Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 337: Kill 2 God-Man

Chapter 25: Kill Two God Men

Beichen was blue and shocked: "When did you become the town's prince? How could you be a disciple of Taixumen?"

"It doesn't matter how I have these two identities. What's important is that the princess cannot kill me." Li Xingdao.

How can the disciples of Taixumen be killed casually? The town princes of Tianchen Kingdom are also princes. They are qualified to meet the emperor, and they cannot kill. Therefore, Li Xing will have no fear and no fear of Beichen's murder.

"Even if you have these two identities, I won't allow you to kill!" Beichen Lanlan said.

Li Xing smiled: "The princess misunderstood. The subordinates came here to order the three who betrayed Tianchen Kingdom by the order of General Gu Xuan."

"Do you think that if you add a crime, you can kill and arrest someone?" Beichen Lan stared coldly at Li Xing, and seemed to make up his mind, and would not let him succeed.

Li Xing sighed and said: "The princess may not know her current identity yet?"

"You are a disciple of Taixumen, Tianchen officer, Zhenhou, do you have other identities?" Beichen frowned, she had a feeling that Li Xing had completely separated from her control.

"The subordinates are Gu Xuan's close friends, and even in the future, they can help to sit on the position of the Gu family." Li Xing said, "The princess thinks that if the Gu family is willing to be loyal to the emperor, is it a good thing?"

"Can you do that?" Beichen Lan looked surprised.

Li Xing described some of his actions in Gu Xuanjun, and then said: "In the case of the Gu family, the princess must be sober. Gu Lun is very powerful. If he is willing to support, Gu Xuan will be in the evening."

Beichen Lanlan thought for a long time, she had to admit that Li Xing is now very important to her and the emperor, and the future is a chess piece that can play a significant role.

Recently, civil strife in Tianchen Kingdom has been expanding. At this moment, it is the most urgent thing to stabilize the forces in the eight surnames of Tianchen and use them by the royal family. In comparison, killing a few people is nothing.

Therefore, Beichen Lanlan immediately made a decision, and said lightly, "Okay, kill as you please, but I will not help."

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "No need, it is enough to belong to one person."

Two days later, Beiqiao Yi and Nan Shikai returned to the Qingxiao School. The two of them even called Beichen Lanqing to Qingxiao Peak and the main hall.

In the temple, only Beichen Lanhuang and Li Xing. Bei Qiaoyi and Nan Shikai, two gods, were surprised at the sight of Li Xing's presence: "It's you!"

Li Xing stepped forward and said ruthlessly: "Yes, it's me. You two should betray the enemy and sell your country. What should you do?"

Beiqiao Yi and Nan Shi opened up, and said angrily, "What are you talking about? What leads the enemy to sell the country?"

Li Xing's righteous look, Shen said, "I am Li Xing, Tianchen Guozhen, deputy director of quartermasters, in the order of General Gen Xuan, come to catch you!"

Beiqiao Yi was furious: "Fart! We don't even know Gu Xuan, why did he take me?"

Li Xingsen said, "It doesn't matter if you don't know, you will know soon." He stepped out and suddenly shot.

Both Beiqiaoyi and Nanshikai both focused on practicing the gods and opened up the power meridians. Divine power and meridian flow, amazing power, infinite power. However, compared to Li Xing's horrific divine power, their power is simply not the same.

If Li Xing is a dragon, they can only be regarded as a worm.

One step out, without any strange tricks, he caught it directly, the terrifying divine power suppressed. The air flow in mid-air was evacuated directly by the huge divine power, making a thunderous noise, suppressing it "thumblingly".

Beiqiao was the first to bear the brunt, and was so frightened that his mouth had no time to say "ah". His body was directly shaken into a blood mist by this terror and lost Huang Quan.

Nan Shikai was so frightened that he didn't return to God until Li Xing's divine power covered him.

"Li Xing! You dare to kill my Qingxiao faction!" He was frightened and furious, and his heart was terrified. He didn't even have the heart to resist.

But how did Li Xing get away? Directly hit a Shenguang, which coincided with the Eight-pole Sword Formation, and the Shenguang was sharp. The "Si Lingling" skeined and killed the Nashi Kai directly.

Flicking fingers, Li Xing killed the two gods in a row, Beichen was shocked. She always thought that Li Xing was very strong, but he never imagined that he would be so strong and terrible!

In the hall, full of blood, Li Xing bowed his hand and said, "Subordinates will kill Jiangpo."

With a sigh in Beichen's blue heart, he finally understood why Li Xing was so confident. Even if she wasn't able to restrain Li Xing now, she would be scared away by divine magic.

"It's up to you, but you don't want to kill anyone else."

Before Li Xing left, two figures landed in the hall. These two are Murong Qianjun, the head of Qingxiao School, and Fengsong. They took a breath and their faces changed.

Murong Qianjun is a strong man, not as elegant as You Yuxu. On the contrary, he has thick hands and big eyes.

"Li Xing, you dare to kill Qingxiao to send someone!" Murong Qianjun was a hot-tempered man, and he approached him step by step.

Li Xing said without fear, "I was instructed to act."


Murong Qianjun simply ignored Li Xing's fallacies and shot straight. As soon as he took a shot, it was a divine magic, which hit the sky with lightning and hit Li Xing. These thunderfires are powerful and powerful.

Who knows, in the face of such a powerful attack, Li Xing smiled and let the thunder of Mandian hit him.

At the beginning, he experienced nine divine punishments. What kind of terrible harm has he never seen? His nine lives and nine destructions of King Kong are not bad, and all evils do not invade, and his defense has reached a horrible level. This is a little thunder, not even scratching.

A blow was invalid, and Murong Qianjun was taken aback. The little magic he issued, called Bafang Thunderfire, is a jade-order method, which has evolved and can cause Bafang Thunderfire to attack the enemy.

I do n’t know, Li Xing is all right. Is this still human? Murong Qianjun stopped in astonishment.

Li Xing stared at him, and said lightly: "Murong Qianjun, you want to kill me, the strength is too weak!" Suddenly took out the Skysword, and put out a seven-level skysword method. Suddenly, a strong murderous spirit emanated from heaven and underground.

With the realm of gods and human beings, and then performing the Skyscraper Sword Technique, Li Xing can really give out the power of this Sword Technique.

"Li Xing, that's enough." Beichen said bluely, she knew that the five-strong Murong Qianjun who practiced the gods could not kill him, and the fight continued without good results.

Li Xing held the knife and laughed: "The princess is alive, and his subordinates dare not obey." He glanced at Murong Qianjun and walked out with a big swing.

For a long time, Murong Qianjun raised his eyebrows: "This son has become a climate and it is difficult to remove it!"

In fact, beneath Murong Qian's irritable temper, there is a very deep intention. Others just wanted to use his anger to kill Li Xing to eliminate a hidden danger. Who knew that Li Xing was so strong that he had to give up the plan and watch Li Xing go away.

Beichen blue heart sighed again, thinking secretly: "I don't know if it is right or wrong to solicit this person."

Not every god-man is in the Qingxiao School and stays in the Anti-Magic Alliance. The river **** is in the Fire Spirit Gate.

Fire Spirit Gate, one of the three factions of the two factions in Pingguo, the passionate son lives in the birthplace of innocence. The master of the fire spirit, named Ren Chongshui, is said to be the innocent biological father of the passionate son. As for the different surnames of the father and the son, Geinjue is an illegitimate child and cannot be seen.

Of course, this is just an outside rumor. Li Xing is not interested in knowing what happened. Anyway, that innocence is dead.

The fire spirit gate is not as powerful as Qi Yun and Qing Xiao, but there are also many disciples. They have an exclusive party and fight against other forces with the other Xuanbingmen and Danxiamen.

At present, there are two gods in Huolingmen, one is Jiang Po and the other is Ren Zhongshui. Jiang Po, dual training of God. Ren Chongshui is the fivefold of practicing God.

There are three schools in Pingguo, and the five leaders are all trained in the five disciplines. But not long ago, Yu Yuxu broke through to the sixth level of practicing God, and immediately left the other four people far behind.

In the hall of the Fire Spirit Gate, there was a person kneeling down and met Ren Chongshui.

This man is just a scholar who has a strong sense of vitality. If Li Xing sees him, he will surely recognize that he is Ximen Duxiu, the so-called wizard, Ximentai's brother.

Simon Duxiu worshiped again and again: "Disciple Simon Duxiu, see the master!"

Ren Zhongshui stared at Ximen Duxiu: "Why did you leave Qi Yunpai?"

Simon Duxiu said indignantly: "The Qi Yun faction is ignorant of the general trend and actually betrays the Tianchen Kingdom. It will not end well. The disciples risk their lives to seek a bright way out.

What Simon Duxiu said was not true. The reason why he left Tianchen Kingdom lies in Li Xing.

Li Xing is his brother-killer. He has vowed more than once to kill Li Xing and avenge his brother. On the Qi Yun faction, he lost to Li Xing. Since then, Simon Duxiu has been reckless and has worked hard.

However, he found that the distance between Li Xing and him was getting farther and farther. Later, he could even be defeated easily. In recent years, it has become more and more uncontrollable. He took the seat of deputy instructor and became a **** man. Xing. With anxiety inside, he secretly left Qi Yunpai and came to join the heavy water.

Leaving a martial art privately is a felony. If he does not belong to a martial art, he will not be protected and may be pursued and killed by the Qi Yun faction.

After hearing what he said, Ren Zhongshui said lightly: "Since it's here, stay for the time being."

While talking, he suddenly raised an eyebrow: "Why not show up when the guests are here?"

Li Xing appeared in the hall with a big swing. He looked at Ximen Duxiu and said arbitrarily, "Ximen Duxiu, you betray Shimen. What should you do?"

Simon Duxiu was so scared, why did he come here? Did it come after killing themselves?


Jiang Po jumped out and glared at Li Xing: "When you are here as Qi Yun faction, you dare to scatter here!" Li Xing came here to kill the man, watch him come out, and said coldly: "Very good!" One step out, he was across the river from the slope, and then punched out.

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