Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 339: 8 Heavy White Sun Body

Chapter 27: Yae Baiyang's Body

"Jin Yiwei?" Li Xing was surprised. He had decided to enter the Blood Yiwei. What is this Jin Yiwei?

Beichen Lanlan explained: "Blood Yiwei is the power possessed by Emperor Beichenji. Jin Yiwei is directly responsible to His Majesty the Emperor and is an open organization. The people in this organization are stronger than Blood Yiwei. They are tasked with sniping and guarding, eradicating everything that is bad for the emperor. "

"It seems that joining Jin Yiwei is more advantageous." Li Xing was pregnant in the middle of this matter, and he immediately agreed.

"Okay, I'm willing to join."

Beichen said in blue: "With your strength, it is more than enough to join Jin Yiwei. However, it is not enough to achieve a higher status in Jin Yiwei."

"How is that enough?" Li Xing asked.

"It would be best if you could condense the fetus and even raise the baby. In that case, I can defend you as the leader of the Jinyiwei."

Li Xing laughed bitterly, practicing the Sixth God, too far away from him, I'm afraid I can't do it in a short time.

"You have two choices. First, enter Jin Yiwei now, but start from the bottom. Second, go back to Gu Xuan to assist him. I will report to the emperor on your affairs and help you in the army secretly. Promotion. You can choose between these two paths. "

Li Xingwei thought for a while, and said lightly, "I choose the second one."

He did it for a reason. After all, practicing God is a practice of God. After meeting Ren Zhongshui's characters, you may be able to deal with it. But if it is against the masters of the Heavenly Kingdom of the Kingdom, especially the level of divine fetuses and divine infants, Li Xing is not enough.

Even someone can pinch him with a finger. Therefore, it was decided to improve the strength first. Improving strength is always the first. Without strength, everything is empty talk.

Beichen Lan smiled: "Very good! I also tend to your decision."

"But ..." Li Xing showed embarrassment. "There is something for everyone."

"Just talk," Beichen said with a flash of blue eyes.

Li Xing said: "A lot of patches are needed."


Li Xing explained: "Subordinates, I have recently obtained a half-treasure-level magic weapon, which requires a large number of patching spells to increase strength. However, patching spells are rare and difficult to obtain.

He certainly wasn't tinkering with any magical weapon, but he was trying to repair the fighting spell. There were eighty-one heavy bans in that battle amulet, which belonged to the Supreme Talisman and was powerful. The triple has been repaired so that Li Xing has reached the triple fight.

If he wants to continue to cultivate, he must continue to repair the amulet and open more than three bans.

The body of the fighting, in accordance with the ban on heavy fighting in 1998, also has a level of 81. The body of the fight is as arrogant as the body of the King Kong. The body of the battle is not a form of exercise, but rather it is based on the amulet of the battle.

Now, Li Xing cultivates the body of the fighting at the same time, Bai Yanggong, and Nine Dragons and Nine Kings are not bad. Among them, the latter two belong to Gongfa, and can finally evolve divine magic in the array of gods. The fighting body is purely an art of refining, and it must be cultivated with the power of Baofu.

Beichen Lanlan thought for a while, and said, "Although the patchwork is precious, I have everything in the treasure house of Tianchen Palace, and patchwork is not in the minority. Well, I will know His Majesty the Emperor Ming and meet your condition."

"Thank you, Princess." Li Xing no longer stayed, leaving.

As soon as Li Xing left, Tian Bojing stepped out of his side, his face was quite disapproving: "Princess, you look at this person too high."

Beichen said indifferently: "This person's strength is no longer under you and me, and the future is even more promising. Why not reuse it? If he is loyal to the emperor, it is the blessing of Tianchen.

Tian Bojing's eyes flashed a cold light, and he smiled: "I hope so."

Leaving the Anti-Magic Alliance, Li Xing returned to Qi Yunpai. He now wants to improve his strength, then go to the Five Poison Sects, kill the guardian Shi Yin, and take revenge on Shuiyue's mother.

Bai Xingjing, Li Xing appeared. As soon as he came out, he saw the changing promise of Yuliu, chatting with Xueling and Shuiyue. These women are innocent and indifferent.

Xueling said: "Xing brother's recent practice has made rapid progress. I remember when he was at the Bone Spirit Gate, his strength was not much better than mine."

Shuiyue laughed: "Yeah, when Brother Xing was still a disciple in Qiyun, it was the triple training of Qi, and he made rapid progress. It won't be long before he will become a mage.

The chaos is not like Xueling and Shuiyue. Li Xing hopes that Li Xing is invincible. She said: "It is not easy for the mage to do it. How many shocked and brilliant people are stuck at this level."

Li Xing stepped out at this moment and asked with a smile, "What are you talking about?"

The girls did not know what Li Xing was doing outside, and they all stood up, Shuiyue said, "We are saying that Xing Ge will definitely become a mage in the future."

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Of course I will become a mage, not only to become a mage, but also to break the void and stand alone in the sky."

Shuiyue and Xueling, their faces are full of worship, looking at Chaoyue, they seem to be saying, "Did you hear that? We Xingge, we must be masters."

The duo appointment is in the shape of a jade willow. I don't know how many years I have lived, and wisdom is higher than people. She rolled her eyes and sighed, "I can't reason with you."

Li Xing smiled and said, "Shuiyue, Beiqiaoyi, Nanshikai, and Jiangpo have been killed by me. After a while, I will kill Shiyin after I practice the eighth-level killing sword."

Hearing his father's revenge, Shuiyue was happy and sad.

"Xing brother, thank you." She was extremely grateful and happy.

Next, Li Xing practiced with peace of mind. Before impacting Baji Heavenly Sword, he decided to raise Bai Yang Gong to the next level to reach the body of the Eighth Baiyang, and then impact the second god.

In the first five stages, the cultivation of God-man is easier than practicing qi. This is because there is no difficulty in practicing God from five to five. As long as the qualifications are not bad, and there is enough time, in fact, any man can practice to five.

Take a look, the gods of Qi Yun faction, Huolingmen, Qingxiao faction, etc., have the highest standards, and most of them know how to practice God Five. Like You Yuxu, Ren Chongshui, and Murong Tianxing, they all used to practice the fivefold.

Because they have good qualifications and enough time for cultivation, they steadily move forward.

The same is true of Li Xing. It is not difficult to impact the dual training of the gods, it only needs sufficient accumulation.

Li Xing, practicing Bai Yang Gong and Bai Yang Reiki over and over again, was sucked into the body in large quantities, and then transformed into Sanpin Reiki. Sanpin Baiyang Reiki is transformed into celestial charms.

Several amulets form a mysterious formation. He felt that every tiny part of the body contained a formation. Even in one hair, there are several formations hidden in it.

Jiupin Reiki, Tianfu formed a formation. Eight ranks aura, the formation is a change, each level, the formation is more perfect, more mysterious.

This made Li Xing discover the essence of Baiyang Reiki. Baiyang Reiki is actually not a simple reiki, but a thing more brilliant than a magic circle. It seems to be a logical expression between heaven and earth.

The higher the level of Bai Yanggong, the more profound and obvious this truth is.

Every day, Li Xingdu and Xueling Hu Tian Hu Hu several times, while enjoying the pleasure of men and women, but also promote cultivation. However, this way, let Shui Yuelei eat dry vinegar.

Li Xing is now the body of the Seventh Level Baiyang. During the double cultivation, it is necessary to work with Xueling naturally to promote cultivation. As for Shuiyue, he had to wait until he practiced to Chiyang's body, and then he could always walk on the road between men and women.

For this reason, Li Xing was no less comforting. Fortunately, Shuiyue is a sensible woman, and she finally hid in the depths to practice.

Time flies, in a blink of an eye is two months. On this day, Li Xing sounded thunder, his bones rang, and the white aura in his body changed again, turning into a richer and more mysterious second-grade aura.

In other words, Li Xing is now the body of Bai Baiyang.

The body of Baiyang has a total of nine weights. When it reaches a taste of Baiyang Reiki, it is a body of nine weight Baiyang. By that time, you can hit the body of Chiyang.

The second taste of Baiyang Reiki changed into a more profound formation, showing a truth. Li Xing has a feeling that Baiyang Reiki does not seem to be able to exert its strength.

It is like a peerless sword, and does not reveal the blade, so the edge is restrained.

After Bai Yanggong was promoted, Li Xing decided to impact the dual training of God. At this moment, it was less than a year from the completion of his dual training. These speeds of cultivation can be described by speed.

Emperor Tianxie came out at the moment and instructed him in his practice.

"Practice the duality of the gods and open the psychic channel. What is psychic? Induces heaven and earth ghosts and gods, knows fierce luck, is psychic. As soon as the psychic channel comes out, when you fight with people, you will move towards Strike in the most favorable direction. If someone kills you, you will dodge in the most favorable direction. "

"The stronger the mental power, the more powerful the psychic meridian is when you practice the duality of God ~ www.readwn.com ~ your spiritual strength can lower the inspiration demon, and the effect will be good at that time. However, for the teacher ’s advice, Until then, you'd better be able to surrender your next demon head and further increase your mental strength. "

Li Xing thought about it, and said, "Master is right, people go higher, the stronger the strength, the better, and the next step, I will surrender the demon."

The head under the head of inspiration is named invisible. The invisible demon is truly invisible, without trace. Once it launches an attack on people, people do not know where it is and how to avoid it.

Before thinking about this demon, Li Xing was ready. It is extremely difficult to visualize the invisible devil. How can you imagine it?

Just like painting, if there is no scene in my mind, how can I draw it?

Fortunately, Li Xing practiced no-phase chopping, and the sixth-phase power reached the sixth level. From the phaselessness, he obtained the tangible phase. Suddenly, there was a loud noise in his mind, and a demon appeared. The image of this devil looks like a cloud of light and a fog, and the image changes all the time. Occasionally disappear, sometimes appear, like humans, gods, ghosts, demons.

As soon as it appeared, Li Xing felt that Yuan Shen suddenly stood up, and there seemed to be something terrifying that strangled him.

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