is responsible for receiving guests. When she heard that the guest had a big appetite, she was happy, but then she bit down her face and said, "Three uncles, I'm really sorry. Xiao Jie and Xiao Ying have already been wrapped up."

Hu Bafang stared at him: "Bagged? Who?"

This kind of prostitutes robbed prostitutes from time to time, and the women did not panic, and laughed: "Three uncles, it's good to see this. The slaves will order a few more women to ensure that each one is clean.

Hongsha rolled his eyes and said, "Forget it, if you don't look at your face, I will teach that person!"

"Hum! I'm not talking!"

Suddenly ~ www.readwn.com ~ The voice of a young man came from the building, his voice was angry.

Hongsha sharply said: "Who? Who?"

"It's my master!"

A phantom flashed, and there was a young man in front of everyone. This man, wearing a big red robe, with a nostril facing the sky, looked like an invincible man.

When this person appeared, Hu Bafang frowned, and he felt something bad. Li Xing looked like a play.

Compared to the two, Hongsha has seen the killer. This monster has not eaten a lot of people in his life, and the other party provoked him. How can he not be annoyed? Suddenly killer.

"Boy! You're arrogant in front of Hongbai Shuangsha, you're enough to live!" Hongsha began to threaten spitefully.

Unexpectedly, the young man was even more mad. His eyes were radiant, pointing at Li Xing, Hu Bafang, and Hongbai Shuangsha one by one: "You don't know the heights and heights, and you dare to offend my **** Seventeen Langs. "

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