Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 341: Wanduling

Chapter 29: Thousands of Poisonous Spirits

Spirit, immersed in the self, after a moment, Li Xing felt that a mysterious inspiration emerged from his body. This inspiration sprouts, and then grows, his spirit also rises into the air, spreads out infinitely, and the warp and weft go up and down.

This is the initial induction of spirit and heaven and earth, expressing the power of pulling meridians, undulating meridians, and cloth world meridians, and immediately communicating the power of heaven and earth.

This communication lasted for seven days and nights, and finally came to an end in an instant. Li Xing's spiritual strength suddenly changed dramatically. His spirit is no longer an independent spirit, but has a slight connection with heaven and earth.

This implication has made Li Xing's spiritual power possess a kind of enlightenment and an organic change. This type of change has greatly improved Li Xing's combat effectiveness. At the same time, the deified meridian is second, and the psychic meridian is also revealed.

Entering the dual training of God, Li Xing opened his eyes immediately, and said lightly, "Shuiyue, I can go to revenge."

After opening the psychic meridian, Li Xing's strength has increased several times. In addition, he has reached the twelveth level, and he can go to the Five Poisons.

Just walk away. On the same day, Li Xing went.

Five Drugs Education, about 30,000 miles away from Qi Yunpai. However, this distance is not worth mentioning to Li Xing. It didn't take long for him to reach the scope of the Five Drugs Education.

The Five Poison Sects was built in a semi-civilized savage tribe, deep in the mountains.

This is a lush forest hill, Li Xing's magic light, landed on top of the mountain. From this hill, you can see a peak dozens of miles away. Above that peak, many stone houses were built, surrounded by green rattan, which is the headquarters of the Five Drug Religions.

Although the scale is not large, the history of the five drugs is extremely long, with thousands of years of history. The barbarians in the mountains often deal with poison. Over time, they developed the ability to know and use all kinds of drugs.

Some of them were able to gather together and grow stronger. Later, the gang was controlled by the practitioners, so it gradually developed into the Five Drugs.

Those who teach the five drugs are good at using drugs, and they are not weak in cultivation, so they are not easy to deal with.

However, Li Xing didn't plan to sneak attack. His divine thoughts were released, swept across the sky, and oppressed all at once. Suddenly, the people on the whole mountain were shocked, two gods of light rose into the sky and forced towards Li Xing.

Shenguang hovered in the air, two people appeared. The two were a middle-aged man, with thin brows and short yellow shirts. An old man with black robes and black beards, triangular eyes, and eight-row eyebrows, with a grim look.

"Bold! Where are you, the god-man, dare to break into the Five Poisons, are you tired and crooked?" The middle-aged man asked sharply.

Li Xing smiled slightly and asked, "Which of you is Shi Yin?"

Hearing, the middle-aged man sneered, "I am, what are you doing to me? How do you know my name?"

Li Xing nodded and explained very seriously: "You must know Mu Qianfan? You killed his wife, I am here to avenge it. You can resist, but your resistance will only make your death more painful."

Shi Yin's face revealed a brutal and revengeful color: "Mu Qianfan! He snatched my water moon, this **** thing! He even dared to send someone to avenge me, okay! Good! Today, you will die!"

Suddenly, he was so distraught that a colorful light spread over him. This colorful light, containing poisonous things, can erode the Yuan Shen, and is extremely vicious.

Li Xing didn't hesitate to drive the invisible devil and launched an attack. As soon as Shi Yin's colorful light was emitted, he felt a violent shock, and he was taken aback.

"What's going on? How do I feel like something is suppressing Yuan Shen?"

The next moment, his primordial **** was strangled by a horrible force, and even without response time, he screamed screaming. The torn pain of Yuanshen is 10,000 times stronger than the physical pain.

Ordinary people cannot bear this kind of pain at all, and would rather die than bear it.

"Shuiyue, I avenge you!"

When the invisible devil twisted, the Stone Yin Yuanshen split into pieces, turning it into a plume of smoke, and the maggot rose, and could not die anymore. His body, turned into a dry skin, fell off to the ground, screaming, burning, poisonous gas, causing a flame.

When Shi Yin died, the old man was so frightened. What does this mean? Why were you killed all of a sudden?

"You ... who are you? What exercises do you use?" The old man yelled. The invisible demon, invisible and phaseless when attacking, has no chance to hide.

Li Xingdan said indifferently, "You are all accomplices, so you all have to die. Moreover, the five poisons teach poisoning one party, enslaving the good people, and removing you is also considered to be the way of heaven."

In the Five Poison Doctrines, there are only two gods, killing the two gods, and the rest do not attack themselves.

After that, the invisible demon shot again. The old man's strength is not as good as Shi Yin. How can he resist? As soon as he feels his body is restrained, he shouts out loudly: "Foot life! Don't kill me, I will give you good!"

Li Xing Weisong asked coldly, "What benefits can you give me?"

The old man hurriedly said, "The old man is poisoned by heaven. He uses ancient secret recipes to collect the world's strange poison, and cultivates the poisonous fetus."

"Wan Du Ling Ling Fei?" Li Xing became interested and asked in detail.

In order to create a million poison spirit fetuses, the Five Poison Sects are really devastating. They collected tens of thousands of boys and girls from under the full moon! And feed the boys and girls with all kinds of strange poisons, making them into poisoned babies.

After the poisoned babies reach one year old, they use the five poisons to gather the gods, forcibly extract the spirits of 108 thousand children, and inject them into a secret poisoned fetus.

The poisonous fetus is also very weird. It is a cocoon formed by a hybrid of 199 poisonous insects in the world. This does not count, after the poisonous fetus has undergone a number of secret cultivation, in the meantime there are many malicious acts that are harmful and unreasonable.

It eventually took 800 years, and the twelve generations of leaders worked hard and finally succeeded in training. In another three years, the Wuduling fetus is about to succeed. At that time, one poisonous baby, Wandu Shengsheng will be born.

As soon as the holy infant came out, it was said that it was the realm of gods and humans, and knew an extremely powerful divine skill, the great poisonous technique. The venomous poison can kill the deities, even the mage.

What's more terrible is that the holy infant of all poisons will impact the level of law and heaven in a very short time, and it is very likely to become a mage. At that time, the big poisonous spell will evolve into a spell, and it will be easy to kill the mage.

The crystallization of the five poisonous teachings after 800 years of hard work should not have been said. However, in the face of death, the old man told this secret in order to save his life.

After hearing this, Li Xing was furious and yelled, "You have really lost all your conscience. For eight hundred years, you have killed hundreds of thousands of babies. Is there still humanity? The Five Poison Drugs are really a tumor, and I will eliminate them today! "

The invisible devil strangled instantly, and the old man screamed and was killed.

The next thing was the slaughter. Ten thousand disciples were killed from top to bottom in the Five Poison Sect. Li Xing was also very angry. Think about it. Hundreds of thousands of innocent babies were poisoned by them. It is really an outrage between humans and gods, even with a hard heart, it can't stand it.

"Kill! Kill! Kill"

A glorious light, vertical and horizontal conflicts, the five demon heads fascinating, ferocious, chaotic, ferocious, invisible, were all released, and the killing ring was launched. He also performed indiscriminate chops and killed the Quartet.

The gods and men were furious, and the world was shocked. None of these people fled and were beheaded. The slaughter lasted for three days and three nights before it ended. In the end, Li Xing set fire to the Five Poison Sects. This poisonous cave with a history of thousands of years has since disappeared in the world.

Of course, after the slaughter, Li Xing found Wandu Ling Fei, earning Baiyang Jingtian. The ten thousand poisonous spirit fetus is a large cocoon, surrounded by poisonous light outside. The poisonous gas seemed extremely powerful, and Li Xing did not dare to touch it.

After the killing, Li Xing patted his **** and left without going back to Qi Yunpai, and went directly to Tianchen Military Camp.

During the flight, Emperor Tianxie has been watching Wanduling Fei with interest. As soon as this fetal fetus entered Baiyang Jingtian, it began to devour Baiyang Reiki frantically. It seemed that, at most, a few months, the poisoned baby would emerge from the cocoon.

"Amazing, how can I think of such a sinister method? It must have been the idea of ​​the disciple who was not my disciple." Tianxie sighed.

Li Xing was not surprised. The insidiousness of Shuiyue's junior high school was passed down from the disciples of Tianxie. Presumably, the Five Poison Doctrines passed on by chance. This spiritual fetus's method of cultivation must have been passed down at that time.

"While acting as a teacher, he will not kill hundreds of thousands of babies like this."

Li Xingdao: "This group of people should die for it."

Heavenly evil said: "Not to mention anything else, this 10,000 poisonous fetus alone is indeed very powerful. If it can be refined into a divine magic, it will definitely surpass the ancient divine magic, its power is amazing."

"What? You can use it to practice divinity?" Li Xing stunned.

"Of course, as a teacher, this spiritual fetus can be refined into the seeds of divine magic, and you can practice after you have practiced the quadriple of God. Alas, although this spiritual fetus is not as good as the heavenly fetal fetus, it can be evil, First, it is a pity not to use it. "

Li Xing was so happy, he did not expect that this was still a treasure, and said, "Thank you Master."

Tian Xie smiled, it seemed very happy to find something to do ~ www.readwn.com ~ immediately began to show the means.

"It will take at least three months to make it into a magical seed. You don't need to worry about me." After that, he and the spirit fetus disappeared.

Fly a few days and arrive at the barracks.

As soon as he arrived at the barracks, he was taken aback, and found that the entire barracks was in a dilapidated position and there was no figure.

"Did something happen this year? Tianchen's army was defeated?"

Divine thought spread out, spreading for hundreds of miles, searching around. Finally, he found a team of remnants You Yong, and immediately rushed here. These remnants of soldiers were all wearing Tianchen clothes. About a dozen people were exhausted, their clothes were worn out, and even their weapons were lost in half.

"Which part are you guys?" Suddenly, Li Xing appeared over the sky and asked.

Seeing the appearance of the god-man, the sergeant was terrified and knelt down in the ground.

Li Xingdao: "I am the Deputy Chief of Military Supply under General Gu Xuan.

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