Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 345: Taiyi Shendan

Chapter 33: Taiyi Divine Pill

The divine person has sixfold fetuses, the divine person sevenfolds divine infant. The difference between a divine fetus and a divine infant is to make a high judgement. At this level, there are many dangers that can be passed, and few are able to pass. Often, practitioners must resort to elixir, or ask an expert to protect the law before they dare to try it.

So at the ear of Li Dan, Li Xing knew how much elixir the other party needed. He pondered for a moment and asked: "What kind of elixir does Mr. Gu need, Hua Hong Dan, or Da Yuan Dan?"

If Shenying Liuzhong wants to go through the customs, these two kinds of elixir are the most suitable and generally used by people.

"Neither Huahong Dan nor Dayuan Dan, but Taiyi Shendan!" Gu Lun glanced at Qiguang. "Presumably, Mr. Li, as a Dan teacher, knows the name of this Dan."

Li Xing was taken aback: "What? Taiyi Shendan?"

The elixir is divided into four levels according to gold, jade, heaven, and mystery. Among the elixir of heaven, the most magical one can be called elixir. All elixir is the peerless elixir of top grade. These elixir can generate the self-consciousness, and even practice on their own.

Therefore, Li Xing was astounded when the other person said that she was a god. Although he has the inheritance of evil, it is not enough to talk about refining the gods. He could not make this Dan at all before he was not made into a **** baby.

"Yes, Taiyi Shendan." Gu Lun said, "But Mr. Li, don't get me wrong, I'm not asking you to make it immediately."

"Huh?" Li Xing was puzzled.

Gu Lun smiled: "The entire Tianyuan Island, the master of elixir capable of refining, is known to everyone, no more than ten. But all such elixir is a strong one, since it is an expert at the level of law and heaven. If I ask them for help, there will be no chance. "

"On the contrary, I am optimistic about Mr. Li. It is said that Mr. Li was still a practicing prince not long ago, but now, he is already a dual god. Presumably, in the near future, his strength will reach an amazing level. It is not too late for Mr. Li to refine Taiyi Shendan. "

Li Xing was stunned, but it turned out that the other party did n’t need the elixir immediately. However, he still could n’t cultivate because the method of refining Taiyi Shendan did n’t even have Tianxie. Taiyi Shendan is the Danfang passed down by the Gongye Taixu. It is said that there is only one in the whole Tianyuanzhou, and it is said that it is the first Danshi of Tianyuan, Bai Yujing.

Gu Lun smiled and said, "I happen to have Taifang Shendan's Danfang. Not only Taifang Shendan's Danfang, but also other Danfang."

During the conversation, he handed an ancient scroll to Li Xing. The material used to make this scroll is actually made of extremely rare diamond silk, which will not rot for thousands of years. Just looking at this material is worthless.

Li Xing was surprised. He took the scroll with both hands, and slowly unfolded. The first line read: Gongye Taixu's Book of Sutras, passed down to future generations.

Gongye Taixu Proverbs! Li Xing's breathing couldn't help but rush, and two eyes were radiated in his eyes.

However, at this moment he looked up and said lightly, "Mr. Gu, I don't dare to accept such valuable things from now on."

Gu Lun sighed: "This book of sutras is in my hands, a piece of waste paper. It can be used in the hands of the gentleman, but it can be used to the greatest extent. Who is not given to the gentleman? Moreover, this scripture is not given away. In the future, he will need to refine Taiyi Shendan for me. "

"This sutra has been circulating in my valley for three hundred years. Unfortunately, the elixir above has not been refined so far. Although the sutra is good, it can only be valuable if someone can make it. So please Mr. Li accepted, this is exactly the beauty to give heroes, and the red powder to beautiful women, it is perfect. "

"Accept it! Li Xing, the public smelter is too vain, and it is a wizard of the world. If the ancestor of Chunyang is too powerful, he will surely be the first person in the list of heaven and earth! One tenth, there is more experience of alchemy, it must be obtained! "

Why didn't Li Xing get it? However, he knew that there was no free lunch, and he would never rush to accept it until he figured it out. At this moment, I heard that Taifang only needed Taiyi Shendan, and he was relieved.

"Mr. Love, I am willing to accept it. About Taiyi Shendan, I can guarantee that within ten years, the refining will be successful for Mr. Li." Li Xingdao.

Gu Lun was overjoyed: "Ten years is not long, all right! Whatever it takes!"

The two sides hit each other right away, not accidentally, but each taking their own needs. At the same time, Gu Lun actually has deep calculations, and now Li Xingfu and Gu Guxuan. Gu Xuan got better and helped him.

More importantly, he is optimistic about Li Xing and believes that his future achievements must be very high. Even when Li Xing becomes a peerless master like Bai Yujing, he will get great benefits.

Today is nothing more than a long-term venture capital investment. As for when it will be possible to take back this profit, it depends on luck. He is a sixfold god-man, with a long life span, and can fully afford it in ten years, so he doesn't feel that long.

At this point, Li Xing just put away the scroll and thanked Gu Lun.

"Mr. Li, please support Gu Xuan in the future. I know. If not, how could he defeat the rebels and make such a great achievement?"

This matter, everyone with a good eye knows that there is a master behind Gu Xuan, otherwise he cannot achieve a great victory.

Li Xingdao: "This is a matter of division, and we should do our best."

"Okay! If you have a command in the future, you can take this order and go to the Gu family, and someone will receive it." Gu Lun now handed a sign to Li Xing. Above the amulet, a "gu" character is carved, and there are nine golden dragons walking below.

"Gu's Kowloon order?" Gu Xuan was startled, with an envious expression, "Li Xing, you are well developed! This order, even I do not have it. Once the Kowloon order came out, except for a few Gu family members, all I want to hear from you. "

Li Xing was also surprised and looked at Gu Lun.

Gu Lun laughed: "No doubt, this is my principle of doing things. Mr. Li, I hope we will have a happy cooperation in the future."

Gu Lun came fast and walked fast. After talking with Li Xing, he left. The Gu family has too many things to deal with, and he cannot leave for a long time. As soon as he left, Gu Xuan saw Li Xing's expression completely changed, no longer casual, but more respectful.

Before talking to Li Xing, Gu Lun obviously had a deep conversation with the son.

"Xuaner, you have to remember, you must respect this person. His achievements are unlimited. You can help him, and don't worry about great achievements in the future!" Gu Lun told his only son in a very solemn tone at that time.

"But father, is he really so important?" Although Gu Xuan valued and trusted Li Xing, he felt that Gu Lun's words were overdone.

Gu Xuan sneered: "You jerk, I have a treasure around me, I don't even know! How many ways did you think of for your father at first, and you can eat elixir for meals, can you break through the gods?"

Gu Xuan moved in her heart and replied, "No, because there is more elixir, it is less useful."

"Then, do you now have a chance to become a god-man?" Gu Lun asked again.

"Looking now, you should have three or four points. As long as you continue to take Vanadium Dew Pills, your chances will increase." Gu Xuan said silently, and suddenly said, "Father, I understand. He is a master and a potential. A big, high-level Dan division. "

"Yes, what is Danshi? The entire Tianchen Kingdom can be called Danshi, not more than three hundred people. Of these three hundred people, none of them can be used by my Gu family. There are only 30 Dan divisions. None of these 30 Dan divisions can be compared with Li Xing. The fault is that all of them can not be compared with this person. "

"One more thing, this man has a set of martial arts warfare and is very intelligent, otherwise how can he defeat the rebels? With him to assist you, it is not difficult to achieve great things. Therefore, it is your father who makes you respect him."

After a conversation, Gu Xuan changed her mind and had taken Li Xing as an extremely important person, so she didn't dare to neglect.

"Sir, the Jijia rebels are very quiet recently, but the Grand Marshal ordered the parties to stand up and wait. Sir thinks what is going on?" In the general account, Gu Xuan asked Li Xing very politely.

Li Xing thought about it and said, "Three rebels should have been wiped out long ago. However, they have the strength to help each other secretly, and continue to this day. Based on the strength of the two sides, the chances of the rebels' victory are small, so they will not If you drag it down indefinitely, you will want to make a quick decision. Now that they are standing still, they are likely to accumulate strength and launch the most violent offensive in order to open the situation. "

After listening to the analysis, Gu Xuan sighed: "The Grand Marshal seems to have the same meaning, but how should we cope? In case that is the case, our army must be greatly injured. Tianchen's three-way army, the troops and horses lost in recent years, Already more than a million. "

However, Li Xing skipped this question and asked Gu Xuan: "The general is a member of the Gu family. Would you like Tianchen victory?"

Gu Xuan immediately said: "Naturally willing to win, I am the hero."

Li Xing laughed: "The general is happy, Mr. Gu may not be happy."

"What did you say?" Gu Xuan was startled.

Li Xingdao: "Why are the three surnames rebelled? Because His Majesty the Emperor wants to slash their power, they are not willing to be deprived of their power, so they are forced to resist. Tianchen Kingdom, there are more than just three surnames. There are four surnames. These four surnames also do not want to be weakened. "

"Although ~ www.readwn.com ~ the emperor settled the four surnames and let them fight against the rebels. But the four surnames knew that when the rebellion settled down, they would absorb the power of the three surnames. By then, the royal power would be even more Strong, they will be more dangerous. "

Gu Xuanxian narrowed his eyes and seemed to want to understand, murmured: "So, will there be a victory or defeat in the battle?"

Li Xing didn't answer, and asked, "Who is this Grand Marshal Tianjing Mingjing?"

"He is from the rooftop family, and the rooftop family is also one of the eight surnames." Gu Xuan answered.

"What are the leaders of the other two armies?"

"It seems that they are all of the four surnames ..." Gu Xuan understood it, and he exhaled a long breath. "If you don't say it, I can't think of it. It turns out that no one wants to win this battle."

Li Xing nodded: "So, in the early days of the rebellion, the rebels only defended and did not attack. The three-way army of Tianchen was also thunderous and the rain was small. The military power of the two sides was mostly controlled by seven surnames other than the Beichen Royal. Willing to die? "" Unfortunately, the addition of external forces has changed all this, so that the three rebellious surnames have ambitions. They want to get the whole day. "

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