Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 331: Extreme Void

Chapter 19: Supreme Void

After saying this, Li Xing's breath was shaking, Wu Xianggong broke through on his own and entered the seventh place. At this moment, he was relieved. It turned out that from the moment he entered Xiaoyao Valley, he felt that there was no sign of breakthrough.

Therefore, I have been immersed in the realm of phaselessness, so that there can be seemingly strange words and deeds. At this moment, a smooth breakthrough naturally returns to normal.

She finally realized that Li Xing was practicing. She was not only angry, but was very shocked. She asked, "Is the child practicing, but the Heavenly Order?" No doubt.

Li Xing glanced at her and smiled, "You have good eyesight."

Wu Yao was overjoyed and asked, "The son-in-law will practice the Heavenly Order, must he be a super-discipline or a powerful disciple?"

Li Xing was vigilant, this woman knew so eagerly, what was the purpose?

"What do you ask so clearly?" He asked indifferently.

Wu Yao sighed, "My son is assured, the little girl has no other meaning. Because if my son is a disciple of the superpower, he can help me out of the bitter sea."

"Huh?" Li Xing was puzzled.

Bian Yao quickly explained: "The little girl is a person cultivated by Xiaoyao Valley and was recently sent to Bingqingwan. Bingqingwan, which sounds good, is actually a flesh business. I am still a clean body and I am not willing to be here. So ask for your son. "

"Can I help you?" Li Xing asked.

Ji Yao nodded: "My son has no idea. If the goddess in Xiaoyao Valley can be found among the disciples of the superpower, he can immediately redeem himself. In this way, Xiaoyaogu can establish relationships with the characters in the superpower."

"So you want me to redeem you?" Li Xing smiled. "It's just that you meet, why should I help you?"

Wu Yao laughed: "If you are not sure, why dare to leave the son?" She took out a token from her sleeve. This token, the size of a palm, is carved with a cloud pattern, and the book has the word "Ethereal".

"This is a misty order. With this token, you can go to the misty palace and participate in the misty sword once every twelve years."

Li Xingjiu has heard of the origin of the misty order. According to legend, there are twelve halls in the Hidden Palace. Every twelve years, the disciples in the twelve halls will conduct a competition. People with misty orders can take part in the competition, and if the participants can overcome women of the same level, they can take them away.

In the misty palace, it is said that there are many beautiful women with special constitutions that make men's eyes narrow. Therefore, the misty order has always been a sought-after product, and all men want it.

As for the misty palace, it is impossible to know why the misty order was issued and such a rule was set.

Chen Xue and Chen Shuang are in the misty palace. Li Xing was given such an opportunity at this moment, and he was naturally unwilling to give up. Thinking a little, he asked, "How can I redeem you?"

"Eight million Xuanjing, plus the identity of the son's Super Martial Disciple," said Yao Yao.

"Okay, I promise." Li Xing didn't think about it, and agreed immediately.

Xi Yao was very happy and said, "Thank you son!"

"No need to thank, just trade." Li Xingdan said indifferently, "I can't redeem you so abruptly, I will stay on these days."

Sui Yao suddenly became serious, determinedly: "The body of the little girl cannot be given to the son."

Li Xing froze, then laughed: "Don't be your body, then play a few songs for me."

Wu Yao was relieved. She was really afraid that Li Xing was a desperate person and wanted her. Since it's a tune, it's okay. After she came to the piano, she stroked her fingers and suddenly made a beautiful sound.

Li Xingduo sat in front of the window, the spirit in his body slowly moving. At the same time, Bai Yanggong is also operating.

Bai Yanggong, a total of nine weights, corresponds to the body of nine heavy Baiyang. During this time, he didn't have much time to work with Xueling to impact the god-man. Bai Yanggong's cultivation has also fallen, and now it is the third priority, transforming Jiupin Baiyang Reiki into Qipin Baiyang Reiki.

Qipin Baiyang Reiki nourishes his body. These Qipin Auras form themselves into astral symbols that represent the rules. These astral symbols are extremely small and are completely formed by the agglutination of Auras. However, when Li Xing looked closely, he could not see the content of the symbol.

These Qipin Auras, composed of countless small charms, contain extremely magical powers. Every week that Li Xing runs, Li Xing's body and Yuan Shen will be improved. In particular, his nine lives and nine destructions of the King Kong are not bad, and under the impetus of this aura, he made rapid progress.

Li Xing was upstairs for three days. Downstairs, Hu Bafang and Shuangsha brought their own goddess and went to the house to do that, and almost forgot Li Xing.

On the third day, in the realm of Bai Yang, Emperor Tianxie discovered two things of Li Xing. One is an unnamed atlas, and the other is a stone-carved portrait.

"This map has some meanings." The Emperor Tianxian suddenly grabbed the map, and suddenly, the map radiated endless brilliance, revealing its core origin.

"It turned out to be a sword array called the Eight-pole Sword Formation."

Li Xing noticed the movement and came to his mind and asked, "Master, how is this sword array? How to use it?"

"This sword array is also a kind of Heavenly Order. If you can practice it into Yuan Shen, it's not bad." Although this practice is a Heavenly Order, Tianxie doesn't seem to see much in his eyes. On his side, I don't know how many Heavenly Order exercises.

Li Xing was very excited and laughed, "Master, I will practice this sword technique."

At the heart, the map was taken out of the sky, and Li Xing was included in the Yuanshen, ready to refine at the appropriate time. Practice with the help of maps is much faster than self-cultivation, which is why Li Xing's heart is moving.

In Jingtian, Tianxie stared at the portrait again. The portrait, one finger, one finger, was bought by Li Xinghua for a thousand Xuanjing, and it didn't matter much.

"Master, what exactly is this portrait? The spiritual will above is very interesting." Li Xingdao.

The Emperor Tianxie looked around and looked at the portrait. Suddenly, he shot a divine light in his eyes and shot at the portrait. After a moment, he "snapped" and shouted, "Good way!"

Immediately, the portrait suddenly exploded under the sweep of the **** light. In the portrait, a tiny gold spot suddenly enlarged and brightened. In Li Xing's shocked eyes, a tall human figure rose up.

This phantom is still like a portrait, but the momentum is very different, exuding the supreme nobility, supreme majesty, supreme authority, heaven and earth, but I alone.


Li Xing opened his mouth wide.

Emperor Tianxie looked serious, staring at the portrait, thoughtfully.

"Master, what is it?" Li Xing asked, the momentum was too horrible.

Tian Xie shook his head: "I can't see the calendar as a teacher, but know that if you use this thing to entrust the yuan god, it will be refined into a first-rate yuan god."

Practice blood, practice qi, and practice God.

The core of practicing God is to entrust God. The future success of the Sevenfold Divine Infant depends on the use of God's means.

The so-called borrowing of gods is to strengthen the gods with the help of external forces. Some people practice the **** with the sun, and condense the sun fetus in the future to achieve the sun **** baby. Some people use the mountain to refine the gods, and in the future they will condense the mountain gods and become the mountain **** babies.

By God's means, various. Emperor Tianxie asked Li Xing to use this person as a prototype to practice God.

"Master, since you don't know its origin, how can you use it to practice God?" Li Xingyi asked.

Emperor Tianxie said: "Believe as a teacher, this portrait has the power to pass the latitude and longitude, manipulate the sun, the moon, the stars, and the laws of heaven and earth. What is more noble than it? Therefore, it is absolutely right to practice God with it."

"Of course, it will be extremely difficult to practice God with this thing. But you get up very high and every step of your cultivation reaches the extreme, so you might as well try it and practice God with this thing."

Li Xing couldn't help laughing, because he found that even if he looked at the ghost image more, he felt panic and shortness of breath. If he used it to practice God, it would be harder than climbing the sky.

Fortunately, by the cultivation of God, it is too early to start practicing the Seventh God.

For this thing, Tian Xie couldn't say why, Li Xing was naturally unclear, but he simply asked, focusing on practicing the eight-pole sword array.

The map was twisted by Li Xing's primordial spirit, and suddenly became the original thing, a sword array. This sword array is constantly being washed and washed by Li Xing's Yuanshen, and gradually has a tendency to merge.

This is the magical use of the map, which greatly improves the efficiency of cultivation, and even completes the cultivation in an instant, eliminating the suffering of cultivation. However, the exercises practiced in this way are not very stable.

Li Xing didn't care much. He cultivated this sword array, and he became curious for a while, and wanted to practice a sword technique.

Three days later, the map was completely refined by Li Xing, and became part of Li Xingyuan's deities. It turned into a sword array and hid in Li Xing's body.

While he was in the national sword circle, the voice of Shuangsha came from the following: "Goddess of Yao Yao is accompanying the guests. Who are you, how dare you run wild?"

"Get away!"

A cold voice sounded, followed by the sound of broken tables and chairs, and the floor shook.

Li Xing got up immediately, he knew that Shuangsha must have been in conflict again.

Downstairs, as expected, Shuangsha was confronting a young man. The man saw Li Xing coming down from the top, angered and rushed to the crown, and asked, "What happened to Yao Yao?"

Li Xing frowned: "Who are you?"

Behind him, walking out of Yao Yao, she saw the man, her face changed slightly ~ www.readwn.com ~ and then smiled: "Shen Gongzi, why are you here?"

Immediately, Li Xing suddenly felt that the son of Shen was definitely in love with Yao Yao and came to meet each other, but was stopped by Shuangsha.

Shen Gong was full of anger: "How do you stay with other men?"

Shuangsha sneered: "Don't you change the man every day, don't you know?"

The young man stepped out suddenly and went to Li Xing and yelled, "Those who move Yao Yao must die!"

He punched out, and when he punched out, a dark force hit him and was very arrogant. When Li Xing saw this person, he knew that he was practicing the duality of God and practiced a great skill.

Sure enough, this man was extremely powerful when he shot.

However, if it is stronger than strength, Li Xing is confident that he is not inferior to ordinary gods and men, and now he makes a fist with a cold hum. The two forces collided in the middle of the road, making a huge explosion and spreading far away.

Li Xing didn't move, and the young man was blown away with a punch, half of his shirt turned into powder under the shock of the divine power.

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