Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 346: Martial arts will

Chapter 34: Martial Will

Li Xing kept up with current events, but Gu Xuan heard his eyes straight and murmured: "So, there will be a fierce battle in the future."

"Yes, the three ghosts are fascinated. With the help of external forces, they thought they could win victory and calm down the world. Unfortunately, this opportunity is not great. On the contrary, they are likely to consume their power in battle and make the entire Tianchen Kingdom's military power. , Greatly weakened. "

"As far as I know, Tianchen Kingdom is the only country that is not occupied and controlled by the supersects. Tianchen Kingdom, with its large area and large population, is an extremely rich place. If I If you are the leader of other major factions, you will definitely take this opportunity to control Tianchen. "

"The first step is of course to let the eight surnames of Tianchen kill each other. At that time, the eight surnames will be able to enter and control Tianyuan with great vigor. Of course, this trend is not limited to one family, and there is also a battle between them. "

"I said this to tell the general that things are not as simple as imagined. A lot of power is mixed into it. So sometimes it is not strange to win or lose. This kind of chaos can be changed by one person. We can only wait for change with the constant response, look for opportunities, and look for opportunities. "

Li Xing's meaning has been revealed secretly that the Tianchen state may lose its country. At that time, the eight surnames will have the opportunity to master the country. At this time, strength should be preserved.

Xuandao Gu: "I finally understand why my Gu family has not been interested in warfare. It turned out that they did not want the war to win or the war to fail. The only one who really wanted to win was the Beichen family."

Li Xing nodded and said, "Mr. Gu and they knew the matter early. Not only Gu family, Tianchen and eight surnames, which one is not clear? From the day of the rebellion of the three surnames, the seeds of chaos have been buried and the situation cannot be undone . "

"Sir, I think what should I do now to cooperate with the family?" Gu Xuan asked.

Li Xing laughed: "What should I do? At that time, Mr. Gu will personally tell you that it is too early to say this. Beichen's family is also the largest force. Before it declines, the general can do it according to his own ideas. . "

Gu Xuan thought for a while and nodded: "I see, sir, with you to help me in the future, we will make a big deal!"

Talked to Gu Xuan, he still returned to the cultivation area and learned a lot of martial arts. Tian Xie also heard the conversation, and suddenly said, "Li Xing, this is an opportunity. You can take advantage of the opportunity to fight with the surnames. Think of the division. After a while, you can start Bei Chen Luo's power. . "

Li Xing nodded: "The disciples also think so, the sooner Bei Chen's power is activated, the sooner he can develop. However, before this, the disciples must improve their strength and enter Jin Yiwei first. The emperor Laoer level It must be passed. At present, he is still the key to Tianchen Kingdom. "

"When you gather your will to martial arts, with your own martial arts, you can impact the triple of the god-man and evolve the real martial arts killing team. Then make a breakthrough in one fell swoop, hit the quadruple god-man, and open the **** array. One percent of your power, your strength, Reach a new height. "

It is said that in the end, you still need to improve your strength. If you have strong strength, you will be qualified to dominate the world. What superpowers, superpowers, and ultimately the core sitters are still mages. Mage is the main ruler of Tianyuanzhou.

Even Tianchen Kingdom, there are several mages in town. It's just that they have n’t been around for a long time, and they have n’t shown much interest in the battle between the eight surnames. As long as there is no outside mage to intervene, they are unwilling to take action.

Cultivation continues, such as Tianwangquan, Desperate Legs, Shadowless Feet, Broken Soul Fingers, Chaos Cloak Swordsmanship, World Fighting Boxing, Great Suppression Palm, Crazy Stick, Sky Magic Footwork, and so on.

Every day Li Xing practices a lot of martial arts. Fortunately, he surrendered the invisible devil, and his mental strength was extremely high, reaching an incredible level. The stronger a person's mental strength, the stronger his memory, so he learns very quickly.

Almost every day, you must master more than ten types of martial arts. Of course, in this way of learning, it is impossible to learn each of them too well, just to grasp its essence.

Day by day, Li Xing has become numb. However, in the process of learning, all kinds of martial arts thoughts, wonderful moves, turned into a drop of water, merged into his thoughts, and turned into a long river of martial arts, flowing continuously. Li Xing, a child by the Changhe River, was obsessively observing and realizing that one day, he would have everything in the Changhe River.

Time flies, in the Qi Yun faction, at the same time, things happen one after another.

On the eleventh floor of the Qiyun Tower, one of the 3,000 princes brought by Li Xing from the great wasteland suddenly heard a howl and started to condense the babies. After this period of cultivation, with the help of Xiaobai Yangdan, this disciple has successfully cultivated and decided to impact the half-step god-man.

Immediately, Yu Yuxu was shocked, and his face beamed with joy: "It seems that I will have another **** in Qi Yunpai." Immediately he called Gu Yeqi and went to protect the law.

These three thousand disciples, like soya beans in a water tank, have one sprouting, and the others are coming soon. Therefore, there are always one person to consolidate the babies. Of course, there were also failures that killed them.

This is also a matter that no one can do. Cultivation always has risks. Even if Li Xing is present, he cannot help, depending on the artificialization.

One, two, three, just three months, a total of twelve disciples, successfully formed a yuan, becoming a half-step god! These people are not as special as Li Xing, have no special constitution, and have not carried out the secret method, so they are much easier than Li Xing, and there is not much difficulty in becoming a **** man in the next step.

Qi Yunpai was in a state of jubilation. These twelve half-step gods and men were invited by Yu Yuxu to enter the secret room where he cultivated, calmly recuperate, and prepare for the next impact on the gods and men.

Three months is not long or short. In the meantime, the rebels kept their troops on hold, Tianchen's three armies were also training their health, and Li Xing was practicing with peace of mind.

For three months, Li Xingqiang forcibly wrote down one thousand and eighty martial arts skills, and each one was deeply imprinted in his mind. His method of learning was evolved from the fierce Zen of the Demon, and it is called the ideology of contemplation.

He directly converted all kinds of exercises into images, and then visualized them directly. What you learn in this way will never be forgotten, profound and direct to the essence.

Therefore, although he learned fast, Li Xing's understanding of various martial arts has been extremely deep.

At this moment, he was sitting on a cross, his hair and muscles were shaking slightly, and each vibration represented a martial arts idea. Every moment, he launched countless martial arts ideas.

These ideas continually merge, are constantly broken, and then overlap, and new martial art ideas appear. This process was arduous. The spirit of Li Xing was overloaded. This chaotic martial arts idea made the five demon heads unable to withstand the impact, and they all hid.

"What is martial arts? Use martial arts to break through the shackles and be at ease! There is a way of fierceness, a way of killing, a way of sincerity, a way of forgetting, where is my way?"

Like an ascetic monk who understands Tao, Li Xing keeps thinking, abandons his thoughts, and germinates new thoughts. He seemed lost and could not find his own way.

On that day, he opened it and suddenly asked, "Master, what is your martial art?"

Emperor Tianxie: "The martial arts for the division, the truth for the truth, between the truth and the truth, Fang Xian martial arts mystery."

Li Xing closed his eyes again and lost his thoughts again.

In his mind, it turned into a big battlefield, and the martial arts thoughts conceived turned into masters of martial arts one after another, fighting and fighting with each other, but it was difficult to distinguish between victory and defeat.

Without knowing the time, it was another January. Li Xing sighed suddenly and stood up: "This is not possible, I'm going out."

Tian Xie: "You should go out, martial arts, it is not so easy to understand, you must have experience."

"How can I get enlightened the fastest?" Li Xing asked.

"Fighting, only fighting is the end of martial arts. Go find the strong and defeat them."

"Yes, fighting, only fighting!" Li Xing's eyes burned with enthusiasm for fighting.

The next day, Li Xing, the vice general, suddenly uttered a request to Gu Xuan. His request is naturally to find a martial arts strongman, and then fight with it.

The four people who practice God are not necessarily all martial arts powers, because it is impossible for everyone to consolidate martial arts will. Therefore, such people are not easy to find. But among millions of troops, countless talents can always be found.

After hearing this, Gu Xuan's eyes lightened: "It seems that you are going to hit the triple of the god-man, okay, leave it to me!"

On the same day, Gu Xuan visited the Grand Marshal and said he would borrow a few people for one use. The person borrowed by Gu Xuan is the thirty-sixth strongest man in the 1.8 million army on the road ~ www.readwn.com ~ The thirty-six people are specially responsible for guarding the Marshal and sniping the enemy. Handsome task. Therefore, all of these people are peerless powerhouses and masters of the quadruple level. Together, they can form a battlefield and engage in conflict. They are called Tianchen Kuangwei, a three-way army, and only 108 people.

Among these thirty-six people, there are masters of divine infants and masters of divine fetuses. They have different levels of cultivation and are divided into several groups. However, everyone is not simple.

At this moment, there was nothing in the army, and the Grand Marshal Tiantai Mingjing allowed Gu Xuan to request that from the 36 people, three gods in the first group be called. These three god-humans are all quaternaries who practice the gods.

Li Xing, what he wanted was such a strong man. When he saw the three gods, his eyes suddenly lighted up.

Although the three gods are high, Gu Xuan has a higher military post, so there is no objection. When they heard Gu Xuan's words and saw Li Xingzhi, they all laughed.

All three of them are young people and are not older than thirty. But everyone has an unyielding will and a domineering spirit, like three swords with a sheath, which will kill and kill all enemies at any time.

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