Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 334: Goodbye Xianglan

Chapter 22: Goodbye Xiang Lan

The teenager looked at Li Xing: "Is it Li Ye?"

Li Xing said lightly: "I'm Li Xing."

"The lady told me that when I saw Grandpa Li, I immediately took him to him and asked Grandpa to go with the villain." The teenager laughed and led the way.

Muronghou Mansion, Shenzhai Courtyard, pavilions and pavilions everywhere, covered by flowers and trees.

A spacious hall was filled with people, and Murong Jiaojiao was also there. The people present were young men in their twenties, men and women. They are the younger generations of the four big Jade Hou families, gathering here.

Murong Jiaojiao was angry at this moment, staring at a man with a long face. The man's brocade jacket with a wicked smile on his face, his eyes swept over Murong Jiaojiao, and said, "Why, Jiaojiao, don't you give face? We grew up together.

Murong Jiaojiao looked disgusted and said coldly, "Wan Mufeng, do you want to marry me?"

Wan Mufeng sneered "Hey": "Why can't I marry you? On the background of my family, my father Wan Jizong and your father are in the same ranks of the four majestic princes. And, recently, my Wanjia has been reused by the Dark Devil, and its status is gradually surpassing You Murong family. On strength, I am practicing Qi Qi, and you are Qi Qi Qi. You are better than you. On the age, we are the same size. You said, how can I not be worthy of you? "

Murong Jiaojiao was about to refute. A teenager hurried forward and whispered to her. As soon as her eyes lighted, she ignored Wan Mofeng, and quickly got up and left.

Everyone was curious. What made Murong Jiaojiao so anxious? What happened to Murong's family? However, looking at her expression, she seemed very happy. Bacheng was a good thing.

Wan Mufeng was disregarded, and his heart was extremely upset. He hummed, returned to his original seat, and said to everyone on the scene: "We are all descendants of the four majestic princes and serve the Dark Devils. Work together. So, I suggest going up one by one today. "

Many of them frowned, knowing that Wan Mufeng wanted to be their leader.

However, outside the hall, Li Xing was waiting in the hall. After a while, Murong Jiaojia hurried to her.

"Li Xing!" Her voice was full of joy.

Li Xing turned around and smiled, "It's been a long time, are you okay? How about Xiang Lan?"

"I'm fine, and Xiao Lan is also very good." Murong Jiaojia held him affectionately and smiled. "Just right, the juniors of the four big mahous. Let's go out today and let them see what someone is outside."

Li Xing didn't want to attend this kind of Lao Zizi party, but he was not good at rejecting Murong Jiaojiao's invitation, so he had to go.

In the living room, Wan Mufeng made an argument.

"Today, Qi Yun sent the Anti-Magic Alliance, and it won't be long before the Anti-Magic Alliance will die out. At that time, the black demons taught the country and we were all meritorious people."

As he was talking, he saw Li Xing and Murong Jiaojiao walking and seemed to be talking and laughing, very close.

Suddenly, Wan Mufeng was angry, and he liked Murong Jiaojiao for more than a year and two. In the past, Murong's family was too big to dare to start. But now, because Wan Jizong's heart is dark and shameless, he has won the reuse of the dark demon priest Cang Lanjing, and he has gradually gained power, and the land is above the Murong family.

In this way, he thought that he had the capital to pursue Murong Jiaojiao, so he took this opportunity to confess to Murong Jiaojiao. However, this person behaves badly and misbehaves. How can Murong Jiaojiao deserve him? I just want to vomit.

"Boy, who are you?" Wan Mufeng fainted, ignoring Li Xing's extraordinary momentum, and he could not see through.

Murong Jiaojiao laughed secretly, deliberately angry at him, hugged one arm of Li Xing, and said intimately: "He is my fiance, 11 million times stronger than you, so please die fast, don't make people annoying in front of me . "

Li Xing was surprised, and Murong Jiaojiao surprised him. However, he cooperated with Murong Jiaojiao's arm and looked coldly at Wan Mufeng. Although I don't know what happened, I know that Murong Jiaojiao is deliberately angry at this person.

"Okay! You dare to seduce a man openly. I caught this person and went to Murong Yuhou to say!" Wan Mo rushed towards Li Xing vigorously, showing fierce light.

This Wan Mufeng, although the character is not very good, but his qualifications are really good, and he is also considered to be a good one among the top ten scholars.

The other party rushed over, and Li Xing's eyes suddenly shot two rays of divine light, a ray of murderous gas, attacking the past.

People who practice God have six supernatural powers, eyes, ears, nose, tongue and body, and can extend to capture information. Especially the magical powers can generate powerful ideas, attack the enemy, and also drive objects.

Six knowledge of supernatural powers, collectively referred to as divine mind.

Li Xing's divine thoughts are full of murderousness. His heavenly swordsmanship has reached level seven.

Suddenly, a horrible killing, shrouded like a devil's breath, fell from the sky. Wan Mufeng stopped suddenly, her body was stiff, and her eyes showed great terror.

Soon, a smell of urination emerged from him, and the man was actually scared to urinate his pants.

Li Xing immediately accepted the divine thought and asked coldly, "You want to catch me?"

Wan Mufeng was so helpless that he climbed up hurriedly and hurried out of the hall. His voice filled with resentment: "Murong Jiao Jiao, you wait!"

Murong Jiaojiao hummed, pulled Li Xing, and sat down.

The rest looked at Li Xing in surprise, they all knew that Li Xing was a god-man. It would not have been so easy to defeat Wan Mufeng with a mind unless it was a man of God. The thoughts of God and man are terrible and can even kill people.

None of these people were divine, so they were careful not to speak loudly.

Murong Jiaojiao didn't introduce Li Xing to everyone, and he talked and laughed with him. The rest did not dare to speak. In this way, there were basically only two people at the party.

Li Xing smiled and said, "Well, let's go."

Seeing Li Xing, Murong Jiaojiao was extremely happy.

These people, wishing to leave early, retreated one after the other.

This party was originally initiated by Wan Mufeng. Murong Jiaojiao didn't care much and waved his hands.

When the people leave, Murong Jiaojiao will take Li Xing to see Xiang Lan.

In an elegantly decorated room, Xianglan was sitting upright. She looked like she was eleven or twelve years old, but she was already perfect. Compared to the fourteen-year-old Wujia little boy who practiced God, he didn't give up much.

Suddenly, Xiang Lan opened her eyes and laughed, "Sister Murong, who are you bringing here?"

Murong Jiaojiao and Li Xing successively stepped into the room. Upon seeing Li Xing, Xiang Lan said in surprise: "I haven't seen you for a few years, have you been a god-man?"

Li Xing said with a smile: "I haven't seen you for a few years, haven't you also been very energetic? Well, it looks like it's about to strike a half-step **** and gather the babies, which is really amazing." He could not help praise.

Xiang Lan put out her tongue, and then dissatisfiedly said, "Brother Li, how come you came to see me for three years."

Li Xing laughed: "There are too many things to spare time. However, I think you are doing well."

Xiang Lan's nose hummed twice: "Sister Murong forbade me to go out, she was suffocated, and she said well." After that, her eyes brightened, and she jumped up and asked: "Is Brother Li taking me away? ? "

Li Xing shook his head: "I'm here just to look at you. It won't be long before Princess Yurui will come to pick you up." He took out two hundred little white Yangdans from his body and gave them to Murong Jiaojiao and Xiang Lan. One hundred.

"This Dan works well. If you follow the practice, you can speed up the practice."

Xiao Baiyang Dan, full of aura, was extraordinary at first sight, and the two women were overjoyed, thanking them for accepting them.

After speaking about the past, Murong Jiaojiao said that in recent years, several things happened in the Pingguo Palace, which really surprised Li Xing. After the little emperor Xiang Lan left, the princes immediately fought, and shortly thereafter, a little boy, thirteen years old, was named Xiang Bao, the eighty-one-year-old emperor.

What made Li Xing even more unexpected was that the empress of the little emperor was actually Zhu Qingying, the daughter of Zhu Ban. After killing Zhu Ban for the first time, Li Xing didn't think much about it, but she became a queen.

Moreover, according to Murong Jiaojiao, Zhu Qingying was very effective in taking Xiangbao completely under control and obediently. She also used her wrist to gradually increase Xiangbao's power, and now she has some majesty of the emperor.

Even more, Cang Lanji became more and more satisfied with Xiangbao, and actually meant to reuse. This time, all the princes became nervous, realizing that the original calculations should not allow Zhu Qingying to be the queen.

It is a pity that the general situation has been achieved and they cannot control it. Therefore, Xiangbao became a veritable emperor.

Speaking of Zhu Qingying, Murong Jiao sneered: "She was the focus of the problem, and Cang Lanji was satisfied, and she was the good emperor, so she acted in the direction of Cang Lanji hope, and eventually succeeded. In the end, Xiangbao is just an obedient person. "

After hearing this, Li Xing sighed: "This woman really has a plan, it seems that no matter where she is, she can make achievements."

Murong Jiaojiao said: "I'm only talking about this part, this woman is really amazing. Recently I heard that she has worshiped a black demon to teach a god-man as a teacher." Innocent ~ www.readwn.com ~ is very close. "

"Hey" Li Xing smiled: "This is about one of his successful weapons."

Speaking of the Dark Devils, Murong Jiao Jiao suddenly said: "Li Xing, recently gathered intelligence, a large number of gods and people from the Dark Devils, went to the cold desert, and don't know what happened."

Frigid desert? Li Xing's eyes narrowed, and the fighting amulet was also discovered by Zhu Ban in the cold desert. Could there have been any major discoveries by people in the demon religion?

He thought for a while and laughed: "Today, I will go to the Dark Demon to detect it."

Murong Jiaojiao was startled: "Are you going to the palace? No, there are gods in the palace."

Li Xing said indifferently: "Practice God below six levels, you can't keep me, you can rest assured."

Murong Jiaojiao was shocked. If Li Xing was not bragging, he was really strong. She couldn't help but ask, "Where do you come from? You should only step into God-Man and right, why are you so strong?" The woman remained.

Li Xing blinked: "I'm not strong, they are too weak."

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