Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 343: 1 will work

Chapter 31: Success

In one blow, the god-man was seriously injured. Immediately after, Li Xing appeared behind him. At this moment, his powerlessness is incredibly powerful.

The twelfth style without phase is not a fixed move, but a kind of artistic conception with no change. This god-man has three strengths of practicing God and is very strong. In the face of the twelve types of non-phase cutting, he is also terrified and evades with all his strength.

But while he was dodging, the invisible demon shot at the same time, his body could not help but stagnate, and the extinction knife was cut off.

The light flashed and the head fell to the ground.

Killing a **** man, Li Xing Shennian fired with all his strength to find the position of the enemy coach. Capture the thief first thief king, this is common sense.

But unfortunately, Li Xing found that there are three six-man gods who are protecting the coach. The coach himself is also a five-man **** who practices God. He can't move him. Therefore, he can only kill the sergeant with all his strength.

The chaos demon was released. Suddenly, hundreds of people were disturbed, their minds were mad, and they slashed and slammed at their companions. The chaos in small parts quickly involved, and the entire barracks was in chaos.

Fifty gods and men, who slayed more than ten gods and men, had obvious advantages. Within a moment, the other party fell to three people.

As soon as the other party was attacked, an alarm was issued, and the other party chased a group of gods and knew immediately, and immediately returned to help. However, a group was not easy to mess with, immediately changed the situation and pursued in reverse.

The other side was helpless and had to divide 30 gods to block the enemy, and the rest continued to help.

No matter how fast the assistance is, it will take about an hour. One hour was enough to kill a group of people. Dozens of gods and men, who have to protect the coach and have a small number, are Li Xing and others' opponents?

It was a massacre with tens of thousands of enemy troops being beheaded. Tens of thousands of enemy troops were killed by their own, causing complete chaos. The entire army, clashing with each other, did not know who was the enemy, when was killed, and began to fall apart.

"Master, it's not good! Come here to perform magic skills and control the mind, we can't support it!" An officer broke into the handsome account and reported the military situation.

The coach was a mighty middle-aged man, and his face was angrily: "Junk! Give me an order, hold on, hold on!"

At the same time, several high-ranking officers infected by Li Xing's inspirational demon heads rebelled, commanded relatives, and rushed around, making the chaos even stronger.


Li Xing passed the book through his heart and learned the news of the other party's support. It was almost time, and he immediately retreated. Suddenly, fifty gods bypassed the road and greeted the second group.

When more than eighty gods returned, they saw that the entire military camp was in a mess, with nearly 100,000 corpses on the ground.

Before long, the second group arrived at the battle site. At this time, the thirty man-in-charge who left the enemy camp responsible for the interception were stubborn, Li Xing screamed: "Kill!"

Suddenly, a group of two groups converged, pinching back and forth, killing and killing. One hundred gods have absolutely no advantage over thirty gods and are extremely dangerous. These people immediately retreated and fled.

However, Li Xing's invisible demon head was strange and unpredictable. He instantly restrained the three and cooperated with the other gods to kill them instantly.

"Don't be greedy, every five gods and men choose a goal!" Li Xing shouted.

Suddenly, the gods were in groups of five, each staring at a target. You know, more than thirty people can escape in more than thirty directions. Which one is better? Without a target, it is not easy to kill.

Li Xing knew this very well, so he asked people to form a group of five people and targeted them. In this way, they were divided into twenty groups and pursued towards twenty god-men.

Five to one, the gods and men of the other party did not have much opportunity to escape under the madness of the gods. With the exception of the five who were too strong to be sacked, the remaining fifteen enemies pursued were all beheaded.

In this battle, Tianchen Kingdom won, not only beheaded and killed 100,000 enemies, but also guessed and killed nearly 20 gods. In the direction of Tianchen, there was also a loss. Five gods were killed and more than ten were injured.

However, compared to the rebels, it has taken advantage of the sky.

In the barracks, Gu Xuan stood still, and asked the servants around him from time to time: "You said, will Li Xing win?"

The guards followed Gu Xuan for a long time, knowing his character, and quickly said: "The general general has eyes and eyes, Li Tongling must kill the enemy with all his strength, and the odds are in his grasp."

Gu Xuan nodded with satisfaction, and said, "I trust him very much. If he can win, the general will reward him heavily, and the emperor will greatly reward him."

There was a staffer with deep thoughts beside Gu Xuan, and said at this moment: "General General, Li Xing has made a lot of contributions since following the General. And the subordinates watch this person and are extremely loyal to the General. The General is assured. He should not let the general down. "

Who doesn't know that Li Xing is a celebrity around Gu Xuan in the military camp, who dares to mess with him? Instead, they have to look for opportunities, flatter them, and take advantage of them.

Gu Xuan was even more satisfied and laughed: "Yes, yes, Li Xing will return with victory. By then, there will be light in my father's face, and there will be reasons to send me to the higher ranks. Huh! Also, the diamond corundum dew pills have already achieved initial results. I can be a god-man in at most a year! "

Even so, Gu Xuan was still anxious, he kept standing up and sitting down. Finally, he simply moved outside the camp and stared at the sky, hoping to see the return of Li Xing and others.

After waiting for several days, Gu Xuan became more anxious without seeing the news. At this moment, someone suddenly reported: "General General, General Liu Hui came to visit."

"What? He's here?" Gu Xuan stunned, then angrily, "He must have come to see me jokes, huh!"

Liu Hui is a member of the Liu family, who is also one of the eight surnames of Tianchen. Liu Hui and Gu Xuan, when they were teenagers, used to eat, drink and have fun together. However, my sister-in-law, no matter what kind of friendship, later broke the face and became an enemy because of robbing a woman.

Later, the two gradually grew up, but the former resentment, and can not forget, as long as there is a chance, they will hit the other side, so pleased.

Therefore, as soon as this flow came, Gu Xuan knew that the other party was not at ease, and Bacheng came to laugh at him.

"Haha ... Da Dao Gu, when I heard that you lost the battle, General Ben came to comfort me." A arrogant voice came from afar, then he looked at him and strode forward.

This person, like Gu Xuan, practiced God with great emphasis. The square appearance is not outstanding, but the body is quite tall, and it has a noble pride.

"Liuhui, you still say me, haven't you been besieged by others as well?"

It turned out that Marshal Tianchen and Tiantai Ming Jing led six men and women, each with a major general. Gu Xuan and Liu Hui are both generals. In fact, there are four generals in the Sixth Army who belong to Tianchen and eight surnames.

Liuhui snorted: "But as far as I know, Jijia ’s sentimental raids are the only ones on our side who lost the most. Of the more than 100,000 people lost, one third was Your subordinates are far worse than me. "

He continued with a sneer and said, "Moreover, you are greedy for fear of death. As a general, you actually fled. If it was not for the face of your father Gu Lun, the Grand Marshal of the Ming Dynasty, you would beheaded you!"

Gu Xuan was furious, but he could not refrain. At first, he was really scared, so he slipped ahead. Otherwise, the people on his side will not have the most injuries. The incoming god-man starts, and naturally likes to attack the most chaotic places.

For this reason, the emperor and the Grand Marshal both blame him very much.

As the two glared at each other, a dazzling light of light descended, and the power was amazing.

As soon as Gu Xuan's eyes lighted, her anger disappeared, "Haha" laughed: "Liuhui, you're wrong! This general did this at first, but it was just a pride, just for today!"

The heavens and gods landed, and Liuhui also felt very shocked. He froze and asked, "The plan of the soldiers?"

The descendants of these gods were taken by Li Xing. There were a hundred people when they went, and there were still 96 people when they arrived.

Gu Xuan saw this situation and knew that Li Xing must be the winner. Regardless of Liu Hui, he asked aloud, "Li Xing, what is the result of the battle?"

Li Xing stepped forward, bowed a hand, Shen said: "The general has a mysterious strategy. In this campaign, I will kill the enemy army of 100,000 people and kill 20 god-men. We lost four god-men, ten Yu Shenren was injured. "

Gu Xuan laughed wildly: "Good! Very good! Very good! Li Xing, you made a great contribution."

Liuhui is stupid, killing 100,000 enemies? Killed twenty god-men? When did Gu Xuan use such soldiers? His eyes turned to Li Xing, and he immediately understood, presumably, Gu Xuanding reused this person.

"This is it?" Liu Hui asked with a smile, very polite.

Gu Xuan said indifferently: "He is Li Xing, commanded by the god-man, and in the future, he will be the deputy general of this general."

Lieutenant General is the highest military post besides General, Gu Xuan actually wants to mention Li Xing as Lieutenant General.

Li Xing's expression remained unchanged. He saw that Liu Hui's status seemed almost the same as that of Gu Xuan. Why did this person come?

Liu Hui's face showed regret. After he determined that Li Xing was a talent, he actually wanted to dig it out. However, since they are all vice generals, this hand will not be easy to play.

Gu Xuan seemed to see his mind and sneered: "How brilliant, am I right?"

Liu Hui laughed dryly ~ www.readwn.com ~ said nothing.

Gu Xuan added: "In the beginning, the general deliberately showed weakness, and the enemy really lost their vigilance. This is what they have today."

Seeing that Gu Xuan was so stinky, Liu Hui's heart was extremely unpleasant, and his heart was terrified: "Fuck, you're a fart! Idiot, just a good guy, huh!" He didn't want to fall behind here. "I still have something to do. Go ahead."

As soon as Liu Hui left, Gu Xuan laughed loudly and was very pleased. He pulled Li Xing into the general's account and relocated Li Xing in person.

Li Xinglian didn't dare, Gu Xuan laughed: "You have this qualification to sit!"

Li Xing didn't quit, so he sat down.

Xuandao Gu: "Li Xing, I said just now that you will be the deputy general of this general, who will take charge of everything! In addition, I will immediately repair the book and submit it to His Majesty the Emperor, to merit your help. At that time, sealing a party is not a problem! "

Killing 100,000 enemies and killing the Twenty Gods, but great credit. This time, Gu Xuan not only saved his face, but also made great achievements. Therefore, he will not forget Li Xing, but also let Li Xing enjoy the battle results with him.

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