Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 332: Genius Wu Xiaozi

Chapter 20: Genius Wu Xiaozi

That Shen Gongzi was surprised. In Juli Men, he was the most powerful young man in the younger generation. He couldn't even fight this person!

Ji Yaosheng was afraid that Li Xing would conflict with him, Liu Mei raised his head and scolded, "Shen Dujiang, I have nothing to do with you, please don't make trouble here."

Shen Dujiang laughed "Haha" and ignored Li Yao, but pointed at Li Xing: "I do n’t want anyone to take away the woman Shen Dujiang looks at!" Shot from his brows, beheading Li Xing.

This method of using the Yuanshen to launch the sword light is called the Yuanshen flying sword, and its power is still above the ordinary magic weapon flying sword.

Seeing that the other side's sword was very powerful, the two nine-level Feijians on the body were damaged during the robbery process. Li Xing then urged the eight-pole sword array in his body. This sword array has merged with Yuanshen, and is also a kind of Yuanshen flying sword.

Eight-pole swordsmanship belongs to the Heavenly Order Gongfa, and its power is naturally very strong. In addition, when Li Xing practiced the Triple King Kong body, he absorbed the purple gold bile. The purple gold gallbladder is the extremely sharp essence of gold, making its Yuan Shen very sharp.

Suddenly, Yuan Shen triggered, the sword array vibrated, and his eyebrow shot a sharp ray of sword energy. This sword spirit is divided into eight strands, and each strand has a mystery. The eight sword spirits are amazingly powerful.

The sword qi of the two sides slammed into each other halfway and strangled each other. As soon as the two come into contact, outsiders can see the difference between strength and weakness. Li Xing's sword spirit, brilliant and overbearing, the more brave the war, the more step by step.

Shen Dujiang's sword light, dull, was suppressed by death, and he could not help but retreat. He had no choice but to fight back.

Hu Bafang and Shuangsha both looked straight. Although they are practicing the duality of God, they have no chance to practice Yuanshen Feijian. Gein Yuanshen's flying sword is very rare. Therefore, none of the gods and men who practice this kind of exercises.

Shen Dujiang was so arrogant because he could cast the Yuanshen Flying Sword, but he never imagined that the other party would also have the Yuanshen Flying Sword, and the sword skills were stronger than him.

At this moment, Shen Dujiang was suppressed from breathlessness, and his face was anxious, and he asked, "Who are you?"

Li Xing commanded sword qi, strangling and strangling, relaxed and freehanded, and chic, he smiled lightly: "want to know my name, I won't say it before."

"Si Lingling!"

Eight sword lights, suddenly accelerated, like eight lightning, cut back and forth. This time, Shen Dujiang couldn't support him completely, and his life was threatened. He yelled, suddenly retreated, smashed through the door, and fled away.

Li Xing did not catch up, and immediately received Jian Guang. My heart was very happy, and secretly said, "Octopus swordsmanship is really powerful, but unfortunately, when I first practice this sword, I can't feel the power of eight poles."

The force of the eight poles, like the force of no phase, belongs to the force of heaven.

As soon as Shen Dujiang left, the people from Xiaoyao rushed over again, still the two middle-aged men. They obviously saw Li Xing's Yuanshen Feijian, and looking at Li Xing at this moment seemed a little daunted. After all, Yuan Shen Fei Jian is very powerful.

Li Xing felt that the time was almost right now, and he said, "The two, we must redeem Yao Yao from now on."

When they heard that they were going to redeem, Xiaoyaogu looked at each other, nodded, and said, "Go to the lobby and talk to us."

Xiaoyao Valley is not a martial art, but a commercial institution. As for who is behind Xiaoyaogu, few people know about it.

Li Xing was invited to a nine-story high-rise building in Xiaoyao Valley. In the lobby of the first floor of the high-rise building, he saw the so-called director. The director of Xiaoyao Valley is a woman thirty years old, like a ripe peach.

Her face was full of spring breeze, and Liu waist swayed softly: "I am Bai Feifei, the director of Xiaoyao Valley. This son is extraordinary, must he be from the door?"

The female executive Bai Feifei asked with a smile.

Li Xing took out too false orders, and said lightly, "Xiamen disciples underneath."

When Li Yao heard that Li Xing was actually too vain, she was overjoyed. Too fierce, it is one of the superpowers with the highest strength. Originally, although he thought that Li Xing was of extraordinary origin, he did not expect that he would be too vain.

After all, Taixumen is far from here, and basically there will not be too many people.

Seeing that the order was too fierce, the female manager smiled: "It was Gao Gongzi who was too fictional, Jiu Yang, if Yao Yao could follow him, it was her spirit." Her tone changed again. A little bit, someone has already redeemed Yuyao. "

"Already someone redeemed her?" Li Xing was surprised, and her gaze fell on Luo Yao.

It seems that Yao Yao also knew it at this moment, and asked in amazement, "General Manager, who redeemed me?"

"Is he? It's the little boy of Tianchen Wu's family."

"Little boy of the Wu family!" Suyao's face changed, and she felt that the sky was spinning, and she suddenly fell to the ground, her face ashamed.

Li Xing was surprised, why was she so scared? Is this Wujia little boy a devil?

Bai Feifei sighed: "Just yesterday, the little boy sent a message saying he wanted to buy you. Although the little boy was a bit irritable, he was the genius of the Wu family. At the age of fourteen, he was already a god. "

Li Xing was startled again. He became a man of God at the age of fourteen? how can that be?

Emperor Tianxie dismissed it and sneered: "The rapid improvement of cultivation practices is simply to promote seedlings, and cultivation is unstable. It is difficult to become a big device."

"Director, I don't just want to leave with this boy, I don't want to go to Tianchen Wu's house." Yan Yao returned to God and begged Bai Feifei.

With a helpless expression on his face, Bai Feifei sighed: "Wujia is one of the eight surnames in Tianchen. How powerful is Xiaoyaogu to dare to offend? Also, the little boy is a fierce temper, and if he angers him, I will take it I'm sorry. "

Hu Bafang shook his head again and again: "I heard that this little boy was amazing and known as a wizard. However, he is not weird and brutal. It is said that he kills more than ten women every day and does nothing wrong."

Li Xing suddenly understood why this Yao Yao was so terrible.

Now that he has decided to help this woman and get a misty order, of course it won't be abandoned halfway, so he said, "I don't ask any little boy, big boy, Xi Yao must follow me."

Facing such a tough attitude, Bai Feifei sank: "Do you want to be strong?"

Li Xing sneered: "What a happy valley, afraid of Wujia, aren't you afraid I'm too empty?"

Bai Feifei's face calmed down again, and said, "My son, to be honest, we dare not beg you, please forgive me." Obviously, she didn't want to offend people who were too virtual.

Li Xing waved his hand: "No need to say it." Turned to Ji Yao and said, "I will not break my word." Then Xuan Jing, who had spent the past few days, called Hu Bafang and Shuangsha, and went straight out of the hall.

Bai Feifei sent out the hall, watching Li Xing go away, a sneer appeared on her face.

Li Xing was flying in the air, and Hu Bafang hurriedly asked, "Brother, where are you going?"

"Ask someone to do one thing."

"Who's there? What?"

"Please Phoenix King Sun, grab the Yao Yao." Li Xing said lightly.

Hu Bafang took a sigh of air-conditioning, Feng Wang Sun, but a very famous figure in the demon forest. Can Li Xing touch him? But if you think about it, it is not surprising that even Her Majesty the Demon King knew him.

Shuangsha stared at her eyes: "How good is that chick? Makes my brother so obsessed?"

Li Xing said nothing with a smile, which made people feel that it was indeed the case.

The god-man was flying at an extremely fast speed. Three days later, Li Xing came to the Ziwu Palace.

When he saw Feng Wangsun, Li Xing opened his door and explained his intentions: "Mr. Feng, it was originally agreed that today, the conditions are here."

Feng Wangsun glanced at Hu Bafang and Shuangsha behind him, and asked with a smile: "Is it related to the two behind you?"

Li Xing shook his head: "This matter has nothing to do with them, they just accompany me on a trip. My condition is to ask Mr. Feng to grab someone."

Next, he said things originally.

After hearing this, Mr. Frow frowned: "This is a trivial matter, but it is rude to grab people, and it is a bit unreasonable." Then he laughed bitterly, "But since I promised you, I must not agree. "

After a moment of contemplation, he nodded: "Well, you are waiting here."

Everyone saw, the flicker of Feng Wang and Sun disappeared.

Huang Xiaoyu took a strange look at Li Xing and said, "Li Xing, how do you mention such conditions? It is easy to grab a person, but it just ruins my husband's reputation."

Li Xing repeatedly pleaded guilty: "There is no way to do it, but after thinking about it, only Mr. and Mrs. Feng's means are shocking and they can calm Xiaoyao Valley."

He also knew that Feng Wangsun couldn't make a fame with him, and his heart was quite disturbed.

Huang Xiaoyu glanced at Shuangsha and Hu Bafang again, and said with a smile, "Isn't this the red and white Shuangsha and Hu Bafang who are famous in the demon forest recently?"

These two monsters saw sweat on their heads, and even said they were afraid.

Since coming to the Ziwu Palace, Shuangsha and Hu Bafang have become very regular and honest, and the atmosphere is afraid to breathe. It can be seen that the couple of Feng Wang Sun has a very high reputation in the demon forest.

"Both of them don't seem to have any foundation." Huang Xiaoyu said suddenly.

Obedient, the two immediately understood each other ~ www.readwn.com ~ seems to have the intention of soliciting. Hongbai Shuangsha and Hu Bafang are now unreliable, swaying around. If you can put in the door of Mr. Feng, it is also good to be a nursing home.

Suddenly, the two looked at each other and fell to the ground: "If Mrs. Meng keeps it, we are grateful!"

Li Xing smiled and said: "Madam, these two are of very good quality. I think there are not many people in the Ziwu Hall, so it is better to leave them. It is also convenient to have a mission or something later.

Huang Xiaoyu was just about this, and nodded: "Since you are interested, then stay. However, I have strict rules at the Ziwu Palace, so you know yourself."

"Yes, yes, we must change our minds and be human again." The two were resigned and they heard Li Xingwaner.

But it said that Xiaoyao Valley, a strong light of God, enveloped a range of hundreds of miles like a big sun.

"Who is Yao Yao girl?" A majestic voice sounded from all sides.

In Xiaoyao Valley, everyone was shocked. Bai Feifei, the director, rose into the sky, and said, "I don't know which senior came, Xiaoyao Valley missed."

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