Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 336: Ghost Realm.Lingshan

Chapter 24: Ghost Realm. Lingshan

Thirty-six kinds of great divine arts represent the thirty-six gods of Heavenly Order! As soon as Li Xing's heart jumped, he couldn't help but want to learn these 36 kinds of Heavenly Order exercises immediately. However, a word from Tian Xie made him dispel his thoughts.

"Li Xing, the Heavenly Order Gongfa is cultivated, and it lasts for a long time. I pass on your innocence, and you practice to the sixth level. Thirty-six types of great divine magic that the teacher originally possessed were from others. Take it. So, do n’t worry, just train your teacher to practice without phase. ”

"Yes, the Master has learned the lesson." Li Xing was alert, and immediately understood.

At this time, Duanmu Ke still told the news of the ancient desert tomb in the cold cold desert.

"It's just that the tomb in that ancient tomb is too powerful. Twenty-six gods shot together and couldn't break it." Duanmu Ke sighed. "So there is no way but to invite a few old antiques from the cult. "

"Old antiques, are they great?" Zhu Qingying asked curiously, eyes blinking, wondering what he was thinking.

Duanmu Ke smiled with a "hey": "It's more than terrible. Not counting the Lord of the Demon Lord who has disappeared, they are just a few of them. All of these people are the most powerful figures who have practised God and impacted the realm of law and heaven. You Is it terrible? "

"Since they are so powerful, even if the ancient tomb is opened, the Dark Devils may not get much benefit." Zhu Qingying smiled bitterly, and she finally understood why Duanmu Ke sighed.

"Yes, that's why I tried hard to cultivate. I hope that I can share a cup of soup. The meat will naturally be eaten by the big men." He said, suddenly the light in his eyes burst into a shot, and said, "Who?"

A ray of divine thought swept over. With a wave of his hand, Li Xing shook his divine thoughts and turned them into gods' light.

Duanmu Ke got out of the room instantly, he was stunned when he looked at the intense light that Li Xing pulled out.

"This man is so strong! I am not an opponent!"

Li Xing's light was so eye-catching. Anyone who saw it would not dare to attack him. His Yuanshen is a big Luo Yuanshen, and he has cultivated nine lives and nine destroyers. The strength of the gods is strong, and the light of the gods is strong. Among the gods and men of the same level, ancient and modern are rare.

Duanmu Ke didn't chase after him, Li Xing shouted unfortunately, he intended to let the other party catch up, and then killed him. Unexpectedly, Duanmu Ke was timid and cautious, and did not dare to chase, and escaped.

However, during this trip, he also received extremely useful news. Ancient tombs are found in the Ghost Desert.

"There must be a lot of good things in that ancient tomb, but unfortunately with my strength, even if I went, I couldn't please it." Back to Murong Jiaojiao's residence, Li Xing said.

Murong Jiaojiao thought deeply: "The competition has ten strong gods, you must not go, otherwise it is too dangerous."

Li Xing promised, but thought about another thing in his heart.

Speaking of the ancient tomb, he had entered an ancient tomb within the range of Bone Spirit Gate. In that ancient tomb, many powerful magic symbols were drawn, which was extremely mysterious.

So he told this experience to the Emperor Tianxie. Earlier, he also mentioned it briefly, but did not elaborate, and Tian Xie did not take it seriously at that time. At this moment, he told what he had seen and heard without fail.

"There is such a place! In the ancient tomb, the peerless giants must have been suppressed! The eight statues in the ancient tomb may also be legendary, the eight fierce battlefields only in ancient times!"

"Who the **** is it? Who are you going to use to fight against it?" Emperor Tianxie also looked puzzled.

"Does n’t Master know who is in that ancient tomb?" From ancient to modern times, the most outstanding characters are all famous on the list of heaven and earth. It should be said that heavenly evil should know.

"Unless ..." Tian Xie's face was dignified, "unless he was in Lingshan or a ghost domain!"

Tianyuanzhou has its own mysterious place from east to west and north to south. The north is the ice and snow wasteland, the south is the boundless sea, the west is the ghost ghost domain, and the east is the Lingshan. As for Lingshan, the legend is inhabited by characters only in myths and legends.

Li Xing laughed: "Master, what kind of people are there on Lingshan? What people live in the ghost realm?"

Tian Xie sighed, "I was a teacher who had been arranging Tianyuan at first, but never came to Lingshan or to Guiyu."

"Why?" Li Xing was puzzled.

"Because the teacher knows that even when he reaches Lingshan and the ghost realm, he cannot dominate. Lingshan, since ancient times, is the place closest to Heaven, and the people of Lingshan accept the orders of Heaven."

"So, Lingshan is a bridge between heaven and earth?" Li Xing's eyes widened.

"It can be said. In fact, the significance of the existence of Lingshan is much greater than this. It is also the birthplace of the practice of cultivation in the world. The practice of cultivation in the ancient times and the practice of cultivation today all originate from Lingshan. Therefore, Lingshan is Tian Yuanzhou's place of civilization. "

Li Xing's tongue: "So, the characters on Lingshan must be no small." He thought for a while and said, "But who is so bold and dares to suppress the people in Lingshan? People in Lingshan are related to heaven. what."

"On the west of Tianyuanzhou, there is a place where you can compete with Lingshan, which is the ghost realm. Below the ghost realm is the demon realm. Although there are battles between these two forces, they meet the spirit mountain, but they are unanimous.

"In the ghostly ghost realm, there is a ghost clan. The ghost clan, also known as the overcast, has existed since ancient times. It is said that in ancient times, overcast wars between humans and humans lasted for thousands of years."

A spirit mountain heaven, a ghost realm, Li Xing vaguely felt that there was some connection between the two. However, he couldn't think through it, just a feeling.

The two talked secretly, and Murong Jiaojiao continued the topic: "Li Xing, more than two years, is the ethereal sword of the misty palace. Are you interested in going there?"

When she asked, her face turned slightly red.

Li Xing didn't think too much. He was about to take this opportunity to meet Chen Shuang and Chen Xue, and nodded: "Sure to go."

Murong Jiaojiao would be wrong, and suddenly took out a token and handed it to Li Xing, whispering: "With the misty order, you can take a woman from the misty palace." Obviously she doesn't know yet, Li Xing already has a misty order.

Li Xing froze, didn't say anything, smiled, took the misty order. But he heard Tian Xie laughing: "Boy, this girl is looking after you, find a chance to collect it, and insert the Yin seed into her body for the teacher."

Li Xing smiled "Hey", didn't say anything, and didn't know what to think.

The next day, Li Xing said goodbye to Murong Jiaojiao and Xiang Lan and went straight to the Qingxiao School. His trip was to avenge Mu Qianfan and kill three god-men. Among the three gods, there are two in Qingxiao School and one in Fire Spirit Gate.

The two gods of Qingxiao School were Nan Shikai and Bei Qiaoyi. Throughout the Qingxiao School, there are six divine men, three of whom are practicing God, and one of which is God practicing. In addition, there is a Fengsong who practiced the triple of God, and Murong Qianjun, the leader of the Qingxiao faction who practiced the fifth of God.

Among them, Nan Shi Kai and Bei Qiao Yi belong to the training of gods. At first, the two were stopped by Gu Yeqi and Mu Qianfan because Li Xing killed Huang Sheng of the Qingxiao School and wanted to kill him. Later, they and Jiang Po, the **** of fire spirit gate, killed Mu Qianfan.

For these two people, Li Xing actually had a killing intention. However, he was weak at first and was not a rival of the gods. But now, his strength can be called invincible among the gods and men of the same level.

The core of today's Anti-Magic Alliance is located in the Qingxiao School.

The Qingxiao faction is the second most powerful force in the Ping State, second only to the Qiyun faction, and it is quite ambitious. Moreover, the Qingxiao faction had wanted to compete with the Qiyun faction at the outset, and rebelled against the city lords like Zhu Ban to make them trust.

When Li Xingfei went to the top of the Qingxiao faction, he saw that the faction was very good. The scale of the Qingxiao faction was no less than that of the Qiyun faction. And, like the Qi Yun faction, there is a Qing Xiao peak in the Qing Xiao faction.

There are law formations on Qingxiao Peak. Although the defense is not as strong as Qi Yunta, it is extraordinary.

When Li Xing did so, he appeared above the Qingxiao School, and immediately shocked the god-man in the Anti-Magic Alliance. At first, a light of God came up, and a man appeared. This person, Li Xing knows, is the wind and pine of Qingxiaomen.

For this person, Li Xing was quite impressed and said lightly: "I'm looking for someone."

Feng Song laughed: "You're not Li Xing from Qi Yun School, who are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for Beiqiao Yi and Nan Shikai." Li Xing said.

Feng Song said: "Neither of them is in the faction today. They took the orders of the messengers of Tianbo to deal with a group of demons."

Li Xing nodded: "So, I want to see Princess Beichen."

Feng Song thought about it and said, "Please wait, I'll report it."

Li Xing nodded: "Okay."

Feng Song flew down, and not long after, a divine thought came, with the blue message of Beichen attached to it: "Li Xing, do you have something to do with me?"

Li Xing said: "Yes, the princess does not want to see me?"


Li Xing smiled and landed.

On the Qingxiao Peak, Beichen sat in the living room in blue. She was not hostile to Li Xing because Qi Yun sent back.

"I wonder if the agreement we thought was valid." Li Xing asked.

He has stated that he is willing to work under Beichen Lan, and in the future he was recommended to join the Bloody Building and loyal to His Majesty the Emperor.

Beichen said indifferently, "If you think it works, it works."

Li Xingdao: "Now that I am a man of God, I must be eligible to join the Bloody Mansion. However, before that, there were several requirements for his subordinates."

"You speak ~ www.readwn.com ~ First, Tianchen Kingdom cannot be matched with the cloud faction."

"This is easy, Qiyun faction, will Tianchen Kingdom be in your eyes?" Beichen agreed quickly.

"Second, I want to kill a few people, and these people are all members of the Anti-Magic Alliance."

Beichen Lan frowned: "You want to kill God?"

"North Bridge Right, South Shi Kai, Jiang Po." Li Xing reported his name.

"You can't kill people." Beichen's blue words were decisive.

"But I must kill." Li Xing's tone was also not negotiable.

Beichen is blue and blue, burning with anger: "Li Xing, don't think that you are a personal talent, I will not kill you!"

Li Xing also didn't say nonsense, he took out too much order in his left hand, and took out the Zhenhou token in his right hand. These two brands represent two identities. Which of them, Beichen Lan cannot kill him.

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